Improve Football with 1 simple change

>Improve Football with 1 simple change
Penalties have to be taken by the opposite goal keeper.

Attached: 1515693138039.jpg (615x622, 42K)

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Scoring directly from the corner kick is worth 5 goals

entrance theme music for every player and new goal horns

Scoring blooters coutinho style is worth 2 goals

What the fuck would that solve?

make penalties more interesting as they are the easiest kind of goal (80% success rate)

Also adds a risk reward since the goalie will have to run all the way back and the ball could still be at play

>higuain steps on the pitch
>circus theme music starts playing

Just make the player who received the foul take the penalty

Who knew Spaniards were the most retarded race

only one touch per player is allowed in the penalty box

After every foul in the box the player in question needs to have a thorough medical examination by an independent professional who rules wether the foul caused sufficient enough damage to be awarded a penalty.

>ban tiki taka
>maximum of 10 passes before shot to goal

not an argument

indeed that's a fact

Attached: 1546105765557.png (446x435, 79K)

Keeper can start moving on the whistle as well

Would stop these 29 second run ups and give the keeper a better chance

After you get past your half of the field you can only pass the ball inside the half you're in

I know one
>Retards can't decide to change the rules

Make penalties be taken from way further back or just ban them forever and only use them in the shootout

Corners now get taken from both sides at the same time, 2 balls will be in play till one gets out of bounds and then play continues as normal with the ball still in play.

Imagine the injuries cause you can't focus on both balls at the same time.

Only give penalties if a foul happens in the goal area and it has to be a leg breaker. None of that pussy shit. One of those that make you go like "wtf he is dead"

Attached: soccer.jpg (493x358, 28K)

Allow players to push and shoulder bump others around with a lot of violence. As long as they are side to side or in front of the player.

Attached: costa.jpg (2500x1553, 417K)

Reduce the game to 60 minutes

no rebounds on penalties. A save means a goal kick

Allow fights.

Literally lost a gold metal for not being retarded.

It's certainly confirmed that you are retarded.

Yes, penalties should be a goalkeeper battle but not like this.
They should place the ball in the middle of the field, and the goalkeepers behind their own goal line. If the GK from the team that suffered the penalty reaches the ball first than is on goal to them.

Implement the rule that 6 of the starting 11 have to be of the nationality of their respective league.

Instead of penalties they should make the strikers jerk off the goal keepers and whoever cums first loses.

Attached: Neyman sister.jpg (595x769, 78K)

every one would just start fouling every time the opponents get close to the goal and it would be unwatchable murderball


Anyone who play acts gets a 3 game ban, even if they were fouled

Stop the clock when the ball isn't in play. Immediately eliminates time wasting and all the stupid conjecture about added time.

>manager has to be a woman
>ref and linepeople have to be women
>goal from behind the halfway line is worth 2 points
>players have to have above 85 speed rating on fifa
>raging aggressive players are banned
>abandon the role of the captain (manager is in charge)

No more ties
No more "wins by aggregate points"
No more penalty kicks deciding championships

Oh also.
Every manager, ref and lineperson has to take me on a date and tell me they love me.
Trust me it will make the game 1000x better.

Why do you want pro football to fold in Spain and South America.

stop letting nation ruining capitalist ruin the game

>thinking a tie is inherently bad
>thinking it is feasible to make ties impossible when there are 38 games in a season
>championships already aren't decided by penalties

goalkeepers can pick up the ball in their opponents penalty area as well as their own

So he definitely fucks his sister, right?

any player who dives has to wear water wings and a snorkeling gear for the duration of the match.

No, just do penalties like they used to do in MLS. It's objectively better.

have you seen the video of Neyman groping and slapping his moms ass? dude has no boundaries.

i like that

>keeper scores, gets a CS and saves pen

is his mom hot?


goalkeepers would just become good at penalty kicks. retarded iberians never fail to crack me up

Europeans aren't allowed to play

45 second shot clock, keeps the game fast paced. If the shot clock is violated, opposing team gets a goal kick.