/f1/ - Relentless Formula 1 General - Theodore Slotover Edition

>Countdown to Australian GP:
(click menu on left for session times)

>Countdown to FKino at Sakhir:

>Countdown to SuperKino with MarkeGOD at Suzuka:


>Winter Stream

>Previous Thread:
>FantasyGP.com /f1/ League Formula Autism:
Passcode: 12481614

>Nico Hülkenberg F1 races without ever scoring a podium:
156 (158 entries)

Ted is gone Ted is gone Ted is gone Ted is gone (press F)
Mexico could be gone
Merc domination is gone

Attached: slotover.png (600x600, 422K)

Other urls found in this thread:

getraceresults.com/Results/organisator/2019?evenement=Asian Le Mans Series&race=4H of Sepang - Asian Le Mans Series 2018-2019

Asian F3 championship decider in 20 minutes


Points standing:
>RVK 166
>Yifei 154
Standard FIA 25 > 18 > 15 > 12 > etc points system applies

Yifei starts from pole. RVK starts 3rd.
If Yifei wins, RVK needs to finish 3rd to be champion.

Attached: felinewang.jpg (1080x1080, 73K)

Save Ted!

rip ted

Attached: just ted my kravitz up.jpg (600x600, 49K)

>he doesnt want mayo in his pizza

Attached: IMG_20190224_035516_665.jpg (1280x960, 125K)

Bottas, kimi, kubica top three

>lurking through ferrari shop
>still no lecute merchandise

you are on the same level as someone who puts ranch or more oil in pizza

south sloppys just dont understand of having sauce on pizza

Ranch or Cool Ranch?


Attached: 101359_TH143192C02_11_3bC_RMS-1.jpg (1200x1200, 259K)

this one looks nice, but will I look like a complete retard if i wear it in public?

Attached: renault.png (1239x841, 396K)

>but will I look like a complete retard if i wear it in public?

Stop blaming the shirt.

Yes. Too many sponsors.

You would look like the kind of person who rides a perfomance bicycle every weekend in full lycra gear

Reminder that dressing in "team wear" is literally cosplaying.

I don't really know the difference, but both is probably the right answer

a man can dream

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Stream is go!

Stream starting

Kubica domination confirmed, williams have been sandbagging for three years

I like Feline

Attached: 2019-02-23 10.30.00 1985564877939706355_14385539.jpg (1080x1076, 174K)

>Long wondered why youtube chat has certain letters highlighted
>Disabled a bunch of stuff trying to figure it out
>Realise it is highlighting my username which is a single letter

God fucking dammit that is annoying.

oh boy

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Is it possible for Finland to lose this race?

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The fuck was that points system?

That's not the "F1 system".
Now I don't know if Wiki is wrong, or if he's just a moron...
Both are equally likely.

He is the moron

Kinda hope RVK finishes 4th now so he calls him champion.


Oh fugg, it's not available?

Working for me

Yeah it's working now.
It took me to the results screen for some reason when I first loaded it.
Might not have been go yet.

getraceresults.com/Results/organisator/2019?evenement=Asian Le Mans Series&race=4H of Sepang - Asian Le Mans Series 2018-2019

RVK is choking this hard

He is currently 4th (in points scoring) and his teammate is ahead of him so he should get 3rd.

Close to choking though.

Yeah was just looking at that.
Doohan, Martins, Lundgaard, and Alders are all ghost cars, so they're in 1st and 4th.

This commentator really cannot do maths.

166 + 12 = 178
154 + 25 = 179

How many times can he mention that Doohan is Australian?

i actually think i'm going to miss Ted, the silly autist. totally did not expect to have that feel desu


Unironically better wheel to wheel racing than we'll see for the first five races of the year

Wait what...

He actually thinks its 25 18 16 14 or some shit like that.
He said it earlier.

It was
Yify 169 which is +15
RVK 172 which is +6

So no fucking clue

Jesus fucking Christ.
He just unironically bragged about Doohan being a bad arse.
>hurr hurr he has an"Aussie style" which means you can't push him around.

What a fucking piece of shit.

>in order to win you must come second

This guy knows what's what

>people still believing fake Ted


And VK is now leading the championship

Which actually is pretty funny when you consider he's racing a Chinese, and when China says "jump", Australia says "how high? btw please keep buying my steel and coal".



Feeling properly hungry right now lads. Finnish pizza lad how was it?

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>chinks btfo

Attached: a12fc4d225d7b055e109766ac73164fc69ac6f6204dc02af69b44f583eb3e2fe_3.jpg (480x480, 18K)

Fuck up, Jian, or I'll cancel your student visa. Why don't you post your silly koala .gif anymore?

>all RVK needs to do now is make it to the finish

He's leading the championship by 75 points over 3rd, and 2nd just DNF'd...


I had a reindeer-pizza in Rovianemi once. Was fucking magnificent.

fucking dirty chinaman


Oh shit she is racing Miki...

Attached: Miki_Koyama.png (1600x900, 2.69M)

Feline is disappointed

And Miki immediately makes the overtake.

And Vivien fights back.

Focus on the cat fight god dammit

Had something that was apparently Elk meat once. desu it could well have been the last tourist who asked too many daft questions. Was dry but nice

preddy good, maybe needs a bit more blue cheese but overall worth it

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That was a meme finish to a meme series.

And Vivien snatches 10th

I haven't had elk. Had moose, had a lot of reindeer and deer and bear and beaver once, but haven't had elk. Hmm... might have to .

>only now just glanced over at the YouTube chat

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I'd give Viven's snatch a 10

>tfw no more Feline

I hope Sky have hired her to replace that horrible Ted

Attached: felinewang_24_2_2019_14_2_30_356.jpg (1080x1080, 114K)

>no Ticktum this round
>"due to commitments back in Europe"

Seething is a commitment now?

She's still in therapy from being TICKTUM'd

>just like all you retards will be from about six race into the season

He has to be more than 10 inches surely?

Attached: Vivien_riding_bareback.jpg (2128x1416, 623K)

t. detractor

That meme doesn't mean what you think it means.

Asian Lemans 4hr stream starts in 20 minutes


Oh god, Feline's slim little thighs.

Bed time I'm afraid

Attached: Wrong_hole_anon.jpg (1440x1082, 178K)

Casual :^)

Okay I'll indulge your fantasies first then go to bed.

The only team I care about is the all female team with Legge on it.

Attached: Feline_gym.jpg (1440x1440, 200K)

Jack "my dad is Mick so I'm entitled" Doohan vs Yifei, for the race lead, while Yifei is trying to win the championship

>fucking file size limit

Attached: Asian F3.webm (852x480, 2.71M)

Wouldn't be so bad if you wore a jacket over

>The only team I care about is the all female team with Legge on it.

The only legs are care about are Feline's wrapped around my head.

In this pic my head was cosplaying as a motorcycle

Attached: felinewang_24_2_2019_14_24_31_652.jpg (751x753, 109K)


3 Mclaren workers burned in fire in their garage.

Did they catch Ron yet?

Stream is go now.
Race is go in 30 mins apparently.

So Merc are just sandbagging as they have been for the past 4 years right? Every other pre-season has been full of lies and hopeless optimism that Merc wouldn't just walk (cheat) another WCC without even trying. I haven't been following testing this year because I can't be bothered anymore.

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Yeah they're sandbagging and perfecting their oil injection system

K, I'll be back next year then.

b-but Pirelli say Ferrari is 0.5 sec. faster than everyone else!

Shhhh. We might get rid of the casual bogan.

Genius idea, lads. What if you got your engine to reliably be able to finish a race with say, 98kg of fuel, so you could send the car out about 7kg underweight, but you had an acuating scoop under the floor that on the cool down lap you could "whoops I ran wide," send through the grass and pick up a calibrated amount of sod and have the scoop retract so it wasn't visible?

>Paul di Resta (Mon)
wut? graphic fuckup or is he a citizen of Monaco now?

Race is go!
4hrs of Sepang is begin

OR, what if your oil tank is one volume when empty, but can be pressurised to enable it to be overfilled, so that you have an excess capacity of say, 15%, that you can then arrange to be injected into the combustion chamber, but the FIA sensors will still be detecting a fill to a known level - and be unaware that that level represents more footprint. You run the race, burn the oil, beat the Fer- other teams, and by then end when you go to scrutineering for oil burn checking, the tank is at ambient pressure and has reformed to the standard volume.

I don't work for Mercedes.

It's short for >Mong

>Merc domination is gone
Sure Buttass

>364 watching now
how do these less popular racing series stay afloat?

Bottas will defend this start.

Attached: jump.webm (1280x720, 2.32M)

>tfw no more notebook wars

Attached: Will and Ted's excellent notebook.jpg (1600x900, 123K)

>unholy, holy and a jew

its not like people care about rolling starts anyway

Well he got a drive-thru, so someone cared :^)

Would've been good to see an onboard shot of the Doohan/Yifei crash, but Doohan could've been slightly more accommodating. Commentator immediately stating it wasn't Doohan's fault made me roll my eyes though.

Even a replay from the rear camera angle (as in track camera, not onboard) would have been good enough to see who moved in to who.

>Commentator immediately stating it wasn't Doohan's fault made me roll my eyes though

Whoever he is, he's a hack, but that being said, while the earlier tussles between the two cars were a bit more 50:50, and while Doohan having two bites of the cherry to get to the entry of turn one a little while prior was of a dick move, the actual incident was wholly on Yifei

>commentator was still a giant faggot, mind you

1/2 sec before red lifts, you can see him gunning it

wow the ferrari looks a lot different in daylight. really warming up to it!

When all five are on, you can start accelerating but can't overtake
t. rolling start pro

>pic rel

Attached: sf90.jpg (1100x725, 67K)

The teams pay to compete.

Oil isn't compressible, so that wouldn't work.

On that note it's kind of dumb they have separated different Le Mans series to their own niche social media accounts. It'd be better if there was just one LMS/WEC account that streamed shit

what do they get out of it? is it purely out of love of the sport they race?

>is it purely out of love of the sport they race?
Yes, same as Blancpain GT. The privateer teams are all owned by rich businessmen etc.

No and it's measured/regulated by weight - but the reservoir could be

>I don't work for Mercedes.
Kek :D

Imagine not working for Mercedes.


>posts alfa instead
fucking burgers I swear

don't have to imagine


>implying you work for Mercedes


I shill for other brands for free.

>"'When should I go, ‘Actually, maybe I’m not the right person to do this? Am I good enough to do it? Do I have the capability?’' Williams says, during the 10-part Netflix production, Drive to Survive. 'It’s very difficult to come to terms with.'"
I have second hand feels bad mans.

Attached: 1549984493718.jpg (657x527, 37K)

>Williams says
Frank or Claire?
let's hope Porsche buys them out

Maybe read the article

>Claire constantly questioning whether or not she's the right person for the job
>Clearly doesn't like doing it

Why the fuck doesn't she just step down and let someone else do it? Hell, if she's adamant about having a vagina running the show, she could just get one on board who's actually enthusiastic about it.

>Christian Horner, for example, is seen at breaking point at Red Bull, his rage palpable when Max Verstappen and Daniel Ricciardo take each other out in Baku. “That’s 25, 30 points we’ve just f----- away,” he tells Helmut Marko, the team’s motorsport advisor.

>Why the fuck doesn't she just step down and let someone else do it?
daddy issues probably. Frank was a mostly absent father and put his family through shit because of his team, he virtually admits as much in that doc about him

who is the pit girl for asianlms? she's a qt and she seems to know what's going on

Nadia Nash

*gets monaco'd*

>poorsche suffering in the back
Would be delicious.

she does porn?

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>when you realise you won't have a nice media-free year of racing

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>tfw you'll have to attend the FIA gala this year aswell

can we replace all media coverage of kimi with a kimi documentary where we just give kimi a camera and see what happens>


Attached: 1550999539023.jpg (1680x1048, 873K)

>intro credits
>end credits
nice documentary

>opening credits
>cut to a cameras view
>camera has Kimi on focus
>camera shakes and is moving closer to Kimi as the person walks towards him
>camera jumps like it's being held out to him focus is on the floor
Bwoah get that away from I don't want any camera
>Kimis feet visible as he walks away
>end credits

What kind of meme will he bring to test 2?

Attached: Simone Resta-2.jpg (1000x572, 99K)

Meme rear wing, Monza config for maximum speed

it'll be half price at the end of the season
only if you go FKW

>340km/h in speedtrap

Passive active suspension with negligible aerodynamic effect.

Ferrari has been running low on fuel the entire test and will get exposed in Melbourne.


Yes I have read this too many times to believe it, you just bloody watch they will be .3 of a second down come the first race, DAMNIT

The *nglo motorsports media is a menace.

Meme floors and rear

Attached: Screenshot_2019-02-23-23-41-56-126_com.instagram.android.png (1080x2040, 1.22M)

as is tradition.

Just wait untill the honda starts exploding

>Car car.
Car car.

Attached: Car car.webm (640x1136, 864K)

they are idiots who are paid just to pontificate

the reality will be all the more beautiful

Attached: vettel kiss the ring motherfucker.png (720x791, 811K)

Vroom vroom

>He's making """"music""" again


well, we're fucked

SF90 looks too unique not to win
it wouldn't feel right if she goes down in history as another runner-up

based autotune

GOD DAMNIT I LOVE SEEING KIMI AFTER WORK LIKE THIS WATCHING himself driving it's very errotic hnng


I hope so.

The FW26 looks unique yet its still cucked
To be fair its cucked by the F2004

The best bit about wrc is that there are so many finnish drivers, there is always afla

I mean, unique compared to other modern Ferraris

>What I saw yesterday on the circuit, Ferrari for sure is the fastest car,” said Marko, “and behind that, it’s Red Bull and Mercedes. So let’s see what we can do"
t. Marko
He's adopted the wewuzzing from Toto

They won't broadcast this week's tests, right?

lads, gary anderson could drop dead at any minute.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-02-23-22-53-10~01.png (1080x601, 868K)

did he vore the old pundits and thats why they're not in the videos any more

Just purchased tickets for the DTM weekend in Assen, with Formula European Masters, W Series, Porche Carrera Cup Benelux and Lotus Cup Europe being the support series.
Should be fun

they alternate for whatever reason.




broom broom


>was seriously considering asking if a couple hundred bucks got sponsorship on her boot, how much would she charge for a root

They visit Italy too

Really looking forward to it. Turning it into a cycling holiday too, as I live on the other side of the country

Yeah, bit seething they go to Misano and not to Monza because I'm a lazy fuck

grumgrum grum gruuummm


They say they got around the same amount of people watching it than FP's audience despite being in weekday so it's a great result, FOM still hasn't said if they will produce the next ones tho

happy birthday to a living legend, the alan

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Dr. Prost, I'm HULK

happy birthday, the professor

reminder that prost tried karate (broken nose), amateur wrestling, roller skating, gymnastics and football before trying karting aged 14. senna first tried a kart aged 4 and still got btfo.

>Leclerc and Vettel and Alfa Romeo’s Antonio Giovinazzi, would have been the only drivers to get down into the 1m16s based on the corrected data.
inb4 Alfa brings in its Restamemes and put up a 1m15s glorylap to make Merc think it needs to fight Ferrari A as well as Ferrari B

>yfw merc is the 5th fastest car

Attached: movember-best-motorsport-moustaches-daniel-ricciardo.jpg (2172x2482, 603K)

>another year of endless press conferences for gimi

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Attached: floersched.jpg (1499x934, 92K)

I laugh every time I see a picture of them next together

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happy birthday

Attached: prost poster.jpg (485x720, 484K)

>Merc was slow because they researched their illegal rear suspension
>They probably have now data needed to be fast with their rear steering
>All the while they're running wewuzunderdogz narrative and the retarded *nglo media eat it up
MWL until the end of time it seems

If Prost died instead, would have he been praised as highly as Senna?

Attached: hmmm gimi.jpg (950x628, 68K)


his obituary would be more about senna than him lel

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Right in terms of live racing we have:

Teeside karting:

Whilton Mill Karting:

Rotax Max Karting:

A 24hr of Lemons race

Some Argentinian touring car race

Pick your poison

Where's his hoverboard?


Don't remind /f1/'s falures

Circuit for the Argentinian race

Attached: Parque-la-Pedrera17.9672388960c9436c775664536ae2e679.png (938x555, 74K)

>Safety car for the Argentina race is a Fiat 500

I know which one I'm watching.

>Watching the one with 1k viewers

I prefer my racing underground, if it has more than 250 is a no

you're willing to miss out on potentially good racing to maintain hipster status?


Attached: WideStart.jpg (1280x720, 249K)

You could make it 4 cars wide if you wanted to...

Attached: LA_Pedrera.jpg (1208x639, 97K)


fuck me, you could park a train between them on the grid



>all those investigaciones

>All that run off

This could easily host F1.

>3 wide


>not taking a /cheeky/ Vettee grid position

Attached: x7xkbt2pxgqy.jpg (1920x1080, 233K)


That pipe in the rollbar that goes right infront of your face... Smart..

>Cum Motors Citroen

>san luis street circuit
>it's not potrero de los funes
cam on argies



>driving flat out with the bonnet blown up on the windscreen
fucking kek

>when you hit limiter before slip stream actually becomes useful
touring without punting a shit

Will the Las Malvinases have amother race?

that's instagram-tier

Seems so

>How can your wins be real when your car is Renault?

Attached: Jaden+Smith+gEpwnr3Be5nm.jpg (360x240, 23K)

>green flag guy has a quadbike because the grid is so big

Top kek


>Those comfy kids just watching from the roof

This is pretty nice.


>All those promo girls standing around the team principal

F1 has a lot to learn


Attached: argentine interview background girls.jpg (1465x877, 217K)

>this commentator
I haven't heard R's rolled this hard since Adolf


They should race together with F1 (at the same time), this is actually really entertaining

seeing a grid full of F1 cars ready to start the race is making me want the season to start more than anything

Business idea:

Get Teresa to take one out of Maggie's playbook, and invade Argentina to distract the public from Brexit
Argentina is now British clay
Hold the British GP there

>get a hit & pushed sideways
>just floor the throttle and straighten it out
based fwd

will win one race this season. hülkenberg finally conquers baku.

In 1 bong and 30 bings I believe there is a 15 lap race

Then after that is a 19 lap race.

At least that is what I can get from the official schedule

>you now realise grosjean thought his car was fwd all along

*because this track is awesome

>21 Abu Dhabi Grand Prix United Arab Emirates Yas Marina Circuit, Abu Dhabi 1 December
Was a race ever this late in a year?

I just checked and it is grade 2 so if IndyCar ever needed an overseas race in Argentina this would work fine.

Are they racing on a highway ?

saffa GPs in the 60s were held as late as new years eve some years.

1962 South African GP was on the 29th of December

on ur mum

Fugg it's in the middle of nowhere
google.com/maps/place/33°41'03.9"S 65°29'45.7"W/

>tfw F1 will never go there

It's also in a town, humorously called "Villa Mercedes"


Semi permanent, like Albert Park more or less.
The main straight was built like that because of meme record width

We have to go there

Attached: I've been doing a lot of thinking.jpg (847x467, 137K)


>t.oto, they found our secret testing track
>activate ze sniperz

Is Mercs struggling against the odds to win every year of the hybrid era the greatest underdog story of all time?

it's like McDonalds claiming to be an underdog against a Michelin star restaurant.

3 weeks niggas

Attached: 1544300343590.jpg (10000x10000, 2.87M)

Lewis and Nico are simply best drivers grid ever saw and they dragged shitbox of a merc to wdc wcc on their talent alone.
Just look at cuckass, he can't even finish ahead of Red Bulls.

nah, but abu dabby in 2015 was on 29th november, so only 3 days earlier

Wait the audio is in a loop

For me, it's Istanbul Park.

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Bottas isn't that bad but the his one race in China was probably the worst ever done in a top team this century.

Attached: kiss.jpg (450x300, 62K)

Attached: Lewis_M4X_Hardcore.jpg (1024x1520, 199K)

Dont overestimate badoer in 09

>The size of this field



Attached: gimi huski.jpg (294x428, 38K)

Where will retardo run when he will be exposed again? Raking Point?


Attached: vlcsnap-2019-02-25-02h37m53s840.jpg (1280x720, 262K)

God I love how all these little fwd cars hang their asses out around all the fast corners.

>sign for best team
>make sure reigning WDC gets kicked
>make sure long time rival doesn't join you
>get rid of race winning teammate as well

Attached: prost meme.jpg (2048x1361, 459K)

relatively speaking kinda unfair, testing wasn't allowed and he was past his prime

Fisichella was just slightly better

That is why he is the Professor.

for a black country, argentina has a lot of blonde haired white girls



Based stream user

google needs to get their shit together and do a real street view pass so I can peek at these little blue project homes

who'd've thunk that touring cars on an f1 style circuit would be so kino

You done good argie

This is fun.

no, because senna was considered the better of the two before he died


Attached: vlcsnap-2019-02-25-02h56m12s519.jpg (1280x720, 243K)


Bit of a dick move to do donuts on it

>these rolled r's
super impressed

>tfw no FWD open wheel single seaters

Would be too much fun.

it was a thing in the 60's

>That drift


Why not push things a little further?

>Open wheel
>Rear engined
>Skirts only
>No F1 tracks

good thing herrrrrrrrrreeerrrrrrrraaa is leading the carrrrrrrreeerrrraaaaa

What does sandbagging mean?

>tfw been in australia so long I have to try really hard to roll my rs

hiding your true power

Make it this for peak meme.

Attached: scalabroni_f1_04.jpg (819x257, 41K)

Placing up barriers(sandbags) in front of garage to hide car from prying enemy teams or media cameras

To go slower than you can, as if you're carrying bags of sand in the car to weigh it down

Attached: I wonder if you know how they live in Tokyo.webm (1280x720, 2.04M)

>being unable to pronounce alveloar trill
>having a literal speech impediment
based anglos

This NEEDS a running in the 90's version.


>rolling R's more than Adolf

One wonders if this is because the Nazis fled there, or if it's why they fled there.

>sessanta nueve

ohh ok, for a moment I thought it was one of those words invented by 4chin and felt weird when Charles said it in this video youtube.com/watch?v=vOWxFF6Hq-c

15 bings till the Class 3 race

Based Herrrrrrrrera
Based Rrrrrrrrrrenault

Thank god scalabroni stopped taking hallucinogens

He needed to take more.

Attached: scalabroni-project-f1 3.jpg (822x478, 93K)

Williams's lap times


Argie, what's he sad about?

Attached: vlcsnap-2019-02-25-03h20m53s242.jpg (1280x720, 230K)

Permanent dorifto setup

He is the winner.
Guess he really wanted it.

Just moved because he won

Nah, he said "familia" many times.
Must be some kind of personal thing.

They are taking extreme liberties with the curvaceousness of that track map.

No, he was thanking his parents


Attached: La_Pedrera.jpg (1128x295, 30K)

The race that comes next is the higher class(C3), what you aare watching now is the C2 class thaat runs on 1.6 engines

Once again /f1/ is more motorsport than motor/sp/ort

>Forza starts to add meme cars
>Yet that is still not in

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 58K)

Bernie really fucked the sport with folding to Merc's "we quit unless you give us THIS SPECIFIC V6 ENGINE FORMULA!" lobbying

Was this the greatest end to a season ever?

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Who is on to be absolutely exposed this season?


marques brown lee and fortnite? no thanks

the guy who drew up the new front wing regulations


Hulk, and Max


The legs on some of these grid girls are astounding.

Actually, if they don't work as any have already claimed, Brawn is going to look like a fucking retard.

kimi and kvyat

Umm dude? Not cool man. Ease up on the sexism there bud.

Race is on

holy gendered language batman

>t. victimhood complex

this toxic masculinity will not go unchallenged

Ross Brawn and Ricciardo


reminder that ogling over a woman's legs, tits and/or arse will never be uncool

Well duh
It's hardwired into our brains mane

reminder that oogling over a woman's feet well never be cool

Probably Sans desu

Based post
Footfags BTFO

Ummmm, sweaty, not all of us cishet m*les are unable to keep our rape instincts in check.

Wrong. a girl should take care of her feet. and if they are bigger than 6's or flat, that's a no-no.

Calderon, Ricci, RBR junior academy, AFLA.

unironically perez
screencap this

Reminder that having large paved run off areas means not having to have a safety car every time cars bump each other.

I would unironically cut every human feet and put some prosthetic shit, feet are ugly and poo poo taste

No you wouldn't

“The human foot is a masterpiece of engineering and a work of art.” - Leonardo da Vinci.


what did they mean by this?

You clearly do not appreciate women then.
All parts of the female form are beautiful, and even normies can tell between shit and pretty feet.
No different to hands.


Lads lads, look at this guy, imagine being homosexual like this guy. Every single part of a women is beautiful and sexy, including feet, except the feet of brie larson fuck that bitch

digits and a car clears the fence

digits and death to carrie.

Doesn't even have to.
There isn't a "no mans land" between the spectators and the fence.
A car going in hard enough will send them flying.

Why doesn't this cunt shave off that hideous thing?

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>3 wide into a hairpin

Has anyone found where his supposed wealth came from yet?

Have I made a great mistake in not busking?

He has a boner for this dood

Attached: Skärmavbild 2019-02-24 kl. 18.19.36.png (505x374, 377K)

Best thing in F1 2019 off the track if he can keep the memery on the off-season level

This commentator should do f1. I don't understand anything but it's fun.

because he's turned it into a battle for himself, it's like those guys who wear shorts all year round. They just like baiting people into complaining about it so they can feel good about them self.

And he has a boner for this dude

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Because it’s rad, just like the rad taste of NEW Rich Energy®


/f1/ entry into Turismo nacional when?

Ra ra Rasputin
Russia's greates love machine

Attached: 5678387976.jpg (1097x1199, 190K)

this, based abo
glad we see eye to eye

>female feet

No idea. He doesn't even have a wikipedia page, nor does Rich Energy for that matter.


desu him being a good father is more erotic




Meme ending



>male feet
The big iron


I'll have you know that the correct term is Antipodean.

The duo that saved F1

Overseas Supercar race here when?

Or at the very least SVG racing here.

That it?

>stream over



That what she said :DDD

I would like to see him seething and raging against F1 next year cuz Rich energy got kicked out from Haas sponsorship after a season of bad drivers, too many crashes and penalties

Carrera incidentata es terminada :DDD

Attached: fighting for the win on the last lap.webm (960x540, 2.65M)

>If you no longer go for a Hueco que existe, you are no longer a Piloto de carreras :D

overtaking seems completely impossible there why even bother with the series?

Pernia's fault

Same could be said about F1 desu

what, spend 5 years in gp2/f2 so you have an advantage over rookies who have to acclimatise to the pirelli tyres? i'm not a woman hater, but hazel really isn't that bright in regards to anything outside fe tech.

For me, it's reddit.

>drivers shouldn't be allowed to develop their skills in development series'

Um... okay.

The clue to the retardation is in the handle :D

Why do you guys care about farmers racing in Volkswagen Polos?

>Rich Energy Haas F1, of course!

Attached: zztop.jpg (1600x1067, 473K)

Why do you call women your girlfriend when they're not your girlfriend?

because we like motorsport and aren't just a bunch of glory hunters

Speak for yourself

why do you care about 80s/90s f1? equally irrelevant.

no he's right, speak for YOURSELF

He's trying too.

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Ok I WILL, i get bored watching vroom vrooms unless gimi is driving

>Ted is gone

That's fine. I'm glad you shared your thoughts.

What were they talking about?

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Will you be my gf(male/female)

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>Actually caring of british commentators
Glad Lobato is back for a while

Wrong pic related

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>If you ever win here, I will return the Finnish Karelia


happy bday prost

he drove the best cars ever (early 80s Renaults)

Attached: 1983-renaults.jpg (1200x800, 127K)

post dick

>hey FIA you know we have been developing this V6 turbohybrid since 2011?
>what if you copied our engine specs and made it a rule? We already bought out Bernie.
>oh and also ban any midseason development and make the development of 52% f the engine impossible after one year :D
t. Mercedes in 2012 and 2013

Is blue board but trust me it's above average

Attached: 1531252567503.jpg (800x600, 102K)

The alternative was VW doing the exact same thing but with an i4.
Only Newey complaining saved us from that.

woulda been rightfully acknowledged as the best driver in history if Senna hadn´t been as shit a driver to crash

>we could have had f3-style intake pod kino

truly we live in the worst timeline

Attached: Marcus-Armstrong-F3-France-2018-770x470.jpg (770x470, 67K)

if we had i4 Porsche would have probably entered, made up some shitbox full of retard aero and win 1-2 every race because its LMP1H project was essentially the same engine VW proposed. Then again, I like Porache more than Mercedes so my georges wouldn't have been as russeled as with this era of MWL for which Mercedes lobbying cash is solely to blame.

It would have also brought forward the global engine project as the i4 is that engine.

>Chrysler in F1
I couldn't see it happening back then and I don't certainly see it now

Who will get the most unexpected win this season?
>For me it's Pierre Gasly on Austria or Mexico Gp

For me, it's lewis

Well it would be FIAT now.

But still the base i4 was planned to be encouraged to be used in everything: F3, WTCC, WRC, DTM, LMP2, GrandAm, GP2, LMP1, IndyCar & F1.


calling it now, unless amx goes amd or >honda happens, maxie will win bulls battle week in, week out

That's why it's unexpected


Well they are underdogs

i doubt he'll be in a position to win, with the exception of red bull dominating race weekend and amx JUSTing himself. i just don't see it, i would say tricky ricky or the hulk have bigger chance to get a cheeky podium than gastly to become winner

DETRACTORS have used their sneaky ways and defaced a promotional poster for Rich Energy™©©® with DETRACTOR propoganda. Looking for a high test male Rich Energy® consumer to fix it. 1 (You) ono.

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>voicemail from London

Attached: big numbers.jpg (805x1227, 157K)

Sarri going full Mission Winnow right now

Why don't formula 1 cars have conventional names?

like, if instead of RB15, Red Bull named their car the Steed or something.

Why complicate an easy to understand system?


Vettee's do.

Also the chassis has to contain the name of the team

>ywn race in a comfy memeseries of riced shitboxes
Why are we here, just to suffer?

How do I end up working for a race car team, be it F1,f2,f3 I don't care, what do


You sure there isn't a simulator game?

In all seriousness though, just apply there’s always jobs going for engineers

Will mean you have to move to the UK (fuck off we’re full)

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From an old mate that works in racing
>be mechanical engineer
>do formula student that your university does different unis do different ones
>get work placement sweeping floors in a shop that does something to do with racing teams
>apply for grad jobs via connections you make in the last 2 steps
>work crazy hours for little pay as a grad
>meet more people and make more connections
>move up to a team closer to your goal
This is where my mate is now he is a travelling engineer with a supercars team

And why in christ's name would you move to the UK at the current moment?

>like, if instead of RB15, Red Bull named their car the Steed or something.

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I assume you’re talking about Brexit?

More importantly, you’d probably have to move to Milton Keynes which is a prospect I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy


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m8, your entire country is the size of a suburb, just because you work in Milton Keynes it doesn't mean you can't live 5 minutes away in London.

Why didn't Kvyat just refuse to be replaced at Red Bull?

I mean in general you are better off spending your spare time learning Italian and then go to Alfa, Toro Rosso or Ferrari.
Much better for your future career prospects after you get burnt out from doing the F1 grind.

>drive XX minutes from some suburb when you could walk to work in X minutes
lmao why spend precious extra minutes commuting

Don’t cry Bruce
On a junior mechanic salary you do not want to be paying London rent on top of trainberg’s fares

>i doubt he'll be in a position to win, with the exception of red bull dominating race weekend and amx JUSTing himself.

Yeah, not like amx didn't JUST himself for the first half of last season and at least two poles

>Spending the extortionate money to live in London
>So you can commute to Milton Keynes

You have this very backwards.

W-why are their heads so bigg

>he'd rather get stabbed by hooligans than drive 5 minutes

Is Lando Norris good?

Would it be easy enough getting into a team like Williams seeing as they're basically dead at this point

Fraud tier

Attached: ChokingNorris.png (431x331, 178K)

If I had to move to England I would live in some dismal nothing town with more cows than people and commute from there.

Damn and here I was hoping Morecambe could become the /f1/ central hub.

Absolutely BLESSED to be able to spend £950 pcm (without bills) for a 1 (single) bed shoebox in tower hamlets where I can then spend £5500 a year on a train ticket on the world-renowned ~West Midlands Trains~ to go to work in the jewel of the British empire: Milton Keynes

Lucky me!!

Telling you now, Red Bull-Honda will become a chassis-engine combination as iconic as McLare-Mercedes and Williams-Renault.

We can split the rent if you let me move in with you, I can be submissive or dominant it's your choice la

Good luck getting the one bus that rolls through the village to the nearest train station that will take you anywhere with connections to life

Have you ever been to rural England you melt?

Some great villages in Northamptonshire. You could live in one and be a 30 min drive away.

>some people ITT don't live a short 3 minutes walk away from their work, with a supermarket in between so they can quickly pick up their groceries on their way back home, this all in an affordable and safe neighbourhood not far from the historic city centre
I don't think I could deal with the time and money wasted on commuting


I live two miles from my office but it doesn't matter because I travel for work all the time and spend most of my evenings on planes or motorways.

>tfw you get your dream job at Red Bull and the only place to live and commute from is sodding Luton
>tfw you could have been plowing Italian girls near Bologna while winning world titles with Ferrari

May as well fucking end it.

(I really hope I haven't over-assumed the quality of life in Bologna)

Found the /f1/ hub


Attached: 2019022402555.jpg (379x47, 16K)

>not taking any excuse to burn petrochemicals

>I really hope I haven't over-assumed the quality of life in Bologna

University city, with all the perks and flaws it brings

>he doesn't have an engine with 6L of displacement


Already live in London tbf but pop round if you want


I do give them credit for playing along.

There’s a bleedin dingo in me ute

Fair dinkum

*muffled cracking and sipping sound in the distance*

We would all end working for BAE.

Okay with that.

State of that ‘floating bed’
Awful decor

You could live in Woburn instead. It's very nice and closer than Luton. Do you ever get out and explore our country?

yeah I was gonna say the interior design of that place is a shambles

First thing I saw. Do not like the idea of any of you lot bringing a fat bird back home on that

he literally wasn't, prost was widely recognized as the best of all time at that point

Is that in a proper slum area to raise my poor kid with an F1 dream in the best way?

One of my mates does communications for Williams
Would not fancy having that job
May as well be head of promotion for HS2

No danger of that, this place is virgin central

or head of chassis at mclel

*sniff* *sniff*

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Well it's not like you can transport it with your Peugeot hatchback, ya dingus.

Attached: dingo digger.jpg (1024x576, 147K)

Do you guys race those things? Would watch a race of those things



Yes but only northwards.

GREAT post

Sadly not that I know of.

tfw no cute f1 car gf to pee on me

We would be pulling Blackpool girls.
Their standards are low enough.


How can it be the first thing you saw if it's the third image in the gallery.

>Double (you)
