This how we can save soccer

This how we can save soccer

>establish European super league
>no promotion or relegation
>draft in 3 quotas: Europe, Americas and the rest of the world
>salary cap to make it more even


Attached: fc-barcelona-prestige-football-TTn46b.jpg (400x400, 20K)

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Aye, my boys at FIFA are on it, will be done by noon, cheers!

Jesus Christ this had better be bait.

Why didn't you just post a pic of you sucking an American dick instead?

I'd unironically watch that

Go to bed fellow mongol

Imagine the revenue this thing would generate. Thew hole world would be watching this league. THIS is the future.

Attached: sports-leagues-by-revenue-9337-c600.jpg (1600x994, 142K)

>No pro/rel
>salary cap
Just watch MLS...

Attached: revenue.jpg (759x345, 20K)

That's right. But now soccer is split between many farmer leagues. We need to combine that revenue.

>no reward for success
>no punishment for failure

Sports communism belongs in America alone, we don't want shit clubs being artificially propped up simply for paying their franchise fee on time

>wanting the best teams to get better while the worst ones get worse


>while the worst teams get replaced by better, more ambitious teams from a lower division


One of the worst ideas I've ever seen.

This would be absolutely shit on a European scale, but would unironically be great for a new Nordic League.

>5 clubs from Denmark
>4 clubs from Sweden
>4 clubs from Norway
>2 clubs from Finland
>2 clubs from Iceland
>1 club from Greenland (B-67)

Wouldn't be the best, but with no risk of relegation and marketed properly in could become a top10 league.

I like the idea. Old soccer is dead anyways, so why don't make it more fair? Maybe most points are arguable by die hard soccer fans but salary cap must be mandatory.

>implement Salary cap
>best players in the world go to china

They wouldn't. This league would be so profitable that wages would go a lot higher than they are now even with salary cap.

And that only proves the point about modern soccer being a mess. If they prefer to play for chink millions instead of prestige or valuable titles, soccer is fucked beyond salvation.

salary cap = communism

Why do you want to put a limit on their salary? Is the money coming out of your pockets? Do you want only the owners to get filthy rich?

This would be the catalyst the MLS needs.

Not really, communism is toxic and unfair, salary cap and drafts actually works. With that measures maybe one day we'll see a team like PAOK winning an hypothetical European SL. It would be cool.

With no relegation/promotion, how would they get there?

These cuban agents want to turn football into communism.

American sports already exist for y'all

No, it's the money coming out of their pockets. A salary cap doesn't mean they're going to be underpaid. Look the example of Neymar. He really was exploited in Barca? He really needs to go to a minor league cause muh millions. It's plain stupid imo.

A FIFA-implemented global wage cap of £1m a week for a squad would fix so many problems, not that any of the elite clubs would agree to that.

Attached: crab.png (500x234, 103K)

It's hard to implement based in the actual model of soccer, if not impossible. So it's only a crazy concept proposed by OP. But I keep thinking salary cap would be a good thing.

How else do you propose closer fought and more exciting leagues?

>squad has a limit of 20 professional players, 10 of which must be domestic players
>under21s do not count towards this total but there is an U21 wage cap
>clubs cannot sign any U18 player currently under contract with a club

Encourages investment in youth academies, protects smaller clubs from poachers throwing money at teenagers and helps out the NT. Leagues that rely on offering inflated wages and importing foreign talent would take a hit, but lesser leagues/clubs would be allowed to improve on merit rather than wallet.

Would watch. Greenland's home advantage might be a leveller.

Football doesn't need "saving." Super clubs like Buyern, Jewve and P$G who've turned their leagues into annual processions need saving. FIFA should implement a salary cap in every league that limits how much salary each team can carry on its bench. This will keep teams from stockpiling talent and force them to give younger players a chance.

Soviet Union already ended, dude. Communism failed.

>ban Americans
>ban Fins
>ban muslims

There I fixed it for you

So that few teams with the biggest fanbases/deepest oil money pockets can't just buy the titles. With how popular football is worldwide the players would still make millions but the playing field would be much closer.

>just imagine the shekels
BTFO judas

Football is nothing more than business and the clubs want to maximize their profit.

For Nordic League, 10 regional franchises (like Super Rugby):
- Copenhaguen
- Aarhus
- Malmö
- Gothemburg
- Stockholm
- Oslo
- Bergen
- Helsinki
- Tampere
- Reykjavik

>>no promotion or relegation
what if a team outside your so called ''super league'' is actually better than all the teams withion the league?

i mean, it sounds like a hugbox league to me

>by revenue
>not by crowd size
Fucking garbage

I doubt that would happen when the teams in the super league would be the biggest teams in europe and they will get huge money from the league. Domstic leagues would work as farm leagues for the superleague teams.

can someone call Finnish police?
they have an American to deport

so it's going to be the same old teams in this league for years? sounds like a snooze and a local football killer to me

Village teams like Eibar and such cant compete in the global markets. World is changing and so is football.

consider the following: multiball

fair point in football terms if that's your thing. but market isn't always right