CLG: Thompson out for Combine after wrist surgery
TEN: Delanie Walker targeting return for OTAs
ARZ: Cardinals 'in talks' to re-sign Markus Golden
FA: Chicago pulls plug on Parkey after down year
NO: Saints TE Josh Hill expected to start in 2019
PHI: Eagles bring back Jake Elliott on 1-year pact
PIT: Steelers GM: Three teams have called on AB
TB: Bucs expected to keep DT Gerald McCoy in 2019
NE: Robert Kraft facing prostitution ring charges
NE: Devin McCourty announces he'll play in 2019
/nfl/ general - FIRM GRIP edition
Other urls found in this thread:
Friendly reminder that I was completely right about the Bears last year and I will continue to be right next year when they win da superb owl
Y-yeah, great...
can you be my gf?
>yfw da bears win da superb owl
Who the fuck names their own child ha ha clinton-dex? Seriously?
>cody parky is still owed 3.5 million
>he made millions doinking the ball 5 times
kickers are a joke. they should be paid per field goal they make
Friendly reminder that carson wentz is a bust
Hey there /nfl/
For me, it's THE Philadelphia Football Eagles, Philadelphia Baseball Phillies, Philadelphia Basketball 76ers, Philadelphia Hockey Flyers and Philadelphia Soccer Union.
>Per field goal
Nope. They should be paid the percentage of field goals made in a season. So, that 3.5 million would be reduced by the exact percentage that they lost. Of course, if it was on the placeholder that shouldn't count as a miss in the contract.
Aren't you forgetting someone, Turkroach?
next time baby
Gonna need some consistent QB play if you want that to happen.
Go Mason
having sex slaves is a common hobby in israel
Post players with more postseason touchdown passes than Carson Wince
I'll start:
outlawing sex slaves is another shoa
So is organ harvesting and child molestation
In fact their hero avram had a sex slave named hagar
mason haters absolutely BTFO
Predicted them going one and done
>got $80M
Kaep is a boss.
>tfw cody parkey is going to be signed by the seahawks
Based Kaep!
True Osweiller Story: I was at a friend's party getting drunk and we were talking about football and the Broncos since it was in Denver. I say "Osweiller sucks" and the gentlemen I was speaking with says he is my cousin. I mumble something and walk away. The guy really was his cousin.
did you fuck him
His cousin, no. Never got to meet Osweiller before he went to Houston.
>mega millions
>super bowl ring
>hero-for-life at ASU, infinite 10/10s on tap
how is he a failure again?
Successful at making money I'll give you that. But football? Pfffft
>ywn be spitroasted by the Osweiler cousins
>NE: Robert Kraft facing prostitution ring charges
No, he's not. He's facing charges for soliciting prostitutes on two occasions. He is not charged with running a prostitution ring. He had nothing to do with its operation, he was just a customer.
Kraft is LITERALLY a human trafficker you disgusting Patsfag how dare you defend that man in any form whatsoever
Yeah that's a great idea, let's tie the income of these kickers directly to their performance and accuracy and put extra pressure on them during high stress moments. That is the goal, to have them make less money. Not to win games or anything. You dumb fucking retards. Their salaries are already properly impacted based on performance and is worked into their future employment and salary. We don't need to fuck it up by structuring their salaries like morons.
It's funny how people really are treating it like that. Like Kraft is somehow literally guilty by association.
>OMG did you know that the hooker that gave Robert Kraft a handjob was also the victim of domestic abuse? And that her mother was a drug addict? Robert Kraft is a woman beating tyrant that runs a prostitution ring and keeps them all in line by keeping them addicted to drugs!
The media has gone completely insane. Kraft should honestly sue half of them out the ass for implying he's connected to its operation.
If they can't handle the pressure, you don't get the treasure.
t. zane gonzalez
>p-please don't make kicker contracts better
Laughing at your life.
weeb retard
regular retards
>Everything is optimized for successful kickers
Yeah sure. And I drowned a fish to death last saturday.
I didn't say that you fucking retard. Doing the proposed change is not going to improve kicker performance. They're already incentivized to make field goals every time if they can. It's not somehow going to make them kick better to structure it in such a moronic fashion. Every one of you deserves death for being so retarded.
less geww
>Unironically thinking they shouldn't dock pay for shitty performances
Imagine being this retarded. Would a boss not at the very least reduce pay for a mediocre performances?
That would not surprise know, we're talking about the Hawks.
..... And where are those incentives that you keep talking about? Because all I'm hearing is that they'll either get fired or a reduction of pay eventually. This is the NFL not highschool, sport. If they honestly cannot handle pressure in a televised and professional game they most certainly don't deserve all the pay and also don't deserve to be in the NFL.
They already do that you dumb shit. Kicker market value goes does if they're less consistent. They're naturally punished through their performance without individual kicks counting against them.
Your retarded little kid idea punishes kickers for their teams routinely having them attempt harder field goals if their offense fucking sucks and can't get close to the uprights. It puts unnecessary pressure on kickers for no reason.
This entire idea is retarded and you should seriously neck yourself. Everyone entertaining this dumb shit idea doesn't deserve to live because they obviously can't think. I'm convinced half of the idiots on this board legitimately don't have triple digit IQs.
Patriots fans are elite at finding ways to play the victim
>And where are those incentives that you keep talking about?
Keeping their job you stupid fuck. Continuing to be employed. Winning football games. A desire for their team to win. All of those things. Having some draconian system of punishing them for mistakes is not going to somehow make their kickers better.
Only a little kid or a NEET that has never worked a day in their life can possibly think this is a good idea. I'm done giving you retards my time.
Are you saying the media framing Robert Kraft as a sex ring operator because he hired a prostitute is fair?
Just lost the owl to the Cards, bros
woah, Peyton Manning looks like that?!
>doesnt post the pff top nfcn ilb or rb rankings
wew wonder why
>Michael Thomas thinks he's the best WR in the NFL
>Isn't even the best WR in his own division (Julio)
>Won't even be Top 5 in his own division next year (Evans, Moore, Samuel, Ridley)
Possibly because thats what the league has been doing with them for two decades.
>oh my god my headset is a piece of crap, the cheatriots rigged it!
Literally who?
Considering it took 10 years for that city to win a championship again, gonna put my wager the next one is in 20
>SEA: Seahawks have officially signed FA Cody Parky to a 2 year $35 Million dollar contact
Forgot to add that there bro
He's been signed with the Seahawk since he was released by the Bears
Gonna need a source on that you retard.
Itt: post NFL players that are correct. Kaepernick is correct about the nfl as a whole. Blacks are vastly underrepresented on nfl teams. Pretty much every team is full of people that are white (around 75% for the entire league). This is proof enough that people of color are being oppressed in america even on a highly televised event. America is still as backwords thinking as ever and still needs a lot of change.
The problem is black people are dumb.
How come the Seahawks and Panthers of the 2010s never had a great offense and defense at the same time?
Both teams rose to prominence on an elite defense with offenses that lacked talent at skill positions, and by the time both found great skill players on offense their defenses got old and turned to complete shit.
omenihu would be anreach at 21
amani will be gone by then
look for a trade from the patriots
Hey guys recommend me a good rub and tug
>most picks
Imagine being this uneducated.
Why do the Patriots even need draft picks? The rest of the league literally gives them their best players for nothing. The Josh Gordon trade was highway robbery.
It would be a shame if Goddell were to punish the team and remove all of those picks
>Daylon Mack in the 5th round
Dude ain't lasting nearly that long. Top 50 player for me
>the rest of the league gives them their best players
teams are straight up refusing to listen to trade offers now
not happening chief lmao
>Everyone criticizes Tom Brady for playing in a system where he only has to throw 5+ yard passes to pick up 15-20 yards because everything is blocked perfectly downfield
>Drew Brees plays exactly the same way and gets called an MVP candidate
I don't understand. Brees the past two seasons has been a checkdown artist and O-Linebabby and yet no one questions it.
>checkdown artist
Literally never been Brees game. Saints ran the ball a ton in 2017 and 2018 Ted Ginn their deep threat was our most of the year so they played more short-intermediate concepts
I've seen both dudes play live and Brady is on another level to Brees but he does love the checkdown. Their games are not as similar as you're making out
are you fucking high? brees throws dragons all game, do you even watch? why do i reply tp people who dont watch?
>Seething Shehawks fan
>are you fucking high?
Can Brady's style even be called "checkdown"? He basically finds the most open receiver in 1 seconds and the ball is out of his hands the next second. He doesn't even read all of his options or have time to really.
Brees does more checking down than Brady this year. That's a fact. Both teams did a similar amount of run plays and both Brees and Brady adopted a dink and dunk style this year. Brees doesn't get criticized for it, though.
The main reason for that is just because occasionally Brees hurls it down the field, and he actually has a receiver or two that can create downfield separation. Brady doesn't and almost never throws medium to long passes. So there's this perception that Drew Brees is not a quick pass checkdown guy, but he is. Even though there are differences between Brady and him, they still wind up equalizing. Brees actually has even shorter overall average hang time on his passes than even Brady, and Brady is a notorious dart thrower.
>screens to kamemera and slants to thomas are "dragons"
>Can Brady's style even be called checkdown?
Yes it can. The rest of what you said is just wrong so I won't respond but Brady is still the greatest QB I've ever seen so again it's not a negative if it works. Other teams are scared of 3rd down but I feel like the Patriots basically gameplan for 3rd down every game. Get as many yards as they can 1st and 2nd down then know that whatever the distance they'll make the play on 3rd down. Rinse and repeat til they get to the redzone then score
It's frustrating to watch from an opponents pov but it's what makes them so great. People don't give Josh McDaniels enough credit. I know what he did standing up the Colts was fucked but he had his reasons and the dude is the best OC in the league bar none. Can't wait to see him as an HC again just hope he gets a good job offer before Belichick retires because I don't want to see him be the Pats head man for the next 20 years after Bills run
>The rest of what you said is just wrong so I won't respond
Oh okay cool, I'll just ignore your entire post then, you dumb faggot. I should have known better than to respond to a tripfag.
>miss the playoffs
>lose to the chiefs
>lose to the rams
oh no no no
Is Trump going to save based Kraft?
Why would he need to? Hiring prostitutes to jerk your dingdong is a misdemeanor. It's questionable whether it should even be illegal.
You could argue it was part of the message
Literally victimless crime.
>Brady is a notorious dart thrower
>omg fucking tripfags why aren't you taking my opinion seriously
he'll get a misdemeanour resulting in community service and a fine
Yeah, he is a notorious dart thrower. That doesn't mean he never throws long passes, but for at least the last half decade the majority of his throws are short range darts. That is especially true this year. Maybe you should learn to read, as most of my statements were regarding their performance in 2018. Every statement I made about both quarterbacks were facts, so you handwaving them away as wrong is fucking retarded. Quote specifically what you think was wrong and I'll show that it isn't.
I wasn't even saying Brady being a dart thrower as an insult. It's an efficient style of offense.
If Jags get Foles they're going to the SB
also the guy above me is a faggot
Jags aren't going to the Super Bowl with or without Foles.
>Jags aren't going to the Super Bowl with or without Foles.
Reminder nfl fans honestly belivee that a multi-billion dollar industry can't afford to re-model contracts into 1,500 salaried positions
Sorry, just true. Nick Foles was a unique fit on the Eagles. He is not going to produce the same results elsewhere just like he didn't produce when he played for the Rams. He's not awful or anything, just a thoroughly average quarterback. Foles' talent was not why he won with the Eagles, his fit with the team was. There's no guarantee or even likelyhood that he will achieve the same with the Jaguars.
That's pretty funny. Did you make that?
Nick Foles makes Carson "0 playoffs wins but still have a ring" Wentz look like a peon
He's going to be released by the Bears but there's zero sources about an eventual contact with the Hawks. But hey, talking about the Hawks one can expect some shit like this.
lol nah, I got it from r*ddit
with that defence they only need an average QB to get back to the AFCCG
Based Skeeyup telling everyone how it really is.
I think he will be really good with the Jags however they need an O line and playmakers. Honestly like night and day their offence from 2017 to 2018 and even worse once they got rid of Nathaniel Hackett as OC
Cam Robinson coming back healthy at LT, need to replace ASJ at tight end (if he's their draft TJ Hockenson and immediately get better) and a proper receiving RB like Tony Pollard in the mid rounds instead of trying to make TJ Yeldon work
i bet thought this was really clever
Why I think about Elliot Rodger everytime I see this image?
He's the epitome of the average Eagles fan
What does this mean?
It's related to this:
>eagles fan
good one
>not knowing who vert is
Simply outrageous
You know what's outrageous?
A team as talented as the HOUSTON TEXANS having the luck they've had these past 17 seasons.
Predict Daks extension
For me, it’s 5 years at 28 mill a year
Imagine signing in to your favourite anime forum to defend the reputation of a billionaire for fucking sex slaves
He’s gonna become highest paid qb beside rodgers and bust out
Well I mean it took the Steelers like 35 years or so to not suck and win super bowls so the Texans are pretty decent for what it is
>Aaron Rodgers is ga-
wanna see a match before atl vs birmingham? check the mexican league son
Thanks for keeping us updated, mexibro. Would watch.
do i really need to say the obvious? fake and gay.
go chargers...
I think it was Stoya.
>Bob "favors the slavers" Kraft
Brady has 3 mvps and Brees has 0 so not sure what you’re getting at
>no pubes
oh, it's aaron all right
/Bills Owl 2020/
Doesn anyone else feel like this draft is getting no hype? The front page of is featuring a mock draft that's only a week old and I'm barely seeing any content on the major sports sites. Are all these websites cutting back on writers?
Can't wait for the rage when da burrs win da superb owl
>tfw not clever enough to think of a kraft joke about that uses the phrases "ball control", "receiving", or "completion"
Why is Robert Kraft such a fucking pimp?
He's literally on the other end of prostitution chain from a pimp
If robert kraft was having a asian hooker deflate his balls, is that a violation of league rules?
Anyone got the Mississippi trio copypasta?
Re: 91092789
Imagine unironically thinking that weabos would defend 3dpd.
>Being a conspiracy theorist.
True Beuerlein Story: My cousin is in advertising and lives in Phoenix. In '93 he and his wife are attending a charity event sponsored by a client and featuring players from the Cardinals. My cousin's wife attends too, she's sweet but also a ditz. Everyone is mingling and she starts chatting with Beuerlein nor knowing he's the new free agent QB. She asks him who he his, which pisses him off a little. She then asks him where he's played before. He says the Cowboys and she tells him the Cowboys are her favorite team. That pisses him off again.
Beuerlein had been the backup there. He took over the starters role when Aikman went down with a knee in '91. Beuerlein led the team into the playoffs for the 1st time in ~5yrs, won their 1st playoff game in about a decade, and then lost to Detroit. The next year was Aikman's breakout years so Beuerlein only played during garbage time like when he fumbled in the Owl when the 'Boys were up 30+ points.
After hearing he played for Dallas, my cousin's ditzy wife asks "Do you know Troy Aikman? He's my favorite player!"
Beuerlein said nothing, turned around, and left the charity event. All it took was 3 questions asked all innocence by an obvious ditz to anger him enough to ditch a team charity appearance in his new franchise's host city.
>blackball an elite player for speaking out against police violence
>white man runs a prostitution ring and gets off scott free
Morally bankrupt
>yfw da bears win da superb owl
kek what a salty bitch
give it a minute
Everyone forgot about KKKraft getting a handjob already lmao
>Super Bowl 53 was the most boring Super Bowl ever
It is truw
he just needs more help
Hello cody
He needs an o line
>Bob "chain a chingchong to my dingdong" Kraft
>The guy legitimately thinks that someone should get payed millions of dollars for making precisely 0 extra points/field goals
He also thinks that getting payed per field goal is a bad idea as well putting up le "what about forcing da kicker 2 make arder gicks" is incredibly stupid because a contractor could easily make it fair in yard RANGES. If you legitimately can't at least make 85% of all kicks in 56> range you are a useless kicker and deserve to be fired.
>B-but muh pressure doe.
If they can't handle the pressure of being a kicker in the NFL they don't deserve to wear their jerseys.
>Muh money reduction tho!!!
Getting paid 85% of 3 million is still a lot of money. He is honestly completely delusional if he thinks this won't increase a kickers performance considering the fact that every kick he makes alters the amount of money you make. Also, it's not at all unheard of for bosses to garnish money out of paychecks for mistakes made. Which is why I'm legitimately asking why you're using the neet insult. Maybe because your a neet yourself? Hmmm.
Yes, a team that wins lots of superbowls wins lots of playoff games. Is that supposed to be shocking?
>I know what he did standing up the Colts was fucked but he had his reasons
Fuck the Clops.
>page five
I'm not mad, Yea Forums, I'm just disappointed.
For me, it's Emily Jean Stone.
Qualin Dont'a Hightower is the best player on the New England Patriots. He runs the defense because he trains for all 32 offences.Physical and mental consummate professional.
Butt uggly.
the word you're looking for is "simp" you retard
no, your ugly
Just steal unfunny Boomer-tier shit from PFT comments section that's what 99% of Pats haters here do.
>you can't be a 'real' fan because the Patriots sucked in the 70s
Shit, do people think I'm a patsfag when I post this? That's not the point at all.
Honestly, it's mostly to laugh at the cowcucks, kansass, etc. and show which teams are relevant and which aren't.
Please god no. I'd rather take one of the kickers from the AAF than Parkey
>13% of the population
> 25% is underrepresented
>A Football Life: Tony Romo
why does this exist
If you have to look up who Mosi Tatupu is you aren't a Pats fan.
>Typing all that easily refutable bullshit
Fact is that whites make up much less than 30% of the NFL. Protesting what again? Oh right, muh non existent "opreshen" that has actually discriminated against whites and not at all in proportion to the population.
For me, it's Douglas Irving Pederson.
no, (You)
Is D.J. Moore underrated?
>Made PFWA All-Rookie Team
>Looked like Steve Smith Jr. once he got on the field in the second half of the year
>Completely overshadowed by Calvin Ridley because Ridley plays in a bigger market and "muh Bama"
>ESPN still thinks the Panthers have a bunch of literally whos playing receiver
Nobody cares about Atlanta either
People just like Ridley because he had a big fantasy year
>Green Bay has Aaron Rodgers and Aaron Jones and a coach that might actually utilize both of them and there are people in this thread RIGHT now that think the Bears will win the NFC north
NFL FOs don't seem to value run-stuffing DTs, I was surprised that Poona Ford wasn't drafted last year and the seahawks got him as an UDFA signing
Been away a while. I hope everyone is doing well.
I'm proud to have been a small part of the creation of this image
fuck you this is a bills owl 2020 general now
Me too, me too
Why are fans of non first-round running backs all so insecure about the players they like?
>"Christian McCaffrey is probably the best dual-threat running back in the league"
>"Saquon Barkley has Hall of Fame levels of talent and has already won OROTY"
Begone thot
Imagine Barkley and McCaffrey if they got to run behind Kamara's O-Line.
Well Kamara is overrated anyway so you are on point there. But I think getting quality production from a late round player is better than get the same level of production from a highly touted first round player.
It's good to be able to find a running back in the fifth round capable of producing at that level, but it doesn't mean they're exactly the same as the guys taken in the first round.
I'm pretty sure Kamara proved his rookie year wasn't a fluke, but McCaffrey had a better Year Two than him and he's got to be THE guy in the Saints offense now since there's no way they bring Ingram back and Brees looked like he was falling off at the end of the year. I'm also not convinced Lindsay wasn't a fluke.
The Giants still shouldn't have drafted Barkley though
ive been following the shithawks for years and this is how their draft is going to shake out
theyre gonna draft a DL early, and its gonna be seen as a reach or not a viable pick. theyre gonna reach for a safety or cornerback. they will draft a tight end for blocking reasons and he wont be a particularly good blocker, and of course another cornerback to round it off
If the Browns resign Robinson then they’re almost certainly taking a WR or DT in the first round
possibly CB
exciting times
There is literally no evidence to suggest that Darnold will be a better player than Barkley.
And by the way, I'm quitting this franchise if we cave to the media pressure to replace Eli when (A) this QB class sucks and (B) the defense was rancid shit last year and this draft is loaded with defensive studs
muh racism
Welcome aboard the hype train kangaroo fucker, as a native Clevelander we are gonna be top 10 when hunt returns
Yeah, I think you're right
Obssesed and actually cringe for taking the effort of quoting all his posts. You're pathetic, dude.
I’ve been on the hype train since the start of the season
I remember I picked the Browns to win by 3 against Shittsburgh in week 1 and was the only one in my pool to have picked the Browns
i’m still about that game so Gonzalez can go rot in Arizona for all I care
if they win that game that worthless nigger nigrod likely doesn't lose his job...for the best they lost.
lmao benched for Yo-Gabba-Gabbert
breddy gud 1 m8
are you his boyfriend or something? yikes!
Keep writing books, Dougie. Leave the coaching to real coordinators.
Having a talented running back doesn’t really help you win because the majority of what they do is just dependent on their surroundings and even bad running backs can have great production with good olines.
On top of this the running game is getting more irrelevant each year and the position has a short shelf live and is easily replaceable
>being a gay packers fan living in a hypothetical fantasy land
Remember when people talked about Mallett being Brady's successor? That dude is 30 and out of the league and the goat just won his 6th ring lmao
eventually TB will leave, either by choice or by stretcher.
gotta line up the heir before that.
if you want to know the mindset of the average college football fan, realize that most of them think Alabama and Penn State's boring ass uniforms are good because they're "classic".
extra yikes
I don't know what you are talking about buddy. Despite the injuries and owl hangover, Eagles did good this season.
>thinking the Browns will do anything but go 4-12
Sounds like Beuerlein was just a soft bitch if banal questions from some dumb roastie got him that salty
LMAOOOOOOOO that two-step shuffle "jog"
stay mad baguette
>There goes Kraft getting his balls deflated again.
Even if they don't resign him they are more likely to get an established tackle in free agency than the draft, it's just too risky to take a chance on such an important position. This will mainly be a defensive draft for them, with maybe a WR or two in the later rounds.
How much will Murray weigh at the Combine?
Smokers of /nfl/, why havent you made the switch yet?
>cheaper than cigs
>longer lasting than cigs
>objectively safer than cigs
>no offensive odor
>concealable, can snus in class/at work
>dont need to spit
>taste of natural organic tobacco
I havent smoked in 6 weeks and I feel great.
pouches are for faggots
Its objectively the most intelligent nicotine product.
Imagine needing drugs to not freak out LMAOOOOO
Weakminded fuck
Ok, addict
real niggas
Bro are you 13?
t. oregon cockmongler
way to set the bar low
Former niggotine addict here. Quit smoking/chewing 4 months ago after I got into a new career.
Pouches are for faggots. In my 5 years working in construction I've never seen someone who wan't a massive retard use pouches.
Rumors out of NE say they're not going to have an easy time pre-free agency
>All free agents want to test their market value before having contract talks
>LT Trent Brown & DE Trey Flowers want too much forcing Pats to maybe pick one to tag & trade
Im glad Robert Kraft decided to pay for consensual sex instead of raping anyone if I'm being completely honest
>Aaron Rodgers 25:2 TD:INT ratio
>Aaron Jones 5.5 YPC
what's hypothetical about that?
>sex with slaves is consensual
LOL hillarious
everyone defending kraft are the same people who whine about our cultural decay and the degeneracy ruining our kids, typical middle american christian hypocrisy...frankly he comes across as an old beta faggot for paying for slave pussy...
No... theyve got a few players, but they pretty much play at their level
Theyre not that good, playoff contender tier in their best seasons
Did that shit heavy for 3 years and felt my gums shred and begin to recede. No thanks
D Wise takes over for T Flowers
I Wynn takes over for T Brown
Pats get 2 3rd round compensatory picks next year.
Not seeing an issue here.
Prostitution should be legal in America, no questions asked.
>Whats hypothetical about that
Well, what's hypothetical about record breaking throwaways and all the bad plays Aaron has made this season? You do not need to throw a int for a QB to make a bad play. In fact, when adding up all the bad plays in the NFL, Aaron did terribly this year. Also, your RB is an O-line baby.
around 205 probably
recent reports say he bulked up lately
Eagles cant afford him
No, they're just a trash organization who can't draft a good QB if their franchise depended on it (it does). Name one (1) good QB the Toxins have had. I'll wait.
>Former #Browns OL Joe Thomas will join the #NFL Network Combine coverage this year
absolutely based
Because I'd rather take my chances with lung cancer over mouth cancer
These gooks werent forced to be prostitutes
Howie is a magician, never count him out
>The #Eagles have hired Andrew Berry as their new VP of Football Operations, per @AKinkhabwala and me. Berry was previously #Browns Vice President of Player Personnel & former Sashi Brown lieutenant. Several teams had requested him in the past, Philly is the one who gets him.
For me, its the Indianapolis football colts
There is zero (0) medical evidence that shows a connection between mouth cancer and swedish snus.
>people actually believe the packers have any chance of being good this year
i prefer the baseball colts
Is it a good thing or a bad thing that >we haven't heard anything on the Gronk front?
what if they get AB?
TJ Hockenson the top ranked TE might be the only prospect able to dethrone Nick Bosa for the #1 pick that isn't a QB, he's rising on everyone big boards and is the most complete TE prospect ever. Already a top 5 prospect on multiple big boards of the most respected draft minds.
>"Their's only 1 TE who is a better blocker and he's in the NFL already and a future HoF, Rob Gronkowski."
>"He has a bigger route tree than most WRs in the draft"
>"He would have the best hands in the draft if Hunter Renfrow went back to Clemson for his 15th year instead of declaring"
thats a lot of spew and no real arguements
cope harder fag
>elite run game
>good dline and secondary
>creative offense coaches
it isnt a stretch if the imagination
i dont think he goes top ten, but I see a lot of fans hopeful he drops to the bottom ten and I dont see that happening
For me, it's Dallas GODert.
Dudes a butter finger
>N-no agrument here
I just hit you with a ton of facts retard. Also, the Packers offensive line is ranked 6 overall this year and have done a terrific job setting up massive running lanes for your o-line baby aaron jones. He doesn't even know how to juke people and create plays himself. Even in his highlights that is the case. There is also an absence of him slipping through very small holes created by the offense for good carries as well. Jones is just as overrated as Gurly.
Based. Can you get Rita's wooder ayes in Turkey?
I would tell you to kill yourself but lol you are already doing that
the absolute madman
Based. Probably had the skank dress up as a native american so that he could roleplay what his team was going to do to them later on that day.
Schefter said Kraft isn't the biggest name involved in this shit. who else do you think will get caught?
Anyone else watching this news conference about Kraft?
schefty is full of shit
>Sounds like Beuerlein was just a soft bitch if banal questions from some dumb roastie got him that salty
That's pretty much both my and my cousin's take on it. His wife doesn't have an ounce of malice in her empty little head but her 3 innocent questions chased Beuerlein out of a charity event co-sponsored by the team that just signed him as their starting QB.
Deflection. Kraft is the biggest name on the list of perps
Bombstonian fans everyone
there is literally nothing wrong with the actions he described unless the sex trafficking thing is true
You stay out of this, Yuri.
i really, really like this mock draft
>hillary voter
Yikes and cringepilled
our president has one of Kraft's rings. bobby is a litle bitch anyhow
no way on god's green earth Oliver and Snell fall that far
How does the average russian feel about Putin? How does he feel about Americans? Asking for a friend.
They like him
How do you think did he win the election?
>our president has one of Kraft's rings
He does? How'd he get it?
Fuck off shill im asking Ivan
I'm Russian
good guy
the cause for all evil in this world
especially true if you take 40+ old people into account. soviet propaganda is a hell of a drug. the youth views the west more favorably and hates putin more, myself included, but it's still a mixed bag
stole it apparently
yeah the new Draft Network mock machine is nice, but they only have two boards and they both suck. i've had fun fucking around with it today though.
took it from him in 2005
I don't think i've heard them before. I've checked and they don't have any restaurant in Turkey.
They are Americans who think that Russia and China are still communist.
>How do you think did he win the election?
By not allowing anyone else to run?
ok? so they have a good oline and an RB that can take advantage of it, while getting two coaches with proven success at running the ball. sounds like a lot of upside to me
china still is, albeit in name only
looks like they're trying to combine perestroika with stalinism over there. xi jinping is a nutcase to be sure
>Crabtree was a disappointment in his first and only season with Ravens (54 catches for 607 yards and 3 TDs) and was a non-factor after Lamar Jackson took over as quarterback.
>was a non-factor after Lamar Jackson took over as quarterback.
lmao, I do feel bad for John Brown tho
imagine thinking the Ravens are going to do anything for the next four years with that running back at QB
I'd love to get Cajuste, but it seems like he's moving up the board and could be an early second round pick.
Anyway, rate mine.
>THAT dictator is an absolute nutcase, not like MY dictator
How the fuck do you still have open internet.
where in this thread did i ever defend Putler, you deranged animal
There's no need to take a CB unless he's going to be a day 1 starter. They have a bunch of guys to develop as is.
What do quarterbacks shout before the snap? Instructions?
my only hope is that DeCosta already knows this and he won't be spending on big name receivers until he's ready to draft the next qb
codified racial slurs , like Rex Ryan
Usually the names of random US cities from across the map.
You ever been to Nebraska?
safety in the first is an interesting pick. i've struggled a lot finding the ideal fit at 25, a lot of guys i think i'd love are gone by then or would be reaches. maybe they'll trade up.
i'd like to see them address the OL earlier than the 5th round as well. maybe flip one of those DL guys in the 2nd to the other side of the ball.
couldn't pass him up that late in the draft, he could be a potential 2nd round guy. he's an ideal Schwartz corner with a lot of room to grow as well, and wouldn't need to start day 1. also, we're in a better place than we've been at DB, but don't kid yourself into thinking it's fixed. with darby likely gone there are still a ton of question marks at corner.
A lot of it is protection scheme. The QB identifies which defenders are going to rush, calls it out, and also calls any slide protection/tells his running back where to pick up the blitz.
Additionally, the QB might be telling a receiver to change to a different route, or he might change the play call altogether.
Also, some of it is bullshit or "hard count" to try to get the defense to jump offside.
do the raiders really grab haskins at 4? does murray go as the 3rd qb? do the packers get a TE at 12, especially not fant? theres a lot about this mock that doesnt make sense to me
I think safety is a big need. I would really like Adderly, but I would be happy with Chauncey Gardner-Johnson if they can get him in the second. It seemed to be, based on the boards I used on fanspeak, there's kind of a dropoff after the top few OTs. I didn't see anyone I liked in rounds 2/3/4.
But anyway, I am 100% certain Howie makes at least one trade involving the first three rounds.
i certainly hope so, missing out on the third round entirely is big in a deeper draft like this one when we're cap tight. that Tate trade looks dumber every day. ideally, some high tier prospect slips to 25 (Taylor? Williams) and we get lucky, but barring that i'm really not loving that first round slot. if they fall in love with some guy during the pre-draft process, I could definitely see a trade up in the first using one of their second or fourth rounders.
points of emphasis i think that they need to hit are OL, RB, and LB, with EDGE really depending on FA. it's a tempting WR class as well, but continuing to fortify the trenches on both sides is crucial.
>yfw the browns win the superb owl
Go ahead you faggots, light another fire under our asses
that's a nice jacket
Who has Kraft’s sex tapes?
>*commits crime*
>why does Goodell and everyone hate is
robert kraft is a beta cuck faggot who raped chinese sex slaves with his tiny kike dick. he needs to rot in prison but won't because the powers that be.
He will play for cheap for the eagles because the eagles are one of the most respected organizations from the players point of view. They don't play games with players careers
This unironically. Lurie and Howie are good guys, and based.
>They don't play games with players careers
Apparently they don't play guys at all
Future league MVP right here lads
she's cute
really? she doesn't look like she can block for shit, how far can she throw that baby?
white people were a mistake
that kid looks like that fat snl actor, artie something
IQ maybe
the real prozzies sucking off kraft on jan 20 was the officiating crew
true....shame she flushed her genetics down the toilet...
The dick was so good they missed the 20 DPI penalties on the Chiefs and one the most blatant illegal pick plays of the year on the Watkins catch.
I wonder if he's going to still deny it and have his lawyers fight it.
Don't really matter kraft is the wealthy elite he won't face a minute in jail hell his defense team will probably be able to prove him innocent.
Olisaemeka Udoh is an interesting guy I've been looking at for the OL. He's big but from a small school and has mainly faced weaker competition. Likely to go in the 3rd-5th rounds.
He doesn't have to be proven innocent. This is America
>Kraft visited the parlor the morning of the AFC championship game in Kansas City
robbie kraft is a literal rapist and should serve jailtime but since hes a hooknose faggot he'll get a slap on wrist. trump and his jew loving posse are to blame...
>thinking spanos is a better owner than kraft
Get fucked lol
Brady should get tested in light of kraft sleeping with sex slaves. He might have caught something incurable and doesnt want to spread it to his son.
It's so hard to believe robert kraft was running a whore house with sex slaves. Wow. Has brady spoken out yet? Is he involved?
Sounds like he treated her well, I don't see the problem
I've been prairie doggin for like an hour boys
it feels good, am i gay?
>yfw da bears win da superb owl
Stop posting
I will as soon as Kraft is imprisoned and important players like Brady and Gronk disavow him.
i know you're joking but you have to he a literal retard to think robbie didn't know they were illegal sex slaves.. you think robbie just randomly walked into this place? he had his boys seek this place out and make sure it was safe for him to go to...he met the pimps and paid them quite handsomely to keep their mouths shut...hes a rapist.
None of that is going to happen
Combines tomorrow fellas
Who else /hype/ here
What’s your 40 time?
Hello does anybody have a flowchart to help me pick a team? I'm looking to become a lifelong
Just do what Americans do when they don't live in a city with a team: Pick the best team the year you start following the NFL, and then follow it for the rest of your life.
Nothing bad could possibly happen.
W-where's he gonna put Siete?
Not bad, sub 6 is pretty gud
pick the shittest team and hope they become good
that’s how i became a browns fan
I'm leaning more towards picking a team with colors that are similar to my local fútbol team, namely black & white, which would lead me to be a lifelong fan of the Raiders. However, I'm also looking to bandwagon whenever >we win, which is unlikely to happen consistently.
Maybe I will become a Raiders /lifelong/, I actually visited Las Vegas so I guess I have a connection already
Join the arizona cardinals to see what real shitty teams look like. Cardinals are the new browns.
they’re pretty godawful
they used to have a reputation as being rebels and league outsiders but that’s been ruined now
they have nice uniforms though
I've looked at the Cardenales de Arizona but they have nothing that appeals to me at all. Maybe if they get good players in the draft, having the first overall pick and so on
Might go with the Vaqueros de Dallas, that's my old man's team. He's been a /lifelong/ since 2013
go for the raiders. they have a lot of draft picks so u can follow the upcoming rookies plus gruden memes
>Cardinals are the new browns.
The cardinals have been historically one of the worst teams in the league.
There, this is the joke I was looking for
>His QB's dog doesn't maul the neighbors
how insufferable can you be?
Dallas is literally a nigger city.
>me and bradys sixth ring
>reddy copying old gay
Fuck off, Me and Brady's Sixth Vagina. Bombston is filled with them too.
But Boston isn't a nigger city.
>bradysknee projecting
It sounds like they have video evidence of the entire thing, plus a positive ID with drivers license and license plate number. Not even the best team of lawyers could get an innocent ruling, but since it's not a serious crime he'll probably just get probation and a fine.
Who here hyped?
So why the fuck does a billionaire have to go to some shitass massage parlor in fucking Florida of all places to get his balls jiggled? Like I feel like I could find a better place to go. Kraft should have had bitches brought to him.
Bruh hes 77 years old worth $6B... do u really think he gives a fuck about this? Regardless what goodell does to him, brady/BB will still win division this year.
cuz its fake news
shit makes absolutely no sense
he could literally buy out a third world shit hole these asian whores come from
It has to bother Roger. No amount of money is going to make up for it at this point.
probably didn't want to get stormy daniel'd
He's going to countersue and bankrupt the entire corrupt police department
>probably didn't want to get stormy daniel'd
Why not? If he got Stormy'd then the bitch would be paying him money.
Jewdell learned his lesson with deflategate
Pick a longtime tortured franchise...You have the successful teams that choke in the end like the Bills/Vikings/Chargers or the godawful teams like the Lions/Browns/Cardinals.
if he didn't give a fuck he wouldn't have tried to hide it and went to a country with legal whores....stupid little kike got caught raping illegal sex slaves...typical neocon scum like trump.
Can't wait to see Kraft spend his life in prison. What a pig.
As much as i hate them i really dont like the move. The one thing ill say about thay franchise is they have a very enthusiastic and dare i say, BASED fanbase that really gets the adrenaline pumping. I like to play as oakland in madden and hear the crowd roar on a 3rd down sack. I like to imagine dozens of assaults breaking out throughout the course of the game. Besides, Vegas the raiders is basically like giving them back to tye faveLA monkeys.
I don't usually use this term here, but Oakland is literally being cucked here.
The fools.
>playing in a baseball stadium
MLS-tier. And at least they have the self respect to put grass over the infield dirt.
Reminder thinking about rape is rape
Who are you imagining thinks this?
>live in Omaha
>be member of Omaha tribe
>based Peyton makes us both a little more relevant for like two years
I miss Brady v Manning
>pats hate Jewdell
Lol he's the reason your dynasty has lasted as long as it has
negros my dude
>mls tier
no that would be the chorgers
reddit is for trump supporters...
patriots fans loving playing the victim despite being the most corrupt franchise..
Say what you want about StubHub, tickets are cheap and every seat in the house has a great view of the field.
Wtf are all those white people doing at the Chargers game?
The AAF looks like a comfy time
The chargers are the unironic white team for LA, you didn't know this?
Bullshit Juan, those are seahawks fans you see in that pic.
Andy Reid is ELITE
Why do people do this? I saw a family of mexicans coming out of Dennys in Chino last weekend, all 6 of them decked out head to toe in steelers gear. I was gonna ask wheres the game but two of the dudes had tattoos on their faces, so i left it alone.
must be when your team plays @ the chargers then, no opposition
i think i'll buy it with blizz bucks that i farmed. otherwise, i don't wanna pay 30 euros for it.
Based. I knew there was some redeemable quality about you, turkbro. What race u play?
Jets Jets Jets!
at least ur smart enough to know talk shit = get hit puta wheto
**goes 14-2 in your path**
i was the first person to post this...i am chargers fan desu.
main undead, same in wow too.
>losing to the Raiders and Giants
Oh look /pol/ tourists
We should play together. I been active in the 1v1 scene for years.
sounds good to me.
My cousin is one of the girls that got busted with Kraft, she said he is hung like a horse
Successful white men make me feel insecure. That’s why I post BLACKED threads on Yea Forums and Yea Forums.
Robert Kraft is a serial rapist kike and should be stripped of his team and rot in jail.
I'm watching some Cris Carter highlights, so did he have the best hands in NFL?
Not even the best hands on his team
Wouldn't be a bad investment if you were trying to get eyes on the league, though a bit funny considering the XFL was essentially revived as a response to the kneeling...
amani is a top 50 pick, definetly won't be around by the third round
439th for the Buffalo football Bills.
Unironically worth it for the promotion, but I think it would cause conflicts in the locker room due to massive wage inequality
Poona ford is also sub 6-foot, and while it seems everyone wants to find the next Aaron Donald (6-1), it's hard as a GM to pull the trigger on a DT that short
Absolute sicko mode
don't even get them started on zeke, hatred for talented college RB's paired with hatred for dem boys would cause an implosion
Darnold isn't a good quarterback.
What happened to berd poster?
I feel like its been an unusually long time since i last saw one of his posts
who should they have drafted instead?
>inb4 Sham Darnold
The logical move would have been to trade back desu...Bills/Cardinals were looking to trade up.
>HOF lock
when will this meme end
The logical move would have been grabbing Josh Allen. However they might be able to grab Josh Rosen for free or get Foles if they weren't complete retards
>bosa falling to eighth
>Greedy Williams
Who the fuck put that name to their son?
What's the difference between a wide receiver and a tight end? I don't get it
I’ll tell you when you’re older
now i know you're joking
Josh Allen isn’t accurate
Cope harder patsfag, your owner is going down.
Reminder that the Saints would have won the NFCCG had they just taken a knee a couple times and kicked a FG but Sean Payton is so arrogant that he decided to scheme a touchdown pass to a literal nobody named Tommylee Lewis just to show everyone what a genius he is.
[spoiler]I'm glad it bit him in the ass. Fuck the Saints AND FUCK TED GINN TOO.[/spoiler]
also who drafts a CB to the Bills lol
the way he plays right now he literally does not need to be, also he was let down immensely by his receivers
Because he was in florida and didnt want to get on a plane for 12 hours just for a bj. Also he clearly was close with the woman involved. Dumb shot was in love with a massage parlor slave.
Yeah okay. No qb is consistently good when they can’t put the ball where it’s suppose to be.
Still would have been a better pick than a fucking running back though
>Don’t you know who I am?!?!
It’s better than smoking, vaping or dipping. Use it to quit entirely.
how the hell did teams protect quarterbacks before joe thomas figured it out?
Yeah it's either DT or MLB
No way they take a WR in 1
C o p e
The only thing he'll be going down on anytime soon is more chink pussy. Eat shit retard
>draft is still 2 months away
fuck sake
its a nickname because he keeps taking balls
>patsfaggot condones his kike owner raping sex slaves
not shocking that pats fans continue to hit new lows...
Yeah, I looked for him in the wiki, his real name is Andraez, which could be the nigga version of Andrew or the Spanish Andres.
you aren't wrong even tho you are a kike loving shill...i bet niggerscott owned a pitbull the nigger of dogs...
>The only thing he'll be going down on anytime soon is more chink pussy
man, tom's gotta start using one of these when he kisses him
>im so cool carrying around a can of sticky dip spit
a kid I knew in highschool unironically got jaw cancer at 22 from dipping
Daylon Mack is a force man. Didn't live up to his high school hype in college but he had a great senior season and his 5.5 sacks in 2018 is more than Dexter Lawrence had the last two years combined
He's in the same range for me as Dre'Mont Jones and Jerry Tillery
>combine starts tomorrow
>free agency opens in two weeks
True offseason is May-July
>le ebin Howie meme
>respected by anyone
>first time of the off season where the general is completely dead for days at a time
knew that'd be the response. If you hate these shitty uniforms with one primary color that must mean you lik Oregon's dumb bullshit. Goddamn college football fans are stupid
Probably an hero'd after too many years in Filthadelphia
Thomas is galaxies better than Julio Jones. at least Thomas can score touchdowns?
stay mad BAGUETTE
the combine, free agency fuckfest and draft hype will bring it back to life
mid-May is when the true dead period starts
Zeke is a bust though
No, it was Arizona berds
I'm mad because I had to spend some months of my life in that shithole
Where in the city did you live/spend you're time? Philly is a pretty pleasant place to live.
South Central
The problem is that it's full of Philadelphians.
As opposed to ironically getting jaw cancer? Fuck off zoomer.
That's a typical Sudaca bandwagon team
Goblino memes are real
So if Colin was blackballed why are reports coming out with him turning down offers?
He's worth 20m but the leagues can't afford it
whens the combine start
I dunno, google it
Damn, just realized we're not going to get Mayock's elite and based draft coverage, because he's a GM now.
uh, NEW?