I understand the bashing on messi, but what does Maradona has to do witj any of this. Maradona was a midfielder and he never played as a striker either. Its like putting beckenbauer or cryuff score percentages.
Grayson Johnson
Maradona was a striker, a mediapunta. There is a whole myth about Maradona "enganche".
That's a lie. He only play some few games in the 90s as a enganche after he leaved Sevilla.
Owen Carter
1 goal in 9 games (avg: 0,11) WC: 0 goals in 0 games 0
i get tired of saying this but: W A T C H P E L E ' S O L D G A M E S they are a joke. there is literally no defence. either they were rigged or people didn't play defence back then. don't take my word for it - go watch.
he's the most over-rated athlete ever
Jack Ramirez
In pelé's time they went to break people's shit. Look at this guy going straight for his thigh youtube.com/watch?v=k1tKmCgF0sE
You people are retarded. You aren't supposed to judge different eras like that, you fucking brainlets. If it weren't for these guys we wouldn't have had the evolution of the game.
Benjamin Reyes
Average ranking per Messi goal: 38.2 Goals Against Top 10: 13 Goals Outside Top 50: 19
Other players for reference R9 Average Rank: 34.4 Top 10: 12 Outside 50: 18
Neymar Average Rank: 37.9 Top 10: 11 Top 50: 17
Ronaldinho Average Rank: 46 Top 10: 3 Outside 50: 10
Klose Average Rank: 53.9 Top 10: 8 Outside 50: 24
Ronaldo Average Rank: 69.3 Top 10: 8 Outside 50: 43
Wyatt Wright
it's almost like strikers score more goals than playmakers and wingers
Adam Young
Ronaldinho was a midfielder, dude. His role was to assist people
Dominic Gutierrez
Then don't include Maradona
Eli Bell
>stats to compare players
Ian Turner
Maradona was a midfielder though. And he won a World Cup alone. Brazil didn't even need Pele in 1962.
Maradona eliminated all the world champions too: Uruguay 1986, England 1986, Germany 1986, Brazil 1990, Italy 1990.
Jaxson Gomez
>Comparing strikers to wingers on goal scoring stats
Ethan Bailey
I'm not shitting on Maradona. He actually has a WC as opposed to Messoy.
Asher Brown
>im not shitting on Maradona You compared his goals to strikers, which for an Argentinian is apparently fine but when it's golden boy Ronaldinho it's a big problem
Evan Lopez
>he won a World Cup alone
Why do Argeniggers say this? If Burruchaga or Valdano don't bail out Maradona in finals he is not the GOAT. You literally had Higuain and Palacio TRY NOT TO SCORE and cause Messi's demise while Maradona was bailed out by local team players.
Josiah Walker
>Perfomance of the GOATs I just put him there because he is one of the greatest (the greatest by many). You interpret it as you like.
Caleb Davis
They didn't bail out Maradona. Maradona bailed out the entire team with that insane pass in the last minute, after they let Germany tie 2-2 after being 2-0 ahead. Maradona had participated in both goals too.
Kayden Watson
William Ortiz
And they say ameristats are stupid for only looking at stats. You niggers compare based on goal stats in a 7 one off game knock out competition
Brayden Martinez
Compare to Pele that eliminated Wales 1958, France 1958, Sweden 1958 - none world champions at the time
Then didn't play in 1962 but Brazil won anyway
Then went out in group stages in 1966
Then eliminated Peru 1970, Uruguay 1970 and Italy 1970
Maradona eliminated 5 world champions and Pele merely 2
Nolan Cox
his team including fucking guillermo brown were delivering, you think if Valdano misses the last minute goal Maradona is considered even top 5 all time? I cannot even imagine 1 argentine forward that would've scored that after Batistuta. Messi's curse is playing in a generation that has absolutely no goalscorer that delivers, or you would've won the 2014 final by 3 goals.
Di Stefano played in Pele's era, saying Pele is the GOAT adds to the legitimacy of his own
Isaiah Garcia
People call him a fraud because he says he scored 1000+ goals even though officially he scored 700+, because he says he won 3 World Cups alone even though he didn't even play in 1962, and because he talks shit about all the modern players even though the modern era is clearly a far higher standard than his era, and videos show this
David Harris
di stefano also fucked pele's team when they came to madrid
Saying he scored more than a 1000 goals when 400+ came in friendlies is fraudulent senpai
Logan Rodriguez
Pele had a terrible record against Spanish teams. He averaged about 0.5 goals per game. Messi and Ronaldo average 1 goal per game.
Jackson Taylor
He played in 1962. You're outright lying. He scored against México.
People give Messi 4 CL even though he wasn't intrumental in the first one
Luis Rodriguez
He officially scored 757 goals in 812 games (0.93)
Evan Peterson
>the destroyers of deportivo >the attackers of alaves >the eliminators of eibar >the grinders of getafe >the lashers of levante >the vanquishers of valladolid
Jackson Rodriguez
Messi and Ronaldo played in the best teams in the world. The level disparity between their teams and the rest of the league is like playing farmers.
Christopher Bell
the difference is FIFA didnt recognize Pele until Maradona became too good, it was only in the 90s that FIFA awarded pele that 1962 medal because they didn't want a cocaine addict to represent the sport. Pele is quite literally a marketing machine created by FIFA to not have a degenerate image as its GOAT. If you actually think Pele was good you need a reality check.
Xavier Campbell
As opposed to playing against farmers in every game like Pele
Zachary Nguyen
I find this funny. Pelé haters contradict themselves all the time. They argue that pelé "wasn't even the best" in his own team but then later they'll act like only pelé knew how to play in the entire world. The funny thing also is that these destroyers from his NT all played in the BR league as you can see in pic related
Messi would unironically shatter the English record so hard it would be laughable. There's a reason that league has produced nothing this decade. Imagine him against Bournemouth or some shit where the defenders move at the speed of my crusty poo sliding down my asshole after eating a full pack of Oreos. The English should feel lucky this man never transferred to England to expose that literal cow-farmer league.
That's not your resume, that's the resume of hundreds of different football players over 100 years. You're a guy defending a fraud on Yea Forums
Dominic Butler
anything in the last decade?
living in the past is pathetic
Josiah Stewart
Calling him a fraud is simply ridiculous.
Evan Hughes
He wouldn't cut it in todays leagues. You can make the argument that >with todays training and technology he would be the best But that's conjecture. Maybe he would be the best, maybe he wouldn't. We only know how good he was back then, how good football was back then, which was simply many tiers below the level it's at today
Aiden Ross
only the gold medal in the olympics but no one rates it... We'll try our best to win copa américa and make Messi get cucked one more time
Logan Brown
Because you got 7-1'd in the WC semifinals in your own country
Lucas Cruz
Pele played 1 game and minutes in the WC 1962 Messi played 7 games and minutes in the CL 2005-06
But I don't count that CL anyway and I don't rate Messi either
Liam Perez
>he wouldn't cut it in today's league I can also say "Messi wouldn't cut it in England" or in 50 years people might say that Messi wouldn't cut it in their time or another league becomes prestigious and they'll say that he wouldn't cut it there
What if they make a super euro league? "meh Messi was killing spanish farmers, Zoominho is the best"
You guys also don't take into account the guys back then were figuring out stuff. It's much easier to do things when it's already figured out
Adam Williams
imagine being brazilian and having people litearlly skip work and pray to god for their national soccer team and then you get eliminated by Peru in copa america who cannot even afford a TV to watch the game so you have to come on a chinese imageboard to spill macaco stats from the 50's to feel better. This spaniard is correct.
Lucas Cox
>"Messi wouldn't cut it in England" He scored 22 goals against the top 6 English sides. It's not even speculation.
Jace Watson
>or in 50 years people might say that Messi wouldn't cut it in their time or another league becomes prestigious and they'll say that he wouldn't cut it there That's 100% exactly what will happen. Messi and Ronaldo are going to be called frauds in the same way Pele is now, and you're just going to have to live with the fact that sports getting better with time, and not worse
Owen Jenkins
that lil clip was the last 10 minutes of the 62 final. Czech were down by two so not much enthusiasm isn't too shocking. Nice cherry picking.
Isaiah Jackson
I watched entire games from that era and it doesn't compare to modern football. They played like people from the 5th or 6th division play today.
Jason Hill
really? thanks I had no idea it was from the fucking FINAL that just goes to show how abhorrent the level of play was back then
James Walker
a goal and an assist against Mexico which ultimately helped Brazil out of the group stage. Research is toovhard I guess.
Wyatt Gomez
Everyone including Pelé were on a level playing field and he outshone everyone. That's what matters.
Josiah Baker
and Messi was key against Chelsea in the Round of 16, so what? I still don't count his CL
Christian Phillips
There's no reason to believe he wouldn't be good today. He was playing and scoring in the world cup when he was 17. He was athletic and skillful all around. He could score with both legs.
Nowadays you have shitters like lukaku that has an atrocious first touch playing in the biggest league
That isn't what matters. Otherwise Wilt Chamberlain would be the GOAT instead of Michael Jordan. Or Bart Starr instead of Tom Brady.
Hudson Gonzalez
>and Messi was key against Chelsea in the Round of 16, so what? I still don't count his CL How many goals and assists did he have?
Christopher Morales
try playing with a ball from back along with no yellow or red cards, I'm sure modern players will still perform as they do now. With that being said, it makes Pele's achievements more impressive when you have a ball that bobbles once every inch.
Xavier Sanders
You're only as good as your competition, and still images against part time tractor farmers isn't going to change anything. Every time you post that bullshit you get taken less seriously
Asher Smith
why the 1880s video quality
Jordan Robinson
I'm not talking about messi. Just that he scored the best goal in that world cup and assisted. Shame he was injured for being overpowered with 0 ref protection.
Lucas Walker
because it's from the 60s mother fucker, look at the 1966 final footage it looks like it's from the twilight zone. Color TV didn't become mainstream until 1968
Josiah Brooks
>look at the 1966 final footage it looks like it's from the twilight zone kek
Gabriel Russell
He was superior than any other player for almost 20 years. If that were true I guess Messi is no better than a player from getafe.
Dominic Wilson
Messi can't win when his team lets in 3-4 goals it's a team effort and they literally sabotage him
>He was superior than any other player for almost 20 years. And when your competition is shit, that means nothing. Like the guy said before, football was still in it's early years back then. At this point, we're probably at about 90% of player potential, compared to maybe 50% back then
Jayden Collins
Haven't said shit about messi, retard. Also, being the most recognized player in a stacked team is more of a honor than being recognized in an average team. I think we can agree on this.
Ayden Perry
We are at 99.9% player potential right now
Nathan Bell
There were good players in all generations. In Pele's case nobody came close to him despite this.
Caleb Roberts
No, I think we can get a bit better. There are still a lot of players who smoke and drink heavy and don't diet well; Messi said that for a long part of his career his diet was shit, which is why he always threw up. Plus steroids can always get better
Owen Jones
Christian Watson
How can I take YOU seriously when you want to make a narrative that the best in the world were all farmers? Also I didn't know that the opposition takes from your ability to jump high. I'm sorry. I guess players from other teams exert more gravity around them...
Matthew Baker
you realize that there's more footage from such events that just what was broadcast on TV back then?
Julian Torres
20 years? You're deluded. His first title was in 1958 and his last title was in 1970. That's 12 years.
His first league was 1961 and his last league was 1968. That's 7 years.
His first Libertadores win was 1962 and his last was 1963.
Jaxon Taylor
They were farmers compared to the players we have today Also, the ability to jump high has nothing to do with your ability to play football. I thought football was meant to be a technical sport, and nothing just one dominated by athletic people?
Grayson Flores
That really means nothing at all.
Ayden Powell
People didn't start playing football in 58... First World cup was in 1930. The first Copa América was in 1916
Jason Sanders
12 years then. Still very impressive and unmatched.
Nathan Baker
Yeah, and back then people were playing at 10%. 40 years later like I said they were closer to 50%. Right now we're getting close to the human potential.
Aaron Hall
Messi won his first title in 2004-05 He's about to win a 2018-19 title, surpassing Pele's longevity by far
Easton Ross
pele would be irrelevant today if he didnt go to the US and market himself so we could include him in pop culture references
Nolan Miller
Ahh yes La liga, so hard even forlan can score 40 a season there. Not surprised the steroid infused barca lab rat will be playing longer. Longer ya, better na
Joseph Thomas
Pele only won 2 Libertadores. Bochini won 5.
Jacob Wood
>Right now we're getting close to the human potential. not with nearly 50 matches a season, that's too many
Henry Garcia
Last years La Liga had 2.69 goals per game, EPL 2.68. Right now EPL has 2.85 goals per game, La Liga only 2.55
Kayden Diaz
Pele won 3 WC's ,messi none. See how easy that is?
Josiah Russell
What do you mean? I don't think that has much to do with it. I'm just talking about the training mostly.
Grayson James
Bochini 5 CL + 1 WC = 6 Pele 2 WC + 3 WC = 5
Bochini > Pele
Luis Russell
Who would have guessed that the quality of a league would have changed in the last 2 years. Still doesn't mean it wasn't shit for the majority of his career.
Lucas Butler
When Messi scored 50 goals; EPL 2.81 La Liga 2.76 Maybe put aside your bias and check the stats
Dominic Robinson
Mateo pls.
Christian Sullivan
>3 (three) our-league players they were doomed from the start
Jose Jones
Just facts man. 5 Libertadores + 1 WC = 6
6 > 5
Nathan Allen
epl is shit too
Elijah Flores
I guess every league is shit and there are no good players
Nathan Phillips
That's such a small margin of difference lol, not significant enough.
Gavin Fisher
This has to be the most ludicrous take of all. Literally 0 people give a shit about the US when it comes to football. He's been immortalized by other players and the fact that he was the youngest to win a WC + #5 highest scorer in the WC, 3 WCs, still the highest scorer in the NT that has won the most WCs,
Brayden Stewart
But that's my point, there isn't a significant difference to suggest that La Liga is significantly easier to score in, especially when the data suggests the opposite
Logan Cooper
this is actually true, not so much because he was a drug addict but because he went against FIFA's narrative and always shat on them whenever he could
Angel James
All I know is that Suarez scored 40 goals in la liga.
Because a 0.06 goal difference is soooo noticeable. You really got there bud
Jaxon Evans
And? He scored 31 in 33 in the EPL, and he was suspended to start the season. Plus Gerrard scored 10 penalties that season; if Suarez took those he could have hit 40 too
Eli Gonzalez
What is your point? My point is not that one is so different from the other moron, my different is that there ISNT a difference. You're just agreeing with me
Jackson Rodriguez
my point is that there isn't a difference*
Jackson Wilson
And for what year is that for?
Gavin Wright
For his entire career. If you take goals per game scored from La Liga and EPL from 2004-05 to now you'd find a negligence difference on either side
Joseph Perry
Has Independiente built a statue for the true GOAT yet?
The EPL at least is more balanced. La Liga is like ligue 1 with the difference being that there are two "PSGs" instead of one
Sebastian Brown
playing so many matches a season is just too physically demanding so players can't give it all they've got and sometimes manages ignore one competition to focus on another