Is there a greater midfielder? Better than Zidane and Xavi for sure

Is there a greater midfielder? Better than Zidane and Xavi for sure.

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>le suddenly become world class after retiring man

He was always WC
Do I need to post quotes?

Why did Fergie break the transfer record to replace him then?

>le good passer but can't tackle man


>Better than Zidane and Xavi for sure

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He didn’t. Scholes was playing behind RVN in those days, scoring 20 a season.

at first, scholes was (a little) underrated
then calling scholes underrated became a meme
now "saying scholes is underrated is a meme" has become a meme
what's next

Fred exists

not even the best midfielder at his club


Pele: "If he was playing with me, I would have scored so many more."

Zinedine Zidane: "My toughest opponent? ...

Luis Figo: "I'm star-struck when I see Paul Scholes because you never see him. ...

Patrick Vieira: "The player in the Premiership I admire most? ...Scholes

Messi "I am the student he is the master"

Pep "the best midfielder of his generation"

Xavi " I look up to him"

Giggs "He was the best"

>It's a "player who doesn't score, assist, cross, tackle, or even mark is called underrated by football snobs who think that pretending to hold esoteric opinions makes them smart and interesting" episode

Well, actually, Dennis Bergkamp was the best striker of the 00s.
Well, actually, Ryan Giggs was better than Messi.
Well, actually, Ronaldo was better than Christiano Ronaldo.

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>le quotes man

>no mention of pirlo

>Well, actually, Ronaldo was better than Christiano Ronaldo.
>this is a hipster opinion

Well, actually, Pirlo is an artist rather than a mere footballer. The way he strokes the ball and studies the game elevates him into his own echelon. I wouldn't even waste my time trying to explain it to a mere "football fan" such as yourself. Pirlo is reserved for the soccer connoisseur.

Ronaldo was better than Cristiano though tbf

Aren't they all fake quotes?
La masia definitely doesn't study scholes

>Well, actually, Ronaldo was better than Christiano Ronaldo.
this one is true though. TSU's finishing ability coupled with speed, power, and dribbling ability that cristiano only got close to in very brief spells during his time at man united

no all real, and there are many more

Scholes scored over 150 goals, playing most of his career in a midfield two. Far more than the likes of Kroos, Modric, Iniesta, Zidane, Xavi.

how could he be better than himself?

I like the quote where he retired from England in a strop because he wasn't good enough to play in the middle of the park

To be fair, Sven was an idiot not to play a midfield three and instead tried to play in an outdated system that he didn't have the players for anyway

>"My toughest opponent? ...



With a midfield as strong as these five, they JUST harder than most Golden Generations

Pro tip: two of those lads aren’t real midfielders. England continued to fail because they continued to play those two in midfield.

Pairing a Ngubu DM with any of the 1st 4 would have been much more effective desu

Overall Scholes is the best

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>better than zidane
How about no.

Finally somebody who doesn't suck Scholes and Carricks cocks

Who let the leaf post

Xavi did praise him, saying he's the best midfielder in the last 15 years. It was in the interview back in 2011 i think when they about to meet in the CL final. The rest could be fake though since i can't seem to find the article/video with the interview of the players.

>He thinks Barcelona praising someone means anything

They do it all the time

This but unironically

Really makes you think, man....

Lampard was a better goal scoring midfielder than him.

t. coping zoomer

deflectpard was inferior to scholes in every way except hair colour

now post quotes talkign about pele, zidane, figo, viera, messi, pep, chavi and giggs
oh fuck they are the goats as well

There arent any
Scholes is better

>Dennis Bergkamp was the best striker of the 00s.
Holy delusion.