Get in here.
Harden out with Stephitis
Fuck generals
Get in here.
Harden out with Stephitis
Fuck generals
Harden isn’t even playing so is it worth making a game thread?
steal the win cp3
we all know the real game being played right now is kings @ okc
Not gonna watch this roflstomp without Harden
Maybe the rockets will be hype and the warriors will underestimate them
i woke up for that shit at 4 fucking 30 am and no harden? fuck that, im sleeping.
What the fuck lmao
cp3 making boogie dance
>incoming stellar game
>team decides to rest its star player
Fuck this crap so much
Imagine going to a Warriors game to play NBA Live 19 near the concession stands
I mean the just the nose bleeds should be expensive for this game
Fucking zoomers
>paying $30,000 for fucking sneakers
This is how millionaire athletes go broke
Cousins sucks what an overrated piece of garbage
capela ain't afraid of no boogie
watch where you're throwing the ball green
Warriors will probably slack for the first half and come on strong for the 3rd quarter
His feet were all wacky on that shot too
Why did the Warriors organization just make me see up a 12-year olds skirt
they know what the audience wants to see
Force feeding Cousins is retarded. This is no different than trying the same shit with Durant. You play the system around Curry and everybody else fills the gap.
cousins always looks mad
Thank you Mr Lacob
>getting blocked by austin rivers
If Lebron was still serious about winning, he should have signed with Houston. You would have to moved Gordon, but the dude is only going to get worse from here on out. And the squad would be essentially the same after all the trades and buyouts.
warriors playing with low energy
Word, also don’t like the Klay inside the line meme
>Manimal 3s
keep it up faried
Is it true that the warriors enjoy guzzling cum?
morey tried to trade for him but lebron refused saying he needed to finish the season with the cavs.
Fucking play Curry already
the manimal everyone
warriors woke up, rockets are going to go down just like Challenger and Columbia.
>Mark Jackson pretending to be humble
Curry and Durant leading the way again. Draymond has 1 foot out the door anyway since the team doesn't want to pay him.
cut the traveling austin
Nice eurostep snake man
CP for 3!
Wtf is going on in this pic lol
I’m glad I doubled down my bets on the Warriors a while ago, these meme runs always happen when they get blown out
Rocklets getting reffucked
Shes checking that out
When are they not?
Halftime faptime
Rockets choke so many leads lmao
caca perro
I like girls with nice bodies
based faptime bro
A pole is a pole
Ruh roh here they come
>dude just chuck threes lmao
Is Dantoni the worst coach in the NBA?
Fucking Cousins retard
Too strick an adherence to Morey's analytics. Not enough guys on the team who can break down a defender and attack the rim. Also not enough cutting action to deal with bad shooting nights.
He's garbage and cringe af
He did a local radio spot where he claimed Future's new album is the greatest rap album of the decade
okay houston need to build momentum again
>there are people who only know Common as the bald Microsoft commercial slam poet
Hell yeah, love me some good charities.
>nene and faried playing at the same time
must be confusing
Warriors were showing how charitable they are by helping people in need.
and 1
Jesus fuck lol
Jerebko you motherfucker
great defense
rockets suk dik like all those huston fags
warriurs will win this
D'antoni has to figure out how to use Harden's game to keep his teammates involved. It's not enough to catch and shoot. They have to have chances to dribble or cut more so everybody is in rhythm and Harden isn't so exhausted.
>there are people who only know Common because of his beef with drake years ago
Draymond is gonna get paid by somebody other than GS and flop without some of the greatest shooters in NBA history
Looks like the MVP race is between Giannis and PG.
Draymond down
>be Cousins
>be overrated trash
>all you need to do is behave for a half a season to trick some bottom feeder team into giving you a huge contract
>can't behave
>ruins flow of best system in basketball
>injures star players on your own team being a clumsy chucklefuck
Boogie was a mistake
the point god
Imagine having 4 all-nba players on your team and losing to Kenneth Faried and Eric Gordon.
>rockets lose against shit teams like the Lakers
>potentially win against the Warriors
Shouldn't have been forcing Cousins' game when it doesn't fit your system. Same shit when they first got Durant. Fuck your ego. You joined us and will figure out how to adapt.
is boogie fucking drunk tonight?
Rockets running out of gas
soften too shook to play
why is he so sexy?
>airball a free throw
Take the fucking man running to the man
harden hurt his cervix kek
Hold the line houston
The game isn’t over yet
Still hate this rip through bullshit
paul is so fucking crafty
cp3 substitute teaching
thompson clutch
bitch clutch yeah
idk what that means
it means he's a 2 point foot on the line bitch
The bogey team
the steal was clutch take your meds
Gg bros
>down 6
>20 seconds left
What's even the point of a time-out?
what a game
nice win faggot oh wait...
im not a warriors fan faggot it was just a nice steal. Nice assuming and leaps in logic like a woman would make.
>have the highest accuracy in the NBA
>Warriors lose
>OKC lose
>Celtics lose
>Lakers lose
t. faggiors fan too nutless to even stand by a loss
so saying clay is a good player makes me a warriors fan? Nice cope my small dicked flip
from clutch steal to firstname basis to good player. pajeet literally can't hide his defensive fanboyism. can't stop being a nutless liar too.
nobody would be gay enough to say "thompson clutch" unless they were rooting for the golden state faggots you insufferable homo
thats you
keep coping, its an offhand comment youre acting like its a last will. Take your meds and calm down
my lakies ):