Go into barbers

>go into barbers
>theyre all qts
>sit in queue waiting half an hour with the tension building up
>finally get called
>"right user what are we having today"
>"errm...just short back and sides and a bit off the top"
>"ok how much?"
>she puts her fingers through my hair, indicating how much shes going to cut off "is this enough?"
>"y-yea,,,thats fine"
>"so how was your weekend?"
>"good thanks..."
>sit in silence for 15 minutes looking at myself in the mirror, occasionally locking eyes with the hairdresser, making things even more tense
>"ok user all done hows that?"
>looks like shit, not even close to what i wanted
>"yeah thats perfect, thanks"
>go home and cry
>do this every month

What sport encapsulates this feel?

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Why are you getting your hair cut by a white woman? Head into some trendy Paki or Caribbean nigger place full of yoofs, they live and breathe the haircut you want and charge less to boot

Soccer, but only for arsenal fans.
>having hair
Lol soicuck

Just ask your mum to do it. It's far cheaper, quicker, you don't have to make shit small talk, and the haircut is just as good. Fuck barbers.

this. black barbers are based

I cut my own hair to avoid these types of situations


Literally me except the eye contact.

Last time around I had a qt ginger as a hairdresser and wanted to fuck her brains out the whole time I was in the seat. I even succeeded to keep the conversation going, but I already have a gf.

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>female barbers
kek why do you do this to yourself?
instead find a dude barber you can discuss Yea Forums topics with

it's not that hard to learn how to cut your own hair, buy clippers, watch Youtube, etc

I found a barber near my house that's run by arabs who barely speak dutch. they're good at what they do and there's no small talk. win win

>Not getting your hair cut by an old man

You don't belong here.

male barbers here are either söïböïs or durkas

What makes you say that? I'm still a celibate man like the rest of you folks.

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>not shaving your hair off every 6 months

>every board is /r9k/

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There's this Armenian guy who has a Manchester United saloon in my neighborhood. He's the biggest customer I've ever seen. Got a haircut once during peak moyes times. Bantered him for a good half an hour.

Only regret i couldn't visit him while mou was still there

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My barber shop is run by Greeks and I'm always content with their haircuts desu

The wife of the owner is especially good since she holds a good balance between not talking too much but also not letting create a completely silent akwardness during the cut.

well spent 17€ each month desu

>be me, perfectly social
>can hold/start a conversation completely fine, funny, have stuff to talk about etc
>cant for the life of me talk normally with barbers, get incredibly nervous for some reason
why is this?

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>at barber
>"so how do you want it?"
>blurt out "shorter"
>speed walk out as soon as im done

>they ask how you want it
>you forgot to prepare what you were going to say

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Just take pictures and show them. It saves a lot of awkwardness.

They are holding a sharp object near your eyes and throat


>all qts
>in Britain

You only think they all look good because you are in a state of panic and there are a few of them.
If you get up into their faces and scrutinize them individually i'm sure they're not that great.

I imagine myself showing picture to hairdresser and its awkward as fuck, i almost cried

I have to agree; I have never had a bad haircut when it's an old guy. Always understands what I'm asking for.


why are you posting this latina?

>that t-shirt
simple as

I go to the local turkish barber. He usually does a decent job and he can barely speak English so we rarely talk to each other. He also singes off your ear hairs with a flame.

for me it's the lebs

fucking based

i can see you in the reflection

lift more bro, you seem a bit lanky

>female barbers for males
is this really a thing in UK?

its unusual but it happens, all the staff in my barbers are female and i've been going for years

Native hairdressers are shit 99% of the time, no matter where you're from. As a rule of thumb, the more exotic the better.

My hairdresser is a flaming homosexual from Senegal who makes perfect coffee to boot. Shit's comfy af.

My best experience:
Held my hands out of the handheld things. So elbows are pointing out. The young petite qt barber rubs her mound/innerthighs on my left elbow a bit on one point.

always had problems with shit haircuts.
found the best rated one in my nearest city.
they charge £30 a cut but it's far and away the best haircut I've ever had. The lad who cuts my hair is obviously very good at what he does.

One of the best decisions I ever made was learning to cut my own hair

The only advantage to going somewhere is that you might occasionally get a tit brushed against your arm

I haven't been at barber for 3 years now. Looking like a fucking hippie, but at least I can avoid moments like this.

This. Posting this from my barbers lmao

>letting women cut your hair

>go to a place run by three women but set up like a barbers
>two prime milfs and a girl in her late teens
>expecting shit-tier conversation but put up with it because they were all hot
>within minutes of me sitting down they're asking each other if they do anal
>discussing graphic stuff without a hint of shame
>banter flying left and right
>occasionally they tease me about something
>by the time I'm done I'm literally blushing

And that's when I understood why some people could develop a femdom fetish. Wish I still lived there, was a dece cut as well

i go to a black barbers and they charge like 4 quid lol

Unironically me

I thought I was the only one.

post a pic of your barber shop from the outside

Are barber shop names shitty puns in other countries as well or is that a German thing?

>Went to the same barber all my life because everyone else fucks it up
>Right up until I got older and my hair started thinning
>Taught myself to cut it from then on
>Almost cried the last time I went in there
One of the best guys. Soldier, hunter, father, missing both of his feet due to illness but still found it in himself to work despite his age. Everyone called him 'The Gun Runner' because he sold guns and because right inside the door to his shop he had thousands of dollars worth of guns inside this huge metal safe and on the walls. Have more respect for him than anyone in my family, to be honest.

Nah there some other here too

>Hair are long and I have to go to the barber soon

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>go to the local barber who doesnt speak good english
>sit in silence for 30 minutes

comfy tbqhf

Couldn't find a pic of the barber shop from the outside but here is the staff

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Don't you autists have male barbershops to go to?

Amerimutt nose explain this shit

I need a hair cut soon. Always awkward.
I have no idea where to go since I just moved to an unknown place.

they laugh at you after you leave

Aren't real barber a dude? I though if it is chicks it is a salon. Please confirm as English not my first language.

No one gives a shit about your beta male experiences cunt

literally haven't got my hair cut at a barmers since december 2012

The last time I went to a barber I was like 12 or something. Since then I cut my hair with my own hair clipper. I do that about 5-6 per year.

The same guy has cut my hair since I was five.

>go to italian barbers
>don't have to bother with small talk becuase they all just speak to each other in italian
>haircut always looks decent despite how vague I am with asking for what I want

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Also your pubes?

the one on the right is quite hot, totally would

the one in the middle is qt as well, but she ruined herself with those hideous tattoos

1 3 2 4 5

3 1 5 2 4

dude far right is easily the worst, disgusting botched botox

>avoid barbers operated by foreign people because I think they're incompetent and unfashionable

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>he doesn’t get his mom to cut his hair

What are you, some kind of normie?
She does it >for free as well.

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from left to right: 6/10, 5.5/10, 6.5/10, 5/10, 7/10

My mother is a drunk with shakey hands.

>he doesn't do it himself

Pathetic. Does your mummy make your tea for you as well?