Remind me again why this cancer is considered the GOAT?
>Every team he is on either fires the coach or chemistry falls apart.
>Comes to the west, gets rekt.
>ray Allen 3
>mavericks 2011
>Cares more about movie career than joining a winning team
He's not even in my top 10.
Remind me again why this cancer is considered the GOAT?
>The Goat conversation should be about how well his team played
ok, retarded but ok
he's better than michael jordan on and off the court, that's why he's considered the GOAT
he carries teams against top-level competition. jordan runs away from competition (joins baseball) and feasts on garbage teams. he's a bully (kwame situation) and an idiot. lebron is a cultural hero who does great things for america; michael jordan is a psychopathic company man
LBJ can't catch a break no matter what he does. Jordan couldn't do it without Pippenand company but these anti-Lebron clowns make it a 1 man game saying b..but he should be able to do it all himself. Lebron could drop 50+ get a triple double and still get roasted when the team loses. Total nonsense.
If he stopped WW3, guys like Skip would say "where was he during the first 2?"
>judging individual players on team achievements
>>Cares more about movie career than joining a winning team
Thanks for confirming that Kevin Durant IS cancer.
>Leaves Mike conely open
>Bricks the 3pt clutch
yea i dont think you wanna talk about his individual performance
>jordan runs away from competition
Still waiting for LeBron to win "not two, not three, not four, not five, not six, not seven."
After LeBron left to the Lakers after his loss I was like "Well, you've done enough." Afterwards, I lost interest in basketball thanks to GSW.
>>Still waiting for LeBron to win "not two, not three, not four, not five, not six, not seven."
mfw Hyping the crowd is much a big deal compared to saying "I'm tired."
Nice try.
>Plays with rec league tier players.
>LeFraud can’t win xD!
LeBron is not GOAT for the simple fact that he cant shoot the basketball, running towards the hoop wiht roided up body doesnt take any technique or finesse
LeBron isn't even Top 5 All-Time but people will put him in the GOAT conversation because of longevity stats. He has the most manufactured legacy in NBA history.
>michael jordan is a psychopathic company man
That's why I like MJ better
Remind me of Kuzma and Ingram’s stateliness last night
He's a mental midget and that's a fact
Not fit to tie MJ or Birds laces, they got better with the pressure on
>Plays with rec league tier players.
>So called rec league players start out performing him
whoops, ingram wasnt supposed to do that to the GOAT
literally no sane human being still even remotely considers lebron to be top 10
>>preferring a psychopath than a relatively nice guy outside of the court.
I wonder what your personal life is...
LeBitch is a fraud ass BUM and not even a top-15 ATG.
>>He's a mental midget and that's a fact
Never thought mental midget means 'nice guy'.
Please refer this
>p-please forget about the HOFers he's played with!
No. LeBitch is a FRAUD ASS BUM
What happened? I thought Lebron is Yea Forums favorite since I used to see daily ">yfw he won one for daLand" thread.
>playing in a 12 team league against junkies
Knicks are structurally a better team than the Lakers.
zoomers were a mistake
That was only because the virgins here got triggered by Curry and his shit-eating grin. I'm sure the Warriors will become the "good guys" again once Harden starts winning trophies.
>jordan feasted on garbage teams
This bait is so shit it's not even worthy of a (You)
I always get a kick out of people who think Lebron never has help, except he's always had two superstars to win. Also get a kick with he makes his teammates better, except every first year no matter how good his talented buddies are they fail until they start playing a system to suck on his giant throbbing ego.
Jordan sacrificed the assist to roll into an extra pass mode. Stepped up to make the right play. Guarded his heart out. Didn't have to only make clear path dunks, and couldn't because the league smashed people for that.
LeBron would be an average player, maybe reaching to the level of Barclay in that era. It's a joke to consider this stat padding league pushed trash as one of the greats.
So LeQueen is exposed as Least babby and passed same age as Kobe was in his last playoff run. Good time to compare them with methods that deny shills and lebronsexual soinators their classic talking points. Actually, we gonna give her majesty a major handicap of excluding Kobe's threepeat by saying it was all Shaq. So in games vs HoF opponents:
Kobe 10 times best with 2 wins against stacked HoF teams
LeShit 13 times best with 3 wins
Kobe #2 6 times, 2 to his opponents
LeBeta #2 14 times, 9 to his opponents
Kobe #3 to his opps 4 times, never lower
LeTrash #3 1 time, #4 with all-time shit perfomances 2 times
Kobe #1 in finals 2 times(1 against x3 HoF team), #3 2 times(both against stacked HoF teams).
LeChoke #1 in finals 2 times (1 short season, 1 refballed apemond), #2 4 times (Kawhi's and KD's personal bitch), #3 1 time, #4 all time shitshows 2 times.
Kobe 10-2-4
LeRoid 13-9-3 with worse ratios everywhere and 2 shitshow finals
>vs same opposition at approx. same time
Kobe had 60+% TS and won Spurs, who year before turned LBJ into Ben Simmons
Both lost to champ Celtics
Kobe shitted on Orlando, while LeCry couldn't get into paint at will vs other roider and almost got swept and was booed by his crowd
Kobe&Pau outplay Celtics, while LePlaymaker badly loses series to Rondo while Pierce shoots like sub 40% whole series
Poor Hedo Turkoglu almost outplayed LeFoulcall in rigged series, but got Kobed on Spurs and Magic
Both got BTFO by Dallas, but at least Kobe haven't crumbled under pressure
The year Kobe was 33 he was outplayed by KD and LBJ got one back in Florida PED FTW season. The years LBJ was 32 and 33, KD pissed on him and swept it two times.
So "no three peat" handicap, this is what it looks like. LeCripple is already missing playoffs and will probably never be best player in series again. So he won't even catch handicapped Kobe's achievments. Keep chewing that Least babby's shilling, faggots.
You forgot