Why aren't women's sports more popular?
Why aren't women's sports more popular?
>all those thirsty nigs in the comments getting a peak at what they are gonna get
>all those arabs in the comments about to order a new scatmagnet
british and spainish cuckposting completely exploded in the last 2 weeks
I can't remember that it was ever as bad as it is now, what happened to you guys?
How are Nordic women when it comes to wanting to get BLACKED?
Do they love the African migrants or not?
Too many injuries in their careers.
Weird nose would not bang
Slav/Russian women are better
Based Suraj
She used to be pretty and innocent.
Fucking California ruins white women.
Who is this semen demon?
Are you implying that Russians aren’t Slavs?
Russians are russians.
what did she mean by this
isn't this the one who is so thirsty for the bbc she charges extra for oither races?
interracial relationships aren't big deal statistically speaking. it's just disgruntled racists looking for excuses for their own sad lives. gold diggers targeting rich athletes has nothing to do with the way most people live their lives.
nah, just watched that video
it was obvious she was going to become a turbo-slut
they're not naked enough
I propose all womyn sports to be played in Wicked Weasel micro-bikinis and nothing else
or in micro lingerie
Russians are Slavs you brainlet
fuckign asianmasculinity get a life
Feds unironically got a tipoff of the (((thinktanks))) these spamming fuckers use to spam everywhere, so it's VPNs from here on out
I'm guessing 'efficient'
Dont care, lol.
Imagine fathering a power thot like this, whose sole purpose for existing is to bring sexual pleasure to men.
What white girl isn't?
lmao, what a stupid bitch
What could've gone so wrong for that 360 degree change in her life to happen?
>that nose
Yes, black people have wide noses.
It's impolite to point it out though, Paco.
BASED suraj
Me in the back
Who dis ? My peepee hard