What should I expect
What should I expect
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hijabi thots
The Turkish construction industry
USA to not qualify with an all mls team.
Comfy winter world cup.
whores serving an "indentured debt"
you will be watching like picture related
Little black Men running very fast
Drunk english fans getting lost in the desert and then dying
No webm of third-world Sudaca thots flashing their tits. That’s haram.
That would be an added treat. White men are cancer.
Qatar will win
Fun fact, the son of Albert Speer, Hitler's architect, helped design the Qatar World Cup stadiums. Albert Speer Jr. I spent a day in Doha, there were a ton of high end stores, like Gucci, Lamborghini. Like a very boring Las Vegas. It's going to be the worst place for a World Cup ever.
Based if true. Just booked my ticket
A giant joint? Nah that’s not haram at all
They have some interesting architecture and building, It's been built in the last couple of decades because of the oil money. The old market place is kind of cool, there's a lot of foreigners there smoking hookahs and drinking. I think Qatar is going to try and contain the fans in penned off areas as best they can. You're going to be segregated from the population who isn't allowed to drink alcohol. They try to say that Qatar is an open and welcoming society but I don't really buy that.
It’s going to be Las Vegas without the alcohol, cocaine, gambling, and prostitution. So just obnoxious bright lights and loud noises.
It's going to be a nightmare, an uptight vibe to the country. Loads of drunk fans with no entertainment, there isn't much to really do there. There isn't a lot of sight seeing in the desert. Fans are going to be penned off in tight environments together in the heat, it's really a recipe for chaos. They're going to have to import a ton of workers for the food, lodging, security. I hope FIFA is going to help them. There isn't the structure to support that many visitors coming in. There isn't much public transportation. It's all going to have to be built or imported in. I'm sure it can be done, but it isn't like other countries that already have the basics in place.
stadium collapsing and killing a whole generation of players
so just like 2018 eh
Mexico getting el quinto
refball worse than 2002
English fans getting arrested and beheaded/having their hands chopped off
definitely going to happen
What will happen to our national leagues? Qatar world cup is in the middle of the season wtf?
based nige will be bashing muzzies all night long
So Jamaica, but with more sand?