Why does it hurt so much when your team loses?

Why does it hurt so much when your team loses?

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I don't feel anything anymore

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Is one CL too much to ask?

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bought into the media bullshit

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But Fortaleza still shall play today

Because winning would mean nothing if losing didn't hurt.

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emotionally over-invested in them because your life is shit

Because your life probably sucks and by supporting a club/team you obviously try to get the short term feel goods by deluding yourself into believing you had a hand their victories and accomplishments which isn't true, so when they don't succeed you don't just see their failure but realize your own as well and how empty and pathetic your existence actually is.

This desu. Standing pitchside and shouting support feels like you're helping, so if they lose it shows that you have no real impact on the world no matter how much you want good things to happen.

It's just media user. You know, like anime

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>tfw rooting for the underdogs at every turn results in the statistically likely outcome of having your team lose over and over and over and it is beginning to take its role on you

And they said it was just a game.


Yes but when your underdog team finally starts having some success it feels x1000 better than the empty experience of gloryhunting, especially as you can convince yourself that your loyalty to an underperforming team is a noble act.

I take more pleasure in seeing other teams fail than I do in my own team winning.

You sound miserable

Other teams fail than my own team wins though so not as miserable as I would be if it was the other way round.

who is this Samendame

At some point you get used to it.

t. supports Schalke and Ferrari

They can't even beat fucking Atlético Cearense, how can they beat go bay my cum?

>and Ferrari

At least you have another hope in Leclerc now that we all know Vettel is the master choke artist.

So what am I supposed to do?

Don't blame Vettel, mercedes cheated with their tyre rims in the second part of the season. also they had special tyres and thus guaranteed wins for some specific "new" tracks
fuck mercedes who planned their comeback to F1 10 years ago, worked on the new engine before everybody else perfectly knowing they would comeback to win. Based Renault don't care, they comeback for the sake of it.

If you feel that upset when a team you happen to like loses, you need to re-evaluate your life. Spectator sports are entertainment products, first and foremost.