*invents literally every sport and then proceeds to be mediocre at them*
*invents literally every sport and then proceeds to be mediocre at them*
Im ashamed of my heritage.
You should be. Chinks are subhuman.
Jack of all trades. Pajeets are good at cricket but that's all they play.
Wins the ashes, world cup, rugby world cup, tennis grand slam, Olympic medals. go fuck yourself Ahmed
Other than soccer what have they invented?
"America's game"
Putting an outdated set of rules on a pre-existing game is not "inventing" it you cunt
Wrong again.
*checks American DNAs* nice try, only 10% is >you
They’re a pale and soft-toothed people. If they supplemented vitamin D they’d probably be better athletes.
Ugly angry fucks they are
It invented amateur sports not professional ones.
It was just another way to have more banter.
Better teeth than you yank
hope you got "dental insurance" lmao
>Finish 2nd at the Olympics in front of a nation of over 1 billion.
Don't mind me
>wins the ashes
its a two team competition lmao
and England has less wins than the other team this is too funny
It's almost like UK was some kind of empire but fucked that up horibbly
Lmao. I can almost taste your seething. The entire world plays/participates in rugby, football, tennis, golf, badminton, cricket, boxing, horse racing, polo and motor sports . These are all British sports. We codified and formalised all of these activities as they're played and enjoyed today and all your frog arsehurt won't change that.
Meanwhile, F*ench sports played around the world are as follows:
at least we dont call ourselves world champions when we win our national league
Not basketball
Only partial credit for baseball and football
Kek has spoken
>Only partial credit for baseball
Ewww. We don't any credit for that back-alley abortion of a """""sport""""".
Based. You forgot hockey, snooker and darts. The world would be so fucking boring without us.
Can you really say england invented soccer? I'm pretty sure a caveman somewhere figured out you can kick a ball of leaves long before your island was ever discovered.
it wasnt an island at the time you dumb uneducated fuck
It simply isn't true and you know it.
>horse racing
kek, as if there weren't horse races since the beginning of times.
If the official internet site is in english it doesn't mean that it's a British sport or that you invented it you fuck.
Chess and nintendo are two other sports you didn't invent
butthurt baguette twat. unfriendly reminder we run le tour these days
Yeah but again how do you really know that?
>you don't
Do Americans feel a little shame when they call themselves the best in the world at sports that only they play?
>we run le tour these days
doping isnt a sport
People who run the Tour are all French and the main star of the event is the Tour itself.
I concede you putted a few (now) outdated rules to football, rugby and golf. The rest are either irrelevant like cricket or untrue like "motor sports" and horse racing.
People were fighting with wrists as a sport since fucking Pharaos or before. What is French boxing, Thai boxing... etc
Nope. Nice cope though.
>kek, as if there weren't horse races since the beginning of times.
That's not the point, you stupid French cunt. The modern sport of horse racing was invented by us. The rules, codes and guidelines that people follow were a British invention. Same with football. Just because we didn't literally invent the act of kicking a spherical object for recreational purposes, doesn't mean that association football isn't a thoroughly British invention. We created the game as it's played and enjoyed today, with 22 players, a goal with a net, the offside rule, red/yellow cards, 45 minute intervals and all the rest. "You didn't invent football because cavemen were kicking rocks", is an argument so fucking retarded, that it could only come out of the filthy mouth of a Frenchman. Keep seething because our influence on this planet is so much greater than yours.
...Based bookkeeping strategy.
doping is a part of sport
england codified the rules and spread the sports around the world. the reality is these sports would not be big without our influence.
>this French nigger is actually trying to claim that we didn't invent football, rugby and golf
>This French nigger calls cricket "irrelevant"
>This French nigger doesn't think we created Formula One
literally nothing worthwhile
your sports wouldn't exist without ours lmao. why are yanks so fucking thick
Can't argue with that.
>What is French boxing
Whoever backpedals the best
offside and a yellow/red cards rules. You really make a big fuss about nothing. FIFA codified football, uk made propositions.
The rest isn't true, horse racing, boxing, tennis...
Formula One? It originated from Grand Prix races who began In France.
You spout an amazing amount of lies and it's hard to keep debunking them as fast as you make those lies.
Bongs are a fucking cancer
why are you such a lying sack of shit lad?
>When the international football body on the continent FIFA was founded in Paris in 1904, it immediately declared that FIFA would adhere to the rules laid down by the IFAB
>IFAB is made up of representatives from each of the United Kingdom's pioneering football associations
>the level of cope from Jonny foreigner itt
Shut up Ahmed
seething that your sport is mostly played by 3rd worlders, while real football is watched and played by rich alpha males
Lmao. Even they admit that we invented football.
Such an angry, angry little man. It genuinely hurts you frogs that the world plays our sports, doesn't it? The amount of cope in your posts is astonishing. Why is it so painful for you to admit that we're just a far more influential nation than you? Are you people really THIS insecure?
So, the worst rules of football were your ideas? colored cards and offsides. Well...
yea all those affluent nignogs from the ghetto giving themselves CTE for a franchise that moves cities every 10 years to maximise revenue
Sell some apartments or coal to chinks
t. goalhanger
I never said otherwise, I said you were the frst ones to put a set of rules on a pre-existing game, most of those rules are outdated now, because football in 1800 didn't look like football now, that's just a fact.
Fifa was created in 1904. From that point it was Fifa who created football and its rules.
Wrong. No rules can be changed without the agreement of the IFAB
Imagine being anything other than American.
Its like the guy who women want to be with and men want to be.
based Ameri-chad
Usually not.
We basically don't care.
You mean Netball
Hearty chuckle there.
>the cancer of football was british
Glad IFAB was reformed, it was either cancerous or useless anyway.
We don't care about you inventing sports rules, as we don't care about your «influence» in the world.
As we don't care about your shitty island, your shitty weather, your shitty food and your ugly inbreed faces.
The only thing I used to care about was your girls when I fucked then in my south of France city, when I did not respect myself enough to not attend Erasmus parties.
Oh, and inb4
>why are you responding in the international language, muhamad ?
I write this in your mother tongue because Bongs are to dumb to speak more than one language.
It's coming home lads
Why are the French always showing off their inferiority complex in every thread about UK?
Love and hate relationship
They didnt invent, nor are they mediocre at, australian football.
Winning a test series in Australia is unironically the hardest thing you can possibly do in cricket.
Invented by Brits in a British colony, it's a British invention. You're right, we don't play that one though.
I mean its true that melbourne was only founded like 15 years before the sport was invented, so i'll give you that.
We literally do not give a fuck about the rest of the world
Catch and amateur wrestling, fencing, boxing, rugby, golf, hockey.
Because we stole Quebec from those fags. Also, destroyed them at Agincourt, became the dominant culture in North America, they have small dicks, probably a bunch of other shit.
*blocks your path*
don't forget quidditch
Football World Cup Winners
Rugby World Cup Winners
Cricket World Cup Winners
Tennis Grand Slam Champions
(45 times)
The Olympic Games Champions
Golf Major Winners
(102 Times)
The Tour de France Winners
(2012, 2013, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018)
Boxing World Champions
(Holding 5/6 Heavyweight belts 2018)
F1 World Championship Winners
(17 times)
Most Male Gold Medallists*
(Rio 2016)
Ryder Cup Winners
(1929, 1933, 1957)
World Badminton Champions
(1980, 1983, 2006)
Super Bowl Winners
(2002, 2008, 2012, 2018)
Moto GP World Championship Winners
(17 times)
Darts World Cup Champions
(2012, 2013, 2015, 2016)
Davis Cup Winners
(10 Times)
Ice Hockey World Cup Winners
Most Gold’s In Different Disciplines
(Rio 2016)
The European Cup/Champions League Winners
(13 times)
The Commonwealth Games Champions
(1930, 1934, 1954, 1958, 1966, 1986, 2014)
World Rally Champions
(1995, 2001)
UFC World Championship Winners
(2016, 2017)
The Masters Champions (Golf) Winners
(1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1996, 2016)
Baseball World Cup Champions
Indy Car World Champions
(1916, 1993, 2007, 2009, 2010, 2011)
Snooker World Cup Champions
(1979, 1980, 1981, 1983, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1996)
Touring Car World Champions
(2005, 2006, 2007, 2012)
Squash World Champions
(2010, 2011, 2013)
World Table Tennis Champions
(12 times)
Karate World Champions
(24 times)
Judo World Champions
(16 times)
Taekwondo World Champions
(2001, 2011, 2015, 2017)
Field Hockey Gold medallists
(1988, 2016)
Dakar Rally Champions
rugby, cricket and squash
Football 1863
Cricket 1787
Rugby 1871
Golf 1502
Basketball 1844
Hockey 1860
Rounders 1884
Badminton 1887
Lawn Tennis 1859
Table Tennis 1880
Snooker 1875
Volleyball 1844
Other versions of Football are bastardisations of Rugby or Soccer
tennis is ours fuck off coping what we've done
no he's right, you boys invented the one with the big net hanging from the ceiling that no one plays because it's bloody stupid, the english invented lawn tennis with rubber balls
you copied ours and pretend you invented it lmao
Hold on to your baguette Frenchie, its says Lawn Tennis, its what the old kings of England used to play adapeted from, "Real tennis"
Real Tennis was invented by the French but you used a bare hand or glove, its not like the current version we know today
and there's a long road to prretend to invent a sport instead of emulating one and changing minor things..
there is this
Yeah we have American versions of sports too. In fact, everyone has that.
>Other than soccer what have they invented?
>posts a list of sports they invented
>w-w-w-w-we invented sports too!!!!!
Why are americans so insecure lmao what the fuck
Wow your dumb. Never reply to me again, whatever you are.
Its says Lawn Tennis, there is no disputing that the British invented it, its the one that's used today with the same rules and equipment the 1st lawn tennis club was in Leamington Spa in 1874.
Real tennis is closer to Squash, you served the ball of a wall and you played it with your hands
you're fucking clueless
You're dumb
In what regard? It's not changing one or two minor things it's a complete revamp of the sport the only thing that stayed the same is the retarded scoring system.
That's where your wrong kiddo. .My IQ exceeds 160 in most of the more respected tests. I can tell I'm considerably smarter than you for example.
The beginning of the Goblet of Fire, when they go to the quidditch tournament, that is some comfy fucking reading.
I believe you
thanks based brit
you're clueless to think jeu de paume was only played with your hand vs a wall, even the word tennis is a bastarization of a french word, you just emulated it and pretend you invented it lmao.
So you admit there were many different versions of the sport, and the most popular one and the one that's is used today world wide was the one invented by the British
kek fr*nch idiot btfo
tennis is a french sport anglo stole like they always did, but i see your narrative pretends you bongs invented everything so believe what you want but you're still clueless.
braindead argument. that'd be like saying we stole australian football from bongs just because it was derived from non-codefied football sports that english schools played 200 years ago.
you didn't invent it, you copied the french and bastarized the name..
>Make 95% of the sport's rules
>Anglos change 5% of the rules
>ahem we totally invented the sport
>people only like the superior anglo version
based anglo ingenuity desu
there were many different version of jeu de paumes in france, and what we call tennis is a rip off of one of those version already played with rackets with a net same points given etc., nothing really changed, it's just you anglos wanting to claim everything, disgusting.
Who invented fishing?
The only thing they have in-common is the scoring system and there is a net.
You use a racket with lawn tennis not a glove
Real tennis has to be played on an indoor court with four irregularly sized walls,
Real tennis used cloth balls.
The scoring Zones are completely different (1st galley, the door, 2nd galley etc)
I would never make the argument that the Americans stole the invention of American Football away from Rugby Football, it's derived from it, but it's a completely unique sport in its own right
Do you think the British codified sports rules BECAUSE they were so mediocre at playing them & still wanted to "win" at doing something?
stop pretending there were no rackets before tennis or changing the size of court means it's a different sport, rugby and handegg have many differencies way more than what you pretend with tennis.
Come on man, we've won a major world tournament in everything we've invented bar Basketball
And a lot of other countries sport that we had no involvement in coding the rules
now you invented basketball?
Had the strangest dream anons. I'll share
So anyway it appeared I was back in school again but it was also work. Makes no sense but I was friends with Christan Eriksen. Based. I was leaving work/school and he called me over to say hi. He gave me a hug and suddenly we we're in a pub. Wow I forgot I was mates with him this is nice. It was strange though as he was having a party for his gf but didn't invite me. It's ok I don't really know her that well. He asked me did I buy anything nice for my wife's birthday as it was coming up to. "Tell her I said happy birthday user" I lied and said I bought her purfume but I had actually bought her nothing. "Ok user see you soon mate"
I walked over and got the bus home knowing I had to buy perfume now because he would sometimes talk to my wife
Kinda, is a loose connection the guy who invented it was Canadian which was a British colony at the time.
with that logic everything done by the anglo is french relative since we colonised your rainy island..
It was invented at the time it was a colony of Great Britain, the person who invented it would of been under the influence of British rule... exactly the same as he lived in the United Kingdom. Same laws, education systems, Democratic institutions etc.
And most importantly he was a British citizen by birthright
yes and your language was bastarized when you were under french rulers which means english language was invented by the french, see your logic doesn't work.
>britflag: posts evidence and sound arguments
>frenchfag: b-but you basterised it from us ;_;
You're kinda jumping around a bit avoiding the question perhaps,
I'm not sure what language has to do with it, the English Language is a mix of French, Germanic and Celtic Langues, no solely invented by the French
The logic is not the same. I'm talking about the Inventor of the sport of Basketball being British as he was born in the British empire, Just like some one today would be British if the were born in the Falklands etc.
As for rain I'm sure France gets more days of rainfall than England does
there's no evidence lmoa you pretend citizen from country a invented something so it must be thx to country b..
>this thread
They guy was a British citizen How more clear do you have to be
so all the anglos born under french rulers were defacto french..
so the hundreed years war were french soldiers vs french soldiers from rainy island, completely clueless, next you'll say ghandi was british.
he had british his ancestry nothing else, people from canada or america aren't great because they have british ancestors but because they get rid of your influence, also that guy was maybe born in canada but doent his life in america and was influenced by it, not by its citieenship he tried to escape.
Thanks for proving my point. No one gives a shit about Cricket here
Scot detected.
Are you talking about The Normans or the Plantagenets?
Because neither were acting as satellites on behalf of the Kingdom of France.
Normans, were settlers in Normandy originally from Scandinavia and Germany, hence the name 'Norce'
Plantagenets were rulers by birthright not conquerors, independent from France and actually established the English language
so its not the same thing
He was a British citizen, because he was Born on British soil, this soil just so happened to be detached from Great Britain
Now your going on about ancestry for some reason
1215: Barons of King John draw up the Magna Carta, and invent democracy
1687: England's Brave Issac Newton invents gravity. Everyone stops floating around.
1707: England and Scotland, the two greatest nations on Earth, unite to form Ubernation Great Britain. The world looks on in awe.
1781: Great Britain starts the Industrial Revolution by building the world's first iron bridge. The world thanks Britain for dragging them out of the stone age.
1859: England's Brave Charles Darwin invents evolution. Will be used to troll Americans for centuries to come.
1928: Sir Alexander Fleming single handily kicks death in the balls by inventing antibiotics, saving billions worldwide
1942: Alan Turing invents the computer and defeats the Nazis. The British government call him a fag.
1953: Francis Harry Compton Crick invents DNA. No one else understands. (James Watson was a cuck that liked to watch)
1972: David Bowie releases the seminal The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars.
1989: Sir Tim invents the World Wide Web, the internet, WIMP, email, wi-fi and Yea Forums, all in one afternoon.
1997: Wing Commander Andy D. Green OBE, Uses superior British engineering to become the fastest man on earth, smashing the Land speed record by more than 100km/h
2012: Great Britain hosts the Greatest Olympics of All Time. The world bows down in amazement. England's Brave Andy Murray cements GB's reputation by becoming the Greatest Sportsman Ever.
2015: Sir Tysonious Furington defeats the evil communist Russian boxer Wladimir Bitchko freeing the world and boxing from his tyrannical reign and once again proving English warriors are the greatest the world has ever seen
2016: In the aftermath of the unrivalled success of the greatest British film of all time, (Star Wars: The force awakens) the rest of the world concedes that the planet would be better off under British rule once again
Saw an absolute unit wearing this yesterday when I went for a drive, wish I stopped and took a photo but I am a bit shy for that.
yes ,those vikings talking a frenchish language and praising a catholic god wre not french but your canadian/american was brit lmao
and મોહનદાસ કરમચંદ ગાંધી was british by your definition
Why are frogs so bitter and angry all the time?
That's Correct
The Norce had nothing to do with the then Kingdom of France.
The French were scared of them so they gave them some land so they would stop attacking French realms, I guess that's why they called him Charles the Simple.
And yes he was a British citizen as the land now known as Canada was wholly ruled by Britain
Their country's only instance of undisputed superiority is when a crypto-Italian took over their country and almost dominated all of Europe.
maybe because you keep staying in your denial because muuuuh we uk, instead of saying, yeah tennis is a complete rip off french sport but we don't care.
staying almost 2 centuries in a country, following that country language, behaviouir, culture, religion doesn't make you from that country we can state that neil armstrong landed on moon for the greatness of queen elizabeth..
>ours, theirs, we
Why do people automatically larp as their countries on Yea Forums holy shit
Real Tennis (French made)
Lawn Tennis (British made)
French Guy "You ripped us off!, we invented it"
Rugby Football (British made)
American football (American Made)
British Guy "A boring but unique sport, which we make no claims over"
rugby and handegg have waaaaay more differencies than "both" tennis sports.
if american football was relevant you would claim that one too
I'm not sure of your argument here. you seem to be contradicting yourself
>following that country language, behaviouir, culture, religion doesn't make you from that country.
I would agree, We and the Americans have very similar cultures and beliefs, but that wont make us Americans or Them British, because they have there own unique institutions and laws.
>we can state that neil armstrong landed on moon for the greatness of queen elizabeth
I don't think anyone would make that assertion
Are you trying to claim the Normans are French? you're not going to win that argument.
lads, its not the same thing at all
you just seem desperate to have invented a sport
>I don't think anyone would make that assertion
nobody would, like nobody would say, muuuuh normans were vikings they have nothing do do with te french
you said earlier that as long as they were born under another country ruling them means they are indeed from that country, so yes normans were french.
you just seem desperate to think you invented a sport you happend to discover and that was played for centuries on the continent
>b-b-but we changed that rule and expanded that size, therefore other sport
>irrelevant like cricket
Laughing at this brainlet
>you said earlier that as long as they were born under another country ruling them means they are indeed from that country, so yes normans were french.
That's not comparable at all
Britons colonised the land mass now known as Canada and made a country specifically for Britons named Canada
Normandy was colonised by people from outside of France so why would they be French? You're literally refuting your own argument
Pesäpallo and Sauna was invented in Finland
So when were the Normans ruled by the French?
Charles the Simple, basically gave the north of France to the Normans. They were completely independent from France.
Quite a few differences with both, they are both very unique sports in their own right
Reset play instead of a ruck
A down instead of a scrum
Can advance the ball forward with hands
Can tackle off the ball.
Originally Gloves instead of Racket
Has uneven walls for service
Court Sections vastly different
Only serve from one end
Cotton balls which are allowed to bounce twice in some circumstances
Can only be played indoors
Frogs are squirming
I think they're mad that there has never been a French gland slam winner in the open era.
your mum's a french gland slam winner
>Water polo 19th-century
U wot m8
Well I know we suck at that
Well, we don't.
well done,
Although getting a lot of bronze recently, need to step it up a bit
Still, much more gold than silver and bronze combined.
Yes a very good effort indeed!
A very fun sport to watch when the Olympics is on
BASED Britbongs
YOU really are a fucking idiot to have bumped this shit thead five hours later. Nigger french
Anglos love their Revisionism. Probably a sport in Britain as well.
If we're the only ones that play it that means everyone else is too shit or too poor to play it.
Ice hockey
scare bleu
suck it up froggy and accept your 2nd tier ranking in Euro Greatness
Cos we're more important than them and they know it
you invented a tennis that nobody plays
we invented the tennis you play at the French Open
this is reality mon ami
sorry we keep winning your bike race
UK never took over Europe and that's needed to be a great Euro nation. Like Germany and France did.
Fifthwheeled for more than 40 years in the EU.
Outside of Europe nowawdays.
England was only good under Plantagenets and Romans, when we took it and raped it to the core.
Then you didn't football and rugby. As simple as that. you can't have it both ways.
Either Tennis is French or you didn't invent current football and rugby.
Why are the rosbeefs so angry and bitter all he time is it because of their inferiority complex and small dicks?
Ever heard of the Napoleonic wars?
The Normans weren't French, by the way. They were vikings from Denmark, who chose to use the French language after France surrendered a huge amount of territory to them. The French doing what the French do best.
Napoleon controlled Europe and he was French, UK never controlled Europe.
Normans were French the Vikings assimilated to them and as for surrendering the British surrendered much more territory to the Vikings almost half of your country then by the Romans and then to the French for 400 years. You're the true surrendering monkeys.
Err yeah, and the British Empire destroyed Napoleon (not once but twice) by beating France, Spain and the Netherlands all at the same time. And while fighting the US concurrently I might add.
Britain as a country has only existed since 1707, and has never ceded any of its territory to France. Meanwhile France was completely invaded and surrendered unconditionally just 75 years ago..
BASED fucking anglos
>mfw recently learned that a spaniard invented tennis
Britain didn't beat France, full European coallition did. Doesn't change the fact that we controlled Europe and you never did in your history.
Spain and Holland didn't exist, it was the French Empire, you stupid fuck.
There was no war with the USA. You were just trying to impoverish them and to make a guerilla war happen without declaring war or anything, but they didn't care and it never worked.
Lol nigger, England was a country, and Vikings came over and took half of it. Romans came over and took its entirety, French came over and took it all too.
You're just saying Scotland and England "union" didn't exist before 1707, which is a retarded argument.
Doodlebosh, scrumpy pumpy plap dash and floump.
What he says is false though
*walks in*
*slams big american dick on the table*
*walks out*
France wasn’t a country at the time..
England didn’t exist and Rome collapsed, it was Britannia and only became England when the Ængles/Saxons/Jutes invaded forcing the Romans to pull out. The Normans were literally still bragging about invading France in the 14th century, 200 years after invading England.
>ma's gauls
This vid sums it up desu senpai
Lol at all these Muhammads arguing with each other.
>the frog mad ITT
Ooh la la
If it makes you feel better I hate your country less than France.
My house is older than your country. Kek
I couldn't give a shit Cletus
that's probably because your country is such a bureaucratic shit hole you aren't allowed to build a new one
>tfw this is actually true
Don't start
Serious question to froganons: how often do you eat frogs?
Don't be that guy
I ate two times froglegs in my life, I was a kid I didn't order it, but it's good. I eat snails every christmas tho
They live in France. I would be angry too
How big are they? Like chicken legs?
>this fucking guy
Most beautiful country in the world. Hence why we have the biggest tourismin the world.
You should have said the British are mad because they have to live in England... imagine the depression and the rain.
very small, like shrimps
Where are you from?
i've never eaten frogs legs or snails. It's not a thing in France, dates to ancient times maybe. Or some Chef who made it again.
fuckin hell lads, how shit must france be nowadays if they're seething this hard at our innate superiority?
ate them in the south
nobody really cares. it all started with some dude just disagreeing with you but as always the anglo loses his shit when he sees a french person and immediatly took it personally and started to insult France etc... the usual butthurt thing. why are you so overemotional? you always take it personally.
Boxing, Queensberry rules 1867
That's a shame desu
Insulting France is part of my cultural heritage, bigot
downfall started when they joined the EU
vote yes BREXIT
sorry mate