>why don’t American sports do pro-reg?
In England, if you wanted to start a soccer team, it would cost you about $300 to buy everyone jersey’s and drive to games.
In football, $300 is enough to buy one helmet
Why don’t American sports do pro-reg?
because America is a communist nation
You don't have pro/rel in the MLS either so this thread is garbage. Your brain is garbage. You failed at life.
It's a damn shame desu. Pro-rel is a great system and it can be combined with a play-off too.
American sports don't have promotion/relegation purely to protect rich owners from losing $$$. It's as simple as that.
>300 for Jerseys and transportation
Yeah naw. The jersey s maybe.
There is still shit like club registration fees and you also need to keep books.
They started a Basketball league here in 2008 and it has promotion and relegation
Then just regionalize the lower leagues.
Here's how to fix your sports system:
1. Create 4 or 6 regional lower leagues
2. At the end of the season, each regional winner from their respective league gets to face the worst performing NFL team from that same region in a decisive pro-rel game
3. If the lower league regional champion wins this game, it has won promotion to the NFL and the former NFL team now gets relegated to the regional league (if not, everything stays the same)
4. ???
5. Your sports league is now capitalist and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez kills herself
I wish >we did. Sadly the concept never occurred to any American when the leagues were forming.
How much of Brazil is involved though?
It's mostly coastal teams so basically you league is just the east coast
college football and basketball are super-well followed (mostly in non-megacity areas) and they produce world class players. There's no need to change that model except to pay the players.
College soccer is junk, top players are moving away from it and I do think soccer here will move to pro-rel the moment they reach their "magic number" of MLS teams and there are still good candidates left out.
Except football is too expensive to risk that.
Reminder that American sports fans are tied to brands. If the Arizona Cardinals were at risk for relegation, their fans would leave. Teams are already struggling enough for money as is. Lower leagues like the AAF make almost nothing, and they’re top tier.
Collegiate and high school teams work because they’re payed for by tuition and taxes. A football team is too expensive to make no money.
Actually crazy that a country as big and wealthy as America only has 40 professional teams in its favourite sport.
>muh conference pride
there are too many schools that don't belong in the P5 and should be relegated to the Go5
AAF my nig
AAF. Come on man I don't even follow handegg.
Consider also that we didn't take any influence from the English FA. Most countries modeled their soccer leagues and cups off of England's.
>American sports don't have promotion/relegation purely to protect rich owners from losing $$$
back in the 60s toronto was able to stop vancouver getting an nhl team because they didn't want another team in anglo canada, even though they're over 4000km away so they wouldn't be competing in selling tickets
>80k a year
in 2017 I made more than 80k usd
americans dont care about sports
there more into their celebrities
Imagine the smell
>If the Arizona Cardinals were at risk for relegation, their fans would leave
Why are they so plastic?
They say it without any hint of shame. Amazing isn't it?
which reminds me, did the oscars manage to find a host finally?
that shit is taking place tonight, isn't it?
>and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez kills herself
Why would we want our savior to kill herself?
Because tribalism flourishes on competition. In England teams are an hour’s drive away and therefor rivalry is much more heated.
In America you can go your entire life without ever seeing a fan from another team, therefor rivalry and by extension fandom is limited.
This isn’t just America. China’s sport scene isn’t trash just because they’re communist. They have the same problem as the USA does in terms of size, with communism just being the straw that broke the camel’s back
Because her ideas are considered unamerican.
it really shouldn't be on country
Pro/rel would work here with NFL because the entire country gives a shit, like the rest of the world and soccer. Doesn’t matter if top division or 4th, there’s a vested cultural interest. When there’s not a cultural interest the lower divisions will financially collapse. Throw in the huge travel costs due to the size of the U.S. and they’re folding even sooner here.
Her ideas are anti-civilization unless you like Stalin's idea of forced labor and killing Jews
I don't need to meet pats fans to hate them
>As his country obsesses over CR7 and Messi who doesn't even play in England
If America was as densely populated as England, it would have a population of 1.5 Billion. And if that was the case, we would have our own , except it would be more like ,600
We don’t know how to do sports here. In this country if you play sports and you’re not a pro athlete or a college athlete you’re considered a weirdo or freak.
Within two miles of my house there are six football teams, three rugby league teams, three cricket teams, a rugby union team, two athletics clubs, a cycling team, three reputable tennis clubs, a squash court, a swimming pool, a boxing gym which has produced top fighters, two snooker clubs and a bowling club. I probably forgot a few too, and I don't live in a particularly densely populated area.
There simply isn't anything like this in the USA. There's no interest, the only physical activity Americans do is sitting inside in the gym.
I don’t know, it’s a cultural thing I think. Sports are seen as something for kids. So people look at you like “grow up” if you’re an adult playing organized sports. It’s like skateboarding and video games.
Thinking about it, I didn't even count the pub or school teams. With those included you'd have a lot more.
There's loads of things I like about America but that is one I really couldn't get used to, there's no opportunity for amateur sport.
Damn, that's fucking retarded
within a few miles from my house there are three football fields, five or six baseball diamonds, four or five soccer fields, at least seven basketball courts, a few hockey rinks, four gyms, numerous tracks, twelve tennis courts, a few squash courts, like nine pools, a couple pool halls and a few bowling alleys
Its like that here, the minor leagues exist except for football and we have college teams everywhere. We just don’t have pro/rel for them to become relevant.
Didn't know brazil was that big desu
You'll find similar in major populated areas and way more through the country. America's population is more spread out given the higher amount of avalible land, so this point isn't exactly a good one
American politics: Capitalism, survival of the fittest, market economy
American sports: Socialism, poorest get highest draft picks, severe wealth taxes and trade caps, no real consequence of having a bad team
Europeans: vice versa
So is the user who said that. We have an office beer league baseball team, a rugby team, a softball team, regular golf, the younger guys play basketball, you name it.
List them.
She isn't even a Marxist hahaha don't shit yourself over a bit of taxation soft lad
Just off the top of my head
It's also not true. The user is making things up because he's afraid to be part of a rec league.
ur a helmet
Because it would be too comfy, and comfy is a codeword for boring
Honestly, I don't know. I legit had a flatmate tell me that the billionaire owner of the local nhl team had the right to move the team if the city decided to not build him a new stadium. Like how much of a cuck can you be to defend a literal billionaire acting like a bitch?
It's really weird here, the amount of bootlicking you see is astounding.
Most of Brazil's population is situated on the Atlantic coastline. America is more densely populated.
most of murricas population is on the coasts too. Outside of Chicago
>Historically, because of economical or geographical issues, the long distances between important cities of the country made the Brazilian people develop a strong competitive culture within the states.[3] So, each Brazilian state has its own state championship.[4]
>The Brazilian football league system is a series of interconnected leagues for football clubs in Brazil. It consists of several independent pyramids, which are the national pyramid and the state pyramids. As those pyramids are independent, clubs usually compete in both pyramids in the same year (a state and a national one). Both the national pyramid and the state pyramids consist of several different levels.
Except those coasts are 3000 miles apart and there’s 100,000,000 people who aren’t on the coast
It's because unlike Europe, teams here are businesses first and teams second. If a team's not making a profit, the owners will do literally everything in order to, including:
>change the name
>hold the team's city hostage for a new stadium
>if they refuse to pay, fuck off across the country
The fans have no choice but to put up with this because pro sports in America is a monopoly. If you want to play with the big boys, you have to pay like the big boys.
Because of that, "minor league" sports (which is what any 2.NBA or 2.NFL or whatever the fuck would be considered to your average Amerifatty sports fan) is irrelevant as fuck.
Is there promotion/relegation between the minor leagues at least?
>basketball powerhouse, adequate baseball
>baseball powerhouse, adequate other shit you don't care about
>basketball powerhouse
>quirky underdogs, can't hate them
>yeah, big ten fucked up
>basketball and baseball powerhouse
You got one arguably right.
You're talking to someone from a country that literally started a war of independence over taxes.
Barriers to entry are anti competition and thus unamerican. Cease immediately.
Think theres an error on your map, Odessa should be Londonodessa
Just coming in here to be the third American to refute that
Nobody really plays gridiron as an adult but literally every other sport has hundreds of thousands if not millions of adults playing it on an organized, recreational level, with varying skill levels going from "lol let's get drunk and do this for fun" to semi-pro "here's your $50 for playing today m8" leagues.
Rugby alone has over 300,000 adults playing across the nation. And that's a sport nobody really gives a shit about. That one guy's just a fat slob who probably sucks dick at sports and got made fun of one time or something and instead of practicing just decided it was everyone else who were the losers
Nope. Most teams in the minor leagues are owned by teams in the major leagues. They're mainly used for player development. If a player is too good for, say, A level baseball, he will be promoted to AA. From there he can be promoted to AAA, and then eventually MLB.
Our system isn't broken.
the red pill
jews exposed
Umm...that might just be a "you" thing, bro.
I like a lot of Stalin’s ideas and I take offense to your accusations that he was a racist as most racists hate Stalin due to his attacks on racism in the USSR and support fir anti-racist campaigns in the West.
This is true. It would never work with NFL as there isn’t any other professional league that even comes close to the skill level required in the NFL. As for the MLS, I think it does protect the owners and their money. Also, pro-rel just isn’t how Americans have ever done sports and it’s completely foreign to the majority of sports fans here.
Netflix and Uber makeno money though
why didn't bigten just take Buffalo? I'll never understand that
what does pro reg mean
I have no idea, but Buffalo wasn't gonna go to the Big 10. As small time as Rutgers is, Buffalo is a poster child for small time. Sorta like pic related is a poster child for faggots.
In my perfect world, Big Ten would've gotten Kansas or Iowa State. I dunno what the political situation is in Kansas, though, might be like Oklahoma where the schools are joined because the legislature is split pretty evenly by alumni and they will butt fuck the other school if they bolt.
Because pro/reg is a commie and unamerican idea
you can find a rec league for almost every sport given you live in a decently populated city or area.
Pro/rel between the P5 and G5 would unironically solve college football
>In America you can go your entire life without ever seeing a fan from another team
kek real nice "nation" you got there
absolutely true
our government ensures that anyone can achieve anything and succeeds or fails by their virtue
our sports entertainment providers (leagues and team owners) otoh are made up of an elite cabal running a self-serving racket, but even then the people have power over them by simply not consuming their product
far far preferable to the opposite
>San Angelo not on the map
finna bouta
we actually inhabit most of our country, though.
>our government ensures that anyone can achieve anything and succeeds or fails by their virtue
thats hilarious.
t. defeated and controlled since before birth
CLUBS, GUY. CLUBS! Not just fucking fields and tracks.
Jesus Christ, user, have you EVER looked at a world map? Brazil stands out as one of the only countries to make up a substantial percentage of an entire continent, and not a meme continent like Oceania either.
Tell me more about these "severe wealth taxes" in Europe, user.
The rich have won, right across the world.
Keep up the good fight against the rich boogeyman that doesn’t exist
>we have come to a point where there are meme continents
fade me
itd be great, because MLS and USL are two somewhat decent leagues(MLS obviously better tho), but the quality of players is too different(especially with Rooney and ibra running trains on the league), so thered be no chance of lower teams staying up
Secondly, there's not enough interest to support it. Soccer is growing here, but its still not enough to make a team going down stable enough to be supported still
lebensraum is good
>Soccer is growing here
this is a claim that dates back to pele and is only technically true when you compare today to back then, but it's nothing compared to all the money being poured into forcing the issue
Go away boomers
>interested in soccer
that means going to the park and kickng the ball around with your bros
don't worry, you will still be asking why america doesn't follow soccer on your deathbed