

Attached: 1535670327537.jpg (3456x4608, 3.73M)

>tfw french user promised us more works of art but never delivered

Attached: disgust la.jpg (600x600, 76K)

>the French being unreliable
why I never

I'm here bro, I sent it to the polsish guy who asked it, but I'm not into painting anymore. I started wood working so be patient until I have the skill to so a wood statue of the slip

holy fuck i'm hyped now

Fucking based

Don't get too worked up, rigut now mubfinest work is a kitchen stool lel

Attached: IMG_20190224_161221.jpg (3456x4608, 3.23M)

u wat? you didn't send me this. I checked on my post office twice

Wut. I sent it around christmas bro. You didn't receive?

around christmas? Why didn't you tell me? It was supossed to be earlier. And now it's probably gone.

much earlier. We were talking in the first half of the november i think

no offence but I reckon I could build a better stool and I've never studied any aspect of carpentry in my life

you now remember there is a skellington inside u

Yep I forgot to send it after yo gave info, but around christmas I found the picture again and thought it'd be a good christmas gift, Sent it wirh a christmas card

Yeah that's terrible, that's the joke.

he's probably an autistic shutin that never gets his mail

and i didn't give you my personal address but the adress of my post office. This thing is called poste restante and they are keeping the mail for two weeks i think. Now it's probably gone...i thought i was bamboozled

i'm an autistic shutin but that's not the point. Read my answer under your post.

Shit too bad

i will wait several years for this

but i'll check anyway if i have the opportunity

i have those exact same pliers which, i'm sure you'll agree, is fascinating.

The beautiful game

>it's actually him
Fucking wow.