Why did it take him so long to just accept it and shave it all off?
Why did it take him so long to just accept it and shave it all off?
He probably didn't give a fuck.
M-maybe he thought it would come back :(
caring about your hair is even more retarded than caring about your dick size
even fucking research has shown that women like bald men
and other men don't give a fuck
it's literally a sign of high testosterone
what are you sad about?
Baldness is an undesirable trait, like short stature or bad breath. Bald men may be successful with women despite their condition, not because of it.
The same can be said about any negative physical attribute, from lack of high cheekbones, to narrow shoulders, to small hands, to giant moles on your face.
Women either find you attractive, or they dont. Being bald is definitely not good, if youre a manlet and ugly. Having great hair and being an ugly manlet doesnt make a difference.
again, research has shown that women don't care about that shit
apparently bald guys look mature or some shit
>even fucking research has shown that women like bald men
not sure if it was this one but it claims the same
he's actually on to something, i read something stupid along those lines. but i'm pretty sure that doesn't include fat neckbearded men tho
Its about showing women pictures of a man with and without hair obviously.
my point is baldness doesn't make you less attractive basically
it's a stupid thing to care about
Yes it does.
now try fully bald without JUST haircut
not really desu, the guy on the right just looks like less of a fuccboi
Sometimes it does
Zidane is lucky his hairline is still there
he looks fucking weird with hair and without
How does one bald without receeding? I'm the opposite, i've receeded without thining in the slightest
Just like me :(
He actually looks better without hair.
at least he wasn't like Cambiasso. The problem with Zidane is that as soon as he moved he was drenched in sweat. Thank god we didn't have HD at the time
because shaving it means it grows back again. most people cba to shave all the time so they let it grow out (even longer than ZZ) and then maybe shave it off
Yeah, he's got a weird hairline, super thick in the front and gone in the back. With it shaved, it almost looks like he's not going bald.
It's fine bro...if you look anything like jude law you are good
>even fucking research has shown that women like bald men
By bald men they really just mean Jason Statham
>it's literally a sign of high testosterone
It's not. It's a sign of high dihydrotestosterone, which is converted from normal testosterone. Your total levels of testosterone don't change. Testosterone is important for muscles and DHT is not. It is mostly created and stored in the brain, liver, and glands. It's supposed to help with cognition but also increase risk for some cancers. Stress is one of the main reasons why T is converted in DHT, other than genetical predisposition.
depends who the bald guy is. if it's your jack the lad, then yeah. if it's some boring basement dweller then no
bald dicklet spotted lmao
He’d look still good COMPLETELY bald. The thing is, if you’re handsome with hair you’re going to be handsome without hair, too. Just never try to cling into what little hair is led on your skull, a completely bald head is always the solution.
He is a handsome lad.
It started too soon because of creatine abuse, it's no wonder Adbullin Muslindine didn't want to accept being a lightbulb
literally had this hair since I was 16, 24 now and it's still not thinning yet
>actually listening to women
>not going by their actions instead
If you don't have the head shape and a beard to match, being bald is almost as bad as being sub 6'.
those who shave it all off completely actually don't accept it because their aim when they shave is to remove the contrast between hair and skin, those who don't care don't try to hide it, they just let their hair be
>DHT is biologically important forsexual differentiationof themale genitaliaduringembryogenesis, maturation of the penis and scrotum atpuberty,growthoffacial,body, andpubic hair, and development and maintenance of the prostate gland and seminal vesicles.
>waiting for women's actions
nice guy
Imagine going from this
Bald head wasn't fashionable back then.
...to this in like 4 years
Just a tip when you go bald try to use Jerseys (pic related) as much as possible, I’ve a friend that is bald and motherfucker knows how to rock the bald look and a lot of that is thanks to the power of jerseys. I’m copying his style when my time comes.
I wouldn't like to be bald, so that's why i take care of my hair
>being afraid of going bald
>haha having care for your appearance is gay
>it's literally a sign of high testosterone
it's just a sign that your hair can't handle testosterone
The worst part about "accepting it" isn't being bald, it's having to shave what's left on your head every god damn day.
lmfao i laugh at all you nancy boys plucking your eyebrows and conditioning your hair, you girls should be ashamed of gossiping about a real mans hair
>research n shiet
Great source
I thank God every day I still have a full thick head of hair at 28
I can't even comprehend being bald
Anyone else want to beat the shit out of bald people when they see them? I get angry seeing genetically inferior people walking about being happy
who's stopping you?
So do bald people like this wake up every day and shave their head just like we wake up and shave our face or what
this desu
i think i look fine bald but shaving is an absolute BITCH. if I won a billion dollars the first thing i'd do is hire a guy whose only job is to shave my head and face every morning
So do it faggot
>t. bald manlet
when you are really good at football you can look like friar tuck
if anything it makes your touches look even more cultured
My dad is almost bald on top of his head and my brother is going the same way. My hairline have started to recede a bit but my hair is still very thicc. I think I lucked out since I have thick hair and my brother has thinn