What are your thoughts on the zoomer problem?
Kid refuses to be subbed
Other urls found in this thread:
He thought he was being taken off due to injury, and had the balls to stand up and say 'No, I'm fine, I want be involved in the shootout'. Unlike a certain fat striker.
time travel back to the good old days
Then he fucked up in the shootout
This epidemic is only going to get worse with all these zoomers being paid 200k/week just to blow matches.
Kid's right desu, you don't fucking sub off the world's most expensive keeper. It's not like Lelsea have a pk specialist anyways
Should've taken first kick too just to freak city out.
Zoomers = Determination and Independence
Boomers = Yes men and NPC
Gas the lot of them.
This is a battle. You can't have everybody playing with their own agendas. The best teams are run by NPCs who all know how to do their job
24 isn’t a zoomer. It’s old enough to have remembered 9/11. Remembering 9/11 is the generational cut off point
>NPC good
you fucking serious? check wengers arsenal post-2007. one of the most NPC robot teams ever, and they were shit among stars
>remembering you're sitting in kindergarten drawing a fucking butterfly is "remembering 9/11"
History is written by the victors. If he had saved Aguero's penalty he'd be a hero with balls of steel.
Another dumb, biased Spanish poster.
>one of the most NPC robot teams ever
Shit meme and shit analysis tbqfh
That team was full of brats high off their own farts (or Wenger’s) and would get all emotional at the drop of the hat.
>throwing food at your opponent because they beat you
Luckily, they were legitimately talented enough so that it wasn’t a problem.
I guess you don’t remember it because if you did you would know that all the kids were sent home that day including in Canada because no one had any idea what was going on, for all we know they could’ve attacked Canada next. I was 7 years old and they actually brought us all into the gymnasium and wheeled in the one TV in the school and as a school, presumably because the teachers wanted to see, we all watched the 9/11 broadcast on the news before being sent home. That’s called remembering 9/11
>post 2007
Thought you said pre, not post. Disregard
>in middle school
>my teachers didn't let us watch it
>didn't get sent home early but everyone's parents came to pick them up early
>my parents weren't able to leave early to pick me up so I was one of like three kids all day
>had no idea what was going on until my mom picked me up
zoomers have stronger characters than boomers. far more determined
>Chelsea paid 100 billion dollars for the spanish Robin Olsen
I legit thought he was a U23 keeper who was given a chance on the first team
Nah bro they didn't send people home, just in Canada since youre pussies who want to be america. I was in pe, and our gym teacher, a literal army guy from the citadel announced the news to us and broke down crying. I just thought it was funny and wanted to get back to the dodgeball gave
yeah if everyone was more like kepa or arda turan the world woud be a better place
You probably live in bumfuck nowhere. I live in DC and people were destroyed, especially since the thing that hit the pentagon sent a shockwave and we were wondering what the fuck just happened. You can bet your ass the kids left the school by the dozens every minute.
This is satire right?
>tired after 90 mins + extra time
>just picked up a minor injury
>refused to be replaced with a guy who is a better penalty keeper with lots of experience with the opposition's penalties
>fuck it up and cost your team the final
Even if you weren’t sent home you would’ve found out about it once you got home because surely your parents if you had any were watching the TV if you owned one. Kindergarten is about the time when people start forming memories and 9/11 is a memory that stays with you forever you know exactly where you were and what you were doing it’s like the Moon-landing. If you’re going to draw an arbitrary distinction between millennials and zoomer’s remembering 9/11 is the best way to do it if you’re going to do it at all. The only other possible distinction you could make between those two generations is remembering life before the Internet and if you were old enough to remember 9/11 you’re probably old enough to remember life before the Internet since very few people had the Internet in the 90s. Hell, only 7% Of the worlds population had Internet during 9/11, If you need a reference point.
Abhorrent post
>Members of Gen Z — people ages 15 to 21 — reported the worst mental health of any generation included in the American Psychological Association’s annual Stress in America report, which was based on almost 3,500 interviews with people ages 18 and older, plus 300 interviews with teenagers ages 15 to 17.
In France it's 98. Because we won the WC that year. I wonder if Canada has a zoomer date. When was the last time you won something in any major sport ?
Caballero probably has triple the penalty experience and judging by the sub he had been practicing it extensively. The situation reminds me of Netherlands switching the keeper at the World Cup and winning the penalty shootout against Costa Rica, then they didn't have the sub to do it again against Argentina and lost.
Entitled. No respect for hierarchy and board's decisions. Thought he had the "right" to cancel a sub because he wasn't injured afterall. Doesn't have the brain to guess that it could be for different reasons that this one. Short term feeler. Believes too much in himself and doesn't care what others say. Probably thinks he is paid too little.
and they say Brits are good at detecting irony. Ofc it's satire. Even if you fucking believe in yourself that much, you just sprint over to the sideline and talk to your manager. You don't throw a temper tantrum and ruin your whole team's mentality right before a cup final shootout.
>listening to npc critics
dude, these boot lickers claim you're mentally ill for saying 'hate speech'. anyone who in't a zombie is called mentally ill
The problem with zoomers is that nowadays players have way too much attention on them because of social media and therefore they always want to be the focus of things. You think this fag wanted to stay to help the team? Hell no, he wanted to keep playing so he could save a couple penalties and be the hero.
The Internet and money ruined this game. I saw news that Griezmann is going to make a documentary about himself. Who is Griezmann in world football? A nobody but because he's cute and does a stupid dance he's known and reddit sucks his dicks. I read on reddit that he's a legend because he won the World Cup
People are only talking shit about Kepa because he lost. Had he won and people would be talking about how alpha he is and how great of a keeper he is (even tho no one knew him 1 year ago)
The game is dead
yes yes we get it you overzealous dumb twink. give it a rest paco
lmao I can hear the PORCODDIO
imagine seeing a career end like this with no injury involved.
absolute fucking state of this lad
It's being paid much more attention to nowadays and literally no one gives a shit about some old boomer fart's mental health -> zoomers get diagnosed more
A lot of interesting studies done with time capsules show the complete opposite - that our melodies on days like 9/11 are largely incorrect and fabricated.
But your point still stands metaphysically - that regardless of the authenticity of the memory, people bookmark that day as a defining moment of their lives - many of them children. I was 10. Cheese tv didn’t broadcast that morning.
Australia never forgets
Willy is literally a penalty expert. He has a great record and he was the preferred keeper for the shootout. What Kepa did was selfish and it might have cost his team the trophy.
absolutely based. Imagine if every player in history of football like him.
>you play like shit I'm taking you off
>lel no whatcha gonna do anyway
>touche m'lad
What would Pep have done if Emerson refused to go off
If I had a vagina I'd be a girl
genitals do not determine your gender
Yes, and check current Man City. Everybody does exactly what they get told to, except for Sane, which is why he's being benched
Was Mouyes right lads? Are zoomers uncoachable?
dont let your dreams be dreams user.
I've literally never learned anything from a zoomer besides how to post lame ad hominem memes desu
if my grandmother had wheels she would have been a bike
If my grandmother had wheels, she would have been a bike
They feel more stressed because they are more aware of whats going on in the world than we were at their age.
These are sad times for global fitba, portubro. It's being taken over by fortnite memers and dabbers. Just look at the French national team if you don't believe me.
Told you anyone born after 1996 is complete cancer
t.born in 1995
>No way are we winning a trophy
Even if they won he’s still finished his manager. Sarri has to push him out now and so do Chelsea when Sarri is sacked.
lol remember when fucking russia beat you guys
>bruh, I'm trying to help you out here
He should have told him then instead of yelling from there lol
Except Krul was no penalty saving expert and Costa Ricans with their inexperience just fell for van Gaal playing mind games.
Doesn't matter. Off means off. Unless it's Sarri. Then Off means lol fuck that faggot
Sarri wanted Caballero anyway for the pens. He initially accepted Kepa's gestures from across the pitch when Kepa made it clear he wasn't injured, but then a minute later Sarri tried again to make the sub. Clearly tactical. But it's irrelevant anyway, to defy your manager when you're a literal who kid who has been (shit) at a club for half a season is disgraceful. Whatever Kepa thought was happening, he should have gone and spoken to Sarri. Sarri is paid to make those decisions, not Kepa.
And to concede that Aguero penalty... what a joke. Should be dropped for a long time.
Caballero also played for City recently so he knows their players penalty techniques in and out. Was a great tactical move by Sarri I’m sure he would’ve saved Aguero’s and made some of the others shoot over goal due to mindfuck
that's what penalties are all about. Mind games.
>Except Krul was no penalty saving expert
No, but he is very tall and can get across the goal very well. Above average keeper at pens. More importantly, Cillessen literally cannot save pens. Acting like it was just a like-for-like GK swap to confuse the opponents and no just putting in a better PK stopper is just plain stupid.
Imagine being the City players, seeing that farce unfold for 5 minutes. Chelsea players arguing, manager going batshit crazy... you'd be loving it. While Pep was giving a team talk before the shootout, Sarri was being held back by Rudiger. Definitely gave City players a mental edge. Kepa should be shot.
What is it about Chelsea and creating memes almost every season?
kek fuck off boomer were in charge now you beta faget
Kepa did what every self respecting player would do, Sarri trying to sub him was extremely disrespectful, if he didn't trust him then he shouldn't have played him at all
thats retarded, if the coach thinks the other keepers is better at penalties and was holding a sub till the end of the game for this exact reason kepa not coming off completly destroyed the strategy and made that 1 sub they could use wasted
It looked like he fucking broke his foot while he was in fact diving like the fucking spaniard he is
Seeing Kompany's interview afterwards.
>Have you seen anything like that before?
>Of course not!
I don't see how Sarri can't drop Kepa at least for a few games or Chelsea not fine him.
I'm 23 but sure
Just release the cunt, he's been shit all season anyway. Hasn't made a proper save yet for Chelsea, only ones you'd expect him to. Even though he's been beaten more often than not when he shouldn't be. Plus he's shocking with his feet. After today, I just want him to fuck off back to Spain. 70m, Jesus Christ. Yeah, I'm salty.
Nah youre wrong it was wrong when lang baal did it with Holland and it was wrong today, Cillessen just didn't have the balls to stand up for himself like Kepa
Even then*
yeah also we dont know what the medical staff told sarri, some people are just stubborn and want to play even tho they are injured, even tho they have the heart theyll bring the team down
>Sarri trying to sub him was extremely disrespectful
You are a player. If the manager wants to take you off because he thinks the grass hates you, you get off the pitch. You have a career after this, and nothing about this reflects well on you. Other managers aren't going to look at this kindly. Your players won't back you since you took a decision into your own hands without their blessing. And after all this you let in a penalty you definitely should have saved. This was a big mistake by Kepa, if Sarri wasn't such a pushover he'd be gone by now. But if he wasn't it wouldn't have happened.
Look at Kompany during the coin toss after, he looked like he wanted to bully Kepa
Nah again you're wrong, players will respect Kepa for this, why do you think they all told Sarri to fuck off when he tried to talk to him before the shootout
He's your 70m world record keeper and you try to sub him off during a cup final, pathetic weak shit, Kepa was right to fuck him off every great keeper would've done the same
Friendly reminder zoomers have still never won a CL
should be just as disgusted with that defensive display for a "big club". glad they didnt win with that faggotry
t. zoomer
This. Kepa would be remembered forever for his millenials martyrdom. He's become a legend.
>zoomers are going to immortalize a losing keeper instead of a winning one
>every great keeper would've done
But he's not a great keeper.
Doesn't need to be just needs the mindset, Kepa would he a complete laughing stock if he was subbed off
yeah nice of him to get rid of Sarri
>doesn't need to be great or even fucking win
Zoomers were a mistake
>the spastic psych-out flailing
>the prolonged faceplant as his career flashes before his eyes
>the deflated pause before visibly cringing and walking off
This is performance art
You can't even comprehend what I'm talking about, none of the greats wouldve come off, this guy is the world record transfer and has the mindset that he belongs with them and has that ability so thats why he fucked Sarri off
What's he actually accomplished though? This is the kind of move you can only pull off(sometimes) if you've actually won stuff
Why do players take these retarded long and 5 dimensional run ups giving the keeper more time to read their shot
>what's he accomplished
Been good enough to be the world record transfer
He would be a laughing stock if he got subbed
>zoomer goalkeeping
What a fucking clown. Kun even looked embarrassed/apologetic for him instead of celebrating
Sarri is a boomer fraud who has never won anything. Kepa is literally /ourguy/
I stayed home from school that day. My mom was absolutely panicking. Initially it wasn’t known that it was a terror attack, and some were speculating it was an accident. Eventually, on a live feed, the second plane struck the towers. My mom’s shriek and exclamation of “oh my god!”, has stuck with me for years. She was a young, innocent, southern belle at the time, and seeing this type of footage sent her into hysterics. Especially people jumping off the tower. I was too young to grasp the severity of the issue, but I clearly remember watching the second plane crash into the tower, people jumping off the tower, buildings collapsing, and watching people run for their lives - all live.
>also has never won anything
>only managed at a top level for 5 years
>used to be a fucking banker
Sarri is a zoomer too desu, just an aging one
Tragic hero. Like Zidane in 2006.
Zidane actually won something before though
>Caballero also played for City recently so he knows their players penalty techniques in and out
this is really underrated and one of the reasons Bravo was so good for Chile against Barcelona players
None of the greats would have been shit enough to need to be subbed though
Hmm, nah, I'm not buying it. I think there was miscommunication over his "injury" (time wasting). If Kepa knew that Caballero was the designated penalty keeper he would have come off. It just doesn't make sense, why would a new signing jeopardize his position in the team over a League Cup penalty shootout knowing his manager was furious over the substitution?
hows does a goalie get leg cramps lmao. Midfielders running up and down for 2 hours didn't but Kepa does lmao
because he's a zoomer
The real question is why did Sarri lose his shit? The guy's not coming off? You calmly tell a few of your other players to go get him over here so you can talk to him. The whole ordeal was just ridiculous and you're basically setting yourself up for failure with all the commotion and distraction to an already tense environment.
Maybe but he's also a professional. Something people here know nothing about.
>>Maybe but he's also a professional
If that were the case, why did Sarri react the way he did?
The physio has plenty of time to clear the situation. Caballero also would’ve sat back down, if it were only an injury substitution.
In all likelihood, Sarri was waiting until injury time to make the substitution. Once Kepa went down, he probably thought to go ahead and make the switch.
Why else would Sarri storm off down the tunnel? Do you honestly think he was upset that his starting keeper was NOT injured? If it was a miscommunication, he would have been relieved.
Finally, people will leave Karius alone.
Not to mention Sarri not even joining the chelsea huddle until like 10 seconds before it ended. And Rudiger having to hold Sarri back from Kepa. Yeah, he seemed like he had forgotten all about the "misunderstanding".
Mou had problems with the chelsea doctor too though. Maybe their medical staff does have communication issues.
It's entirely believable he thought Kepa was genuinely injured and lying to stay on
Everyone is pretending there was some master strategy to bring Willy on. Kepa was time wasting to compliment that defensive sit back and pray style Chelsea were implementing
Even the whole hold me back with Rudiger looked like it was for show
If it wasn't for this incident, we would be talking about two 0-0 games with the "top sides" in England.
He doesn’t belong with them ffs. He’s average as fuck.
It was a planned sub why else would he only make 2 subs in the whole 2 hours
Loftus Cheek
Hudson Odoi
My mistake 3 when he had 4 to make
Also, to be fair to Kepa, barring the Aguero penalty, he wasn't at fault for the other 3 and saved 1.
Ederson also technically only saved one since Luiz hit the post.
If Jorginho and Luiz had buried their penalties, we be talking about how Kepa is based for refusing to come off and being the hero.
Who else could have he brought on?
He loves Jorgihno, would be dumb to sub off Kante or Hazard, the rest were the back four.
You’re ignoring my question — why would Sarri be absolutely livid and literally walk away from the match upon finding out that Kepa was not injured?
Actions speak louder than words. Both Sarri and Caballero would have both sat down and not caused a fuss if it were an injury substitution.
You are also blatantly ignoring the fact that Caballero used to play for City. Even won the league cup with them. Knowing players’ tendencies on penalties is a huuuuge advantage. Pic fucking related.
What makes you think he didn't genuinely believe Kepa was injured and didn't want to risk a gimped keeper during penalties? I'm not saying that's not case but everyone pretending some master Sarri tactic was hindered are speculating and we've already discussed Krul was no specialist, just dumb inexperienced costa ricans who fell for mind games.
>Both Sarri and Caballero would have both sat down and not caused a fuss if it were an injury substitution.
That depends on whether you believe players are honest about injuries and don't want to stay on. Kepa was just being a time wasting cunt
This. Kepa will go down as the greatest goalkeeper in history after this.
Lads, any JUST memes for sarri or kepa floating about?
luiz is literally retarded
If my grandmother had wheels she would have been a bike
Aguero literally wanted Kepa to save the penalty and he still fucked it up.
Sarri lost his shit because he knows that if even a literally who kid can refuse to follow his orders he's done.
>we be talking about how Kepa is based for refusing to come off and being the hero.
Actually no, we'd be talking about how weak Sarri is.
Why would Sarri be upset that Kepa was NOT injured?
Why would he storm off and abandon his post if his starting goalkeeper was going about business as usual (ie Caballero was an injury sub, not a tactical one)
That defies logic. If the plan was for Kepa to go into PKs, what is there to be upset about?
If Caballero was only an injury replacement, and not being brought on for penalties, then where does the confusion stem from? The physio is fully capable of telling Sarri that Kepa wasn’t injured. Don’t be silly.
Actions speak louder than words, and if you watched the match Sarri quite clearly wanted to bring on Caballero,
>why do you think they all told Sarri to fuck off when he tried to talk to him before the shootout
Because they are a team full of petulant children, much like Kepa, who have banded together against their coach
He basically won fortnite in the eyes of millennials
>Sarri wanted Caballero anyway for the pens.
I don't agree with that, if that was the plan Kepa would have known it before the start of the game and there would have been no reason for him to chimp out. Besides, Kepa was good during penalties with Tottenham.
>But it's irrelevant anyway
That's true.
Reminder that unless you're older than 35 youre a millenial and really if you're older than about 25 then you shouldn't be posting here anyway
You wanna try again there buddy
Imagine thinking that humiliating your coach is OK
My mum thought it was a new Die Hard film
He has created a bad precedent. Now any player who is playing like shit and think he is hot shit will do this for attention or whatever reason.
*set a bad precedent
None of this would have mattered, Sarri is physically unable to win titles. He would choke a tic-tac-toe tournament even if he had the first move every game
Does someone have the webm of the Aguero penalty? I fucking can't get enough of his reaction.
Theo Hernandez and Marco Asensio
Exactly this
I have a gut feeling some kid on the team I coach will try to do this because
>there’s no rule that says I have to lol
And then I’ll have to explain to an angry Mr. and Mrs. Zoomer why their kid sat on the bench for the rest of the game/season. I can’t wait.
That's bullshit that doesn't mean anything, Ranieri never won anything before Leicester, Conte never won a cup before last year and Mouyes won all his cup finals, there are million examples, actually any manager at some point was someone who's never won anything, if it mattered they wouldn't have won it in the future either. Past accomplishments are irrelevant, the only thing that matters is the work you're putting in now, only the likes of Liverpool think about the past.
Thinking about just the past means wanting off glory from decades ago. Noting that in the recent past that a manager is a mental midget is a legitimate thing to do. Look at Klopp and Liverpool as a club. They currently have a mental inability to win titles
>Sarri is physically unable to win titles
>in a league that’s had the same champion for 7 years in a row
>last winner before that was the same manager who is now in charge of Juventus
There’s only about 2, maybe 3 managers physically capable of winning titles in Italy so that doesn’t really say much.
I'll post wherever and whenever I want, kiddo.
MVPs desu
Fair enough. Mind telling me what mistakes you made to end up as this sad sack?
how to lose your spot in starting xi.
pffffffffff hhahahaqhhahqqhvhqqhvvahhahhaqhhahahahqhqhahhahahqhqhqhqhq
>spending his best years on 4channel
lmao zoomer
>he thinks everyone's life is as depressing as his
>manager that has coached farmers teams for his entire career
>spent 3 years in Napoli where he has accomplished less than Mazzarri with a team of rejects that do whatever anyone says as long as they get to see the pitch
>hire him for Chelsea
Reminder that Napoli players all give up their image rights in order to sign the contract. From the moment they join the team they're outed as little bitches that love to be walked over.
It's like putting a kindergarten teacher in a high school where people stab and shoot each other and believe he'll be able to deal with it.
Why would Pep care if Emerson refused to go off
>he thinks he spend wisely his time as a zoomer on a mongoloid board but people in age to be his father aren't allowed to shitpost there after they did what they had to do
Agueros reaction made it even sweeter.
Can clearly see I've pushed some quite sensitive buttons. Enjoy your day
>me zoomer
>me tell you if you have right to post
>my life better than yours , see i burn my young years in here
All these anons unironically supporting the player over manager is disgusting.
Fuck zoomers. This happens every time, all these paki zoomers supporting pogba > mou, ozil > emery and so on. We just watched what happens when the players have control of the club, you lose a final.
It's the managers fault for losing the locker room. I hate lelverpool and think klopp is a retard but he's never had a Liverpool player pull anything on him because the players buy into him everyday.
How many managers can lose the Chelsea lock room before it stops being their fault?
Caballero has saved over 39% of penalties taken against him. Name five goalkeepers with better save percent who have faced at least 20 penalties. Actually can you name even one?
>Coaching zoomers
it's your fault you zoomers respect nothing, but i cant blame your generation that knew nothing else than degenerated internet.
If Klopp worked at Chelsea he would have been sacked long time ago, so why should the players care when they know he's gonna leave?
Krul was an expert compared to Cillessen who had literally never saved a penalty at that point.
De gay
if my aunt had testicles shed be my uncle
It's 2019. She could still be your aunt. Don't be a transphobe.
Footy is a team sport. A collective effort of all the men in the team: first squad, subs, managers and whatnot. And while a bit of individualism is desirable and beneficial, it definitely was not in that moment.
I am very much interested how will this sour situation be resolved by Sarri now. I know he defended Kepa after the game, as a manager should defend his player, but some consequences have to be taken from this whole meltdown.
>Cheese tv didn’t broadcast that morning.
Stupid Americans took away my Dragon Ball Z that day. I will always remember.
There's clearly no room for a manager at chelshit anymore, the players do wtf they want anyway which is why they're heading for Europa League. May as well hire someone's agent for the job.
If Caballero were subbed in and he saved all the penalties Sarri would be considered a mastermind but this whiney zoomer cannot accept to be subbed
>History is written by the victors
And this is what Agüero, the victor, will write: "I purposely kicked my penalty as if I was playing with my son in the park, all in order to save this retard, and yet he failed to stop it."
That's what it really looked like.
Unless that weird dance thing actually got to him.
This is kepas only Chelsea manager
Why do fat NEETs get cramp?
>no mom, I'm not being taken off!
*loses shootout*
If you ever played football you would know
He was pretending. That's the whole crux of the conflict.
Reminder that a good penalty would never be saved. The burden of a penalty shootout is entirely on the penalty takers and not on the GK to save them, a goalkeeper will only save shit penalties. That said, he should have saved Agueros pen
>I want be involved in the shootout
And how did that go senpai?
this time the player is white so of course Yea Forums would side with him
the zoomer problem is simple you bench them the second they try to start shit
psg did exactly this with rabiot
How does Sarri put up with this shit ? Odoi is already making interviews like he is diva. Kepa doesnt listen to him. Imagine this kid under Guardiola? Eto'O switched to the middle in one match and Guardiola sold him.
Based, slap her cheeks for me
Funny seeing them act like this when they are knocked out of the cups and are in 6 place in the league
This is literally the same thing what was happening with dembele being influenced by the locker room at Barcelona and valverde at the start of the season. 9 bad apples rot the bunch. Jorginho obviously likes Sarri.
A lot of which is Kepa's fault for having automatic doors for wrists
imagine if they still had Terry. he would have sprinted to Kepa and shoved him out of the pitch. current squad has no actual leaders.
>Imagine this kid under Guardiola?
At which club? The ones he has managed? He let's him rot on the reserve squad and sells him in the summer.
At Chelsea? The players side with Kepa and Guardiola gets fired. The squad is roten to the core.
Terry was one of the players who threw Mourinho under the bus. If anything, he was the one who started the trend.
Ballack would’ve shirtfront this zoomer
No JUST memes
Yea Forums is fucking dry
I once cried during a school football match because I was about to be subbed so I can understand kepa
haha gay
The game within the game.
someone post jorginho's penalty
that was fucking hilarious
based serge
weak b8
would have would have bike chain
assuming he's training with the youth team now
otherwise sarri's a cuck
They fucking cut off in the middle of my DBZ cartoon to show that bunch of amerifats burning, jumping and getting crushed...still salty.
>spanish discipline
what a shitshow chealsea is
Sarri walking out of this shitty job, then he remembers the £8m payoff.
Pep substituted Henry after he moved out of his zone to score, and said the next time you ignore my instructions you'll never play for this club again.
kepa was just faking an injury to waste time, something standard in football for decades now. sarri just didn’t understood that...
nothing to do with boomers and zoomer
Yes I'm sure he was walking out because he was ashamed that he didn't think about kepa faking the injury
no it's not, history 101 faggot
>People are actually buying this
How stupid do you have to be to have this opinion?
24 is borderline, but the oldest Zoomies turn 24 this year. 1995 is the cutoff date for milennials.
Completely explains why Sarri chimped out and threatened Kepa's future generations by cutting his balls.
Nothing will even happen to Kepa, Sarri will do fuck all, he wont fine Kepa or bench him for the next few games.
Kepa undermined his manager infront of everybody. What can Sarri do to restore order and discipline in his ranks? Hes done for
lol i hate this fucking zoomer but you have to admit you cant help but chuckle at thaz italian fraud SEETHING field side kek...
This desu, how can people buy the "it was just a misunderstanding" story?
Thr ancient millenials are trying to redefine the definition of it so they can act high and mighty over anyone younger than them they don't like.
if my aunt had balls she would have been my uncle
Look at his hair he's a zoomer
>soccer player acts like entitled child
Wow, stop the presses.
Can I ask one thing to Chelsea fans?
Why is Chelsea obsessed with appointing foreign managers?
Why not give an English manager a shot for once?
>We should spare zoomies feefees and lose the tournament instead.
Zoomocaust when
He scored with the same technique previously
>I saw news that Griezmann is going to make a documentary about himself. Who is Griezmann in world football?
A much better player than your precious Fagnaldo and a WC winning player.
Yea Forums is not a TERF board
Double Dubs and Trips confirm
Like honestly I too would have been pissed if a manager wanted to sub me off after I kept him on the game for 120 minutes.
When your numbers go up, you leave the field. Kid fucked up. Sarri is fucked already, so likely nothing will happen to him though
But Sarri fucked up even more.
His man management skills are absolute zero.
He's a seething terrone who expects his players to worship him like a God without doing anything to convince them.
He always goes on and on about "Muh Sacchi this, Muh Sacchi that" but if he can't handle some kid goalkeeper he would have been chewed out by Van Basten if he managed Milan in the 80s.
Zoomer problem?
Country is the problem and Brittain is undenyble shitfest
Just look at based Itlay Piatek, Donnaruma, Savic, Kessie, Skriniar, Milenkovic all of them top qulity, cost twice less, play twice better and are proffesional on off the pitch
Please...you don't want to go there.
>Terry was one of the players who threw Mourinho under the bus
proof? inb4 the sun
>I live in DC
Oh great. A nigger on Yea Forums
Zoomers were a mistake
Hrs not a zoomer you 30 year old millenial thinking he’s still relevant
Yup they had to sign his shitter brother. Donnarumma is more expensive than his salary
>fuck you i wont do what you tell me
how shit of a club are chelsea that they have not yet reprimanded that bastard goalkeeper?
i have not seen this ever
>fade haircut
>defies authority
>wears neon green
It doesn't get more zoomer than that.
You are actually able to hear him scream in the recording with sound.
>Chelsea goalkeeper Kepa Arrizabalaga has been fined a week's wages
So 'he did nothing wrong' but he'll be punished anyway
lmao wtf did that cuck even scribble down on his notepad?
>iPhone and PS4 confiscated, only allowed to use internet on Sarri's tablet with permission
Another 79 949 999 quid or so where that came from
holy shit, this is the greatest thing i've seen this year
I Fucking hate zoomers lads
Me and my mate were playing Crash Bash after school when dad ran in from the garage and told us to "fuck off from the telly, americans are dying". He still has the next day's newspaper storaged at our summer cottage. I think he reads it every now and then to reminisce about the days before internet, smartphones and niggers and dunecoons everywhere.
this is stupid, chelsea and this DT are a joke now
He should have asked the police to remove him.
At the point of being subbed, and refusing to leave the field of play, he's a pitch invader.
Oh that's power
>Based baby Buffon
Authority can eat shit.
Agree with the rest.
Dead meme tbhonest
shut up nerd
This. I can imagine some random players to get bloated egos now because of this, since they will get their way.
>Basque and Navarre references
>Somehow a nigger
>UK flag
Nice projection, abdul
I get physically sick watching this webm. Zoomers have absolutely zero respect for authority.
based and zoomerpilled
NPCs seething over the truth
>what's le problem with le this le generation am I right reddit xD?
It's like all of you old cunts forgot that the same shit was being said about you few years ago, like really 6-7 years is not that much
get off my board you fucking zoomer
Forced meme cock sucker
suck a black cock old man future is now
He just looks like a child never went trough puberty must be from all the estrogen boomers have been fed in childhood
Go to sleep grandpa.
>tfw december 94
absolutely based
I would have been 7 but I don't remember it because nothing really happened where I was. My dad's company transferred him to Houston in 2008, before that we lived in Southeast Asia. So for once it was America that was experiencing one of those "tragedies on the other side of the world" which was terrible, but didn't really have the same impact on anybody else.
surfbro here
>thoughts on the zoomer problem?
I run into these little faggots every single surf.
Solution? run em over, drop in on them, threaten them.
Was paddling for a wave recently and some little cunt tried to call me off it so I dropped in on him and the fins of my board went straight through his board.
Said he was going in to tell his dad so I followed him in, went up to his dad and told him off for teaching his kid no respect.
staunched the whole familia
there's no other way, words dont work
not him but its so i can live out my FM bullshit in real life. helps to manage spics who actually understand the game unlike timmy who's mom is forcing him to play for college apps
an incel wrote this