/147/ - Snooker Shoot Out

It's the final day of the most important event in the Snooker world!

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/OurBoy/ just heemed Kyren

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Rory wins against Jimmy

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How do you make this sport harder?

Why would you?

I'm going to say it.



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>Based Sunny defeated by le Fortnite zoomer

I've never watched this before. I watched one highlight match earlier which was also really good (Barry Pinches vs some-nobody Woollaston). Is every match this amazing?

What happens if the shot clock runs out? Is it just the other guy's shot, or do you lose points or anything?

>tfw Google's Captcha is willing to let me post again so I'm no longer shadowbanned by the overlords
It's good to be back.


foul, so ball in hand in this format.

>ball in hand
That's actually a really good way of doing it. I'm only watching this because of /147/ memes, but it's genuinely really good, and I'm getting to see loads of different players I've never heard of too.

>I'm only watching this because of /147/ memes
I should write Hearn about getting paid to shill for his events

>this is Jimmy White's gf
Is he the ultimate slag poster?

Attached: jimmygf.jpg (604x334, 32K)

>he doesn't know Ben "elbow sweat" Woollaston

Based Barry the best snookster to come from my city

He pinched the last match :^)

Taylor looks like an absolute nerd

DAT RED from Dale


Two wonderful shots from the spaceman

Ah, so that's where I remember him from.



Only 16 players left now, who do we want to win? For me, its Luca Brecel.

For me, it's Rory :^)

>I'm always edgy

Fuck off Michael!


and now the meme kid is out. Guess I'm all aboard the Rod Train now.

The fucking state of that hairline

The absolute state of these hairlines

>two Chinese players
>crowd basically silent


There's no way the timer moves at the same pace when Rod's on the table, the man can warp time around his massive girth

What's happening to the coverage when the League Cup final highlights come on at 9?

Is that on quest? It'll still be on eurosport till the end

>Dale vs Bingham

snooker kino

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The football is on for an hour then snooker comes back at 10 according to the schedule

Eurosport schedule says snooker all throughout till 11

>No 190kg master race
Good riddance.
Where is that elitst faggot when you expect his shitposts?

Based bingham


Eurosport streams

Good draw for /Our Rod/

Are you the same autist that tries to force the brenny d meme on /180/

No i'm a different autist I don't watch darts

Weird how Clarke is still in this, he hadn't won a match this season until last week

Is audience allowed to talk that loud?

This is the containment tournament for darts and football fans

Nice change of pace and atmosphere though.

look at the top of his head

Century inc

139 highest break!

>Thepchaiya Unknown gets 139 in a little over six minutes to score the highest break in Snooker Shoot-Out history
Can we just give him the trophy now?

The "atmosphere" is doing my head in desu. I don't mind the ohs and ahs and chatting but the wankers trying to be funny are cringeworthy

Why do they love cheering for the yellow ball so much?

Watford colours

And the blue?


I unironically thought they were just booing it earlier. Turns out it was an, "I was saying Bloo-urns" situation.

The best thing is how much every ref is seething about the state of the crowd

How many pints would you need to smash that bird with the dyed red hair who sits somewhere near the front? At least 20 for me

*looks at vicky*

The commentators said that some audience members had been escorted out due to being drunk. I was wondering why a meme snooker tournament would be full of reprobates and yobbos instead of extreme librarian-tier autists, but maybe you have explained it.

The dyed hair girls are at every tournament tbf they are hardcore fans

>mfw 0-0 and goes to pens

Game over already lol


Lads I have an idea. What if they made it a best of 7 instead of just one frame?

>Shit man Holt

>still shilling

Imagine being able to pick literally any nickname in the world and deciding to go with the bafflingly uncreative "the Hitman". What a dullard he must be.

They don't pick their own nicknames. Thats why Lisowski was seething when Rob Walker started to call him Jumping Jack Lisowski lol