Other urls found in this thread:
Laugh at Ireland edition
The famine is really low hanging fruit desu
Pizza or pasta?
for me, it's peep
>When you are ranked 2nd in the world at the start of the competition only to lose to Italy
6th for inevitable italy collapse and irish win
Oh no a cazzie thread
Peanut butter here
Never forgotten our alliance against the peep scum
state of sexton
>r-rugby is loike our seventh most popular sports anyway la
He Is overrated af. Thinks he's the irish Johnny Wilkinson
Why didn't we just pick that fruit then?
Is that the F1 priest?
that jersey looks so much better than the lizard looking one they currently have
Always going to be in O'gara's shadow
It's time Ireland made way for Georgia
Big love for our chocolate brothers
sexton on hitting max level and not giving a fuck anymore watch
Imagine if Ireland came last in this and 1st in the WC
what then
the gaa is on
>All these Irish errors
They're making Italy look like a top tier side.
how was that forward when it went back?
He's the one that ruined the marathon at the Olympics once
>Thinks Ireland is a top tier side
That's where you're wrong kiddo
Murray needs to go off. He’s playing like shit
>Number 2 in the world start of the tournament
Ireland are the Liverpool of international rugby.
World Rugby Rankings don't necessarily indicate quality of a team.
Italy has always had the most aesthetic kit.
Sky blue is just beautiful.
Not him but, your revenge is flying into Birmingham or London and observing the mess we've become. don't copy us please mo chara
Great craic
How do you come to that conclusion?
Guys get your ireland bants in while you can, i've been supporting Italy since i was 5 and it only ever ends in disappointment.
>sky blue
Check your colour settings
Fuck this guy
>southern hemisphere ref
>European six nation's
Makes me sick desu
Ireland will still win, digits confirm
Italy getting refballed hard. Definitely came back of Ireland
jackson and peyper are two of the worst refs around
get in Ireland
they're out of puff
>murray goalkicking
Is Ferrari as quick as his name suggests?
lmao italy would still be in front if their kicking wasn't so shite
come on you micks
Berry is a qt though
Keith of Earl
Sexton is shook
Forza Irlanda CAZZO porco dio
Sexton lmao
keeps getting steamrolled
He’s a prop mate. So yeah
No bestemmie please, this is a Christian imageboard
Actually a good scrap
Who else thinks we should unironically leave the eurozone and then ironically leave the EU sometime after that?
Fuck sake Italy, keep it together
We should add spain and portugal just so we can have two games on a sunday
Sorry lad. Lost the run of myself
Are Italians white?
*leaves without paying debt*
8 nations!
Add Japan, Canada and/or the USA
Sexton is fucked gerrim off!
no one with any sense. Ireland would be fucked outside the EU
There are some white italians, but they're extremely rare
Yes, just very well tanned.
Why not Georgia?
Italian rugby players are generally white, yes.
whats that white patch on murrays hair?
Murray is a joke
Throw in Namibia too.
We can't get a flight there for €30 for a weekend rugby bender
Macron is on borrowed time EU is over. Irexit son. Promise we won't fuck you this time
Injury I imagine led to it
I think they've reached their peak desu. Wealthy nations like Spain and Portugal have a higher ceiling and they're Western European.
Leave the Eastern Euro lads to themselves to form their own tournament with Romania and Russia.
Yea I don't understand the sexton hate but murray is really nothing special
Wrap it up lads, cup final on in a few minutes
Italy may not win this game, but they've won my heart
>11 handling errors
Jaysus lads
Jesus wept
*chances of grand slam intensifies*
for who?
> Wealthy nations
Ummm they aren't wealthy m8
Come on England!
who do you think?
Obvious Welsh subhuman posting.
Walels I'm assuming
Compared to Georgia they are.
Oh well it was fun while it lasted Italy
shut up you fool
That’s most countries, to be fair
Ireland will win the Rugby World Cup
>needing shameless refball to beat Italy
carty looks like an actor i cant think of
I came up with a new game called Tugby. Two bimbos on the pitch, on each team, and they have to give handjobs to all XV. The first one to finish all the lads off is the winning side.
I haven’t managed to sell it to anyone yet, but there’s time yet.
Cillian Murphys brother in Wind that Shakes the Barley?
That black is gigantic
Who knew Italy had a WW1 fighter pilot in their front row?
he will miss
If all players of that hypothetical game were me, games would be over in less than 5 minutes
you could see mccinley sigh when he knew the kick was the option
What a fucking joke.
Two penalties and two conversions missed.
State of Italel
Is McKinley a WWI Pilot?
>guy blind in one eye is your goal kicker
>mckinley missing two kicks
this is why you dont let someone with one eye kick
Italy's 9 and 15 are genuinely good players
well that was shit
Took a boot into the eye, got blind in that one.
>England and Ireland are both 2-0-1 but England has 2 points more because of gay bonus points
what a shit fucking rule
We could have Ireland and England on 8, just behind Wales with Ireland/Wales still to come.
It would have been electrifying.
Now the best Ireland can do is spoil it for Wales and fuck all else.
Aha! Take that, Italy!
Tebaldi might have had a good game but he's most certainly not a good player.
you played abysmally
McKinley is the greatest /rug/ redemption and heart story that ever was
Wales will Crucify us, lad. France same thing.
Italy would have won with Mnozzi
score more tries then
>0 (zebo) points
>not even a fucking bonus point
What a joke.
stfu you little fanny
well lads see you later, on /int/ obvs in 2 minutes or so
I misspoke.
Just realised Ireland scored 4 tries this game.
Looks like it's /ouryear/
Cucchiaio di legno
Absolute shit show, Sexton again was a fucking joke, somethings not right with him this year
Ever since that Munster/Leinster game at Thomand were we had all the red and yellow cards the whole thing has gone to shit and Sexton seems to be at the center of it all
Not a chance we're beating Wales at the Millennium playing like this
When losing to Wales will hurt the English
Could France beat Ireland?
sexton was alright
Murray was bad for most of the match
Only if 20~25 irish players get injured within the next 2 weeks
Depends what France decide to turn up.
dave uses a VPN btw so if you see anyone with a foreign flag vehemently defending him, it's him
he's a very angry, pathetic little man
hopefully it's the u20s ladies side
How come every advert now has a black Londoner doing voice over?
>Irelel playing that badly
I think it's safe to say that the grand slam is a formality at this point.
This. Before the 6N, I thought Ireland would be our only competition. But seeing how they played against Italy and England, they may as well field a team of girls against us to save themselves from injuries.
How's Scotland's injuries looking? If they get a few players back they could win
>How's Scotland's injuries looking?
It's so bad even France has beaten what's left of the scottish team
English Southerners love sucking N'gubu's black dick and give them all the jobs.
Hogg is definitely out and Russell is a big doubt. Those two are Scotland's biggest threats to us Tbh.
And all the BAME scholarships
We do it for TV because we know how excited it gets the northerners who are glued to it as they ignore the impending slavery at mcdonalds the next day
>We will grand slam this year
>6n and RWC are ours
>lose to a t2 team
Big oof
Murray took over the place kicking at the end and Sexton walked off the field cursing and kicking shit around at the side of the field
Sexton has imploded this year and needs time off the pitch
Can't disagree with that. Niggers are a novelty up north, they're like trained chimps and watching them is fun. Whereas the south is basically 40% nigger, 55% paki and 5% white
Sexton has always been a bit of a sook. He can play great, and we need him for wc. Hopefully he can get his head sorted.
England, ould Ireland
England, ould Ireland
England, ould Ireland
Hauley Hauley Ho!
>Murray took over the place kicking at the end
So? He still played badly for 60 minutes and Sexton played decently enough
The change in delivery when Cooney was on was noticeable
I'd say it's Murray who needs time off the pitch since he's been trying to play his way back into form for months and failing. I think the summer can't come quick enough for him at this stage.
Oh look, another advert with a London black.
What're ye on about?
Murray is overrated because his inconsistencies are a blind spot. But who to bring in?
Based demoralised French poster
>northerners getting bold about being white
lmao you're all irish and paki rape victims
I can imagine the pained expression as you attempt to laugh at this joke while your sister walks past you smelling faintly of curry
Southerners showing they can't handle banter yet again.
Wales beating England lad
Based Italy
Okay Achmed.
>say something stupid
>get btfo
>haha lads only joking please stop
part of the problem is how incredibly highly strung and self-important they are, which is why their responses are always cringey yank-tier rubbish.
banter is just not something southerners can do.
I worked around England during the summer of 2017. My own experience was
Best people: scousers
Worst people: Whatever folks in Devon/Exeter are called.
Nice map, what is it showing?
Jew tricks per day
As a percentage, how?
His name is Idris Elba you racist, and he's a Yea Forums icon. There isn't a film in existence that couldn't be improved by remaking it with him as the lead.
based blackedposter
What percentage of people are tricked by jews every day
Defo wasn't him.
might be a bit out of place in american history x
Player of the tournament so far? Team of the tournament so far? I don't think anyone has really stood out. Maybe May?
fucking hell
Courtney Lawes out the rest of the 6 nations, assuming Launchbury will come in
>Englang's N'Gubu injured and replaced by Cuck
>England's Brave Ben N'Gubu
It shows how cucked the south is compared to other parts of the country. People here will insist the north is cucked, even though most places are at least 90% white, whereas the south drops as low as 40%
we'll be always the worst of the six
You'll be better than Scotland in a few years
you haven't always
Carty is a better outhalf than Carbery.
there i said it
This thread hasn't aged well lol
Wow so not only have Scotland never won it, they've never even finished 2nd either? kek aim for that first maybe.
Well he's certainly better at the moment, given Carbery's injured. Wish Jackson was still around so Schmidt would actually be able to drop Sexton. He's playing fucking dire. Hope Marmion goes well in the off week with Connacht. Murray has to be dropped and Schmidt clearly doesn't trust Cooney.
I'd still plan on having Murray-Sexton for the World Cup once they get a bit of form with their provinces, but their shit play is infecting the rest of the team and killing everyone's confidence. Ireland got into a slump post World Cup in 2015-16, when Sexton was playing crap and whinging about his Leinster teammates in the press, and only really got out of it when he missed the tour to South Africa and Jackson came in. Sexton takes so much of the responsibility for the gameplan on himself that when he plays badly it spreads through the team like a virus. His whole "being a cunt" thing is great for driving standards when he's in form but he's just an annoying petulant brat when he's not. His reaction to Carty coming on was ridiculous. With all the grief O'Gara got for not just lying down and "passing the torch" you think people would have more to say about it. Carty isn't even a threat to Sexton, he's just getting a cap.
>His reaction to Carty coming on was ridiculous.
The way that's being read just reveals how disliked he is by people and how that affects their perspective of him. He was hardly mad at Carty coming on before being annoyed at his own performance.
I know he wasn't annoyed at Carty specifically but it's a well-noted part of his game that he hates not playing or being subbed. Former teammates of his have said he'd come off in a minor game that's already been won and go up to the coach and ask why. Whenever the idea of him being rested for a game is brought up, anyone who played with him goes "Oh, Johnny wouldn't like that" as if they're talking about a moody girlfriend.
Great players have that edge to them, the drive and passion, but when he's not on form it's hard to indulge it.
>play against team with Test Lion fullback, Super Rugby winning fullback and two powerful strike wingers in the same team
>kick straight to them all day
Are England clinically retarded?
grand slam in the bag i reckon boyos
grand islam, maybe
Liam Williams is usually erratic in the air
>Super Rugby winning fullback
Err Anscombe? lol He's shit in the air and as a fullback.
Adams is an animal I'll give you that
North is a clown returning/catching/covering kicks
always remember Williams getting caught out of position under the high-ball
even worse if it was contested as he'd just take the other guy out in the air and give away a penalty/get yellowed
fair play to gatland desu
If Sexton and Murray are starting then Oui
Fucking hell lads I need to stop being a degenerate and start training and eating healthy again.
MLR stream for anyone that is interested
Schmidt's already confirmed Murray will start.
Two weeks out from the game and he's already confirmed it. Fucking hell, talk about making a player undroppable.
Hey guys just getting into rugby. Any reason Northern Ireland doesn't have a team in this league?
I'm just gonna assume you're sebbo looking for (You)s and tell you to fuck off.
For the same reason there's no Republic of Ireland team. (You) can try Wikipedia, it's all explained there.
Island of Ireland has a united team
theres only one ireland as far as rugby is concerned
Rugby teams predate the division of Ireland
For me, it’s struggling to beat Italy
Literally every team has done this at least once this decade except NZ.
Bad post
Rugby Union and my provo uncle finally have something in common.
based your uncle
Get the fuck off my stadium!!!!!!!
Im hearing people say it will take Murray a year to get back to actual full fitness, so im seeing why Joe wants to continue playing him as he needs the game time and we're not going to win the 6 Nations this year anyway
Its Sexton who is the main problem, ever since he won player of the year the fucker has gone full Tommy Gunn and is poisoning the rest of the team with his attitude and criticisms, he needs to be benched and put back into his place
This bad form was all started by him in that Munster/Leinster game at Thomond at the end of December
you could declare yourself part of america?
do the eastern europeans not have their own league?
Absolute bollocks, Iceland who also got hit by banker terrorism and only the other year withdrew its application to join the EU as the people there protested and demanded not to join it
The Ejew is a scam zionist agenda to destroy and wipe out Europeans with plans like the kalergi plan, thankfully that has now failed with Countries closing their borders and the soon to be cleansing of muslims and blacks back to the stone age where they belong
26th of May lads, thats when it starts, all the zionist controlled pedo politicians who have been selling out their people and Countries are getting voted out and the EU Chamber will flooded with Nationalist Politicians
The "EU" is finished
Are you going to learn Icelandic and move there?
good post
Go to /Pol/
Murray needs time off and a proper pre-season to regain fitness and form, he's not going to get it playing test rugby and Sexton is just a scapegoat. It's obvious people's dislike for him have coloured their opinion of the overall team performance. I have no idea how he's meant to be responsible for numerous other players like in the forwards playing poorly individually and not one mention of the influence the person who passes him the ball 50+ times a game has on his own game, it's ridiculous.
Rugby is still a varsity affair in Spain for the most part and it's not getting any professionalised in the near or mid-term future. It's not even a top ten sport in the country in terms of following or federated licensed practicers.
Ever done the Riverdance, lad?
fuck you Irish cunt
In Argentina, it would be a RiBerdance
Based Tshlivillilliivilli
cursed rugby images
Any updated news on this?
>treated as a retirement village for a decade
>oh no how surprising they're not playing at their peak
>The "EU" is finished
I think you'll find the "UK" is finished.
UK relegated to Tier 2 when?
Got a stiffy mate?
Deary me.
Ireland isn't part of the UK, so why would he care?
This report saying Brazil lost despite of scrum, but Brazil has lost by only 5 mainly because of scrum. Brazil was expected to loss by 30 or more for that match.
I honestly don't give a fuck about the 15 genders you want to give your shitty little collection of islands.
You should, you have the UK flag literally cuckstamped on your own.
Do Biarritz and Perpignan still play the odd match in San Sebastian and Barcelona?
Then why are you here getting upset about it?
Don't get involved lads, I was looking forward to watching Angry Kiwi vs /pol/tato arguing about this brexit shite but don't care now because they're both ignorant and a disgrace to the noble sport of rugby itself. Carry on.
Dan "one for the road" Carter
not him but no kiwi gives a shit about it m8. maybe his point is why are you discussing regional politics on rug?
>carter drink driving
>williams a coke fiend
>mehrtens drunk on tv
>all the all black players charged with domestic violence
wtf is wrong with kiwis
DUI it's in our DNA.
Massive fucking chip on their shoulder.
Just like having a good time m8
let's quietly let this pig 404, make a big strong SH thread
>measles outbreak in canterbury
What is /rug/ up to tonight?
shut the fuck up Gayrold.
Love this post.
rugby union is an awul niche sport. Cricket is way better
Thanks I thought it up myself.
More like indian baseball
This is actually a pretty handy graphic. What's with the "deal with it" glasses on 03 England though?
Martin Johnson disrespecting your president when he refused to move the team in the ceremony before the game.
You can see the downfall of french rugby between 2010 and 2013, pretty sad
>About the same time the National side got flooded with French born Africans
Colour me Shocked
100+ points difference
it was accidental...
a lot of your politicians seem to
if Rugby is niche what does that make american football?
is there a version for the southern hemisphere teams?
was it called the championship or something?
based and limeypilled
Waffles on a bit, doesn't he?
s m h.com.au/sport/rugby-union/shocked-gibson-says-latu-ban-has-put-players-on-notice-20190226-p5108s.html
>6 week ban for "charging" into a maul instead of binding while stationary and then pushing
>all because a player got injured
so sick of cards/suspensions being handed out for non-issues just because someone got injured
Flat line with the ABs along the top with a dip once with Aussie on top
Aussie and SA mixed on the middle with Aussie on top more often in the more recent years
Argies flat line across the bottom
So kind of like the world rugby ranking 2bh
>you now remember poopeelia winning the RC in 2015
RWC year RCs are the best because they're not so fucking long. One game between each team raises the stakes.
why won't you just die
Makes the draw matter a ton too.
just DIE
Oh no you don't
sonuva fucking bitch
just spam CP I guess
cut-out passing?
Cipriani punches
Why do Kiwis hate /rug/ so much?
I guess we'll see what happens on march 16th when Ireland face wales at carduff.
He's not wrong
what is the Rugby scene like in Japan?
Are they a real contender to make it into the quarters?
I understand a number of japanese teams are basically company supported, is there much of a professional scene or international players?
I'm divided between them and Georgia as my third team to support for the RWC
They would be in some other groups but Ireland and Scotland will rape that group
Yeah it's not a pretty group but none of the big eight are pushovers
Heard Georgia want to join the Pro 14 now lads. Can't fault them for pushing hard to develop their rugby but fucking hell, our league is a mashup of every cunt already.
Wouldn't read too much into it. I've heard similar things about English Chamionship sides and US teams wanting to join and there's no reciprocation on the part of the Pro14. They've already been stung by adding the Saffers.
>They've already been stung by adding the Saffers.
So what is this pro14? I've not come across it before.
Shit-all attendance at their home games. Consistently lower attendances at their games in Europe. 0 competitive prospects away from home. The Cheetahs at least win games in Bloemfontein but the Kings are worthless. Zebre and Dragons are safe because the FIR and WRU are shareholders but the Saffers get no such protection.
The pro14 originally started out as the Celtic League, played between Irish, Scottish and Welsh clubs. There were originally 9 Welsh teams but they got cut back to 4 as they professionalized. Similarly, a Scottish club was cut for a lack of competition.
Back in 2010, 2 Italian teams were added and it became the Pro12. Last season, 2 South African clubs that had been dropped from Super Rugby applied last-minute to join and the whole league was redesigned from 1 pool of 12 to 2 pools of 7 with extra games to make sure that all the Irish and Welsh teams get home and away national derbies.
Munster on suicide watch
>Munster on suicide watch
How many Saffa's at Munster actually play or could be called up to play for South Africa?
None of them but Taute and Botha have both been capped
Erasmus strikes me as the sort of lad who'd actually try to cap a lot of these overseas players who are decent or have potential for the sake of it though to tie them down
Pisstralia PTFO
die thread DIE
Go /rug/!!!
So Georgia or Japan?
can either make it to the quarters?
Japs might do it, Scottish away form is dire + no Hogg
is Hogg confirmed out for the RWC
Imagine if they repeat the biggest shake up of 2015
saw something posted here saying he was, didn't check it and i'm not seeing anything in the news so probably not
Don't do this m8
inb4 you guys ironically join the *other* Union as a conservative counter to Puerto Rico's entry, feelsgoodman
can confirm, thanks to the majesty of ESPN+ I can watch Pro14 and goddamn are the S African teams shit, playing in giant empty stadiums
The fucking constant weather shift must be absolute hell on everyone involved, too, going from winter to summer. Rough.
Hes NZ's best rugby journalist
Hurricanes: Chase Tiatia, Vince Aso, Matt Proctor, Ngani Laumape, Ben Lam, Beauden Barrett, TJ Perenara, Ardie Savea, Du'Plessis Kirifi, Vaea Fifita, Liam Mitchell, James Blackwell, Ben May, Dane Coles (c), Chris Eves. Reserves: Ricky Riccitelli, Xavier Numia, Jeff To'omaga-Allen, Reed Prinsep, Richard Judd, Jackson Garden-Bachop, Wes Goosen.
>chase tiatia
fucking who?
Where is Salesi Rayasi? They signed him from the winning Auckland team, is he never going to play?
BRUMBIES (15-1): Tom Banks, Andy Muirhead, Tevita Kuridrani, Irae Simone, Chance Peni, Christian Lealiifano, Joe Powell, Lachlan McCaffrey, David Pocock, Pete Samu, Blake Enever, Rory Arnold, Allan Alaalatoa, Folau Fainga’a, Scott Sio.
Reserves: Josh Mann-Rea, James Slipper, Leslie Leauluaialii-Makin, Darcy Swain, Tom Cusack, Matt Lucas, Wharenui Hawera, Tom Wright.
can feel a sneaky Reds upset on the cards lads
Scottish away form is dire against tier 1 nations. A mostly full strength Scotland in a tournament against tier 2 sides is a slightly different beast.
Haven’t bought my season pass yet. Gonna need to get on the blower early tomorrow to sort it out so I get them before Saturday.
World League to go ahead in 2020
>USA and Japan join RC
>TRC now a straight round-robin, like the 6N
>Pacific Islands and Georgia not included
>Summer Tour now 6N playing 3 different RC nations
>Autumn Tour basically the reverse of that
>Semi-Finals and Finals played each year in November/December in NH
>So T1 nations have basically no interaction with T2 outside of World League
Fuck this so hard. We don't need the plastic irish/AB shit infecting us more.
Seems interesting, as long as it doesn't devalue the 6N, which I suspect it might in the long run.
Also it's shameful they're freezing out actual rugby nations like the Pacific islanders over the U$A
wish commissions would realise that very few people want or can afford away days to different countries on a yearly basis
super rugby and pro 14 do this shit as well
for fucks sake
lmao its not for us its for trying to attract emerging markets. Do you think the London NFL games are for the benefit of giving yanks a holiday?
Worth noting that World Rugby are backpedalling hard and saying none of this is set in stone.
>fiji, samoa, and tonga completely locked out
>instead we get to see USA get pumped by 50 points or more regularly by jetlagged players
why this is is being pushed when neither fans or players want it is beyond me
s m h.com.au/sport/rugby-union/players-voice-major-concern-over-world-league-20190228-p510v1.html
>>USA and Japan join RC
>>TRC now a straight round-robin, like the 6N
>>Pacific Islands and Georgia not included
>>Summer Tour now 6N playing 3 different RC nations
Same issues Super Rugby has with travel time and timezones
>>Autumn Tour basically the reverse of that
Pretty much already do that
>>Semi-Finals and Finals played each year in November/December in NH
Fucking stupid
was a shitty american marketing company behind the idea?
on another unrelated note for larger countries a what are the disadvantages of central contracts?
No idea why people have such a hard-on for shitters like Georgia.
Be real, do you actually want to watch Georgia play? Developing nations to play and improve the World Cup is one thing but actually wanting to watch Gorgenzedzevilili shit up an overlap is another.
Go back to the 5 Nations desu. Tri-Nations was much better than the Rugby Championship also (although Argentina can be decent on occasion,)
Even the players are against this
>Sexton leads critics of 'out-of-touch' proposal for new 12-team World Rugby tournament
>World Rugby hit back at players' outcry over possible World League format
You'll notice in the wording they are saying possible World League Format, this scam is already a failure and are pushing it hard to see id we the fans will accept it
I think its time we all just switch off the tv and stick to our domestic leagues, fuck this globalist agenda
sexton is a dumbcunt
>was a shitty american marketing company behind the idea?
america is a rogue state right now causing coups in Countries like Ukraine, Venezuela and the arab spring coups and has been also pulling this shit in international sports
They tried to get control of FIFA a few years back to get the Football World Cup taken off Russia, They control the World Anti Doping Agency and basically had Russia kicked out of the Olympics even though the biggest drug cheating Nations is america and britain themselves
Its and american broadcaster who are filling Agustin Pichots pockets with money to push this commercialized stupidity
Is Kieran Read a dumbcunt too?
i haven't read either article, but yes
Taking Pichot's plan and converting it to have opposite goals than original one
This shitty pasta thread irks me no end.
fuck this shit, that's why Rugby will never be as popular as Soccer
if the decision goes through Rugby will be dead in Georgia, we would become another Romania.
Is this your normal Australian?
fuck you especially, cock sucking and rotten teeth elitist britbong
In our region, the reality is it will effectively kill Pacific island rugby but it will make the NZRU $20 million a year. It's all about money.
Or massive migration to RL as retaliation and/or survival need, like France did after being expelled from Five Nations
>USA and Japan join RC
I can understand Japan but USA? Fucking hell Argentina can barely cope as it is, USA would get absolutely assfucked for 10+ years.
For me the RC needed more teams but it should have been the likes of Fiji, Samoa and Tonga
Adding two Tier 2 NH Countries is an absolute fucking shitshow and money grab by WR and is basically on the same level of the Pro 14 adding the 2 Saffa sides to the league
What tv stations are going to be stupid enough to pay millions for this crap? Nobody will watch it
Think it's the Blues' year tttt.
the only motive for that can be american sports media money
such a stupid idea
>concentrated in one region with easy travel and manageable timezones
New RC
>spread out over 5 different continents
>radically different timezones
>absolutely gigantic amounts of travel
>no longer southern hemisphere only
it has all the inconvenience of the rugby world cup with little benefit.
>>absolutely gigantic amounts of travel
It's a round robin so you'd be travelling less than you already do every second year
Currently you have 6 flights a year, at most you'll have 6 in this and at the least 4
Locked my picks lads hope you do the same
Last year
>Aussie effectively not even travelling at this point
That's 5 flights for the entire comp
NZ > Aussie > NZ > Argie > SA > Home
We tend to bundle NZ and Aussie games together because the time zones and travel are almost irrelevant, and the SA and Argie matches together because they are more difficult.
It works really well and keeps in line with the super rugby comp all our players are use to. Japan is a fine addition, it's a bit of a sit in a plane but time zone wise it's ok.
USA is fucked to add and not only is it fucking ages in a plane but the time zone fucks you as well as the flight. If we are adding not even tier 2 teams to the comp islander teams would make more sense and they could even have a "home" match in Aussie or Auckland/Hamilton like our super rugby teams have home matches over there. Which would be ideal.
6N can have America and we will take Fiji and Samoa thanks.
6N doesn't want more than 6 teams because it really fucks up the schedule
I'm kind of curious about the african rugby scene the only teams I really know from there are SA and Namibia.
We don't want more than 4, it fucks the fair home and away schedule while also stuffing the travel.
It literally kills the nature of the Tri Nations / Rugby Championship. If they do that they will have to retire the current trophy and call it a new comp 2bh.
Adding an African country and Japan is more agreeable than USA 2bh.
why can't the yanks just duke it out with the pumas or uruguay?
* and canada
is the season flip that much of an issue?
I only watch Mitre10 Cup tttt.
Good call 2bh
No clue, I can see this really driving towards killing international rugby here though. Even with the rugby championship 2 games out of 6 your team plays are unwatchable because of the time.
You could potentially have 3 of your 5 unwatchable now... realistically it's 2/5 which is worse than 2/6. And then the other half of the comp is unwatchable up north, and then the finals are up north so it's painful to watch. It also kills tours which are great fun, it kills lions tours too. Fuck that shit
the USA's population is like 50 new zealand's
I can see why they can maintain their internal sport leagues they have a bigger talent and market pool than almost any other potential international league,
time zones fuck up schedules but that's only a real problem for east-west travel
>the USA's population is like 50 new zealand's
Irrelevant to it killing NZs interest in regular international rugby.
>I can see why they can maintain their internal sport leagues they have a bigger talent and market pool than almost any other potential international league,
Irrelevant to it killing NZs interest in regular international rugby
>time zones fuck up schedules but that's only a real problem for east-west travel
Viewship in NZ drops, NZs interest drops.
Actually I kind of hope it kills it so we can drop out and just play 4 games vs Aussie or something.
what happened to super rugby on espn+?
Just made some elite bru picks.
>wanting to grind the Wallabies even further into the dirt
Honestly I think SANZAR has already done more than enough by including Argentina when we already have 2 time zones. No way I want us wasting our time playing USA or Japan every year while playing NZ and RSA only once, and half of the time in a different timezone.
At this point SANZAR look like classic eighties corporate raiders, who have bought into a company, flogged off absolutely anything of value then closed the company.
>Be real, do you actually want to watch Georgia play?
yea and what if I actually do you reprobate
Not sure what this has to do with the current discussion. No one is saying Georgia is going to beat the All Blacks, just that they and Fiji etc can be similarly or more competitive than Japan and USA, and that rankings change over time anyway.
can’t wait for 2020 when the USA gets pumped by 60+ by the RC nations and embarrass this whole charade
I don't even enjoy rugby anymore because I get bullied on this subreddit. Introducing this league will make me disenjoy it even more.
I would like to see a European Cup winners play Super Rugby winners in Hong Kong match.
a full strength crusaders side might as well be the all blacks
I'd like to see the top European national team take on the Crusaders, if it's not in Christchurch they might have a chance.
And ROG. Bring it on I say
>European cup winners
might want the 6N winners if you want a competitive game.
imagine being Kane Barrett
Or as his parents call him, "Loser"
Rugger tonight lads
thank christ
I really want to make a super/rug/ thread but I'll curb my autism
Just do it, there isnt even 6N this weekend anyway.
Do it, I'm fucking sick of this thread.
>that autistic kiwi who insists on making another thread for games
What difference does it make?
fancy a pizza but can't afford dominos
>that autistic pom who insists on bumping this thread despite it being abandoned