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That's pretty normal desu. I do that all the time with my mom, haha.

man this guy is a family fucking machine

I see nothing wrong with that. I mean, you british people don't do that?


I feel like we don't belong in this continent, you are a bunch of uncivilised apes

well she has good body so i would do the same lol

love that little slap at the end lmao
neymar's a god

much better with audio, you can hear the smack

doesn't his sister gets jealous?

The caressing part is what's weird, does anyone else really do that to their moms?

>ynw have a mommy who takes care of you

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i imagine most of us did
you didn't have a mom?

you are honorary North Americans tbqh

my mother will occasionally feed me food now but I think that's more of an non-white thing

Pretty normal desu.


1. Xev Bellringer
2. Cory Chase
3. Mandy Flores
4. Larkin Love
5. Ashley Alban
6. Mistress T


9001. Tara Tainton
9002. Jodi West

This is the list
Wish Taras stuff wasn't so far behind paywalls

based Hans


I slap my mom's ass sometimes, but it's just banter, nothing serious of course. She does the same.

Ashley Alban doesn't look that old

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>I slap my mom's ass sometimes,
Stop doing that

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Oh jesus I'd been there so many times and didn't realize there were more than 1 page

my mom pinched my ass once but i told her it was sexual harrasment and to never do it again

>Jodi West in last
See this is why you lost two World Wars

It's a power gap bro, they are that far ahead

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>no Kathia Nobili
n00b confirmed

my mom pinched my ass until i was 15 i hated that so much now i have a mommy fetish why did you do this to me mom

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mmm nice bunda

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mommy fucking is certified sport

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I already told you. I smack my mum's and sister's ass all the time. it's no big deal. nothing sexual about it. you're just a bunch of pervs

why are anglos so insecure? We ocassionally slap our sisters/mums arses and they do the same with us. I see nothing wrong with this

>no meana wolf

This is literally the worst set of opinions I have ever seen.

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My nigga

> That voice, gets me a chub

Fookin insecure kids, I bang my sis and mom all the time, nothing sexual about it

bullshit, we all saw the chimpouts at the copa libertadores finals

I slap her ass too, usually after we smash

For me it's natalie wonder.

You're all Germans anyway, just come home.

What are you talking about? They mostly descend from Italians.

U fucken wot m8

Nonces like you should be on a list

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what am i looking at here

>OMG he touched a woman, gross

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why are anglos so afraid of touching other people?

She is crazy. It is nice.

>this thread

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this. wth

if a female of an anglo country ups and hugs after you just met for a little while
is it normal?

>hijabi girls always wanna no arm hug me
the fuck is this shit? just sidle up next to me and rub shoulders? Is this a Muslim thing?

Some muslim girls and women don't want to have body contact with males that aren't their husbands.

lol I have the same minecraft shirt

is brazil literally wincest paradise guise

They probably can't wrap their arms around a fat bastard like you m8

i believe that would be ancient persia

>For instance, the Vendidad advised corpse-bearers to purify themselves with a mixture of urine of a married incestuous couple

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how do you hug someone without arms
are they doing the opposite shoulder touch whilst hsaking ur hand?

also its a cultural muslim thing
if she wears a hijab in west, shes a bitch

Inbreeding is common among monkeys.

>5. Ashley Alban
are you 5? she's like 24 dude

they're like 30

and tara is mommy as fuck btw

Di Maria is FBI


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Based and whitepilled

My nigga