>Rooney ‘planning to become a farmer’ after making plans to ‘build huge shed for tractors and hay bales on £20m estate’
unironically based
>Rooney ‘planning to become a farmer’ after making plans to ‘build huge shed for tractors and hay bales on £20m estate’
unironically based
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That's probably all his peabrain could do
Given that Rooney and his family refuses to speak to the sun they probably aren't the best source on him
That's actually a good idea in post-Brexit UK
Since foods exports will be much more expensive there, Brits will have to rely more on their own farm products.
Cincinattus mode
literally obsessed
Brexit will be indefinitely delayed
'Planning to own a farm' you mean. No way this drunken bum is rolling out of bed at 4.30 am.
as far as I've read, May will get BTFO with her delay plan
Excuse to get pissed and drive on private land
Nice of him to join Ligue 1
what kind of crops would he grow?
Based Wazza provoiding food for post-brexit Britain.
This is likely just the Americans speaking to an actual Englishman with an actual accent for once, and the "accent" they have in US sitcoms.
Should have bought a swamp
more like "Rooney expected to lead United to ten MLS cups before retiring at age 55"
he's a DC lad now and forever xx
United still will not have any won trophies with all the blackies they have on the team
We've come full circle.
yeah, opening poorly-built "luxury" star hotels, creating bling-bling clothes or opening another foreign/fusion/[insert catchy word here] restaurant surely is the way to go!
farming is comfy and beneficial
Clothing lines and perfume only works for attractive people.
this was the best thing to come out of the 2010 cup
he's too lazy to be a farmer
he might like own a farm but he ain't gonna be doing any of the work
Only rich stars will be able to become farmers in UK without the EU CAP money and competing with rest of the world agricultures
>long-term future
>with wife Colleen
you now remenber Cannavaro
Sounds comfy if you can just plow around a bit without having to worry about profits
the table tennis bit with federer is fucking hilarious
why doesn't he buy a german made farming sim?
just push the button on the robot
>going to grow food
>cant even grow his own hair
thats actually a great idea
i wish i had enough money to become a farmer too
So he's back to the EPLel?
>implying farming is easy
>implying Ronaldinho was still relevant in 2010
If you knew the amount of effort that went into bringing your fat ass food from the fields to your local supermarket you wouldn't say stupid shit like this.
t. agricultural engineer
MU vs Guingamp, who wins?
MU 1-0
Oi u fockin cheeky cunt
That's normal, fatnaldo owns a media company.
>Wayne "one shed" rooney
We are unironically a food exporting nation and grow more than enouth.
Don't you guys still pay for people to not grow food?
Grow enough not to actually starve? Sure.
Grow enough to still have access to all the stuff we DO import? No way. Things like onions (actual onions, this isn't the filter at work) will probably become more expensive post-Brexit.
based, was about to write the same
No idea
Might be worth growing some in the allotment then, thanks for the heads up.
>rooney running down the breakaway to make a tackle and save the game
0:05 kek
>makes the trip that saves the play
>scores the header goal
Based manlet Acosta
peak MLS right here
>this video is 10 years old