

Attached: Carapizza.jpg (1200x900, 126K)

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You should be mad at the refs that award these

they will always dive. id be more upset with the VAR charade.

Why should I? There are greater injustices happening everyday, making both you and me miserable. Halal doing what it does best pales compared to the sewers of the real world beyond this retarded shitshow.
The mass media and the ones in charge of them are the ones that destroyed VAR. Can't blame the refs knowing the consequences that they would face if they didn't favour the moors

Thread autosaged btw. This is why is pointless to even care about it


How did this go through VAR?

(((How))) did Madrid avoid FFP violations?

(((How))) did Madrid get so many easy draws?

Why watch La Liga if you can't stand diving? Lmao

>crying about diving while watching a spic league

Pero Pepé no toca a Alves

Ban all Spaniards, Italians and Latin Americans from football. It's the only way to save this sport.

Latin Americans made this sport entertaining and what it is today. Euros know it but seethe in secret

>congratulations your refball Madrid evolved into reVAR Madrid

Delete this pathetic club

Attached: peek-a-boo.jpg (461x802, 122K)

How can you tell

All the cope in this pathetic thread. Bunch of beta faggots.

that david luiz picture always makes me smile, absolute madman


>implying no contact
Was a strong kick too, imagine if it had been a few cm further out

Attached: Anon VAR.png (506x362, 338K)

Piqué diving was FAR worst against Valladolid, habló de puta la tacones