>Ronnie buddy, how is that new challenge working out for ya
Ronnie buddy, how is that new challenge working out for ya
>leliga defending
people's obsession with Ronaldo is hilarious. Are you that insecure?
Didn't you hear? Ronaldo always starts off the season slow and then picks up form ready for the champions league knockout stages! I expect him to score at least 2 in the first leg against Atletico!
at this pace messi is going to score 50+ goals. not bad
How is he this fucking OP and at 32 years of age? Messi has been scoring 30+ goals every season for the past 10 years, when the fuck will he stop being this good and consistent?
Too bad he won't score anymore in the CL
>why can't we play Levante each week
La Liga has been the best league for almost a decade.
don't you sleep?
Where do you think I was the past 8 hours?
Post yfw when he scores 4 against Lyon at the Nou Camp
Why does he suck at the CL?
Are the teams better?
Is it the pressure?
Or is it that Barcelona sucks now?
I have no face because it won't happen you fucking retard
It's all of those reasons. He only performs well when playing against Minos with a ten point league lead
His team fucking blows and is no better than a Europa league squad with players like Semedo, Vidal, Suarez, and now Boateng. At least they off-loaded Gomes already. The next step is to remove Arthur who thinks passing sideways and doing a ballerina move is enough to be Xavi when he has zero to no forward mobility which made Xavi the ultimate threat.
Also reminder Suarez has gone 1400 days without scoring away in the champions league, since 2015. He's also playing like a fucking relegation player.
>poonaldo already out of CL
lmao what a loser faggot
Messi sucks. The game will be 1-1 with Lyon going through. Suarez will score off of a Messi penalty miss, then Fekir will score in the 90+3
>Or is it that Barcelona sucks now?
Barcelona under Valverde have been god awful and too reliant on Messi. Even today against Sevilla it was the same old Barcelona that struggled against Valladolid and Lyon in the last two games only Messi was on target.
Um, Ronaldo played in the CL against in March dude
>Post yfw when
>yfw when
Post yfw he gets knocked out against Lyon at Nou camp
nobody is insecure, people just argue to not get bored
>team B wins
yuropoor sports are garbage
just like last years 4-4 and team B goes through
Dribbling - Messi
Passing - Messi
Vision - Messi
Skills - Ronaldo
Long shoots - Ronaldo
Positioning - Ronaldo
Speed - Ronaldo
Heads - Ronaldo
Weak foot - Ronaldo
Penalties - Ronaldo
Free kicks - Ronaldo ( Messi - 40 free-kick goals in his entire footballing career , Ronaldo - 53 )
Physical - Ronaldo
Mental - Ronaldo
Bicycle kicks - Ronaldo
Goals - Ronaldo 657 , Messi 616 goals ( Ronaldo 33 years , Messi 31 -
But considering Ronaldo's physique, we do not know if he will retire before Messi.)
La liga - Messi
Premier league - Ronaldo
Champions league - Ronaldo ( 5 ucl Ronaldo 121 goals / 40 assists , Messi 4 ucl 100 goals/27 assists )
International -Ronaldo ( European champion , 84 goals ronaldo , 64 messi)
The ability to win with all the teams he played- Ronaldo?
Ronaldo has inspired his nation to dream bigger by taking them to become champions for the very first time.
That's the end game of a Football player, to become something more, a hero. Ronaldo has that, but what has Messi done for his fans? What has Messi achieved?
Dribbling some PSV defenders isn't worth a second thought. Being technically skilled barely means anything. Winning 10 championships for his club is good, but outside getting the praise of a couple hundred thousand affiliates, no one will get that happy for that.
What Ronaldo has and Messi hasn't is an entire nation that idolizes him as the player who allowed them to proudly show their jersey with their national team's colors. Argentina has that too, but in Maradona.
penaldofags truly are pathetic
says the one who makes a thread shitting on ronaldo 24/7
Prove me wrong dumbass
what is Ronaldo even doing in finals? watching Bale do bicycle kicks? or Ramos doing headers?
You're still including super cups, which I asked you to ignore last time. Show the stats for CL finals
Kek you just know some third world pajeet wrote this
I really don't understand what kind of mental gymnastics people go through do justify that Ronaldo > Messi. There is no fucking comparison. Ronaldo is just a prolific goal scorer, Messi is everything great about the sport. Only Maradona or Pele compare to him.
>take a thousand shots more than everyone else just so you can pretend to look good
just a reminder that Messi along with three dozen players are better than Ronaldo
degenerates, you're the muslim equivalent of sportfans
Ronaldo has more goals than Messi in knockout stages than Messi
>no arguments
and once agaiin
cr7 had better teamates
No? RM and Barcelona's squad has alweays been equal (not exaclty equal but you get the point) this is just a dumb excuse people use when Barcelona loses and don't want to put the blame on Messi.
compare messi's mates goalsd in the cl to cr7's mates goals in the cl. marcelo is a football genius too, he's been vital for qualifications, and those fucking managers lmao...
>which I asked you to
Lmao what a bitch faggot
>Annihilator of Armenia
>Liquidator of Latvia
>Assaulter of Andorra
>Exterminator of Estonia
>Hunter of Hungary
>Finisher of Faroe Islands
>Lyncher of Luxembourg
>doesn't mention Sweden, Netherlands and Northern Ireland
your idol proves you wrong every week
He'll score a hat trick in the return leg
It's a farmer's league with only three competitive teams.
It's EPL > Serie A > La Liga > Ligue 1 > Bundes (trash tier)
#Respect from New Dehli
Only from like 2015 onwards when he was already 30 and it was still close, before that Barcelona was way better
Serie A is a joke, Ronaldo should be killing it there. Juve was dominant with just Quagliarella and Matri up front
He needs a career ending injury
>muh spanish supercups