
the summer of cric/ket/

Attached: gayle.png (1920x1080, 1.51M)

Other urls found in this thread:


>druggie thread
ummm...no thanks bla

>shitting on streets

They call him mr worldwide
The pitbull of cricket

Going to die alone lads

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Imagine making such a shit thread this early. I understand it if you have some great inspiration for an OP and have to get it out there, but this is just dismal.

Think we may have to resort to pairing up with each other to prevent this from occurring.

It’s over
You don’t need to tell me
I hope you’re with someone who makes you feel safe in you sleep

So I’ve been doing some reading and it turns out the people in charge of our country are actually not good people

the virgin holding out for a girl that doesnt exist

the chad civil union (no homo)

Don’t understand why the people haven’t revolted yet
Hundreds of thousands are dying under this government

>Police say a record $1.29 billion drug seizure, the largest found in either Australia or the US, shows a "clear" link between local outlaw motorcycle gangs and "extremely sophisticated" Mexican drug cartels.

reckon a cheeky legalisation of all drugs would fix that right up

wish Gayle pumped Mel lads
She'd be doing that lip bite thing she does while she slid down every millimetre of his 30.48 cm rock hard, devilishly dark and vein bulged penis.
He'd destroy her and she'd love it, ignoring the fact he was 'too big' for her while trying to mentally dissect whether the pleasure she is experiencing was being heightened by the mild tearing of her vaginal walls or the fact the head of his penis was pushing on her uterus wall.
He should have went after her a bit harder, I reckon Mel would be down for anal as well but he'd have to start extremely slowly and be very careful when pushing up her colon, she's only small.
Imagine how she'd feel knowing there was literally no spare space in her ass because it was all contorted and stretched to accommodate Gayles huge cock. That's not even while he was pumping or she was riding, would be a very dangerous situation for Mel as Gayle would want to go all pulmonary action but he'd probably kill her if he did so.

Shall be thinking about this later tonight before bed

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Based West Indies

Why are you chirping now mate?
Not getting any wickets?

just thought it'd be a good laugh haha

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Cannot wait for jimmy getting a fifer at lords in the ashes

Listening to cLOUDDEAD

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thought I'd get a few more (you)s for the Mel Gayle short porn story lads
shant be entertaining with my creative writing skills anymore lads, go to redtube instead cunts

these tourist fags will throw the towel in after the first text

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shall have a wank to this self inserting as Mel

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don’t use it as an insult

For me its black caps

sandcroft on ashes watch

Attached: WA.png (901x520, 41K)

Holly rules Elise drools

fuking gross

Tenderness by parquet Courts

are they using dukes?

ran out of houmous lads

fuck up zoomer.
wait till you get into reaming


cheeky Nando's for lunch

sounds extremely gay

think you were conceived through missionary?
guarantee you your mum took it up the ass, hard, headjobs,literal shit and juice everywhere, somewhere along the line she copped a load and your sorry ass came into existence.
Oh and your dad wlda smashed your mum while she was preggers with you, your dads cock has been thrust next to your head while you sat in your mums pussy jail for 9 months.
deal breh

>only in built up areas
>browns and foreigners
take the nandos, the browns and yellows you see to get there would not be worth it.
>tfw country coastal town with white people
comfy morning

I was conceived via immaculate conception m8

>tfw conceived via masturbation


turning an old school thruster into a single fin today lads
dont know weather to build it up using fibreglass cloth layers and use the layers as a guide when sanding or just cut off an old one and glass it in with some rovings.
Could go a fin box but that always runs into geometrical problems.

got a pic lad

they call you surfbro

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Doolan on MENSA watch

here's one I did last year lad

Attached: june2018single2.webm (640x640, 969K)

Where do you get your boards?

this but x5 x 5 tests

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strip old mals for blanks, have to order in blanks from the chinks if I wanna do an older shape. aus blanks are good but not dense enough for classic shapes.


Not really tired enough to sleep yet, any cricket on?
Should do the trick

even better mate

there's womens cricket on

wow thanks lad let me just put it on and then I can fall asl


Bit hungover

not gonna lie
theres a couple of tryhard faggots in this who pretend like they aint going to eat their words


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Hlw dear bros.

stopped following the Ashes after Mitty J's Adelaide rout of England


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This is Alchy locks


>two T20s tonight
/comfycric/ on the cards


It is my college



Have another drink dickhead


Have a go at this bloke.
Can you see him?
That's him, hunched over his phone in a terrace 'house' or some other abysmal form of shelter.
Grey, raining outside-not nice rain-that cold as fuck rain that bites to the core.
Couple of lads walking past after a night on the piss and pingers, slags hanging off their arms, adidas bum bags and white adidas caps, every laugh or bottle they throw sends him into a deep rage and makes him jump. been happening all night, no sleep.
Muzzies waiting to greet him in the day (grey) light if he dares venture outside, browns to remind him of the once great empire his grandfather told him he was born into but is yet to see.
On his last warning with the employment provider, no relatives, empty cupboard save for a small carton of uht long life milk.
Nothing good in life, knows deep down the MAN U jumper on the wall is a distraction from the stark reality current day living in Bongland is.
Run out of 5pound a liter vodka in the plastic bottle, hangover already kicking in, head beating, eyes hurting from staring at the tiny screen for hours.
then hate, absolute hate and projection
go to church today lad, theyll help you.

Go to bed alchy locks

will the white ferns hash this up again

The Zazai Show

Might fire up Bloodborne

based me


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Where can I purchase the OnePlus 6t online?



Is this the state of Sheffield Shield? None of them played with McGrath, Warner, Border, etc

It was true that he had, now and then, a strong suspicion that Odette's daily activities were not in themselves passionately interesting, and that such relations as she might have with other men did not exhale, naturally, in a universal sense, or for every rational being, a spirit of morbid gloom capable of infecting with fever or of inciting to suicide.

He realised, at such moments, that that interest, that gloom, existed in him only as a malady might exist, and that, once he was cured of the malady, the actions of Odette, the kisses that she might have bestowed, would become once again as innocuous as those of countless other women.

After that he read the whole letter; at the end she apologised for having treated Forcheville with so little ceremony, and reminded him that he had left his cigarette-case at her house, precisely what she had written to Swann after one of his first visits. But to Swann she had added: "Why did you not forget your heart also? I should never have let you have that back." To Forcheville nothing of that sort; no allusion that could suggest any intrigue between them. And, really, he was obliged to admit that in all this business Forcheville had been worse treated than himself, since Odette was writing to him to make him believe that her visitor had been an uncle.

> About win win American Civil War as Union State
> Kaiserreich CTD every week
It’s all so tiresome

Honestly think Sean Abbott is very underrated. That one bouncer destroyed his future.

Nah mate, that's the state of WA,

You mean it KILLED his career just like it killed Hughes. Lol

Not funny

LOVE this girl!

Attached: taylor.jpg (379x594, 35K)

>look away
>look back
>games over
kek grim stuff

Daily reminder that if you care about Phil Hughes or Steve Irwin dying you're a normie and not a BasedBoy and you need to get out

what drives you up make such pointless, vapid posts?

Ooooooo......oooooooo very sad


parquet courts are terrible

so true

its 420 here in the sunshine state lads

nah he'd be at the same level regardless
good at shield but pipped by fast le cartel at serious formats

4:18 when you made this post fucking dumb cunt

Sad stuff

>last team to beat England at home
>last team to beat South Africa at home
>won in UAE
>at the same time getting btfo frequently
is there a more exciting entity in modern sport than the Sri Lanka test cricket team

They call me drinkingaglassofwaterlad

They call you Quadslad

it's true for a lot of guys though
Copeland, Bird, Richardson, Sayers
luckily he's a lock for BBL so he can carve a reputation outside of le killer

love Sri Lanka
hate India (the most formulaic entity in modern sport)
simple as

This is the timeline


Copeland and Kane have decent stats. Reckon CA wanted more youngsters so they picked Jhye over these two.

yeah forgot about Bane as well
I agree though, current gen is shit so better to build up the next one

its kinda funny how cricket has vastly superior waifus compared to all the other commonwealth sports, even netball


Reminding everyone of this unapologetic banger

cricket girls are very hit or miss though tttt

welsh cricket cries out for freedom

who /stayingupforbothT20s/ tonight?

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So true

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fuck my life is failing

So true

mushies lad

I hope Hope pulls through
apparently he was a bit of a gun in South Africa


Cricket only realises itself in first-class form


shan't, got a job unlike you NEETs

I wish I didn't though hey


I can't, I have a court call at 10.
I'm an employed lawyer btw

As a man with a welsh dad and a mum of Swiss German descent I find English sport difficult to embrace. English cricket has been bland since Andrew flintoff retired

and you wonder why I do what I do

working is for poor people

Food court call in ten

the tyrant of tuscon


sebbo actually fucked off
this is based

the saviour of savar

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the brainstar of bulgaria

Honestly BASED

See? Bullying DOES work.

NEETs always say this.


Oi Lawnlad you here mate?

No, they do not.

best bond imo

>/cric/ suddenly incredibly comfy

have never seen sebbo make a post about test cricket. his gimmick is making some uncanny post about a game that nobody is watching

How can I help you

his gimmick is being an insufferable cunt

everyone hates indians, both whites and asians do, it's so unfair

thinking about the Ugandan test cricket side of the 2090s lads

Just started Bloodborne. Is it normal for souls games to just throw you into game without any tutorials?

there are pointers m8, but you certainly dont get babied in any way. what do you need to know?


have not watched a single second of rugby union since the 2015 world cuo

sebbo weighs 25 stone and has very limited natural understanding of test cricket

How far is the 3rd lamp? Getting fucked left and right and can’t be arsed to start over if I die.

last game i watched was in 2014. they didn't even score tries, just field goals or whatever they're called. shit sport.

cannot wait for Pax Ugandannia to be installed in the world

>implying there won't be another composite East African side that rules the sport for decades

sudan will have some terrifying left armers for sure


the wife just perked up at the thought

the key is opening shortcuts. so at the 2nd lamp, there's the gate on your left which can be opened. then there's a lift you can unlock after that. the being once you've hound your way up the boss, you can get there quickly from the first lamp. another thing to remember, how don't have to kill every enemy. you can usually just sprint through if you're getting a hidings. thd first area is big and there's a lot to find.

India's gonna rule cricket for the next century. With their population and their rate of development no one's gonna stand a chance.

once you've killed cleric beast, I'm pretty sure you can summon

George garton will revitalise English test cricket

Gary Ballance 56.39 average on retirement in 2030

grim stuff
hope they balkanise the team into 2-4 different regions

Fuck me, I probably missed few of these. And by 3rd lamp I meant the one right after Central Yarnham. I’m at the bridge right now and there are 2 wolves in my way. Thanks a lot lad.

looks like they actually read the feedback

reminder the flow of time is an illusion, all the great test cricket happenings of the next century already exist, and I know basically a all of them

so check this out, from lamp 2, go right then drop down to your left. ftom there just hoof it past all those dudes at the bonfire. keep running up stairs and away. keep running up stairs until your up high on the bridge with the 2 werewolves, keep running and go down stairs to your left into the house. left out if the house is uour first shortcut. godspeed lad.

read this

run past them. given into the house to ur left

*down into

Tanzanian cricket on the rise as we speak

Just finished off the wolves. Thanks again lad.

Love me some Artifical Difficulty: the game lads

nice, get that gate open before you take on the boss on that bridge

just lost the game lads

this is fashion

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also below the house there are 2 big trolls you can farm for vials. they're very easy to parry with your pistol and critical

Attached: do try it.png (300x250, 26K)


You look like a real slob.

Just opened it up haha.

Yeah I just noticed them. Need to work on the parrying.

not for me
bring back the raf I say

oi Zachy you here m8?

No, this is Zachy

Phil was just unlucky and that's unfortunate. Irwin's case was more of profound poetic justice. Not a fan of the redacted stance on Irwin, he was always a yank panderer and at the time you didn't here much else from the Australian public except something along the lines of "play stupid games win stupid prizes". Now he's lauded as a national hero when he was just a B-grade celebrity attention whore who ran a chintzy tourist trap in bumfuck Queersland. And now his family of ghouls have come to plunder the corpse.

parrying is essential but only works on bipedals. blunderbuss is easier to learn with. shoot at the peak of their swing. get into it m8

that raf jumper is bad

Now that fatguts is gone we can go back to bullying baldy locks

t. underage
loads of australian celebs are yank panderers, get over it

absolute truthnukes
have said as much in the past and gotten mocked for it

the point being that nobody (adult) in Australia knew about him at the time, except maybe from the South Park episode. He was a cringy Crocodile Dundee rip-off in the eyes of the 2000s national zeitgeist. Now 15 years later he's a national treasure,

honestly have a more profound understanding of the corridor of uncertainty than any of you can even begin to conceive

Where's the cranny, granny?

Truly sad thing is, Steve Irwin was the best of the lot of you.

shut up Zachy.

just remembered New Zealand existed lads

just remembered Joshy is a 110kg NEET lads

Fuck off sanjeev you geek. Bet you work in engineering or IT and have never kissed a girl
Pro tip: your cricket team is the embodiment of ‘formulaic’ and nobody likes you

I’m trying to think of a relevant peelander, all i can think of is lawncunt

not enjoying achy's new racism gimmick

holy mother of underage
he was pretty well known, and he was an actual wildlife expert rather than Paul Hogan. Nobody's making him out to be some uber celebrity
>the only people in Australia that knew him was from south park
bizarre septic delusions here, I didn't even know there was a south park episode on him, unless you're thinking of the Russell Crowe

Should be a day of celebration with Sebbesity dead and buried. Instead cric starts tearing itself apart in his absence. Sad stuff.

how am I racist when Pakistan and India are basically the same and I have a deep admiration of paki test cricket. Riddle me that one Bruce

what actually happened to him?


not enjoying these extremely unaustralian posts lads
comfort in knowing its a zoomer who learnt about Phil here and Steve on Yea Forums

Shitspouters insults got to him.

if all you've got is >UR LE UNDERABES XDXDXD and such other trite projections then we don't much to discuss

>Pakistan and India are basically the same
parts of Pakistan and parts of India are the same
so racist of you to think that brown people=the same

Packed it in m8.
Rules 1, 2 and 3 steadily starved him of the (You)s he desperately craved.

nice, we must thank the anons who pioneered these sacred laws

don’t be silly. The majority of the players that have made up Pakistani and India test cricket teams have been pretty much ethnically identical . Just indianare
Boring and pak aren’t

you clearly don't possess any memory from before his death and you're quoting a south park appearance as his greatest claim to fame
pretty clear you're underage, or at least developmentally retarded

Hunter pistol has a short parry window sadly


Just to weigh in here, Steve Irwin was pretty well-known for his goofy TV show. If you've only heard of him from South Park, you may be a bit of a retard.

I know I'm right because the central conceit of my statements remains untouched and you fags can only reply with fanciful name-calling. Here's a protip: There is literally nothing "Australian" about putting minor celebrities on a pedestal. We are a country primarily founded on the basis of tall-poppy syndrome and the cultural cringe.

are yes, again cutting right to the meat of my arguments with some biting name-calling

The rules worked. All this time he survived because of the attention.

so racist

I say keep practicing on those trolls till you've got it.

richo aka joseph melican the pedo is here right now posting without his trip, silently seething

lol eddie betts is a fragile cunt
he sees the word “monkey” and instinctively thinks of his own race
eddie should be shamed for being a self-hating racist fuckwit.

>you clearly don't possess any memory from before his death and you're quoting a south park appearance as his greatest claim to fame
no namecalling there absolute dumb cunt

inclined to agree

I knew who Steve Irwin was. I knew there was a TV show. I didn't watch it. Nobody watched it. I remember conversations where people would react with confusion when told Steve Irwin was popular in America.


>nows he's a racist fat alcoholic balding seething faggot
Yeah great

SANJEEVY BORING cricket team wankstain

>I'm not English sweaty I'm Welsh and Swiss German
>all brown people are the same btw

t. sam newman

Going to spread Eddie Betts’ racism around lads, get him fired from his footy club

you just sound like a zoomer citycunt who thinks Australia was founded on Internet cafes and Gloria Jeans.
Absolute embarrassment and possibly drunk on craft beer

I’m pretty skinny and no such thing as balding on dutasteride
meanwhile your cricket team is boring with a capital B
absolute state of you

>Zachy taking Sebbo's position of being the most hated person on /cric/

Zachy's got seething curry on the ropes

no one here has watched the cric since the hilarious South African sandpaper episode
Mind filling me in?
whos good?


>There is literally nothing "Australian" about putting minor celebrities on a pedestal. We are a country primarily founded on the basis of tall-poppy syndrome and the cultural cringe.
fucking lmao, this country is littered with minor celebrities
the only one putting Irwin on a pedestal here is you

literally no one could be more annoying then that fat cunt casual

>didn't debt being an alcoholic and a faggot

nah I’m quite well liked overall. Pretty much the only brit who isn’t a casual
meanwhile your cricket team is boring

not a fan of this racial tirade from Baldy B


Baldy B Ltd.

redpill me on India's "formulaic" cricket zachy

I think rules 1-3 need to apply for a while yet.

cool it with the racist remarks zachy

>I've got some tenuous, selective quoting of myself to back myself up. *neyh neyh*
nice one m8, guaranteed I'm older than you. But also guaranteed that I'm smarter than you considering you associate age with intelligence.
>proceeds to critique what he read
Jesus Christ the brains trust is out in full force this afternoon. And again with the oddly specific head-canon characterisations.
and the comments proceed to get stupider. How the fuck am I putting someone on a pedestal by actively denigrating his character and life's work?

I’m the embodiment of anti-racism and a true test cricket scholar

Racist B

Attached: Capture-unhappy person of colour.jpg (583x150, 20K)

>last week of the month
>Zachy has a absolutely lost it
Ran out of money for alcohol, Alchy B?


Plebby on the ropes

Baldy B copping it. Bet you miss Sebbo

still waiting for a single rebuttal beyond
>le zommer
>le underage
>le soiboy
and now
>le shook

also in no way a blogpost you buzzword regurgitating spastic

sad to see this mental decline in Zachy

wish he would stop taking the drugs

this is /cric/ civil war

What's duasteride lads? It is taken to increase your height?

huge projection, maybe you should go get some SSRIs. I’ve not lost it at all. Just think Indian are boring, and I’m right about that fact
Simple as

>Just think Indian are boring
this is so racist

Anything worse than being a balding alcoholic manlet who is also a virgin? Asking for a friend.

bit going on in here

Balding alcoholic fat* Manlet.

>But also guaranteed that I'm smarter than you considering you associate age with intelligence.
fucking kek
you still haven't addressed the fact that you can't remember the time before his death nor that your first reference to him was a niche American kids cartoon show, and that somehow you think most Australians knew him through that

being racist and taking mild altering and boner killing drugs

>steve is based aussie
>no he isnt
>phil is based aussie
>no he isnt
there isn't really an argument here lad, just your preference of what an aussie is and what an aussie isn't indicates you're young. Also a willingness to continue with what is essentially a pointless conversation.
no offence, stay shook



Dont be so hard on my boy zachy lads. He might start drinking more.

Nothing wrong with racism but the impotence is concerning.

No sane man ever called a man insane. No winner ever called a man a loser. Luckily I’ve watched enough test cricket and am enlightened enough to realise this essential fact of life

big yikes

>How the fuck am I putting someone on a pedestal by actively denigrating his character and life's work?
You're suggesting he's lauded as some major celebrity that was lost, when everyone knows he was a b-grade guy whose life was tragically cut short. You're trying to tear down someone who nobody pretends was especially famous but just well liked and respected
It's only shows like weekend sunrise that get bindi on all the time that suggest anything different, suggest you stop watching that

imagine sitting in the corner of your pub covertly taking pictures of big strong rugby chads so you can anonymously complaining about them on an anime image board

I think our boy has completely lost it. I pray for you brother

hope old mates mum doesnt cop any cric rage
thinking she will

Holy mother of BTFO

what the fuck does this mean

>fat cunt's gone
>no celebration party

this is your brain on Finasteride

Shut up Sanjeev
Your cricket team and it’s entire history is boring and forrmulaic
Got no time for you

all you've got is some made up factoid in your head. Try harder. Waiting for the turnabout "omg you're that old LMAO *emoji emoji*" response

>You're suggesting he's lauded as some major celebrity that was lost
this is exactly the case
>when everyone knows he was a b-grade guy whose life was tragically cut short
this is the truth, but far from the normie outlook. He's treated like a saint these days, as evident by the SIIDF on display in the thread.

Attached: UR LE UNDERAGE.jpg (1781x1649, 840K)

So true. luckily i don’t take finasteride

His obese presence united us. His flabby absence is tearing us apart.

Dutasteride is used alone or with another medication (tamsulosin [Flomax]) to treat benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH; enlargement of the prostate gland).

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-09-10 at 5.03.14 pm 1(2).png (1920x1080, 1.67M)

You mean dutasteride

Holy fuck grandpa, get off 4chinz before you have a stroke

>DOB 8/7/83
Do you have kids?



Nearly as old as shitspouter

It can also be used to treat scalp hair loss in men, excessive hair growth in women, and as a part of hormone therapy for transgender women.




This is just sad.

>>when everyone knows he was a b-grade guy whose life was tragically cut short
>this is the truth, but far from the normie outlook.
it's because his life was cut short that he's a saint though
if Alby Mangels or the Leyland brothers died in similar circumstances in their era, at the height of their celebrity the reaction would be the same
>stealing your dad's drivers license



Attached: Screenshot_20190221-143409.png (1080x1920, 508K)



Attached: benevdedvewdz.jpg (3465x3930, 934K)

those aren't the hands of a 36 year old wannabe boomer
put your dad's drivers license back in his wallet before he belts you



Attached: Screenshot_20190220-170624.png (1920x1080, 2.21M)

Side effects of finasteride include:

loss of interest in sex,
trouble having an orgasm,
abnormal ejaculation,
swelling in your hands or feet,
swelling or tenderness in your breasts,
feeling like you might pass out,
runny nose, or
skin rash.

They are if you're a sheltered low testosterone pussy faggot who has never played sport or do any outdoor activities in your life.

36 is pretty old, hope you at least have a nice 80k lawn to show for it lad.


just imagine

>South Australia

They have cars over there?

just went for an Indian cricket history lads
was dark and uneventful and left no impression on my toilet

Attached: sh.png (1358x902, 1.28M)

even with that lifestyle they should be beefier than that

Alby Mangels was based, while these zoomers are having a panicked perusal of Wikipedia to discover his based story.

I see addition and subtraction have been taken off the high school curriculum


those are the hands of a limp-wristed 19 year old at best

In case.. any of you missed me..
>Zachy you know this cutie mate?

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It's ok lad 35 ain't that good lol

based kaiju krush boomer


Watching the Ted Bundy tapes.


Tell me when it gets fun lad

how do we save Zachy and turn him back to the man we all know and love?
is he too far gone?

This thread's all over the place.

with the mrs mate?

we lit

Attached: 09.png (650x922, 749K)

the Chad Alby Mangels
the virgin Steve Irwin

Attached: alby.jpg (1021x574, 369K)

there is literally nothing wrong with being a virgin

shut up redditlad you geek. Why don’t you post another sopranos scene lmao smelly nerd

Which is best value for money?

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Nah she's watching K-drama lol

Being a virgin is not cool.

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well done m8

did some sleuthing lads

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t. zoomer who's just done a google search

>Your balls will never get whacked with the full swing of a Saffer cuties bat
>Why live

until the age of 18 or so perhaps.

Attached: INDvENG.jpg (900x600, 179K)

pretty sure Richo isnt 35 you fucking mong

Condom anal for sure

>google search
nah m8, had that borderline homoerotic picture of the idealised Australian male on my HD for a while. Might've come preinstalled actually

If you can cum inside, I'd take the natural anal

I won't kill myself trying to stay in your life
I got no distance left to run

(Fav blur song desu)

Fair to say I won the war today and every hater has been BTFO

>implying this mong is actually 35

love your work zachy

The concept of bulgarian dogged right handed middle order bats is simply untapped potential

just dumped half a kilo of boiled mince into a pot of pea and ham soup (canned)
grim dinner lads

you go lad, good for you

have too much respect for cows and pigs. For it me it's roo and chicken.

why didn't you fry up the mince with some onion, garlic and tomato paste/ pasta sauce?

t. Khala Muhammad Bhairupa

T20 in 5 hours lads

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dont have any of those lad. pulled the mince from the depths of the freezer, boiled it in case it was off.
thanks for the suggestion though

Very nice lad

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what are the pitches like in Dorset


what was the sun doing filming when it's clearly night time?

Any of you cunts gay

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Have a feeling Zach is

kek probably made atleast 10k

alchy locks is the most electrifying man in /cric/ entertainment

Can't disagree with this post

yeah you

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Is baldy locks related to alchy locks?

yes mate

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Could someone post that zachys sensual pic with his button open and visible chest hair kek

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nerd club kek

>the Chad rajibul vs the virgin alchy


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My favourite Zachy post was the one in /int/. He's so insecure about his looks sometimes.

Conspiracy theory: Mrff and alchy locks are the same person

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>Alchy locks is 29
>mrff is still underage

how drunk are you m8? YOU are alchy locks

I get pussy often but I've also sucked a dick so kinda

Alchy locks is the Duke of Dorset
Zachy is the Duke of Dookies

imagine living in the Uk unironcally

fucking hate his attitude in the field
everything off his bowling should be caught and anything he's dropped was impossible
also that definitely wasn't lbw lol *reviews* *hitting the bottom of middle stump*


would kill my grandparents if they hadn't immigrated here

very rude. Is literally no brit posters watching test cricket not involving England the kind of reality you idealise? If it is let me know and I’ll stop posting

yes stop posting

Is Michael Bevan in the greatest aus XI?

Baldy b u here m8

I've got British citizenship, is it worth spending any time living there? England's out of the question for me but Northern Ireland or Scotland could be alright


bait or daniel-tier ignorance

Fuck off Sanjeev. I’m a prime influencer here at /cric/. Cric would be post apocalyptic if I was to just suddenly leave

May as well leave so we can see what happens then innit

>grandparents immigrated
kek basically fresh of the boat, you will never be Australian. Cast yourself into the sea and start swimming for the Bosporus of home

Just banter mate.


Racist dog

Make your next drink a water you pisswreck

meant my grandparents including the greats josh

My parents moved here from China in 2001. Our family LITERALLY pioneered Auckland.

proxy off sanjeev

You don't move from China son.
You flee from it

Fuck up Dermot

any chance I could sway some influence on the ICC and get this t20 brought forward 4 hours? Feeling a lot of the unrest I'm experiencing may be salved.

Here I present to you, right now, my dear brothers of /cric/ the grand list of exciting Indian criicket moments:

>scheduling both Indian t20s to a time that suits Indian viewers
very unfair

outing yourself as a bit of a racist tonight mate, grim stuff. indian posters are based.

harsh but based and extremely truthful

miss davey warner so much. little champion

This but unironically.

don't you dare

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>outing yourself as a bit of a racist tonight mate, grim stuff. indian posters are based

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Zachy lost his job lads.

soon mate

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Lost his hair
Lost his job
Lost his marbles

Reckon zachy is upset about his shrunken penis and receding hairline lads.

absolute seething
Boreindia simply can’t handle these cataclysmic truthies

Zachy lost everything but his virginity.

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Zachys hairline is retreating faster than Britain in Dunkirk.

Got an invite to my 10yr high school reunion lads, should i go?

p.s - i've put on 25kg, going bald and am a still a KHV since i graduated


Yes mate you'll make everyone else feel good about themselves.

reminder you are over 30
Very sus
literally fuck off you nonce

Yeah you should. If you feel nervous or embarrassed you can just get shitfaced.

Love how this "Brit" is trying to force a meme, makes a happy.


Who do you think you are talking to? Drugs making you paranoid?

imagine uniroinically siding with the in*an over zachy right now

Schizoidy b

I know exactly who im talking to. You pedo

I'm over here now schizoidy b

why do people let themselves go?
why dont you train and eat well?
you'll enjoy life more, unironically


>putting down enough roots that you're even contactable
doing life wrong m8

Might fire up DA BORNE again

SFC's just too good mate

fair to say if you post here over the age of 30 you are a certified nonce

You have a lot of fun playing grab ass with the boys

Enough with your drivel.

Zachy losing the plot.

When you drink, never Alchy B.

boomers run this town

Living in London temporarily seems cool but why on the world would you spend any amount of time in Britain outside of London.

Sasha grey wank session on the cards

now Tragic Kingdom, that was an album to get panties wet.

lads, was talking with a fuckbuddy about having a threesome with another girl, and she brought up that she's got a twink friend who's seen my pictures and wants to get involved, but only as far as sucking dick. What do? Sort of curious

Sasha grey wants to fuck me

Fuck him in the arse to assert dominance.

Ask statsy how his bumsex business is going.

bash him to death and hide behind gay panic precedents

>Dr. Root, I'm CA

eddie betts copping it

Sasha greys cute little butt is the test cricket of biology

she has a magnificent bum but her scenes don't do it for me

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Noncey b

got monday off so I am going to play ds3 again with a str build, and I will call the character MarkCosgrove

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Nobody cares noncey b

how many pills we had tonight mr coolguy

Alexa list the potential interaction side effects of dutasteride and alcohol

the land of my fathers

Attached: 6597A69B-CD8F-4D5F-AD4D-E3222D77C875.png (1200x720, 191K)

BASED Alchy locks

Common side effects of Avodart include:
sexual problems (such as decreased sexual interest/ability, decrease in the amount of semen/sperm released during sex),
impotence (trouble getting or keeping an erection),
testicle pain or swelling,
increased breast size, or.
breast tenderness.

I am welsh

Why is the Pee20 on so late REEEEEEE

For me, it’s Dylan Thomas-under milk wood

Really needs a lot of patience lad. I keep fucking up every time and I'm still at the early stages.

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>3 hours left
imagine not being a habitual alcoholic, I'd pretty much kms

ill let one of aus fags shit the thread up

deanos TV is so massive, the screening of England’s latest one day international can be sighted from mars


Sad stuff

rather wouldn't associate this beautiful land with that grim rainy shithole

>not 500

imagine being so desperate to be the op you create a thread 1 hour early

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What's it this time?

not a Minaret in sight, just wow ugh.

2 victoria cops got beat up by african thugs and people are protesting the cops from hunting them down

I am singlehandedly responsible for the Yea Forums post cooldown being increased to 60 seconds from 30.

real thread here
reminder to follow the rules

c*ucasian actually, but don't let reading 500 words hold you back from your opinions

they're niggers lad

but not African thugs

100% african

is this serious? links of the protest?

you faggots told me finasteride would work. its been 3 months since i started and im starting to panic

pics are right there lad. thousands of melbournians taking to the streets after victoria police stated "if you want to act like animals, you'll be locked up like animals". this has been taken by some as racist

need more dead cops, these blokes are a national treasure

bloody good city melbourne

link an article
those pictures could be from any protest


I don't see anything about a protest

lol tricked

wow good one mate
state of you


Northern Ireland lmao

What's wrong with Northern Ireland?

Zachy showing his true colours tonight

Joseph Melican is a paedophile.

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