Model sells virginity for £2MILLION - and footballer was third highest bidder

>Model sells virginity for £2MILLION - and footballer was third highest bidder
>the third highest was a famous footballer from Munich.

Who was it?

Attached: virgin freak.jpg (612x726, 47K)

>Footballer from Munich
Definitely Thomas Muller

Ribery of course

I have questions whenever this shit happens. Do the bidders just trust that the girl is a virgin or what? You really can't prove it.

This, it’s obvious

How is this not prostitution?

Is biology no longer taught?

Does it include her anal virginity also? If so could be a decent deal.

that bitch is not a fucking virgin, give me a break. i'm sure there are ways to insert a fake hymen, she scammed them.

>You really can't prove it.
You can have a doctor check to see if her hymen is still intact.

Go clubbing in any major city in the UK and you'll find 10 girls who look identical to her at every club and you'll have a chance of banging them for free. Only some literal retard would pay 2mil to bang a woman this average.

Jerome Boateng

Lol please explain to me how to biologically prove someone is a virgin.

Yea but no STD

Yeah, but there are plenty of ways it could have broken without having sex. Chances are a full grown adult wouldn't have one, regardless of being a virgin or not.

You can get hymen rebuilding surgeries now. Arabs do it all the time in fear of being beaten by their forced marriage husbands so they fuck a lot and then have surgery. She could literally take the money, have surgery and a month later or whatever meet with the guy to have sex and he'll never know any difference.

nobody cares. you just do this to brag to your rich buddies that you paid 2 milly to get your dick rode all night by this little whore

>“Maria” is also looking for a sugar daddy who will provide her with a monthly allowance of £26,000.
$400,000 USD per year. No strangers pussy is worth $400,000 per year. Someone needs to slap this women.

Wouldn't a qualified doctor know how to differentiate between a fake hymen and a real one?

mutt post of the day.

Attached: 1549497372362.jpg (1037x1037, 110K)


>biologically prove someone is a virgin
if they post on Yea Forums, that's one way

Kill yourself. You can break your hymen numerous ways.

Technically marriage is the same as this. You're giving your hard earned money to someone who was a stranger to you once and they exist to have sexual relations with just like with this woman.

she's fugly

Ribery 100%, it's in his Muslim blood

>she auctioned her virginity on the infamous escort site Cinderella Escorts, based in Germany

Prostitution is legal outside the USA Cletus

oh my fucking god imagine not knowing fucking middle school biology

Enjoy the possibility of catching AIDS

Marriage is not like this at all. Marriage is a contract for life, bringing two families together, most times starting a new one together. Jointing money, time, resources and love of both partners.
Sugar daddy/baby is merely sex for money until either party gets bored of the other. Ask this whore to stick by you when you lose your job, or ask her to carry your child, she'll laugh at you.

>merely sex for money until either party gets bored of the other.
>Ask this whore to stick by you when you lose your job, or ask her to carry your child, she'll laugh at you.
>meanwhile in reality 50% of marriages end in divorce because of those exact reasons

It's one and the same mate.

You have free pussy and gratis AIDS, it's great offer.

it means that has less than 100 dicks in her right?



Yoi forgot another > lad

>decide to sell virginity
>not actually a virgin
>pay poorfag doctor 5k to say I'm a virgin
>sell virginity for 2m
What did she mean by this?

get ya coins sis

you probably couldn't even tell the difference. placebo effect + bragging rights

You really can't tell though.

Do incels really think the hymen jsut stays intact until a penis tears through it?

The ultimate fetish

>there are "people" on this board who haven't taken a girl's virginity and got hymen blood all over their dick and sheets
get it together, losers

Attached: virgilmorgenstein.jpg (550x400, 27K)

This, also virgin girls are fucking terrible at sex. They can't handle even the most average size dick.

But once they get that first taste of confidence and begin to go ham it is great

>tfw my ex from 3 years ago was a virgin
>tfw I took her viginity
>tfw is was amazing and we even ended up doing anal
We ended up breaking up and it ruined my expectation of women.

How did you break yours?

>trusting the internet
They will be lucky if she's a girl for real.

Virgins don't exist anymore

Playing soccer. I went to do a standing tackle on the ball and my foot rolled on/over the ball and I did half a split. The whole team was freaking out, but I just put a pad on in the portapotty and finished the game.

kek, looks like a malnourished tranny

Seething poorfag

>paying 2 mil for a nigger's vagina

Fucking eurofags

Attached: Europe vs South America white.jpg (720x670, 47K)

probably some random jewish player

shes a 10/10...

it is

If a woman's clitoral bulbs have burst, that shows she has had sex. You can tell because her vagina will be leaking a small amount of purple discharge instead of the usual virgin oil you get from pure women.


Only straight men would find her attractive, not Canada's fault he's bent.

What are you like 50? Women have careers now, they don't need you to support them for life.

>No tits
>No ass
>That nose

Roastie science

It's embarrassing when retards try to act smart. Go ahead and say i troll you xD

Found the seething 2nd highest bidder. Unlucky m8.

The one who paid 2 mil and won was a jap politician (i know, color me surprised)

she looks like fellaini ffs

pic related?

>Her first dick was a 2 incher from some Jap business man

This is why traps are better

>American education

yup this