>old mods left
>new mods haven't started
Prove me wrong.
Old mods left
is it rude if I give my gf one of those bleaching vagina creams?
licking pussy can give you cancer
does she got the booty?
holy shit
No sauce?
Modless Yea Forums confirmed.
Go nuts.
Not really, she's nowhere near being as hot as the girl in the Op, but im really tired of having to look at her brown vagina
All over her back.
So can being a virgin
how do i get my ass that clean
That's not a mexican woman with an ass 6x bigger than her head
Don't look at it, just eat it.
Like any other Mexican food.
Do not count the days, do not count the miles. Count only the Jannies you have forced to clean up your shitposts. Kill the Jannie - this is your old mother's prayer. Kill the Jannie - this is what your children beseech you to do. Kill the Jannie - this is the cry of your Yea Forums earth. Do not waver. Do not let up. Kill
why do we allow companies to make dildos that are bigger than the average dick? how fucking stupid and brain dead are we as men? our ancestors are laughing at us, that's what all this weird weather is from, not global warming, the universe can't handle the decibels of sheer laughter.
soap and bleach
Sup faggot
those lazy bastards still sleeping
that looks so nice
shame ill never know the feeling
We make sex dolls that don't look like women, have you tried just crying moar?
i have the right to fuck myself with a horse dildo
What if they're dead, and we're in the middle of an office shooting
That's not sauce
>how fucking stupid and brain dead are we as men?
no mods?
actually cringed
who else just realized they are in the WIERD part of Yea Forums again?? XD
What's the context of this?