Hey ronnie, you should try some cake instead of your protein cum shakes

>hey ronnie, you should try some cake instead of your protein cum shakes

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woah wtf did he actually say that?
homophobic much?

He can't hear you over his 3 champions leagues and a EURO

One marries his childhood sweetheart, and sires 3 boys. The other one rents wombs, produces test tube babies, and has gay sex orgies on yachts. Makes you think.

>Open the door, Messi
>Me and my lady have arrived for cake. some swinging action too. ha ha ha

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Wtf how does that fruits stick on the cake?

I wonder how such an attractive woman feels like having to act the part of a homossexual man's girlfriend only to dissuade the media. Does Ronaldo let her have sex with men at least? How can such a high-functioning athlete be so flamboyantly gay and still not be able to simply admit it? Such a complex character, his biopic would be amazing.

How does the shirt levitate?

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She's an omnipresent thot, gold digger

Am I really the only person in the world that thinks the right kid looks like Diego Lugano?

she probably pegs him and licks his ass

But that's not gay

Shouldn't you be flinging shit at pakis?

>bullies venezuela

>whipped cream and fruits is considered birthday cake in Argentina

>ywn see a picture of ronaldo's kid being this happy



No more Antonella she's real-world perfection

Aren’t cakes in Romania made of gravel and your decaying great grandma

>all that fruit

I swear, Argentinians are like Italians but scummier.

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Know how I know you’re a nigger?

haha good one Javier

>fruit on a cake

I bet you also like pineapple on pizza and nuts in your icecream, you fucking zoomer

Love is patient, it is kind.
Love is not envious or boastful.
He does not behave rudely, he is not selfish, he does not get angry easily, he does not hold a grudge.
Love does not delight in evil, but rejoices with the truth. He is not proud. It is not rude or selfish. Do not applaud the wicked, but those who speak with the truth. Love never fails. @ christian #goodmorning #love #happy #

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Pineapple on pizza? Fuck no. I’m a Muslim salvadorean. I don’t eat pork

>Muslim salvadorean

What? MS13 didn't accept you in their cult?

I’m in that too, user. Just were like the extreme version

Shouldnt you be getting ready for war?

there is no war. its election season, hence all the noise.


>there is no war
Famous last words.

Who are they warring?

Basic hygiene?

Based nerves of steel Indian bro

the street cleaners syndicate

>the street cleaners syndicate

the syndicate'll never stand a chance

Both are based in their own way. They are the yin and the yang of super celebrity, perfect counterparts that will never be replicated again. Enjoy it while it lasts

All the fruits on that cake would go amazingly with cake you have shit taste

The kid on the left is destined for greatest. He wields the autism.

>his biopic would be amazing
One half American Psycho and the other half Behind the Candelabra.

Pure kino

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so silence of the lambs?


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>Would you fuck me? I'd fuck me. I'd fuck me hard.

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Like a third of Argentinians are of Italian descent anyway. Messi is an Italian surname.

no wonder his football died past 2014 if he puts that shit in his body.

>it puts the lotion in the basket

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I wonder what it feels like to be Gerrard and only be able to produce girls as opposed to Messi who reminds me of that Training Day scene where he goes on about if his wife wants to boy to give him a shout

kek, good point.


Ronaldo would fit this scene perfectly

Never knew a black chick did the ooOOOoooooOOOOOOOOOOOO

>no chocolate cake
poor kids

People only pretend Ronaldo is currently the best player because Messi is too pure for this world and doesn't have a problematic personality
And that doesn't sell

He has nothing on the potential of agueros son but his bitch mother only lets aguero see him once a month or something

i-is he wearing lip stick?

He is, a lot of makeup as well.
Don't know how you guys can stand him instead of future legend Bernardo Silva

300 iq opinion

well same reason you wont see much hype for a ugly player.
but everyone goes crazy after de jong.

the black chick sings the whole song you racist

Just a bit of labello so keep his lips properly moisturized

Based.Birthday cakes fucking suck.Fruiits are usually the best part.


There's nothing wrong with guzzling semen. You boomer and zoomer retards are poisoned by 21st century 'humbleness'. In the past, some of the greatest warriors of the pegan norse and mediterraneans used to literally drink cum a it was a form of new and young spirit entering within their body to help them level up to greater achievements and bravery

Bare in mind one thing, also. Greek warriors would rather butt fuck a dude and get down and eat a woman out. Eating out women is for betas, and fucking a dude is alpha.

I'm saying that you should do this, but i'm just putting things right.

>fruits are bad

what kind of hair product does he use?
or is it just genetics?

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he is starting to look like a leprechaun

bisexual I think, back in England he raped many girls

Messi has 3 you mong, and Ronaldo has 4, how did you even figure out the captcha?

The Romain version is similar though, just minus the fruit, cream, cake, or happiness.

that's a lot of fruit to be desu


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>childhood sweetheart
More like gold digging whore that married him once her chad BF died

I'm sure she's paid well for her time. Plenty of women do that for much older and/or uglier men

>lardass american talking shit about fruits
Like pottery

>30.0 iq opinion

Based and mutualrespectpilled
Truly the words of a real football fan


Reminder that Ronaldo's wife is Argentine