>dallas stars
Other urls found in this thread:
Kpop Hockey Is The Future
go knights!
*cough cough*
The announcement time is finally here /hoc/! I only have two things to say!
go knights
Ok now this is based
damn that's one cool monkey
and fuck furpuck and fuck pineniggers
I’m getting downright tired of /hoc/‘s incessant obsessive hate of the Dallas Stars.
He’s got a lot of numbers to write.
what are you talking about? nobody here even considers the dull ass stars
*misses the playoffs in your path*
Stay obsessed you pathetic hater. The Stars are great and you are nothing.
>the stars are great
The stars are just a shitty copy of the minnesota mild
who else /high/ here?
Seen some shit
what do you call it when you're high and then you get more high
it’s called being a habitual marijuana user, or as I like to call it, a drug addict
getting real impatient with shannon
Serve me straight /hoc/
I talk of big game, as any half-decent fan ought to do, but how good are the chances of a wild card appearance?
howdy yall
I mean someone in the west has to do it as hard as they are trying not to. I say you’ve got a 1 in 3 chance.
with how the knights have been playing recently (except tonight), you might take the third spot in the division, honestly.
Well you're in the west so....
glad the hharkh and kane got btfo if i'm being completely desu with you lads
about 50-50
they are 1 point out of a wildcard spot right now. they could do it but there's only about 20 games left to pull ahead of the wild and the avs
Knights are back
Tkachuk got a greasy between the legs goal tonight
Better to go down fighting than taking an elbow to the head and skating away like a little bitch
2nd angle
I appreciate it gentlemen
words cant describe how this season has been for me lads. nothing beats watching a winning team
as a lifelong bolts fan I know that feeling
God damn, that's smooth
It's up fellas
this is exactly how i expected this season but what in the FUCK do you have against >us, hasb?
shant be listening to him trash my team
The game was pretty bad I blame our coaching staff no one looked like they cared
Its pretty much AHL tier with a lot of assistants minus disco dan being fresh out of the AHL with their time in GR
kek, i too hate shannon when my team plays like shit and he calls them out for it.
Sweet Caroline
>Bah bah bah
sick goal. i'm a big fan of those isles jerseys too
laine is back to be eh
>the term generational is thrown around so easily these days that Petterson and Matthews are considered "generational talents"
Orr - Lafleur - Gretzky - Lemieux - Lindros - Crosby - McDavid
Those are the only true generational talents
I know, >Lindros
If not for Scott Stevens, Lindros' career wouldn't have fallen off a cliff and he would've been in the hall a lot sooner
laine is not back if repeating digits
confirmed for being back
>not mike bossy
okay this is based
they're one of my favourite 3rd jerseys in the league too
unfortunate /oilels/ fan here, I knew similar feels a couple years ago. Enjoy it while you can
2006 never forget r-reeee...
Ideal Detroit situation
>holland goes to Seattle in the summer
>yzerman takes over before draft
>blashill gracefully sent out
>pick up guy Boucher for the time being
>have decent 2019-2020 to huild confidence of young players
I think datsyuck also told his agent or something who sublty mentioned to the media that he is eyeing an NHL return so thatd be kinda cool cuz arizona has his rights until this summer
Seriously, I'd throw Ovechkin in there. Maybe Bossy too.
When Ovie's career ends, he'll be number 1 or 2 in all time goals scored. His goals per game average is really high.
>/hoc/ after dark
Confess your sins, user
Prolific goalscoring does not a generational talent make. Players like Bossy, Messier, Ovie, Malkin etc were/are all ELITE level players, don't get me wrong. But the other 7 are seperated by the sheer sum of their raw talent, hockey mind and the speed in which they could think the game on the fly
Watch this ASAP. Jordan Binnington, then with the Chicago Wolves, "interviewed" in 2015.
A literal who goalie prospect on a shitty AHL team and she's salivating. He's not even all that handsome, he's just an athlete. Watching this will make you want to kys yourself
>le stand in left wheelhouse and one-time man
>In any way, shape, or form "generational"
Do you know what generational means?
>Lightning have a goal differential of +82
>Calgary is 2nd with +47
What the fuck
>girls like athletes
stop the fucking presses
>does same thing every time so teams know to how to stop him
>succeed anyway
>is bad because of this
>S-stop doing this thing that works!
You're a fucking moron if you think that describes ovechkin. Fucking sunbelt retard I sincerely hope someone murders you so you stop watching hockey with your inferior intellect.
Tell me how that is any way "generational" play.
Calling me fucking sunbelt without even know what generational means, for fucking shame /hoc/
This seems like a bad skit
>Watching this will make you want to kys yourself
>generic plastic bimbo being attracted to a professional athlete instead of fat weeb shitposting on an anglo-saxon tapestry loom makes you want to kill yourself
Yes please remove yourself from the gene pool immediately.
Ovechkin thinks the game really well, watch an actual game sometime if you insist on sharing stupid opinions.
Ovie is the greatest goal scorer ever but I wouldn't call him generational. Generational players are fully rounded and above and beyond and else in such a category
Kill yourself retard
>all time goals
>hurr not even generational because a redneck retard is fucking stupid
I hope someone kills you whenever you decide to leave your house faggot
If I were a boxer who all I did was just uppercutted my opponent and it knocked them out all the time does that not make me a generational talent? Because I wasn't doing a bunch of other shit to try to win when I had a proven method? Why wouldn't you do something that works?
>Ovechkin thinks the game really well,
No he fucking doesn't Ivan, the man is a defensive liability. Literally the only time I saw him doing more than just "le wheelhouse" was during the playoffs
Keep making asses out of yourselves, lads.
You still don't know what generational means
I have generational shitposting talent
the reason the lightning's differential is so much higher is because Vasilevsky has been a brick wall all season. Flames Sharks and Lightning are all very close in goals scored but Jones and Smith are not nearly as good as Vasilevsky between the pipes.
Right and Crosby is soft and Marchand is a third line pest with no offensive upside and Burns is a mediocre forward and you clearly haven't watched since 2008
Yeah you obviously don't know anything about hockey, thanks. I think others wished death on you, I just hope you get severely injured.
You clearly don't either because generational is a fucking buzzword made up by the media to hype up draft prospects. There are varying degrees of franchise player and thats it.
the lightning beat shit teams quite thoroughly.
Kys faggot
how do we feel about sweet caroline being overplayed
I am learning ancient voodoo techniques to curse hockey teams I don't like
I work at a stadium and I love Sweet Caroline
I prefer Friends in Low Places though
If you had to pick between having Ovechkin or Crosby on your team. 99.99999999999% of the time you would take Crosby.
What about Ovechkin or McDavid? Chances are still high you would take McDavid. Ovechkin just doesn't compare to actual generational players and simply can't be called one because of that.
reminder that rph is for frens
>W-what? My overrated one-trick-pony isn't universally liked???????? I'll have you know I'm a LIFELONG™ Caps fan since 2018
mcgaykid cant even get his team to the playoffs
id take ovechkin in a heartbeat because of his durability and loyalty
If you think that's what we're telling you, you might legitimately be retarded
>_____, were half way there
>_____, were livin' on a prayer
And he still won the scoring title twice with shitters other than Draisatl around him
You are forgetting the Caps have defense, depth, goaltending, forwards, scoring, physicality, a competent coach, a competent GM, etc. etc.
>If you had to take a winger or a centre on your team 99.99999999999% of the time you would take the centre
for me, its "Boom Boom Boom lemme hear you say way-ohhh"
Ovechkin at McDavids age was infinitely better than mcdavid
>Wingers can't be generational
Thanks for more proof.
one one player can carry a team
this isn't niggerhoop
I guess neither can Defensemen or Goalies either retard
>Ovechkin at McDavids age was infinitely better than mcdavid
fuck im gay
I think this Carolina retard only started watching hockey after the hurricanes started doing ginger painting and sing a longs at the games
Ovechkin will go in the history books as the best goal scorer of this generation. He doesn't have the same overall skill as other generational players, but from a goal scoring perspective there is nobody better, at least not in this era. He's in his mid 30s and he's going to win another Rocket trophy this year and is sure to win some more before he retires.
It all depends on your definition of "generational". By my definition he is 100%
early but new idea for the next thread: Generational Edition
What about two two players
Being one of the best players all time isn't enough to impress literal retards
he kinda was
And a lot of that had to do with Ovie being surrounded by competent people
He absolutely was statistically in every category
2bh his 65 goal season hasn't even come close to being beating, not even by Ovie himself
>there can only be one generational player in a generation
>yup lemieux and gretzky were both generational
Sure thing retard, go clap along to a bojangles commercial
Gretzky was a boomer, Lemieux was Generation X
Are you going to say Mike Bossy isn't generational? He was a career winger.
What about Gordie Howe?
like who, semin?
I post seattle hokkei memes not to annoy anyone cuz i'm really excited and i know >we will be better than Vegas
imagine thinking he was surrounded by competent players
Jagr was a career winger too
>surrounded by competent people
how can 1 person be so dumb and wrong
I've falseflagged as Sam a couple of times.
The fucking retard thinks being bad enough to win the first overall pick means the team was stacked
Ah yes the legendary Matt Pettinger
>52 goals
thinking about saying the n double g er word during pacific hours on /hoc/
if bossy was generational then selänne was too
No, Bossy wasn't generational. He was a prolific goal scorer, possibly the best of all time. That doesn't make him generational. Deal with it faggot
maybe in his rookie year, but he slowed down after that
Good taste. Was considering this one for tonight.
Shit happens when you play for bad teams.
McDavid is currently -2.
Lemieux was -33 in his 1st season and -8 in his 2nd.
>4 20+ goal scorers, 4 more with double digits
>Oilels today have 2, 2 more with double digits
Legitimately more competent than the Oilers
Tiny Salami was a Kariya baby and did steroids in winnipeg
thinking this RPH is generationally the worst one ive ever seen
Love watching sunbelt retards get blown out in hoc. Hope they fuck off
yeah this is shit. at least there is comfy tunes
Thinking you're a massive FAGGOT that doesn't know anything about hockey.
i for one like a good argument
ummmm wow... Thinking this is a yikes.
That Schubert composition was a good listen too. I haven't heard that one in a long time
imagine thinking your definition of what makes a player generational is correct, compared to mine.
There can only be one generational player per generation you dog fucking mongoloids. Last 3 =s 80-00 Selanne, 00-20 Ovie, 20-40 Laine
Lets make this a comfy RPH
lad i spend these hours chalking up ways to get pucks deep
well. that's just like. your opinion. man.
objectively generational:
Imagine posting retarded opinions and getting blown the fuck out constantly because you're a smelly Mexican.
>Muh generational
Yeah, this is gay, I'm going to bed
Fuck off, binland, your opinions are irrelevant
only piano music during RPH. we are classy gentlemen after all
Don't wake up retard
I hope I don't
How about we have debate over who was better Gretzky or Lemieux?
I need classical piano music to listen to while retards on the internet agrue about literally nothing tho
Beaner cope
bossy benefited from playing on a dynasty in an era with minimal "parity". not saying that he is bad but look at the islanders of the 80s, they routinely beat teams like 8-0 and up. he was padstatting against garbage.
I wanna be around
to pick up the pieces
when somebody breaks your heart
Some somebody twice as smart as I
>can't handle an argument
what a bunch of babbies
Ovie and Crosby are this generation.
business idea: Sell the sunbelt to mexico to pay for the wall. Build the wall along the new border.
lets argue about if crosby is still gay or not
i still hate crosby no matter how good he is desu
growing up is realizing lemieux was the better player and gretzky was a soft premadonna
>Talking about hockey during "rph" is bad
>where's the anime/fried food/homosexuality discussion?
>where's /cric/?
it's just one seething canadian, and the retarded american spamming muh faggot/beaner, for some reason, that can't handle the bants
here's another beautiful piano composition before I sign off. The outro from 4:15 onwards is sure to make the hair on your neck stand up
good night hockey land
it's not arguing. it's arguing with retards.
Guys stop, "sunbelt" for /hoc/ is starting to turn into "da jooz" for /pol/, it's going to lose all meaning, save it for when it counts.
for me its air - bach
lets just all put this behind us and chill out, k?
What bants?
>What fucking reta-
>20s Laine
stop it you're scaring finland!
what is your favourite third jersey this season /hoc/?
can tendies be generational?
for me, it was when we did our best "lets get ready to rumble" iterations on vocaroo during the offseason
For me, it's the 'yotes throwbacks.
That one
Yotes third a close second
30s gonna be Lambert
>There can only be one generational player per generation you dog fucking mongoloids
according to who? where are you getting this definition of "generational"? wouldn't that just be called "the best player of X generation"?
Thinking about the Whalers again lads.
Pound for pound the most idiotic opinions on hockey are shared during this time. Not tonight but that's upsetting the beaners.
>20s Laine
WIll Fornite become a legit E-Sport?
Lemieux was a great player but his injuries make it so we will never know exactly how good he could've been. He never reached his full potential the way Gretzky did.
Tbh, I always say "generational" as "the player that's play inspired the next generation of players to mimic them".
stealth shorks kinda grew on me
my ex girlfriend used to love Crosby and think he was hot so I hate his guts
we never got to see crosbys final form either. his brain was turned to pudding before he reached his peak.
no one even fucking posts during rph.
Hayward jr.
This is the most active rph has been in a while
t. rph regular
Beaner detected. Great hockey post homes.
t. east coast neet
agreed but I'm bias because they are >my team
yeah he got a lot of concussions. he's not quite at the level of a drooling retard but he might be by the time he retires
>“Jennings is our pseudonym, to sort of make life easier. We try to hide our real last name as much as possible,” Jeanette says. “Our last name is a very Jewish, long last name. We found it easier at this point. She’s known as Jazz Jennings.”
>this actually happened
How are the Capitals not a "southern"/"sun belt" team?
Abe Lincoln was shot by a guy born ~25 miles north of where the Capitals play (which is ~50 miles south of the Mason-Dixon Line)
I honestly thought I was the only time shifter that posted here. Hayward was un fucking real I never thought of hockey the way he played it
No argument about the worst
based, hockey is for everyone
canadians love calling everything sunbelt, but they fail to realize they are below germany in northern latitude
for sure. those and the kings' jerseys... just awful
i think the black/grey/white thing kind of worked for the all star game but i can't fathom why you'd want it to be your team colours
Finland doesn't even get as cold as Ohio you cry baby pussy
>They stole Waylon Jennings last name
those greasy bastards
thinking about posting at r/hocgeneral
alright ted put down the pipe.
Definitely not the greatest example. Sid doesn't put up the numbers he used to but still has a very cerebral game. Lindros on the other hand, we will truly never know
You would fit in you retarded faggot
>Our last name is a very Jewish
Our Capital is colder than Russia's. The closest thing we have to a "sunbelt" currently has snow on the ground and rains half the year.
To be fair, Columbus does get pretty cold during playoff time.
does anybody remember the time Beagle got 1-punched by some Asian manlet?
Can anybody aware me so as to what the hockey situation is in Niagara falls? I feel like thats such a crucial piece of Canada and after a year of being a Jets fan I'd like to relocate
thinking about how terrible this place would be if it were reddit because we would all have names attached to our autism
t. HockeyGuy69
here are the official snowbelt areas. anything else is sunbelt, obviously not counting greenland and north pole because no one lives there
fuck yeah. this is one of my favorites desu
Latitude =/= severity of climate. The entirety of Canada is at least 10C cooler than the entirety of Finland right now
Finish humor is so pathetic.
Zero gold medals
Zero cup finals
Zero world cups
Zero sex partners
Ice Dogs
Edmonton is snowbelt then
I don't know guys, all the snowbelt does is argue and call each other mean names, the sunbelt seems to get along...
sunbelt = having a lot of sun
Its basically Buffalo
>Zero gold medals
usa has never even won WC or olympics
>Zero cup finals
your cup wins are thanks to canadians
>Zero world cups
kek mickey mouse tournament
>Zero sex partners
All the sunshine sure makes it SUNBELT though to be quite honest with you
Ignorance is bliss and you guys are all FUCKING RETARDS so it makes perfect sense, juan
just had to go outside for some fresh air i agreed with this post so much.
This is the sunbelt you stupid fucking faggots
makes you think sunbelters are soft nu-males
I dont want to be "that guy" but 1980 Lake Placid was the Olympics
finnish winter is no joke
The only reason you're still alive is because USA hasn't gotten hiding enough to rape you to death.
You suck at hockey
You suck at being white
easties pls go to sleep
this desu
its not called coldbelt
prenagano and post sochi olympics obviously not counted
Thanks for the Pepe I needed it
Beagle didn't know what he was getting himself into
>leastern morons ruining rph
Ok so only counting post Nagano Finland has
Zero world cups
Zero Stanley cups
Zero world championships
Infinite virginity
why are so many people still awake tonight?
Because fuck you jorge
I'm off Wednesday's and drank a pot and a half of coffee
going to rub one out before bed
I went to bed at 7~ and usually only sleep 6 hours. Sleeping ti 2 was lots of sleep for me. Now I don't know what to do for 5 hours.
my brain worms are keeping me up
could heem finland ama
Finland is a bitch?
*pisses on sauna rocks*
is ovi generational?
>Zero world championships
shut up evil american
finland is our friend
post snow kino
Generational is a buzzword
I will heem anybody who talks bad about finland
Lmao yeah the lockout year? That's your accomplishment? Nice "country" you got there you pussy sunbelt faggot
Wannabe ass Swedens slave BITCH
Nigga suck my dick
we are refined gentlemen who listen to piano music
begging you lads to have sex for once in your lives
Fuck off diddler no one wants your gay shit FAGGOT
don't know what it has to do with snow but good throwback
Rather jerk off desu, the slight increase in pleasure is not worth the significant increase in BS that goes along with it
absolutely cringe. please stop
it takes two to tango
This is kino for sure.
/hoc/ is a Jimmy Buffett and sometimes EDM board
I can't tell who's trolling and who's not but "no world championships no olympic golds" rustled my jimbos.
olympic gold in 1960 and 1980. Mostly forgotten today is the US IIHF title won in 1933. An American side from Boston upsetting a Canadian side from Toronto in Prague was the biggest upset in hockey history when it happened.
>thinking Finland has the mental capacity to understand hockey
that's more like it
your last WC was in the 60s so im not sure if it counts. But the olympic games without NHL players definitely dont count
the only based offspring song desu
finland is more of a hockey country than the USA
in the USA hockey is seen as an alternative sport, it comes 5th in popularity behind football basketball baseball and soccer.
In Finland hockey is the #1 sport. And for that reason they will always have my respect
i used to be huge on progressive house around 2010, it kinda died down though. i don't like the current state of EDM, it's too much like pop music
Too true. Imagine thinking you're cooler than other hoc posters
I know I'm cooler than other hoc posters because I have more life experiences and have jumped off boats into the ocean
And yet they're still trash
sepe is better than all of those players
for me, it's saturday night and descending angel
Yeah there is a lot of shit now but a few gems are still out there
For me, it's pretending I don't like Michael graves but preferring his albums to danzigs
like what? originally deadmau5 and kaskade got me into it
way to cherrypick. laine and valimaki and good players. pulju plays on a dogshit team. juolevi is the only bust on there
don't forget barkov, raantanen, aho, granlund, ristolainen, rinne. and that's just a handful of active players, there are tons of great retired players
Try this on for size
g'night hoc
Try it on. For size. Post some pics. I want to see. For size.
They're all busts, if you're going to give them all excuses you might as well forgive Juolevi's injuries too and say he'll turn into the next Lidstrom as you worship the Average-Sized Finnish Cock
no juolevi is a certified bust. no excuses for him
It's a real shame he had to play for such shitty franchises
Morning daddy
Just like Laine, Pulju, Juuso, Kakko, and whoever else
donato going off his chops.
feels good. not liking that we're winning games again, but he's definitely performing at the moment!
Well if you're talking about House I can't really help you there, it's pretty shit now. I've always leaned more to trance.
cat stevens is generational
>The Cantpucks passed over Matthew Tkachuk
It's hard to win gold in hockey. The Czechs won it in '98 because Dominik Hasek was the best player on Earth and the Swedes won it in '06 because the more talented Canadians shat themselves.
I think the US had talent enough to beat Canada in '02 if we had played better in the final and '10 was obviously a winnable game.
The US women have played Canada in five gold medal games and won two of them. We could have won all five, we could just as easily be 0-5. Such is the nature of the sport.
do you just listen to ASOT. i tried giving it a chance but there's thousands of episodes and they're all about 2 hours long
nah the rest of those guys are pretty good
if they drafted tkachuk they probably wouldnt have been as shit the next season and would have finished in a position to not draft pettersson
>that one leaf autistically defending Finland to the death
go to bed Virtanen
Hmmmm yes
*stops fapping*
Yes I think so
Thank god, I don't care if a 2016 Canucks pick never plays a game in the NHL I don't ever want to see that faggot in a Canucks jersey
One person can't single handed drag their team to the playoffs. This isn't the NBA. Oilers have been plagued with batshit retarded management for 20 years, Chiarelli took a playoff team and sold it off for scraps.
Kill yourself, your entire country is a meme
Jim Benning is a 4D chess master
No not really. Lately been listening to some of Aurosonic's stuff which is pretty good.
name a high drafted finnish bust not named juolevi and I'll tell you why you're wrong
Imagine if Bergevin is playing 4D chess to acquire the #1 pick in 2020
Montreal has a history of doing shady shit for top tier french canadian talent
>he plays for a shit team
He plays lazily, shit team or not. That's why Jordon Eberle is still shit when he's on a decent team
get real, you'd love him if he was on your team
Kessler was a pest too and everybody in Vancouver loved him
>mfw this could've been the hughes and lafreniere draft if not for a difference of a few weeks
>Matthews was 3 days off from being in the McDavid draft
get real, you'd hate him if he wasn't on your team
Kesler was a pest too and everybody in Calgary hated him
Get real
All of them
I don't know why Juolevi is your sticking point. He's a bust yes but he has more excuse than Pulju or Laine or Tolvanen or whoever else considering he lives in a hospital bed
Puljujarvi shows flashes of brilliance. he reminds me of Jokinen or Kopitar when he is playing good. Give him a few years
lol haha that's a good jest user i think its time to sleep
Kesler gets booed every time he touches the puck. He was appreciated for his role on the ice but he wasn't beloved. He was well known as a grumpy asshole.
I didn't want Tkachuk at the draft, I don't want him now. He has the most punchable face I've ever seen in my life and his play matches it.
I'm not the one who made the statement that he is happy his team didn't draft him. Tkachuk has 60 points this season and he doesn't even play on the top line. That's more points than Pettersson has and he's easily the best player on the Canucks. You guys would be totally hyped about Tkachuk if he was a Canuck and you know it.
kesler was a pretty big douchebag to people even off the ice. didnt make it easy to like him.
>Ottawa UNIRONICALLY drafted a Tkachuk instead of Filip Zadina
>comparing him to a rookie
Ive spilled more champagne than most of you have drank. I'm classically trained in smoking cigarettes and blacking out windows to protect me from the sun as while as throwing up and continuing about my day
fucking /hoc/ getting all digits
It's Tkachuks 3rd season in the NHL. He's still young enough that I can make the comparison. he's one of the youngest players on the team
another get for /hoc/
and a based one at that
lol ok
not to mention they are a whopping 11 months apart in age
I stand by my statement. if Tkachuk was a Canuck you'd all love him. Tkachuk even rhymes with Canuck so I can only imagine the shitposting
He's got 3 more points in 10 more games playing on a much more talented team in a less defensively responsible position than a rookie who also plays on the second line?
You sure showed me, I guess I want Tkachuk now
I GUARANTEE you if tk*sneeze*k was a Canuck I wouldn't love him.
probably. but i'm happy we didn't draft him
4 more points and he isn't injury prone like Elias
>y-you just dont like our players because you want them!
I thought Pettersson was 18 for some reason
no you are just pretending you don't because it takes the sting away from the fact that your GM took Juolevi instead of him (kek)
tkachuk isnt even ppg. hes nowhere near petterskeleton.
>'punchable face'
He looks like his dad. Brady is the ugly one, in any other context you would assume he was retarded.
60 points in 63 games he's pretty close
he could be PPG by the end of the season
if the nucks had drafted tksneeze then i doubt they would've been as bad that year to draft petey since the >rags were also high on him, they did trade down just for the sake of drafting the skeleton. so really it worked out
>2 freak incidents
>injury prone
Tkachuk missed games his first two seasons as well, so I guess he is injury prone too.
he looks like he'd be your highschool bully or something
yeah getting Pettersson probably worked out better for the Canucks anyways. Tkachuk is a good support player but I don't think he'll ever be the face of a franchise the way Pettersson is
>"It was a tight game until late. They just got a lucky bounce." - Roman Polak on the third period.
>Vegas outshot Dallas 21-1 in the third period.
go to sleep you fucking retards
like even if tkachuk won >us 1 single game in his rookie year (he had 2 gwgs his rookie year) >we arent finishing in a position to draft pettergod.
it all worked out in the end
Brady does look retarded but Matthew still has a permanent shiteating expression
>Kaako is a bust
He looks like the kind of guy who would try to fuck with you and if you did anything back screech about how his dad is a lawyer
now you're getting it
>9 points out of wc spot
i thought you already gave up on them?
just fell asleep
That's what happens when you're le meme PP guy
Laine has 29 goals this year and is -22 on a top team
Elias looks like a guy who's never had a girlfriend
Wtf I thought Swedes were chads
who gives a fuck what a player looks like
I'd take a guy that looks like the retard from the goonies if he played good
Immortals don’t need to pass on their genes, Pettersson is too busy reaping souls to be reaping holes.
Women. When they cheer for a team it’s usually the one with the cutest boys
sloth would be a bottom line power forward. on the blue line he'd get skated around
women shouldnt be allowed to watch sports or have opinions
heh I didn't want to sleep anyways
I'd try him as a backup. he's too retarded to skate
20 games, they can do it.
never stop never stopping
obvs an enforcer.
I wouldn't want to fight that guy
they'll be just 7 points out if they can beat the golden bucketheads tomorrow
real europa hours
keep dreaming
if u think a dude in the NHL is a virgin ur pretty dumb desu
laine probably is
puritans and gatekeepers BTFO
it's a meme from last week
Laine's girlfriend blows him while he gets victory royales in fortnite
real atlantic waking hours
real first sip off my day off from work hours
dreams is sometimes all we have, veli
howdy partner
>2 penalty minutes all season
How is he such a nice lad?
fishnchips gang
Just wanted to remind you all to cheer on the literal under doggos.
shall be cheering for you to take a wc spot
>shootout against the Kings
why ofcourse
Lads look at this big hockey boy
Bless you user
But that's a cat
Where were you when you realized Jack Eichel is better than Auston Matthews?
you have a problem with that m8??
what happened to the Sabres? they were so hype in the beginning of the season
Reminder that Sharks, Hurricanes, and Lightning """"""""fans""""""""" are all fairweather bandwagoners
Players better than Auston Matthews:
Leon Draisaitl
Dylan Larkin
Casey Cizikas
The heater we were on was never going to last. Every game in that win streak was one we could have lost.
We don't have the firepower - Eichel and Skinner are our only real weapons
We don't have the goaltending
Housley is a bald fraud
>barkov touched that abomination
are you the debbies portubro
I remember Mittelstadt and Reinhart were pretty good during the hot streak. Do you think a change up in coaching could be the answer? It worked wonders for the Blues
>wake up
>remember i don't live in ohio
kaikki suomalaiset tulivat tähän viihtyisään kierteeseen
Not completely. But a Panther is an under-cat. Not an under-dog.
Panthers are winning Stanley Cup (2023, Jets are winning next 4) and dogs are filthy animals that should be put down
Generational players in the league RIGHT NOW
A list:
Connor mcdavid
Nikita kucherov
Artemi panarin
Patrick Kane
Seth Jones
Alexander ovechkin
Sidney Crosby
John Tavares
Johnny gaudreau
Claude giroux
Marc Andre fluery
Brent burns
That is all
Mittelstadt is overrated shit and nylander is a swedish bust
WTF is wrong with the state of PA? Absolutely, unequivocally, positively the worst roads in the entire United States. Who in the **** designs their roads? Rube Goldberg? The people of PA should be ashamed, seriously.
1. Toll Booths.
-If the state could find a way to put a toll booth at the end of peoples' driveways, I think they would :doh:. Seriously, could we get a few more tollbooths into the state? I would bet the 1/2 of the people who live in PA work in the tollbooths. They would have to.
-I love the design of the toll booths. After going thru it, you have exactly .8 seconds to look up and make sure you're in the correct lane. 18 wheeler blocking you from getting over? Tough ****. You're now going north... when you wanted to go south. But don't worry, the next exit on the Turnpike is only 80 miles away :doh: Minor detour.
-Nowhere, anywhere, is the amount of the toll posted. That would be too easy. Instead, it's based on a formula that makes sense to nobody, but it is written on the ticket... in size 4 font which you're supposed to decipher driving 70 mph. Anyways... to my point. After fishing your wallet out of your back pocket and realizing you forgot to go to the ATM and have no cash... you then yank all of the contents of your center console out and toss it all over your car in search of dollar bills... when the toll booth worker will tell you that the toll is only $.25 . Feeling stupid, you hand the lady a quarter. However, at the next toll booth, (you're now feeling like a local), you hand the lady a quarter... and she looks at you like a moron and tells you that the toll is $2.00. Now you have a line of traffic behind you cussing your out of state plates and your ignorance of the toll formula as you struggle frantically to try and count out the correct amount of pennies salvaged from your car's ashtray. The toll formula must be tought in PA High School math.
-I drove from Pittsburgh to Philly 2 years ago. Guess how much it cost? $25.00.
The city of brotherly love, once the staple city for American independence due to its historical significance. Now has become a crime infested smoldering city of deception and smut. I have visited Philly over a few years for various reasons. One visit was to look at the history of the city, and as a child with a love of history I was blown away by the Declaration of Independence and the Liberty Bell. However beyond that the history fizzles and fades into obscurity, especially as time has passed and I saw the darker, ghetto parts of Philly. Traveling through the ghetto you can just tell that it was a once beautiful city torn down and destroyed by its citizens. Graffiti both excellent and ugly on every street corner accompanied by trash and people sleeping on the streets just shows how Philly is a steaming cesspool of American failure instead of American Independence. Don't eve get we started about how some of the Philly Cheese steaks in PHILLY are the worst Phillies I have ever had. Oh an Lew Blum towing the most hated company owned by the most hated man in Philly. This towing company practicing shady business practices stole my car on a public street violating no laws and stole $213 from me to retrieve my vehicle.
>Matt Murray wins 2 of my rings Fleury
There is some magic about Perry County, almost like the black magic of some sort of indiginous people from the middle of scum fuck nowhere. If you love hicks and hillbillies to the hundreth degree, Perry County is your place.
To be honest I am a city Boy. I don't like the hole country livin, and esspecially not this backwoods mountain side livin that these Perry County Vermin love so much. From Perry county comes this weird sense of pride in the hick lifestyle. However the weirdest part doesn't come from that, it mostly comes from their weird inbreed sense of style not doesn't just include hillbilly tastes. No, many of these people seem to also both dress and believe they are ganster. It is a weird and interesting collaberation of cultures that many of them seem to try and blend. It is almost like wild animals trying to pecock for a mate, and is a ather interesting spectacule.
Now moving on from the people, just the area of Perry County alone is vial and gross. Almost everything is run down. Everything looks like an abandoned town straight out of a horror movie. That creepy factor is pushed up at night where you continually expect a serial killer to step out of no where and get in the way of the car, which we all know won't actually kill us. Andd if I havee seen enough horror movies Iwill infact get out of the car to check on the guy and get slashed. Now on top of that, the horror factor is amplified merely by the smell alone. It is so distinct and terrifying. I would never go up to Perry County without a reason to, because I had once for a fair. And that one time I went up willingly, I was met with a sickness like I havee never had before. I had never called off work before this visit to Perry County, but the sickness I got from willingly going there caused my first ever sick day, and I take that shit very serious.
Now on top of everything creepy, gross, run down, unsettling, and horrifying aboout Perry county. It haas some very serious actual problems.
>fleury took a shit team to the cup in 2009 and won it all
>fleury took a shit team to the cup in 2018 but couldn’t win it all because Gary is a fag
I have what it takes to be a successful GM in NHL
Do you know anyone whom you’d refer to as White trash? Most likely. Either there’s someone at your job, in your neighborhood, or in your family that you’d throw that label on.
Essentially, White trash is everywhere.
While calling someone White trash might be a mean-spirited way of ridiculing or poking fun at a particular demographic, it can also serve as a way to express disdain about the way someone lives their life. It isn’t as derogatory as using other racial slurs, and in fact, the term has a bit of humor associated with it, making it the focus of pop culture.
Take for instance Jerry Springer, Honey Boo Boo, Kid Rock, Eminem, Uncle Rico from Napoleon Dynamite and even Cousin Eddie in National Lampoon movies.
According to the Merriam Webster Dictionary, white trash is defined as:
“A term used broadly to define a person or group of persons whom embody the concepts of ignorance, racism, violence, alcoholism, poverty, and anglo-saxon ancestry. Similarly used with the term ‘cracker,’ ‘hillbilly’ or ‘redneck’.”
So, using some data crunching, we should be able to measure where the most White trash communities in the state of Pennsylvania are actually located.
After analyzing data, watching too many fist fights and perusing illiterate Facebook comments, we’ve determined these are the most White trash cities in Pennsylvania:
McKees Rocks
New Castle
Time to take some meth
This is your goalie tonight.
Say something encouraging to him!
Ok this started as a good post. PA's road system is awful and that's because the entire state is either corrupt city niggers and kikes, or racist rednecks trying to fight them.
Getting out of toll booths is cake if you drive better than the average asian woman. It's a bigger problem in Maryland where they will have 6 open toll lanes and only 1 takes cash. They get backed up for 45 fucking minutes!
The turnpike has plenty of exits, you're lying.
>not having cash in the car just in case
Though nords were supposed to be smart. Plan ahead.
The Preds are overrated
forgot to mention, our signage is embarrassing. It had to have been purposely designed to be as bad as possible.
Sometimes you'll come off an exit, need to merge left, and need to exit left 4 lanes over in one mile
That shit is road rage fuel
Just like Tavares who is overrated shit
>not having a toll pass
Are you a bunch of niBONG?
>Marc Andre fluery
On the bright side, Larry Krasner will likely facilitate the explosion of the city with his blatantly anti-police and pro-murderer/thief bullshit
very grim thread right now
put it to rest stat
Mittelstadt is the most overrated shit prospect
No, Dallas and Pottsville are ok
Otherwise decent. Add mercersburg and Philipsburg
Gonna buy dad a few beers on Friday. In my dream last night he stabbed a fat person
>le forward pretending to be a defenceman-man
>12 people
that's a yikes from me, reddit
>play forward at defenceman's position
>call him defenceman
what the fuck?
I never said anything like that
All I said was he is generational
is binnington the real deal or will he deflate like murray?
He's been good enough playing with the likes of Skinner and Pominville. He can't carry a line with plugs on either wing like the best players can but he's only 20 years old. Nobody's a bust at 20, not everyone is NHL ready the second he leaves high school
He bound to regress big time soon and the blues peaked too soon. I predict 1st round exit in 5 games
>deflate like murray?
He bust man. Pronman ranked him the best drafted prospect after 2018 wjc and he ain't nowhere near that
is "collapsing like Murray" winning two championships?
He must be referring to Murray winning his last 15 of his last 21 decisions.
Norway? More like NorGAY
Got a groundbreaking post coming at lunch stay tuned
can we get a teaser?
end of thread reminder that Pulju IS generational.
Puljujärvi is shite
End of thread reminder the ducks will get hughes an kakkorot
ducks will get fuck all
recycling is for gays
Will not be posting in old threads