
Once upon a time in AC milan

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>ynr berlusconi
milano was such a redpilled club holy shit

Playing with Stam on PES, really great defender

Overrated cup babbies.

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Zoomer Kaká >>>>> Boomer Kaká

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>That fucking defence

How would they do in the UCL lads?

>Mourinho upset Cruyff when he responded to criticism from the Dutchman of Chelsea's style of play, saying: "I don't want him to teach me how to lose 4-0 in a Champions League final because I don't want to learn that."

Was this the greatest CL team of all time, lads?

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>inb4 albanian autist

I love reading the story about this final.
>"Barcelona are favourites," Cruyff said. "We're more complete, competitive and experienced than [in the 1992 final] at Wembley. Milan are nothing out of this world. They base their game on defence, we base ours on attack."
>Cruyff's team talk at Wembley had been: "Go out and enjoy yourselves". His team-talk in Athens was: "You're better than them, you're going to win." In 1992, he was hailed as a genius. In 1994, he was derided as a fool.

Benfiquismo truly is a mental disease


No problem with being a cup team, especially when your main league is actually corrupt. There are plenty of teams - Mancini era Man City, recent Bayern - who are good flat track bullies but can't raise themselves to the highest level because they don't have e.g. the best back 4 ever, two amazing goalscorers, an unmarkable trio of playmakers none of whom get in the others' way.

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based mourinho

that's a lot of fantastic players and Dida

this always gets me. how the fuck dida stole that keeper spot i will never know

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remember how Zidane made him dance?

mancini is actually a fraud pellegrini the better one

Jesus christ burn it down

>imagine being a zoomer
>imagine not having watched this team live

Sad existence 2bh.

Will they make a comeback?

Milan where even missing Baresi and Costacurta in that game, fucking crazy.

imagine the "exposed" threads after this match

The team improved in the last seasons and they have an owner with actual money now. They are currently 4th and in good form thanks to the jenuary transfers.

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Only because of Anshit being an underachieving fraud.
If that team had a better manager they would have won 5 CL's and 5 scudetti in a row.

>le dive for PK man

>Mourinho upset Cruyff when he responded to criticism from the Dutchman of Chelsea's style of play, saying: "I don't want him to teach me how to lose 4-0 in a Champions League final because I don't want to learn that."
Holy fucking based. Did he really say that?

>Was this the greatest CL team of all time?
Sacchi Milan was better but 1994 is the best performance of all time.

I hope they start winning again, Milan was always one of my favourite teams to watch growing up.

Redpill me on Suso. Is he good now?

>Abate still playing

you late

Before the match Cruyff also laughed at Milan signing Desailly and saying that Romario was better.
Desailly scoring the 4th goal was poetry.

Based Bruno Pizzul
>Desailly solo... gol!
>E sono quattro!
>E sono quattro!
>Il Milan travolge letteralmente il Barcellona di Cruijff!
>Desailly, 4 a 0!
>Diciassette e trenta.
>Ulteriore testimonianza che il calcio è uno sport molto rigoroso, difficile, fatto non di chiacchiere, ma fatto di concentrazione, di umiltà anche.
>Quella che sicuramente è mancata al Barcellona!

This one is good MV about the final
Have you seen this? wdyt

He's very good technically but slow as uck and pretty repetitvie. Kind of a cut inside man but without the pace

He has regressed and turned into a Fortnite addict.
He might be potentially benched by Castillejo.

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Dida was one of the greatest keepers in Europe prior to that flare incident in 2005.

That flare incident really exposed him

Will Milan be relevant ever again?

I miss the days of them and Inter being up there with Europe's best teams. It's fucking boring seeing Juve/Real/Barca/Bayern dominate the late stages of the CL every year.

Not one for these kind of vids.

He was never the same after that. But you can't blame him for 2005 disaster since he saved Alonso's PK which Slippy G dived for.
Pirlo was more to blame for not even marking Slippy when he took his shot.

Also Dida was a God compared to some shitty keepers we Kalac...remember that guy?

>Will Milan be relevant ever again?
Soon la'

>'Muh History'
Milan is a neoazurri city anyways

>Also Dida was a God compared to some shitty keepers we Kalac...remember that guy?
there was also a bald italian fella, what was his name again

Abbiatti was not a bad keeper. He was not world class but he was reliable and played a key role in us winning our last scudetto.
Now Amelia...that was a terrible fucking goalkeeper.

Northerners really can't into humour.

>*sip* ahhh now that was a great team

You'd think he would've learned his lesson after the World Cup final, but na.
How are Dutch people so unbelievably arrogant and incomprehensibly cucked at the same time? It makes no sense.

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Dat Capello discipline. Everyone jumping on him and he's barely even smiling. After the 4th goal he celebrates for about 2 seconds before screaming instructions.

The closer you get to Amsterdam, the worse it gets. It's like a black hole of gutmensch autofellatio. Needless to say, Cruijff was from Amsterdam.

So what, the cuckery is like a virus spreading from the sewer of Amsterdam, slowly overloading the traditional arrogance from a lost era?

>this is how the future has turned out
why do we continue to live

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By being actually good at that point in his career.

ridiculously stacked team
fucking absurd

>boomers saying this tea was good

Where is the pace? Where is the fullback running down the wing? That team feels like Kaka doing everything, Pirlo hitting some passes from behind and Sheva and Inzaghi poaching some goals.

Thank God football evolved

Were you even alive back in those days you zoomer?
Cafu, Serginho and even boomer Maldini bombed the fucked out of teams with crosses non-stop, what in the shit are you talking about?

Pirlo was like the least involved player if anything. It was Seedorf, Rui, Kaka, Sheva and Cafu who were the most involved ones in the attack.


Fuck yeah he did. Mou will always be a legend for his quotes from that time period alone.

On Arsenal's French farce of a penalty (this was one that they literally tried to pass into the goal) - October 2005
>"You have to wonder why they did that penalty. Because they have so many penalties in the season, that's why. They have to do something special and different."

Mourinho revels in the abuse he received from Sheffield United fans at Bramall Lane.
>"Places like this are the soul of English football. The crowd is magnificent, saying '**** off Mourinho' and so on."

On Arsenal after their 5-4 win at Spurs - November 2004
>"That was not a football score, it was a hockey training I often play matches of three against three and when the score reaches 5-4 I send the players back to the dressing room, because they are not defending properly."

How times have fucking changed. The PL has never been as based since as during Mou's 1st stint at Chelsea. I don't remember if Chelsea ever played Milan in the CL during that phase(don't think they did). Too bad, would have been quite the kino matchup desu

Is Milan going to be the new Leeds??

Milan have a rich history and actually won a lot of things. Leeds barely won a lot in their short period of being successful

you should have followed his time at inter. he constantly got into spats with people

>As for Lo Monaco I do not know who he is. With the name Monaco I have heard of Bayern Monaco (Munich) and the Monaco GP, the Tibetan Monaco (Monk), and the Principality of Monaco. I have never heard of any others.

Holy shit. Borini must have absolutely zero competition for his spot. He’s painfully average. Maybe even a step below average desu

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Beckham really had a comfy career now that i think about it

you now remember manchester loaning him out to third division back in the day

Supposedly he's been playing with an unhealed injury for quite some time and won't undergo an operation for some reason, I guess Gattuso is reluctant too be left without him.

>No Kaladze

Shevchenko in those days was fast as fuck, so counting Kaka you've got two out of three pacy forwards, only with unpredictabe positioning. Only works if the players are disciplined enough to make constant wide runs. Gattuso was also quite quick even if he didn't have great technical qualities. Plus Cafu.

Inter is doing worse than Milan right now lmao

t. rates playing hoofball to penalfo

>“I think he is one of these people who is a voyeur. He likes to watch other people. There are some guys who, when they are at home, have a big telescope to see what happens in other families. He speaks, speaks, speaks about Chelsea.”
José Mourinho on Arsene Wenger

>“I studied Italian five hours a day for many months to ensure I could communicate with the players, media and fans. Ranieri had been in England for five years and still struggled to say ‘good morning’ and ‘good afternoon.’
José Mourinho on Claudio Ranieri

>“It is really not my fault if he was considered a loser at Chelsea.”
José Mourinho on Claudio Ranieri

>“Ranieri? He’s right in what he says: I am very demanding of myself and I need to win to be secure about things. That’s why I’ve won so many trophies in my career. He, on the other hand, has the mentality of someone who doesn’t need to win and at nearly 70 years old he has won a Supercoppa and another small cup. He’s too old to change his mindset.”
José Mourinho on Claudio Ranieri

>“It’s not even a game between me and him. It’s a game where a kid made some statements not showing maturity and respect. Maybe it’s his difficult childhood, no education, maybe it’s the consequence of that.”
Jose Mourinho on Cristiano Ronaldo

>“Three years without a Premiership title? I don’t think I would still be in a job.”
José Mourinho on Rafa Benitez

>“Wenger has been Arsenal’s coach for 15 years but he hasn’t won even a Carling Cup for six years. Benitez hasn’t won a league title in six years but they continue to keep him as Liverpool’s coach. This is not the Italian mentality. To stay here I must continue winning and do well.”
José Mourinho on Arsene Wenger and Rafa Benitez

>“When I saw Rijkaard entering the referee’s dressing room I couldn’t believe it. When Didier Drogba was sent off, I wasn’t surprised.”
José Mourinho on Frank Rijkaard

>“They have a great club. But in 200 years of history they have won the European Cup only once. I have been managing for a few years and I have already won the same amount.”
José Mourinho on Barcelona

>“Barcelona is a cultural city with many great theatres and this boy has learned very well. He’s learned play-acting.”
José Mourinho on Lionel Messi

>“I have to train with 10 men [to prepare for the Barcelona semi-final], how to play with 10 men, because I go there with Chelsea, I finish with 10, I go there with Inter, I finish with 10 and I have to train to play with 10 men because it can happen again.”
José Mourinho on playing Barcelona

>“Up to now we have had two types of coaches. A very small group of coaches who never speak to the referees. After that, there is a bigger group, of whom I am one, who criticise the referees when they make huge errors. And now, with the declaration of Pep the other day, we are entering a new era with a third group, which for the moment includes only him, who criticise the correct decision of the referee.”
José Mourinho on Pep Guardiola

It’s weird looking back because although Milan actually had several keepers in reserve, probably none of them expected to end up competing for the starting spot. Dida flatlined almost as quickly as Schevchenko did.

This one's my favorite

>"The situation is, in my opinion, unbelievable," Mourinho told Sky Sports 1.

>"I think Makelele is not a football player, Makelele is a slave.

>"He played in the biggest game a player can play in his international career - he played in the World Cup final.

>"He wants to retire and the national team coach has told us very objectively, very objectively, if he's not playing for France, he's not playing for Chelsea, he's suspended for Chelsea.

>"We know the rules, we don't need him to tell us the rules.

>"But the player wrote a letter to their federation and told the manager he doesn't want to play for France.

>"He (Domenech) has been very objective and said you have to play Georgia and Italy. If you are not playing in those two matches, you will be suspended for four matches for Chelsea.

>"You are a slave, you have no human rights, you cannot choose. You don't have the right to choose? No liberty, no freedom, no democracy, no human rights.

>"Two matches you don't play for France, then you don't play for four for Chelsea, he has to go.

>"The rules are there, the law is there. He doesn't want to go, but he has to go."

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Another good one

Catalan media alleged that Mourinho and Portuguese referee Olegário Benquerença (who was the referee of the San Siro Inter vs Barca match) were long time friends and also that they co-own a restaurant called O Menino in Leiria, Portugal, accusing Benquerença's friendship with Mourinho of being responsible for Inter's win.

Catalan radio and media also claimed that Benquerença is called Larapio ("thief") in Portugal, since a 2004 match between Benfica and Porto in Lisbon in which Benquerença disallowed a dubious goal by Benfica's Petit, thus helping Porto to win 1–0; however, that match took place the season after Mourinho's departure from the club.

>"I have no restaurant with anybody" he said, "maybe Pep has a restaurant in Oslo"

Borini is not starter.

Mourinho shows no mercy. He could lose 12-0 and still talk shit about the other team. A true visionary.

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>Dida flatlined almost as quickly as Schevchenko did.
Dida was inconsistent at best after the flare incident.
What happened to Sheva was another story. Even when he left Chelsea and was playing for Dynamo Kiev he wasn't even impressive in the Ukraine league.

Some stupid shit happened though, like Dida getting injured in the fucking bench somehow.
Abbiatti had his share of injuries too throughout his career.

He was Yea Forums before Yea Forums was a thing.

Should I rate Rodriguez?

No, he's shit.