Soccer is stupid because its so random, the best team often loses even when they dominate the match.
Its just basic statistics, since there are so few scoring chances each game, the variability and therefore chance of an upset is greater.
How many dangerous chances does a team get a game? 5? 10? And each dangerous chance has maybe a 20% chance of converting.
Think about this in basketball, if Team A shoot 50% from the field, and Team B shoot 40%, and there each get 100 shots what are the chances of an upset? Basically zero.
In Soccer Team A may convert 25% of their chances and Team B converts a horrible 10% of their chances and they both only get 10 chances, there is still a big chance of an upset
You can verify this with the binomial probability formula, (nCr) * (probability of a success)^(successes) * (probability of a failure)^(failures)
How do we fix this bros? Smaller fields with bigger goals? Multiball?
Celtic beating UEFAlona like that is based though.
Nolan Jackson
If you don't win you're not the better team. Simple as.
Nathan Watson
>Ameristats I refuse to believe this isn't bait and I hate myself for posting in an obvious troll thread.
Jeremiah Smith
>what are free throws >what are turnovers >what are offensive rebounds
Fuck off zoomer
Jonathan Green
>last 7 serie a winners: juventus >last 6 bundesliga winners: bayern >13 out of the last 14 la liga winners: real/barca >4 out of the last 5 PL winners: chelsea/city >4 out of the last 5 CL winners: real madrid >italy, germany and brazil have won 65% of world cups
Logan Brooks
Americans still coping with their loss against Tripadvisor and Tobacco B team.
Matthew Torres
You could make the same post for American Football
James Rivera
hes right though, its too random. I want to see a pure display of skill and athleticism.
How many goals are the result of a corner or shot deflecting and luckily bouncing to someone right in front of an open goal?
And corners and free kicks, pure randomness. Nobody not even Messi is skilled enough to pick out a single head in a crowd of 20 people.
Atletico got two goals like that just last week. Its not a result of skill, rather than luck. Might as well just go watch a game of poker tbqh.
Dylan Gray
OP is a guaranteed loser. Also, Barcelona is shit (unrelated)
William Carter
Soccer is the best sport because there’s several ways to play it.
Caleb Bailey
I dont watch american football, I watch basketball where the best team always wins.
You cant get lucky when there are at least 100 shots a game.
Brody Russell
>it’s either skill or luck >tactics and planning mean fuck all Watch poker then.
because basketball is barely a team sport, it's 90% individual ability. there's less variance
Angel Nelson
>good positioning is luck >implying you can't train set pieces >implying players can't aim the ball from an aiming position
Kevin Young
yes because the spurs and rockets have the same exact play style.
Same with the grizzlies and warriors.
Unlike the great game of soccer at the world cup where we saw france employ several different attacking tactics, such as boot it down the right wing and let ngubu chase it down, or boot it down the left and watch khlaid chase it.
And we cant forget booting it up the middle for a big target man to get control of it, truly genius level tactics
Justin Miller
I agree Just saying that NFL is even worse. Your GOAT's fate came down to one play in every single SB he made
John Garcia
Shot conversion isn't random though, it relies on two factors: quality of player shooting and quality of keeper saving. If a team can't convert their shots it is down to one or both of these two factors, both of which are down to skill. If a team gets 10 shots on target without scoring it is not "unlucky," they did not have the quality in that final action to score, or alternatively the opposition keeper was of such a high quality as to hinder them.
Daniel Ramirez
>where the best team always wins
then why has no team gone 72-0?
Aiden Reed
I'm almost totally convinced that OP is a troll, but he's using the right flag that makes me doubt it a little.
you can definitely train all of those things, but even if you have prime beckham crossing the ball to ronaldo, what are the chances of scoring? like 10% at most.
skill is a big part of course, but plays in soccer are simply too difficult for them to be reliably successful. even the best like Messi and Ronaldo miss most of their shots and free kicks.
Blake Cook
>Think about this in basketball, if Team A shoot 50% from the field, and Team B shoot 40%, and there each get 100 shots what are the chances of an upset? Basically zero. Why do you think that that's better? They take 100 shots a game, and play 86 games a season just to tell you what you already know, that the Warriors will win. Why is boiling it down to the absolute statistically best team exciting? Just run a simulation, you'll likely get the same result. You have teams starting a season trying to tank. This is exactly why I don't follow the NBA and why basketball is fun to play, boring to watch.
Thomas Gonzalez
regular season doesnt matter, truly elite teams are unstoppable in the playoffs. even then they will often take a game off in the playoffs if they are up 2-0. Lakers and Warriors both went 15-1 but easily could have won every game if they tried.
no matter the skill difference, in soccer two things will always be true. There will be 1) Less scoring chances and 2) Less chance of conversion on a scoring chance, meaning that the best team has a much higher chance of losing in soccer than in most other sports
Cooper Rogers
You seem to think teams have the same opportunities. Yes, attacks in football rarely lead to goals but better teams have far more attacks than lesser teams naturally.
Sebastian Gray
Ma non è sopportabile che la sciocchina si comporti così davanti a prelibatezze del genere
Baseball is random as fuck as well -much of it consists of doing what it's supposed to be done and expecting for the best possible outcome-, that's why their regular season is so long. Ice hockey has a randomness component as well, certain hockey goalies may go through 'lucky' strectches that have more to do with instinct than with reacting to the faced shots. NFL is not random per se, but the one game playoff series format surely spices things up in that regard: one mediocre evening for your QB and you're out.
Aiden Anderson
>American actually upset football isn't a predictable simulation game
can we just range ban americans already?
Jonathan Kelly
>want to see a pure display of skill and athleticism. go watch track and field events instead then
Dominic Peterson
Nathan Mitchell
>tf #ouuuu
Julian Myers
Most soccer goals are predictable. I can tell you before the guy shoots if he is going to score or not. Hitting fantastic unlikely shots arent as common as getting the ball to an area where the goalie doesn't really have a chance as long as you shoot competently. So no, actual dangerous chances have a much higher conversion rate
Aiden Richardson
I don’t think a zoomer would have the intellect to apply his own ideas into a formula for calculating probability. Let alone formulate their own ideas. That’s what Google is for.
Nicholas Kelly
I wasn’t convinced this was a bait thread until I read this post tbqfh
Ian Johnson
Stop passing sideways and scar sam fakin gals
Levi Butler
this is why i never wear skirts in public baka..
Jackson Sanchez
>yes because the spurs and rockets have the same exact play style.
>Same with the grizzlies and warriors.
Absolute fucking state of American sport team names. Grow a culture.
Jason Price
That's what makes it kino
Owen Flores
> wolves > hotspurs > red devils > gunners
Jonathan Long
yes but 3 of those 4 are literally just nicknames i know it might be hard for you to grasp since your teams literally have nicknames in their names
Levi Morgan
spurs are a meme eternal shitter team anyway so the name kinda fits them
Wyatt Ross
It’s important to remember that there are two fucking teams playing, not one. The reason why players can’t often hit the ball towards a certain player’s head is because the other team defends well
Luke Morris
>team A scores a goal >team B doesn't >team B loses wtf, how do we fix this shit
Why would you randomly kick the ball? There's a purpose which is to score. Have you ever even played a game of soccer? Did you just fucking kick the ball to nowhere?
William Diaz
Zachary Roberts
>MLB has more skill than NFL oof
Levi Morris
>celtic 2-1 barcelona
it's called a freak result, barcelona have put about 40 goals past celtic in the handful of games they've played them since then.
Grayson Mitchell
>poker >luck. gr8 b8 m8
James Thompson
>Most soccer goals are predictable. I can tell you before the guy shoots if he is going to score or not.
>That’s not to say hockey players are any less skilled, but that outcomes in hockey are less representative of true differences in skill between teams, compared to basketball — in large part because the NHL is more competitive. There are many reasons for that, from the design of the leagues to the fundamentals of the gameplay.
Most stacked nba team in history advanced to finals only because other team had worst 3 point shooting night of the season and you say that football is random.