is he sacked yet
quick rundown on mr Claude
Apparently. No official confirmation though.
he's shite
>sabotage boss's helicopter to stop him from firing you
>actively use your boss's death as a reason why you shouldn't be fired
>deceased boss's son fires you anyway
I hope the blood was worth it, Claude.
I don't understand why he is hated wherever he goes.
Ok, his time at Southampton was a bit boring but in general, everywhere he has been, he plays attacking football, pulls off some big results against the big teams and brings through and develops homegrown English lads
Hating Puel is just a bandwagon at this point
Anyone who drops Vardy so they can play Gray up front is a retard
Very good manager that PL chairman hate for some reason. He won Ligue Un back in the day with Monaco. He took Lyon to their only CL semifinal. With Southampton he finished 8th and reached a League Cup final that they were refballed in.
>implying he did it for tactical reasons
He dropped Vardy because he was trying to run the dressing room. Managers have to put their foot down and send a message
More like Poo-el
Give it Vardy til end of the season
Just like Mou with Pogba, right?
>lose last four home games
>cardiff, southampton, palace
You start consistently losing at home to the shit of the league and you're fucking gone, they all know that.
this but unironically
inb4 triggered palace fans cry over you calling them shit
Literally half asleep at 7am this morning, thinking about who they'll replace him with: 'n-no not >moyes'
im not sure hes ready to step up to leicester
the gulf in class is too great
But french coaches are good look Zidane
*internet spergs at Leicester again*
thanks for taking the Puel meme away from our french clubs, bongs :)
>horse racing fan
fuck right off
>club isn't rock bottom on 0 points
>not >moyel
desu he's got a good comfy thing going at celtic
reckon they'll probably get someone like chris wilder desu
I'm just hoping for a meme manager. We need more.
What do Leicester expect though? They had one season where they significantly overperformed while the big teams choked, now they're twelfth, about where you would expect them to be
Are you saying Poo or Poo-ell?
Some fans wanted him out while they were in 7th, which was odd to me but I don't have to watch them every week. The money they've spent, they should be in the top half at least.
nigel pearson's free...
>t. ostrich
I expected 7-9th this season
t. Leicester fan
We are good enough to be 7th. He said he wanted to win the efl cup to honour vichai and then put out the youth team. We keep losing at home to absolute shit. He had to go.
It's not about the results... it's about sending a message.
he was on the verge of going before vichai died, then he had the bereavement bounce, but now that that's over it was just a matter of time.
>We are good enough to be 7th
says the fans of Leicester, Everton, Burnley and Wolves
Guess what, lads? there's only one 7th place. You bloody mongs
>the bereavement bounce
Yeah that's how it works you retarded faggot, that's why more than one club tries to win the league or avoid relegation.
>1 point from 7 games
This sort of form would have you bottom, but the rest of the league is utter shit. Upper mid tables teams had now have shit spells without worrying about relegation. Everton have more than benefited from this in recent years (almost)
Completely agreed. The PL has gone to shit quality wise in recent years.
Alan Curbishley is free
Allardyce, Hughes, Moyes, Pardew, Bruce, Rowett... many interesting managers available.
Is at Sheff Wed.
Rodgers confirmed. What are they thinking? Puelsih decision.
>Brendão leaving Celtic for Leicester
Scottish football is a joke.
I heard Claude Puel is available.
You now remember Claude Puel.
Plays possession football with players like Morgan, Vardy and Gray in the team.
He gets linked with EVERY FUCKING job after a manager gets sacked. It's not going to happen that soft little pretentious cunt is more than happy statpadding titles for his resume up there with no real competition.
Losing a game, so you sub off your best players for some of the worst players in top flight football.
John Hartson: "I would be amazed if Brendan Rodgers came here. He is living the dream at Celtic."
Rodgers confirmed
>Leicester sacked Ranieri while he was still in the quarter finals in the CHL and in the middle of EPL the season after he won them the league
They deserve everything they’ve got so far. Can’t wait for that soulless club to get relegated
Rowett IN
> in the middle of EPL the season after he won them the league
Leicester were in the relegation zone you mug.
They were 17th, had lost 5 on the trot and had a record of W5 D6 L14. They were also only in the Round of 16 at that point and had just lost the first leg to Sevilla. It wasn't unreasonable for them to get rid of Ranieri.
I think they'll give it to Neil Lennon
Looks like he's going to be interim until the end of the season. wew
>Lennon takes Leicester job until end of the season
>then swaps jobs with Brenda
Everyone wins
Brendan Rodgers 4/6 fav, Celtic fans are seething.
Isn't he just the go-to favourite for any new job that pops up? Can't see any reason in particular why he would get it
Yes, but he's going to leave Celtic soon because there's nothing left to accomplish
Both player and coach should take some responsibility. I believed in what Puel was doing with the squad but not his in-game tactics
That's why I hope he doesn't come, he was always as clueless as puel and has been playing against pub team tactics for years
Why would he leave a league-winning side just to have Jamie Vardy bitch about him and get him sacked in 8 months? Brendan is obviously waiting for, and will get, a top job. Not fucking Leicester.
>moyes has expressed interest in the Leicester job
fucking stop, just stop
Palace is a good team