Why isn't Australian Rules Football bigger in the US? Its seems perfect for people burnt out on American football.
Why isn't Australian Rules Football bigger in the US? Its seems perfect for people burnt out on American football
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>circular field
because it requires a high level of athleticism and fitness and all the players capable of that are in the NHL
Because we have football already dumbass. Nobody asks why American Football isn't more popular over there.
There should be a 3 way international rules series between Ireland, Australia and the US featuring a hybrid of our football knockoffs
Change the name to American Rules and they'd eat it up
Rugby Union is more international, no?
Why are you such a butthurt Aussie faggot? You were seething about Americans in the LeBron thread. I know it’s you, retard.
rent free
consider psychiatric help mate
That’s me m8 all I see is Americans seething at my bases hot take on the way you speak loooool
Rent free
Mason Cox is a hack. Americans can't kick. They only have him for his height.
Please watch our sport
t. butthurt shitmond fan
>le real life Quidditch sport
Would probably fun to drop acid for those 3am games and try to catch the Snitch desu
I watch the AFL and root for >poort. however it's on super early in the morning around here. I wouldn't mind seeing it gain more of a foothold here in the US.
For the same reason why Nigger Kneel isn't popular here
You already have a football and we have ours
*wins that semi-final against Richmond*
because it requires a cricket field user, when's the last time you've seen one of those around?
Also we have a tradition of rugby that's older than American football, so people who are burnt out on gridiron switch over to that. It's lulzy to watch at late hours though, looks like it's pretty fun to play desu
kek NHLers are basically fat slobs compared to NBAers and NFLers
Massive brain post. A nine game competition (three in each country) using host's rules. Could start inviting guest countries into the fold too.
Because it's a poof sport
Because it was created for dumb drunk Australians. Americans like some strategy and tactics in their games.
i fukkn luv me afl
>Americans accepting anything that doesn't have USA USA USA plastered all over it
>being forced to admit other countries not only exist, but have cool things that the USA don't
That's not how America works.
I forgot you used to be a rugby nation before gridiron too off