
Attached: 116230.jpg (613x614, 355K)

Other urls found in this thread:



not bad

>it was 3-0

the second biggest in the world

Attached: 277451.jpg (1400x961, 293K)

Thank you.

Attached: hello.png (1267x785, 206K)

French fry edition

Attached: 4E9FEF28-A1DF-482D-868D-2AA77E096B58.png (500x436, 106K)

trade bulju right now!!

does columbus know that there's more teams than just ottawa that they can trade with


Stay scared m8

Attached: leafs30.jpg (1364x720, 476K)

danks OP

Attached: corgidog.jpg (600x394, 38K)

Mark Donnely sounds like when south park did the anthem

not mad at the Dabres yet
>u will b

Attached: 1426369731503.png (499x574, 38K)

do i watch beaners/coilers to watch mcmeme move one step closer to sudoku? or the less memy game that is isles/cucks


Attached: french-fries.jpg (640x640, 73K)

senators are unofficial farm team for jackets

>labatt blue
no labatt bleue

Attached: roiheenok.jpg (535x519, 23K)

Where are the golden face posters?

Oh mon dieu!
Quelle horreur!

Attached: habs blue (white).png (270x270, 11K)

wtf i want to live in canada now

who gives a fuck when you can pick them bone dry?

mcmeme is suspended

How does it feel scabs fans?

Attached: 34.jpg (472x624, 94K)

the what now?

bulju and mcgoon arent playing. no point in watching the soilers.

>this game
We are so fucked.

Attached: Screenshot_3.jpg (1066x865, 519K)

oh yeah, fuck. less of a meme game it is


Attached: SteaméDOg.jpg (525x350, 47K)

>clique clique clique

Attached: click.jpg (480x320, 13K)

Attached: Screenshot_12.png (865x877, 790K)

>never going to own a lakefront cottage because boomers own it all and sell it for millions

Attached: 1550106726087.jpg (272x272, 19K)

digits aside, it looks like a bowl of slop

this is beautiful

there are thousands of lakes in this country. just build a cottage next to one.

A mcdavid-less Oilers against the Ducks sounds like the worst possible game to watch this season.

Tell me some stories about those legendary 1940s Sharks teams. Tell me your tall tales. I want to hear everything.

My boomer parents just got a sweet ass cottage for the senpai. Life is #blessed

Tbh sad mcgoon isn't playing because posts about how miserable he looks always make me laugh

Shorks shorked hard tonight

i can live this life if i just work like 50 more years

>buy a cottage
>internet is too shit to post on /hoc/
It's not all good.

gotta get it out of >our system at some point. haven't shorked that hard in a good while desu

>no nucks thread
starting to think it may not actually be our year...

>laffs v >habs
how'd it go tonight boys?

Attached: 2301.gif (300x225, 2.05M)

get in line, chink

>L O L
good job shittsburg

>4pts back on WC #2

It's too much isn't it?

Attached: 1540255932047.png (1022x1020, 2.69M)

Vancouver without Edler has a pathetic deepth on the D.

If you're a habs fan, don't watch after the first period.

shut up. there's like 20 games left.

>loading up at the deadline just to miss the playoffs


Attached: 609432947003.gif (500x362, 327K)

>*blocks your path*

Attached: reminder.png (794x852, 1.04M)

gayest night of hokkei this season, topped off with a rainstorm on Gary's latest novelty

You're 7 points back after the pens win

Based Hyman working Weber into a shoot

seething manlet simp

If by latest you mean a decade old money grab overstayed its welcome

Who wins the Cup out of these teams (>my team, right)?

Attached: Screenshot_20190223-192835~2.png (1034x1651, 164K)

sharks you fucking retard

>craps and >teds on the verge of being out the outside
>still top 10 in the league

Attached: Screenshot_35.png (1919x1079, 1.41M)

NOT the lgbtqning


the only certainty is that >shorks and >laffs won't win it

Excuse me, lad. There seems to be some mistake.
I don't see >my team anywhere on this list.

finally out of the wild car spot

fuck yeaaaaaaaaaaah

Attached: s9.jpg (907x1059, 114K)


i hope i stay on this board long enough to see how this saga of aussiebro and the mild play out.

Attached: ASHES.png (1208x572, 1.36M)


don't sweat it, you're never leaving lad


Attached: 777.jpg (624x351, 32K)

>tfw i burned my finger getting bread out of the toaster

Attached: 1465106855703.jpg (601x601, 106K)

you're probably right

Attached: 10Mitchell-Johnson.jpg (670x472, 327K)

that was electricity dumbass

Attached: cricroof.jpg (1300x959, 193K)

use a knife next time

Malkin is such a little bitch

Why is there an "Asian" lad posting cricket photos ITT


Attached: zucc.jpg (1280x720, 88K)

me on the far left

Attached: 1537152121429.png (576x566, 225K)

no it was from the metal plate on the top of the toaster. my lowest knuckle touched it and i burned myself

he'll be back


>Murray shoves the net off of the moorings

this is number 1 bullshit

Fuck niggers

But history has shown that small deficits are hard to overcome even with a bunch of games left to play. The Sabres would have to go on a 5 game win streak to think about having a chance and they haven't won back to back games since December.

Attached: 1540936218129.jpg (600x800, 108K)

>challenging that
hahahahaha they're just wasting everyone's time

Attached: mcpressbox.gif (500x224, 2.66M)

u will b

cause it's in an NFL stadium -_-

this is gold.

Have the flyers ever played a game without being uppity niggers?

the game must be extremely slow for him up there

That's like asking if the Penguins have never not been little bitches

>penguins playing hockey
>flyers channeling their ancestors time fighting other tribes on the Savannah

This image offends me

second biggest in the world btw niche faggots

Attached: DmvZ6zFX0AEUZpb.jpg (1200x730, 189K)

fuck yeah, outdoor OT



Attached: Steven-Smith-MS-Dhoni-Ben-Stokes.jpg (750x499, 636K)

Hey, it worked for them

Jesus christ Murray


Attached: flyers blue (orange).png (270x270, 8K)



matt murray is not elite


wtf flyers

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You must be new.

Based Gagner with two goals already

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fuck yeah, fuck the Pittsburgh Bitches

gg faggots

Attached: 1543724186913.png (803x520, 47K)

It worked really well for them

That was good.

fuck pittsburgh and fuck jannies


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Pens/Flyers is the best american rivalry in all of sports.

Lol Murray not even in the handshake


>the dilapidated shitstained hovel of pittsburgh

Attached: pongs.png (389x229, 14K)

Flyers are ELITE

Attached: 2287_yep.jpg (865x283, 50K)

Reminder that Canada’s wonderland is literally a cedar point knockoff


holy fucking based. today philthy was okay

Attached: canes chikin 5.png (1292x1287, 642K)

fuck Gritty
fuck Gary
fuck this gay stadium series
fuck Philadelphia
fuck gay 2 hour pregame shows
fuck Pierre
fuck Gary again


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Attached: sd.png (509x450, 42K)


What is it with Philly?
They have the most entertaining rivalries.

>The shanty town of Shittsburgh

>can’t even beat Columbus

I would just like to extend a heartfelt "merci beaucoup" to all of >our new Philly friends.

Attached: program.png (806x694, 336K)

Columbus is a shithole and you should hate yourself for associating with it

stay in your game thread faggot /hoc/ is not for triplosers


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How can this be happening??? How are the CANES of all teams ahead of us?? How are we OUT OF THE PLAYOFFS. WRE SOPPOSED TO BE A DYNASTY. Rutherford was supposed to make us the Patriots of the league. This is fucked.

Attached: benstokes171018.jpg (968x645, 59K)

> 13-20-3 overall against Columbus

>NBC broadcasted game goes to and OT in which the team that was behind wins
I'm getting tired of this meme
Just have blowouts for fucks sake

t. assblasted

Imagine being drunk alone on a sunday at 5 in the morning

Columbus is now on pace to win the cup

and filtered
pennsylvania should be nuked

Every building in Columbus is a homeless shelter

Thanks Hong Kouver for giving the oilers Sam Ganger back.

Hahahaha HAHAHAH hahahaha
Vancouver sucks

gary would never allow it

Pierre luc Dubois is centering the second line these past two nights he literally made everyone on the ice better
He is a truely Elite player

Well I heard a rumor from a Finnish man on the inside who said that Gary is going to be assassinated

Hey ewe guise, I want to ask /hoc/ something..

Who here remember the Large Hadron Collider thread??
>it was a while ago

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Matt duchene is going to land up in the hall of fame as a bluejacket

kek-allainen is one of the best GM’s in the league. Passing on bulju and taking PLD was genius

reminder that in dayton oh*o 1 in 5 of all babies born are going trough opioid withdrawals


You guys know how excited I am? The Columbus bluejackets finally have scoring depth at center and left wing

>anything other than a Indiana town




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Nobody had taken any North American players until him and he was clearly the best choice

>Zuc to Stars
When are they just gonna go full on tank and trade Lundqvist?

An assist on Anderson’s goal gives Pierre-Luc Dubois 42-58-100 in 143 games. He has reached 100 points faster than any player in #CBJ history, besting Nikolai Zherdev (47-53-100 in 156 games). Rick Nash picked up his 100th point in his 164th game.

>He has reached 100 points faster than any player in #CBJ history
thats not saying much

Attached: tenor.gif (220x272, 63K)

Hes full nmc so he is driving the bus

but shorks are gonna trade karlsson for lundpads

sharks don't stand a chance

imagine being a weak gutted cunt who couldn't control his players and never deserves to captain again

Attached: s10.jpg (759x500, 54K)

neither does >your team

G'day mate - let's throw another shrimp on the barbie?

Attached: pens blue (2019 Stadium).png (270x270, 12K)

better chance than the sharks who have a 0% chance because they are garbage

Hes got a 10 team no trade list
Wouldn't be surprised if a rebuild team like >rags is on it


Attached: 1539785735821.png (470x496, 156K)

Amor el mas grande del mundo
Que yo muy tarde, para un hombre como yo
Enamorado de ti, y so(y) treinta años mayor

t. coping flims faggot

Yzerman is like the most popular non porno website, he holds the record for most points in a season by anyone not named Gretzky or Lemieux but he's still 10 trillionth overall

Lol Zuckerberg to the stars

To be fair, if I'm going to do the far side of the helmet for Pittsburgh, I should really do it for Philly, too.

Attached: flyers blue (2019 Stadium).png (270x270, 16K)

guess again retard

Leafs are going to win the Stanley Cup and Sharks fans are all going to collectively kill themselves

oh, well then why are you talking? no other canadian team has a chance

sharks fans are unironically leafs fans ever since marleau left so it's a win/win

I'm planning on killing myself if >we don't win the cup regardless of who else wins it desu, boss

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fuck that, i don't want to see the laffs win

i'm not saying i want them to win, i'm saying if it's not >us it may as well be patty.

my cat wont come inside and im tired and want to go to bed

Very excited about >my team.
Best of luck to >your team.

Simple as.

yesterday some strangers cat followed me home

Leafs are winning it all
fuck every other team

stay scared m8

>letting your cat go outside

Attached: 67b.jpg (600x450, 78K)


was this a get?

>Winning it all

The first round will sweep you in 5

>mfw >my team gets scored on by 3 literally whos on vintage night

Attached: the gods are displeased.jpg (558x611, 26K)

this guy lurks /hoc/ right?

imagine how much playoff experience would fix this blueline right up.

That’s me

most likely has posted here a few times

Ive been having progressively less and less sex each year since 2007

Can't get lower than 0, la

>the absolute state of the canucks

Attached: Isles OH NO NO NO.png (319x199, 94K)

>tfw 19 year old virgin
please tell me it gets better boomerbros

Attached: 1465107021941.jpg (668x712, 116K)


just get an escort lad. get it over with.

>losing 4-0
>against the Isles

Attached: vancouver_canucks triggered.png (720x480, 252K)

you are already here. its too late.


that should lock >us into a top10 pick and finally end any ploff hopes.

that's not even that bad. I lost it at 18. put in some effort, try to switch your game up.

can you even relate to zoomers?

oh sweet no goal.

not so fast cucks

Too bad the refs couldn't make that decision on the obvious goalie interference in the 2017 playoffs.
>toronto's request
welp, it'll be a goal

believe it or not, I was a teenager once too

>Ever since I left the city YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU

like decades ago lol

Wow no goal?!

Well done duckies, HOWEVER

>post No. ends with 40
cannot escape 1982

i thought he was getting ready to point to center ice

how do I get a job in the situation room in Toronto?

Fuck the Oilers, fuck the pipeline

lol why do the ducks always seem to troll the oilers somehow?

Prove that we aren't living in a simulation
Checkmate: atheists

>>put in some effort, try to switch your game up.
>Didn't go to college
>Coworkers are all in their 50s
Not him, but some people are actually completely, irredeemable fucked
Just like the Sharks SC prospects to keep this post hockey related

>having cats
>having animals at all

Attached: maga.webm (1280x720, 2.77M)

I'm 26 bud


Based refs and replay reviews helping >us tank.

Attached: 1522639766705.png (720x786, 208K)

>fuck the pipeline
Have fun living in this sinking ship called "canada". Thanks, retards for voting for that tyrant, and for encouraging the destruction of this country. I don't understand why, but you're all probably possessed by Satan

Only psychos don't have pets

yea you are basically a dinosaur to most teenagers.

I think therefor I am

>making yourself the bitch of some animal and obliging yourself to take care of it

Attached: bro.jpg (400x400, 21K)

26 stone lmao

i deleted system32 and life still goes on.

I'm so fucking angry
Someone say something stupid so I can call you a fucking retard and argue with you

t. psycho

>tfw 29 and dating a 19 y/o with daddy issues

Attached: zoomer_boomer.jpg (898x742, 158K)

It's gonna be weird seeing Zucc in a stors uniform desu

i'm more scared of the teds in the playoffs than the pens

I am jealous of you.

I said say something stupid not something straight out of ascended consciousness

the years from 18-25 go so fast, they will be "dinosaurs" like me in the blink of an eye anyways

>living with animals
yikes, what are you a caveman?

been there, done that lad. you'll wish you haven't in 2-3 years. crazy girls usually lose it when they turn 21 and let the alcohol take hold.

Is it just me or does it feel like the >rags should've gotten more for Zucc

Attached: implyingarrowrags.png (475x609, 358K)

He's 31 and already has a history of injuries.
I think the Stars overpaid

it's basically a 2nd and a 3rd

Attached: el_23_de_febrero.jpg (1400x1068, 281K)

Someone's dick actually worked on that?

Calisse du tabernac. My mom came into my room to bring me a plate of poutine and I literally screamed at her and hit the plate of poutine out of her hand. She started yelling and swearing at me and I slammed the door on her. I'm so distressed right now I don't know what to do. I didn't mean to do that to my mom but I'm literally in shock from the result tonight. I feel like I'm going to explode. Why the fucking fuck are the Habs losing? This can't be happening. I'm having a fucking breakdown. I don't want to believe the world is so corrupt. I want a future to believe in. I want the Canadiens to win Le Coup Stanley and beat those fucking Leafs. I cannot fucking deal with this right now. It wasn't supposed to be like this, how are the Leafs a good team now???? This is so fucked.

Shorks desu

For me its Kara Wagland at TSN

Shorks shorking or Laffs laffing?

As a Red Blooded Patriotic American, I fully support and respect French Canada and secretly don't passionately hate the Habs, but shh don't tell anyone.
Et le but, fuck the Laffs

For me it’s incredible back pain before going to sleep
Man it sucks being 31

FUCK the sharks, and all of you bandwagoning faggost

This is completely wrong
Boomer should be listening to moving pictures by rush

hon hon hon

Attached: 1536364466066.png (207x228, 9K)

wew are you me
>except i'm 32

yeah she seems really cool.

Attached: 33317735_256715705068250_2900191016109735936_n.jpg (1080x1080, 1.86M)

Shorks gots super shorked by the teds

I hope the Sharks go into the toilet within the next 3 seasons just so you can see me still posting about them and eat these foolish words you have uttered today

kek at that babby's hat

french canadians are the niggers of canada

That fucking woman in the background

You now remember the Rich Peverley incident.


Based jackets killing a man

You are the nigger of Canada

you now remember Marek Svatos is died


Unironically, smoke some weed
>my dude

None of the above

Im not on welfare and blame all my problems on anglos

your whole province is on western welfare.

>losing to the oilers with no mcgaykid

but im not from queerbec

Last digit is best TP Boys season


>reddit park boys

Rent free

this is a corner gas general


Just as planned. >We're out-tanking the masters.

Attached: duckytankman[1].jpg (620x403, 41K)

it was lost in transit

A band of roving pajeets in movers' uniforms burst through his front door, spiked his laptop into the floor, and then ran off into the night.
Now he's gotta try to get a new laptop for cheap on eBay before he can give us our recap video.

Up your butt and around the corner, two doors to the left, there's your boner

for me it's season 5

please go back

how is it associated with reddit? it's a canadian show from nova scotia that started almost 20 years ago

you are really obsessed with reddit user, whats a matter with you

Anything you dont like is reddit now
Welcome to 4channel in the current year

r*ddit = downvote
based = upvote

yes the hint was a coiled dump left by the toilet

Please eat my cock faggot

>man shot by police in Winnipeg after an interaction
rip sam


>left by the toilet
>them leaving it indoors
See, now I don't believe it anymore.

Oh Sammy boooooyyyyyyy, the pipes, the pipes are caaaallllllllling...


When you take a shit in a public toilet, do you bother flushing?

>all those canes dads doing zoomer dancers
God bless boomers desu

they also used his jersey collection to wipe their asses.

only if i roll up some toilet paper around my hand and push the handle

hockey in the sunbelt was, is, and always will be a mistake


Not gonna lie, they're really tiptoeing on the line of taking this too far.
They have the manic energy of a 6-year-old, combined with the determination of a grizzled, veteran boomer. I'm genuinely scared to see what they do next up in that box.

Attached: boomers.png (758x733, 561K)

Shannon has blessed us with the second and final review video.
Power rankings to follow.

>Power rankings
he's probably going to move >my team 6 spots down again :(

It's okay, >you can just tank for a good draft pick and then watch a team jump from 11th to 2nd and sneak ahead of you. :^)

>Pour me somethin' tall and strong,
>Make it a "Hurricane" before I go insane.
>It's only half-past twelve but I don't care.
>It's five o'clock somewhere.

Attached: guitar pepe.jpg (1920x1200, 214K)

the pacific is too shit to tank, we'll most likely float into the ploffs and lose in the first round

>in 5

Fuck you're dumb bud.

go back

oh no no no no

>columbus is now stacked
>bruins exist
>tampa bay

leafs are fucked arent they?

what's a bender?


a sunbelt hockey player

Based single 50 year old man obsessed with the nhl

if by "fucked" you mean "winning the Stanley Cup" then you are correct

is it because it's considered bad form to bend? I take it it has to do with bending the waiste instead of the knees? I don't know


Attached: 1543608895609.jpg (120x140, 7K)

dude were fucked. im giving up and watching the raptors

>only SHIT teams playing tomorrow

Attached: 1434475608291.jpg (400x388, 32K)

I'm already planning the parade

dude just stop. were done for and its pathetic you wont admit

Accidentally watched college Apehoop the other day and enjoyed it, lads.

feel sick in my stomach for what happened to /ourguy/.
im in shock.

college is based, because they're actually trying their hardest, since they aren't getting paid yet.

>IT WAS 3-0

Attached: hasb reverse sweep.jpg (131x341, 16K)

>t. buttmad faggot falseflagger
it's the leafs year, get used to it

your /hoc/ pass has been revoked

Attached: 1514594138266.jpg (361x593, 123K)

Weird how college basketball players aren’t getting paid yet every top recruit’s mom is driving around in a brand new Escalade

Hey boys FUCK canada haha remember 2015 when I started the whole 1993 thing hahahaha

prolly all that money they saved from not having to pay for their kid to go to college

Blaaaaaazed haha

I would check myself for a concussion if I were you and present the doctor with that post as exhibit

Haha yeah for sure. Smoking the laser lettuce and cleaning my puck. Haha fuck canada

Filtered. Pusy. I'd fucking kill you irl haha

Hockey > Basedball > Various College Atheletics > Literally everything else >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Dosgshit>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cr*ck*t

you think your mad at canada now just wait until the leafs win the stan lee cup in june. you dumb americans are going to be so mad youll probably all die of heart attacks

Spent the last 5 or so years refreshing hoc to see if grease posted anything dumb so I can laugh about how much smarter than him I am. Hahahaha !!!!

real pookcific hours

Attached: pook!.jpg (772x634, 189K)


okay this....

Is based

don't /cr*c/ post in /hoc/ please

based pook poster

I am back from my 3 day vacation. it was very lonely. I missed you guys

This guy.... this IS my kinda guy

We missed you too, friend

dont know how he'll do, lads

Attached: 5b58aee03a75d.image.jpg (1200x777, 115K)

dude im not been a leafs fan since i moved to canada but today was the day i put everything away in a box. its over man

Hey guys just wanted to let you know you are all loved and if you ever get hungry Burger King is a good place to talk about hockey.

Hope things are going well and you're improving in things you want to improve on.

I had Burger King last night and it gave me the shits right in the middle of the game I was watching

Hope he doesn't get hurt and plays power play minutes with nyquist and vanek desu

they're both so cheeky.


Attached: 1539414836402.jpg (354x286, 25K)

Glad to hear it!


your so full of shit I bet you have brown eyes

free shkreli

Idk on the one hand I have no opposition to his practices but on the other I hate people I know that remind me of him

I want to be better

pharmabro a good boy
he dindu nuffin

The power rankings are up, and Shannon is wearing a BASED jersey.

Attached: bed.png (752x635, 176K)

i dont like his new house
looks soulless

it's up fellas


Attached: shannon 3.jpg (500x500, 75K)

No, fuck wagecucks.

Attached: wagies_BTFO.jpg (1364x1818, 340K)

Lmfao I honestly had no idea how drunk I was. I was watching videos of Matt duchenes first goal as a blue jacket and thinking about how happy panarin looked to have a "skill player" in Columbus and 1 hour passed

>The forced bronpart inthink is what I hate.
>bronpart inthink
come again?

we need fascism

Sorry man I was calling him a "forced bro" but I fucked the entire post up and the entire post was fucking stupid so I deleted it.

Unironically more scared of Bobrovsky than anyone else in the Eastern conference

Attached: 1501215021373.gif (192x197, 87K)

eating gummy worms fellas

Bob can't score goals why be worried

Lehner is the best goalie in the NHL right now

regular season babby

sounds dope as fuck

Lets go boys, get those pucks deep and generate offense

For me, it's holding them up at the line and forcing offsides.

valid point
invalid points

for me it's getting out there and keeping it simple

For me, it's getting the turnover at the blue line to set up a high quality scoring chance and ripping it bar down past the tendie

Okay boys we gotta play a solid 60 minutes lets go

for me, its catching the D off guard in the nuetral zone and dishing it deep to setup a sweet bardown breakaway wrister

for me it's pulling my goalie
and then making a soft dump in the corner

for me, it's having faith in both of our goalies no matter who's in net

I feel like this happened in an actual nhl game once

Attached: 1483470098576.png (211x211, 16K)

for me, its the home barn fans that always get us going no matter what and always show up to support

For me, it's getting to the red line and blasting the puck into the corner board to bounce back to my winger who's racing down the wing to score a nice goal

Attached: 1536607830756.gif (367x219, 523K)

For me, it's shooting to the far side and missing the net so puck rims around and clears the zone while I lazily go for a change in the second period to give the other team a 3 on 0 and then talking shit to my goalie when coach pulls him

>wears Carolina gear
>drops Carolina by one
>barely spends any time talking about them
I feel betrayed.

>s-someone validate my f-fandom!!
Can you stop.

for me, it's no-look backhanding the puck towards the net to get a line change and getting a lucky bounce past the goalie

once he covers the box scores hes pretty tapped out.

for me, it's out-shooting and out-possessing the other team 2.5:1 and still losing

obsessed / seething

Just making an observation that you can stop bein insecure about what hockey team you cheer for

For me it's faking a dump in and then shooting it on net and falling down on my way to a line change then telling everyone oops haha

For me it's slashing an opposing players skates in the final seconds when my team is losing by four then acting confused when he starts punching me

>he's still obsessing

Your only reaction is a meme but you know it’s true. Absolutely no one else on /hoc/feels the need to constantly remind the rest on being a fan of X team

amen, but I take solace in the fact that the Carolina retard only does it because he doesn't know anything about hockey and is legitimately retarded.

leave canes user alone, hes a friendly guy that just wants to talk about hockey with his anonymous buddies

He never talks about hockey.


Kinda awkward how Bo is the best at hockey and isn't even in the title

sure he does. he makes shitposts too but who doesn't, no reason to give him such a hard time

There are plenty of reasons are you serious

I feel like we're finally gaining traction on hurting his feelings

you sound like a real asshole

I'm not up to date on the Shannon moving arc, why is this the final power rankings?

You sound like a real pusy

its not, its his final rankings at his old house

I thought he was already at the new house

does dallas have any good players

why they don't put Elias on a fatten up with muscle regime is beyond me

The power of the skeleton is not in its muscles

canucks are so pathetic lmao

>that first sip of the day

Said no one e-

Attached: nucksbluecrying.png (270x270, 11K)

This is the essential first post of the day

Attached: 9c7a0059.jpg (657x527, 38K)

Sunbelt Btfo

Cheer up, Canuckid.

Correct, your post is, friend.

Based and comfypilled

That logo so frickin' ugly

Attached: cut (1).jpg (1024x576, 19K)

>29 dating 19 year old

NOT based

Not really aside from the big three, zuccarello is a weird fit imo but we shall see I guess

In my experience they start going on power trips for whatever reason because they think you've validated everything in their life

Canucks have never had a good logo

comfy is just a code word for boring desu

Attached: nirvana_boomer.jpg (465x407, 39K)

Attached: boomers_grilling.gif (500x500, 97K)

I like Fear of the Dark more.

Top 10 Iron Maiden albums

1. Iron Maiden
2. Fear of the Dark
3. Piece of Mind
4. The Number of the Beast
5. Brave New World
6. Killers
7. Powerslave
8. Seventh Son of a Seventh Son
9. Dance of Death
10. Somewhere in Time

hockey karlsson netminder

???? Terrible
#1 Seventh Son
#2 Powerslave

That's where you're wrong friendo

1. Iron Maiden
2. Seventh Son
3. Fear of the Dark
4. Killers
5. Somewhere in Time
6. Powerslave
7. Piece of Mind
8. Dance of Death
9. No Prayer for the Dying
10. Brave New World

This is a list I can respect tbf

Holy fuck lads I didn't watch the Flyers - Penguins game live cause I had sleepies so I just finished watching it now.

Attached: girouxsalem.jpg (236x305, 20K)

Tbf that list might be a bit incorrect since i haven't listened full Maiden albums in a quite a while

In a foreign field he lay
Lonely soldier, unknown grave
On his dying words he prays
Tell the world of Paschendale

Attached: SmartSelect_20180603215226_Clover_dev.jpg (1062x810, 162K)

Who Kaapo Kakko here?

>Roope Hintz

what did he ever do wrong?

Me neither tbf

Dank stuff

big trade today

Pulju for Nylander?

Why would Edmonton ever do that?

BULJU to florida for a bag of pucks where he will turn into a franchise player in a line with barkov and borgstrom :DDD

Attached: 1547602880598.gif (250x200, 967K)

Attached: 1549073408037.jpg (256x196, 22K)

BuBaBo line :DDDD






BuBaBo line helps Florida win the Stanlee Bowl


Attached: 1547166803758.gif (500x376, 438K)

If the Stors win two rounds, the 2nd becomes a 1st, and if he resigns, the 3rd also becomes a 1st. In all likelihood, they paid this year's 2nd and next year's 1st for a manlet on the wrong side of 30.

i'm done

north americhads, awaken and retake hoc from the euro


At a rennaissance fair. Will get some pics of fat chicks with big tits in corsets for you lads

Idea: Jousting on ice. Fund it.

>lolorado back in the playoffs
The West is a fucking shitshow. Teams 9-10 in the East should replace the West's wildcard teams.

>tfw 29 and dating a 19 y/o with daddy issues
This is why I'm a high school teacher. Only work 9 months, great retirement, and endless teen pussy. The first 2 weeks after graduation make all the hard work totally worthwhile.

>rennaissance fair.
in amercia?

where else?


Post reaction images you stole from famous paintings.

Also, try to guess the painting or artist.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-02-22_23-14-14.png (215x220, 73K)

I fucking hate each and every last one of you


finland is a pretty cool guy

Attached: woah.png (484x410, 317K)

Attached: 1546657533043.webm (660x524, 785K)

laine hat trick tonight you heard it here first

Attached: th4.jpg (500x413, 23K)



Avs in their 4 game winning streak.

They have scored 20 goals.
Only let in 4.
3 in Chicago.

i bet bulju was one of the bullies in primary school and lukio

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He barely finished primary school

so he was a bully then

You just sound like a faggot desu. Gas ys

No you aren't

Including yourself?

you now remember eeli tolvanen

The Wild tank is over, time to make the playoffs

and lose in the first round

oh? you weren't scared? it's not too late to start m8

Who are my shit team bros cheering for this playoffs?
>based Jackets
>small amount of love for the Sharks, Islanders, and Knights

Attached: F9F022E4-6675-4813-B916-27540D766EB9.jpg (1242x1525, 167K)

The key is to enter the 3rd period behind. That way we come back and win.

>12 hours of hockey
>only first and last games aren't SHIT

I was sad too but this team needs some reconsctruction.

rags caps is pure shit m8
and the way the jets have been playing they'll get btfo by the sparklepups

SHut up nigger all your favorite teams are shit


Would rather watch women's hockey than the metropolitan division
Is there a stream for Markham vs Montreal?


Shut the fuck up you child. Adults are siducucusi hockey jets caps stanclet cyup ameyb xcept boston