How can sp even pretend that Messi is not THE GOAT ? Do you even watch the same sport as everyone else in the world?
How many world cups has he won? How many goals has he scored against Germany on official games?
Cristiano is better
Mbappe too
how many has Penaldo?
Uhh honey, like 90% of Yea Forums agrees that Messi is the GOAT. A few very vocal penaldo cocksuckers won't change that.
>these flags
>this sport
>Only Messi and Ronaldo exist
My country is a more traditional football country than yours
how can you possibly believe that?
>le r*ddit army is here
say no to racism and upvote if u agree messoy is le GOAT friendos:)
Ok, I laugh at argentinians delusion of greatness, but this is absurd
He is not the GOAT because i dont watch the sport while watching anime on my laptop.
Our prewar team and contribution is greater than Argies
only 30 year old boomers are impressed by stat padding against paella farmers
hasnt been relevant in the champions league in almost 10 years
>doing his bi annual sevilla hat trick
wake me up when he wins a WC
>0 WC titles - 0 WC runners-up
>2 WC titles - 3 WC runners-up
wew lad
we reached a final in 1930, how were you better than us before the world wars? kek
The 1930 WC was a fucking joke
No good Euro team played
Should have showed up in '34 and '38
i refuse to believe a polandbro could be this retarded
That's subjective
While us raeching the 1930 final is an objective fact. Plase bring a real argument or just don't reply to me again
hahah oh wait youre a chink
Argentine league was founded in 1891. It's the oldest league the world outside the British isles.
You mean in '34 where an Argentine player playing for Italy scored the winning-goal in the final?
My God have you been busy today putting out fires.
Is Austria the Argentina of Europe? I always thought that england was the most delusional.
isn't he the top scorer this year....
No man who is 5'7 can be GOAT in anything except being a manlet
>knockout goals: 0
Brazilians are the most delusional. Imagine getting 7-1'd at home in a WC semifinal and still believe that Germany didn't surpass you because you have 3 Jules Rimets from the farmers' era
>winning 2 wcs, one of which was through cheating
>believing you are even in the conversation of goat football nations
large yikes from me boludo
We deserved to win 1934. Can't do anything when Mussolini literally robs the title.
Also the goat is Josef Bican, an Austrian.
I know the term farmers league gets overused on Yea Forums but he literally played in one.
Wrong. Austrian League was strong back then
He also proved himself in Czechoslovakia
>600 goals in 400 games
stop it
I would expect a striker who's the only world class player in war-torn Czechoslovakia to regularly score hattricks against FK Traktor and that's what he did.
Some doped up manlet that can’t even beat the likes of chile isn’t a goat
True as fuck
Did no good euro team play in 1924 nor in 1928?
Mbappe has a way higher ceiling. Being a Ronaldo fanboy that he is, he might outdo Ronaldo himself.
>this guy who has realized the fullness of his potential is not as good as this young guy who has yet to realize his but maybe one day he'll be better, perhaps
>but probably not
Excellent post Hmong
Pizza de queso y sprite
messi kimochi desu
So is miroslav klose the greatest of all time with your ludicrous logic?
0 doesn't need them, still goat
wew lad, the only thing you ever contributed to is fucking your friends
it's next to impossible to win a world cup nowadays unless you have a super Euro team built around the basis of a top-flight team
For example you can have a core out of Bayern, Barcelona and have a chance to win the World Cup at 80% chance or more, but to expect Messi to win a world cup when he plays with players from Benfica and Lazio is asking too much. Look at his starting winger against France was Maxi Meza which plays in fucking Mexican league for the football club "Monterrey". Have you ever even heard of this team? lol. International play is a fucking joke now, anything past 2006 turned shit.