Ladies and Gentlemen the Best Fútbol Player in the World ?

Ladies and Gentlemen the Best Fútbol Player in the World ?

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nice Piano

soaking all the vitamin D for 2nd leg

>Vitamina D

Do you think he can actually play that piano?

>vitamina D

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probably some basic stuff

>you are now imagining cr7 using his piano to find the perfect note for his TSUUU

Like Alexis

for me its
>best FAGGOT in the closet | tricks & skills | HD

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>one copy of loveless on vinyl please

How do rich people deal with the dust problem? I have a small bedroom yet it gets dusty really quickly. do housecleaners roam around several times a week or they have special devices on the walls that suck in the dust particles?

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yes, they're called vacuum cleaners

that’s what mexicans are for

dust is only for poor people. it avoids rich people's homes via electro-magnetism.

Pretty amazing stuff actually.

>do housecleaners roam around several times a week or they have special devices on the walls that suck in the dust particles?

Out of those 2 options It's obviously the 2nd one, right?

do you think he can play basic stuff like the Happy Birthday or the The Final Countdown melodies?

Isn’t he a little too old for these kind of posts and pictures now.

I mean he has a kid around the age of 10. Imagine having your father putting pics like that on social media.

based ronaldo getting that much needed D

Different generation
In the future you will have more old people making teenage style social media posts and playing video games

Did he get rid of Junior as his official photograph?



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Dust is one mystery I have yet to figure out. Too small to sweep. Big eno ugh to see. Wtf dust

He literally looks like a parody of a homosexual. Like Archer in that episode he has to pretend to be gay and starts riding around on rollerskates

Where is Messi? Is he hiding in that piano?

How do I achieve the zero pecs and washboard and aesthetic like him?

Become obsessed with being the best. You'll need a rival who's younger and always a few steps ahead if you though