This coward is literally shaking while Klopp lives in his head rent free
This coward is literally shaking while Klopp lives in his head rent free
It's his job to think about these things
manure cant even beat psg at home lmao
PSG is the best team in the world right now, retard.
>best team in the world
>choking against the chokers of england
Name 1 team better than PSG at the moment.
>Almost lost to >Schalke
>piss gee
>actually lost to liverpoop
>comparing Liverpool to Schalke
>when you are losing a debate to the dutch autist
Fucking lmao, you mean the City that loses periodically to meme teams like Newcastle and struggled against >schalke? That city?
you are talking to a literal autist and you can't come up with some good examples why city is so shit
Newcastle are elite
I would prefer losing to Newcastle and then winning chelsea 6-0 to struggling every week to scrap a win against lester and west ham
I don't think city is shit. What wrong with you?
What does Liverpool have to do with any of this retard? I'm saying PSG is better than City.
What did you expect? He is a retard
you're right
at least schalke actually finished second last season unlike liverflop
newcastle is better than 99% of ligue 1
>almost lost
>meaning that they won
he conveniently forgot the two refballed penalties they got and a red card for GOATamendi
We're not by far. we have many many flaws. I'm pretty sure even Ajax could cuck us
look at their players, literally whos
Thauvin went to Newcastle and wasn't even good enough for the first team so he went running back to France
There he is one of the best players in the league
he wasn't happy in that shithole, he wasn't a big goalscorer before going to the premier league anyway, the following year he was still mediocre, then he became a goalscorer.
He barely played for Newcastle and looked lively enough when he did to me.
I think Thauvin would have done well if given a chance.
Newcastle would win the title in Ligue 1
didn't he say he can't watch united v liverpool because his team will be changing their underwear? doesn't sound obsessed to me.
Or they could draw you fucking twat
Not what I meant you brainlet, think for a fucking second before you post
Pep thinks about how he we fit his next piece of silverware into his collection
Klopp thinks about his monthly hair plugs checkup appointment and who he hasn't hugged in the last 72 hours
Its time to stop thinking Fifa games represent the real world, Pekka.
PSG are FIFA: The Team though you mong lmao
>Patetico de Madrid