/box/ Follow the Warrior's Code edition

Previous >Saturday February 23 - ITV Box Office UK Showtime US
James DeGale vs Chris Eubank Jr
Joe Joyce vs Bermane Stiverne

>Saturday February 23 - FS1 US ITV Box Office UK
Anthony Dirrell vs Avni Yildirim
Jamal James vs Janer Gonzalez

>Saturday February 23 - DAZN US
Brandon Rios vs Humberto Soto

>Saturday March 2 - Sky Sports UK DAZN US
Jordan Gill vs Emmanuel Dominguez
Richard Riakporhe vs Tommy McCarthy

>Saturday March 2 - Showtime US
Brian Castano vs Erislandy Lara
Luis Ortiz vs Christian Hammer

>Saturday March 9 - FOX US
Shawn Porter vs Yordenis Ugas
Efe Ajagba vs Amir Mansour

>Saturday March 9 - DAZN US Sky Sports UK
Dmitry Bivol vs Joe Smith Jr
Maurice Hooker vs Mikkel LesPierre

>Friday March 15 - DAZN US Sky Sports UK
Tevin Farmer vs Jono Carroll
Gabriel Rosado vs Maciej Sulecki

>Saturday March 16 - CBC Japan
Kosei Tanaka vs Ryoichi Taguchi

>Saturday March 16 - FOX PPV
Errol Spence Jr vs Mikey Garcia
David Benavidez vs J'Leon Love

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Other urls found in this thread:

boxrec.com/en/title/41/Super Middleweight

First for USYK will dominate ALL the current heavyweights, Too fast, too smart , too slick.. And he when he sits down on his punches can fucking bang.

james toney.

How many bings till Joyce?

Stiverne is going to get hurt bad tonight, not looking forward to this one.

Is Chris Eubank the big brain meme of boxing dads?

Does Canelo not have the WBA SM title anymore?

“The warrior is strong, yet his sleep is fragile. His wisdom, an amalgamation of precedent, yet his decisions cannot be based on the frailties of man. He is rather fueled by divine inspiration ascending from the heart. He knows not anger and only fears the unknown.

The warrior does not judge, for his true assignment is to deliver evidence of superior behavior to the creator of all men.

The warrior does not dream of frontiers. He only sees horizons.

The warrior is a creature of irony, for his genuine task is to ensure peace.

The true warrior knows, accepts, and embraces above all, integrity, which is his course of life; reason, and the application of reason, which is his only weapon; and forgiveness, the one true cleansing virtue.

And only when one can fully absorb these most divine of all virtues can one at last see how impossible and futile it is to make war.”

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It would be nice but lol no

actively annoys me when athletes are fat cunts

"ooga booga"

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I'm very much looking forward to seeing him get smashed around the ring until he quits in the corner.

(remember i predicted this)

Stiverne been on the nandos

He does. There were rumours he wasn't gonna give it up to let Lemieux fight for it but nothing official has been announced.

Joe joyce seems like a nice lad, he's not a fast talker but he doesn't seem stupid. Might be on the spectrum.

absolute fairies

Boxrec says the title is vacant
boxrec.com/en/title/41/Super Middleweight

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shades of harvey price


Smoking one for Bermane. Big scenes coming.

Joyce has got to be the least charismatic boxer ever


But his autism is what makes him unique.

That’s what I love about him. Reminds me of myself



/box/ thread mong rekt kek love it

Imagine being the promoter trying to promote Joyce vs Dubois for PPV, hurculean task.

big fan of the terminator intro


Minority of UK fans are absolute cunts though. Get coked up, start mouthing off and normally get knocked out.

>joyce didn't turn pro until 32 in 2017
never heard of someone starting that late and he's doing well

Gorger Joe Joyce

Infrequent reminder that PBC's ramps are BASED and boxing needs more of them.


you just know joshua's next fight after miller will be joyce or pulev

manchester shell.

>Joyce is the next big thing
>33 years old

UK fans getting desperate

screams we cant sell the arena out

What sort of vermin cuts off the Terminator music for a poundland rapper

Joyce is fighting Charr so that won't happen.

He had the amateur pedigree and he's big


They do it on their sellouts too.

AJ will retire after June 1.

strange post this

is this american nig appropriating roman armour?

me except i'd knock you out you little yank pansy

Stiverne is even fatter this time, I don't think he's left the couch

>Debbie Down
What a dirty name

Is Joyce on the spectrum?

he didn't even start amateur until 22 which is mega late

why do whites constantly rewrite history?

fatty is going to get knocked out and snap his ankle on the way down

Probably, i got a mate who's a bit like him and he is

I unironically didn't realize he's an Abelplodder.


has the fight started yet? worried my stream is behind
make a post when the fight starts if not

lol yeah sure mate. You boys can't handle your booze and end up getting slapped about every time you come visit stateside


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Yeah Joyce just knocked him down half way through round 1

I wonder if Joyce is nimble enough to electric slide this guy

special needs boxing

mate you little freaks are only hard with a gun behind you
when you come to britain and don't have weapons you get slapped all over the place
i'm undefeated in pub scraps in smoking areas and car parks all over nottinghamshire

I wasn't kidding.

stiverne is fat as fuck
this nigger looks like rick ross

if joyce keeps getting caught so easily he will need 24 hour care

Joyce is fucking awful lmao

lmao joyce gets stopped by ortiz round 1.

Joycs is so fucking slow even fatass Bware can counter him

If Stiverne was in shape he'd have a decent chance here. Joyce is taking too many right hands

Holy fuck this fight is surreal.

To be fair it's pretty clear he wants a first round statement KO

Joyce makes no attempt to not get clubbed in the head.

Joyce is so fun to watch

Stiverne literally won that round. Landed the harder shots

BWARE coming for the belt.

Most of you guys never boxed in your life so you can't see joe joyces masterful defence, constantly spoiling stivernes counters with his guard.

lol, you've been on beers haven't you?

>the mean streets of some shire.

Calm it down Frodo. Brush your yellow teeth, sober up and get some shut eye lad.

how the fuck is this the penultimate fight on a ppv card hahahhahahaha
this fat stiverne cunt is waddling around the ring

Ortiz would fuck Joyce up with that shit defence tbqh

That Joyce jab is actually pretty good. Accurate and stiff

Has Stiverne thrown a jab?


>Abel "José Gallagher" Sanchez

Is this fight in slow motion?

Alright Lee Froch

joyce chisora would be a good fight

lmao stiverne tired as fuck.

tbf to Stiverne he clearly hasn't trained but he hasn't come here to lie down.

This is peak plodding.

joyce is fucking useless

Most entertaining fight I've seen in a while.

I fucking hate heavyweights

looks like joyce has no pop on his punches.
they look like arm punches.

Lel I had exactly the same thought

What a second round though, were Joyce’s punches weak or something? HOW did Staverne stay up?

Holy fuck Joyce is such a fucking bum

Why are they both so slow? I get Stevirn being fat and Joyce mentally retarded but where's the hand speed?

imagine paying £19.95 for this shit

init joes punches do looks weirdly slow

Stivern needs to fucking hold

The big autistic terminator is entertaining as fuck

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british stoppage incoming

Joe joyce is just a big horrible cunt wtf

Joe joyce = what froch would be if he was a heavyweight

What sport is this?

>all these casuals who didn't know Joyce was unironically slow as molasses

Almost all heavyweights have terrible technique, this shouldn't be a shock.

50 quid on round 3

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Is this fight underwater

F Stiverne

Jesus, no respect from Joyce

Joyce vs Kownacki would be a great tv fight. Please deliver this Al.

we know but it is always a surprise every time you see it

shades of Foreman.

are they boxing really slow or is it the stream

Joe joyce beats AJ

Don't @ Me

dare you to come to nottingham and see for yourself kid
i've seen yank tourists get punched up as soon as someone hears their accent

Joyce is a punchlet compared to Big George

this fight is one of the darndest

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This. It's so unbelievable.

The absolute state of the heavyweight division.


Joyce is a BUM.

Stiverne is the most poorly conditioned fighter I have ever seen in the ring.

He's gotta make it thru another half round for me. Based stiverne btfoing the bookies

casual here
i take back what i said, this is fucking shite
heavyweights are only good when they can actually move a bit

plod fight of the century

Joyce seems like a good lad but he isn’t winning any titles. Hopefully he makes enough money before getting fucked up.

Love that windmill from Joyce, need a webm

I swear he's got worse

>tfw I bet on 1-3 rounds stoppage on boxingprophet

Sugar Joe Joyce

only watch fury and a bit of joshua

you now remember holyfied, tyson, morrision and the other 80-90s heavyweights that had technique and speed

>he's unaware of BASED Conrad Lam

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I think Joyce is just keeping Stiverne on his feet and playing around a bit. Probably just wants a few more rounds of fight.

He is right though American tourists are the biggest pussies on earth, I seen these two hillbillies at a local pub and started saying this shit about "irish pubs back home are better" and both got knocked on their ass by some fat old man, one of them started crying lol

>Not respecting the bolo

how far was wilder in his career before he fought stiverne lmao

joyce is at what, 8 fights?

Imagine believing this.. AJ would be gassed off his arse right now at this pace.

We told you it was going to be shit but this has exceeded how bad we thought

why are they so slow???

Joyce is like a reverse Matrix where everything is speeded up in the second he reacts

This is boring now.

yeah, I'm sure you're right. it isn't that joyce is shit and is getting countered by a fat old man

Holy shit bermane is slicc

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Showtime's commentary lmao

You get it

this is going 12 rounds
cap this post

excellent head movement.

quick rundown?

This fight reminds me of the time Freddy Flintoff hired a docile retard to face him in a boxing ring.

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surprised they even are at this fight

Lol so based assaulting strangers. ABSOLUTE BANTER. let's go lads. Let's fucking go.

i know u guys are memeing him for being slow and plodding.. but can we recognize the amount of brain damage this american guy is sustaining right now?

Joyce is shite

Stiverne is playing 4D chess. Once Joyce lets his guard down, he's getting KTFO'd.

I want someone in the crowd to shout at Abel asking where G is

>4 rounds

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thanks for replying with my own webm

Not really a fair comparison because Joyce did all his learning as an amateur. Wilder is the same age as Joyce so it was quite a lot earlier in his career.

i went backpacking through spain a few months ago, and all the americans were these weird hipster kind of gay ppl who talked about trump and politics and shit

all the brits were bros but all ugly and out of shape

also all french ppl are weird artsy hipsters in my experience

Worried for Stiverne's health, lads


Stiverne went the distance with Wilder LMAO

you need to take into account the amount of brain damage that joyce has innately and it evens out

They basically said "well I guess he's going for rounds"

didnt realise joyce was that old. mad

I will accept the ugly thing but the out of shape is nonsense, we have a much higher sporting and workout culture than you and the yanks, are average people are in far better shape. The only Canadians I have ever met have been muslim or faggots and I am not meming

I’m in dreamland. If it wasn’t for ITVs website being dogshit I would’ve paid £20 for this.

BWARE going to spark him late.

Wilder broke his right hand in the second round. And that was prime stiverne

tah for making it

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everytime he fights

Neat pre-fight photo of Joyce and Stiverne I came across lads

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fairly sure stiverne didn't land a punch that round

Solid assessment. 90% of backpackers are judgmental dickheads who haven't worked a day in their lives. Most Brits I met on travels were good lads


Shades of Ali vs Foreman. Stiverne is playing possum and will launch back soon.

he also wasn't out the ring 14 months and 275 pounds.

Guys Stiverne came in shape this time though. He packed on 20 lbs of fat

why do i get the feeling joe joyces father was white?

>prime stiverne

Wilder is a bum

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Please tell me the white cunt got knocked out

Exactly. But these Brit cazzies haven't heard of rope-a-dope.

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Stiverne is the slowest person I’ve ever seen and Joyce still makes him look like prime Naseem.

Damn I had a feeling to put a Joyce KO in the mid to late rounds but pussied out.

they were all like skinny fat beer drinkers with a ponch and no chins.

also i just checked and uk is ranked 40 in most obese countries and canada is 44

>we have a much higher sporting and workout culture than you and the yanks
definitely not true. Maybe in the us they are lazy slobs, but most guys here start lifting in highschool and have a decent level of fitness.

Americans are embarrassing

Same feeling

>british stoppage

Every time I watch Joyce he plods into right hands non-stop

>that crowd reaction

Didn't even have the power to put him away. Sad fight.

Another amazing call by a British boxing official

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Eubank was such a meme
It was great to see Calzaghe whoop his ass

what was dwyers scorching take on this fight?

na it was a good stoppage.
stiverne didn't want to continue.

>british stoppage

this, fucking hell i hate this country

This is the worst possible outcome aside from Joyce getting KO'ed. The meme is over

Humanitarian of the year Howard Foster

Based Joyce is going to be world champion this year

Stiverne by UD

Stiverne quit

Shit stoppage, we were about to see a knockout

he was done by the end of the second round


Stiverne is underrated

J-JOYCE ANDROID ver. 2016 looked good


stoppages are stupid wait til they're asleep. this is boxing, they know they put their health on the line every time they fight

>This is the worst possible outcome aside from Joyce getting KO'ed. The meme is over

Ref had to step in and salvage what's left of Joyce's career.

I can’t believe these commentators believe that after watching that Joyce is ready for a top 3 fight. The guy is fucking 33 and he is wank. He ain’t going anywhere.

post tracks that hit you in the feels.


ya I was on a 2 week trip because i took my work vacations and found that there were a lot of americans just "seeing what happens" or whatever

unironically the coolest ppl were all the south americans. Tbf, most ppl were pretty chill, but the ppl who were just backpacking for months at a time def had a certain difference vs the others who were just taking a 2-3 week vacation

If Stiverne was in shape he would've destroyed Joyce

props to bware.
didn't even bother training, spent 14 months eating dirt cookies, and josé stil couldn't put him away lmao.

>6 rounds

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>that extends Joyce's KO streak

Joyce would unironically destroy Wilder. He got a gas tank for days and never stops punching. Wilders worst nightmare.

when aj has a heart attack from the roids and fury dies from a coke overdose then he will

>most guys here
you are full of shit
Why not just let the American can get Adonis Stevinson'd

Who's the black guy in glasses and red shirt, is he related to Al or some shit

but he's a fat fuck instead

>He went 12 rounds

how good is joyce's chin?

Joyce would unironically be asleep in 1 round.

>Y-yeah I-I've got lots of these belts now yeah
>Easy day-hhheh
>sorry could you say that again
Is it autism?

>the volume of yours was special
jesus don't mention it to him


its decent but he's been stopped before

i see him everywhere im interested to know this too, saw him hanging around with mikey garcia

joyce is a BUM

why is the uk filled with all these mix breeds. anglo men n women need to chill.

Joyce will be another Bruno, Hide, Chisora, Whyte. Looks good against bums but struggles to step up a level.

obviously on the spectrum.

Sam Watson. Basically haymon's guy, since Haymon stands in the shadows


Joyce has a good chin, good power but he's a stiff idiot who won't be able to beat the best

>top 3: fury, joshua, wilder
Very, very disrespectful.

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That interview was actually not that awkward by his usual standard

He's our guy

Absolute not

Wilder can't load up his retard windmill punches going backwards, and he would be going backwards the whole fight. Fact.

>built like a tank
>pretty handsome
>pro boxer

How tf is Joyce this autistic

Groves is drunk out his mind

>Joe Joyce will be a champion

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He's got social anxiety, so it makes sense he's affected less by it after winning a fight.

easy money

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>burger king

dont like or rate miller but his freestyle on sway in the morning is actually decent

Kek I think I read an article where Abel was trying to coach Joyce into speaking better to the press

Based Groves

>2 interviews
Double the autism

irish dad.

I only met like maybe 10 ppl from the uk/ireland but that was my perception

In general most europeans were slim, but all like skinny fat ppl that probably play soccer once a week or something.

>Jim Gray trying not to laugh at Joyce's excuses

He seems like a genuinely nice bloke Joyce, which is probably why he hasn't gone further yet. Unfortunately he's not very marketable

>S-sorry I was think about trains

Love how everyone is calling Joyce a robot

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lovely bet desu

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There it is. Wilder's 2nd best win crushed in half the time Wilder took

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slow down high roller.

Does anyone else hate Degale and Eubank Jr? Genuinely don't know who to root for desu

Groves cooked as fuck

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so who had him kicked off the broadcast initially?



>h-haha guys joyce is good

Wilder finished a better version inside the first.

degale should win this
eubank is a hypejob

most people i think

prefer yoobz though personally

both are cunts but degale will get ud so I will root for him

couldnt definetly see groves looking like tango in 10 years

EBJ is a bum but DeGale is washed

Do you follow the Warrior's code?
“The warrior is strong, yet his sleep is fragile. His wisdom, an amalgamation of precedent, yet his decisions cannot be based on the frailties of man. He is rather fueled by divine inspiration ascending from the heart. He knows not anger and only fears the unknown.

The warrior does not judge, for his true assignment is to deliver evidence of superior behavior to the creator of all men.

The warrior does not dream of frontiers. He only sees horizons.

The warrior is a creature of irony, for his genuine task is to ensure peace.

The true warrior knows, accepts, and embraces above all, integrity, which is his course of life; reason, and the application of reason, which is his only weapon; and forgiveness, the one true cleansing virtue.

And only when one can fully absorb these most divine of all virtues can one at last see how impossible and futile it is to make war.”

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Never put big money on bum fights. Anything can happen.

how can someone be bold and still have a good side

DeGale is fucked

English is not confident about his son at all

What do you use to bet out here?


Groves broke him

good bet

I missed joycey how'd he do?

Mind games la

eubanks have the best gimmicks. dont let these living memes die tonight

degale is a wannabe roadman prick.

Who was that American boxer who did the fornite dance on one of Hearns cards?

Unpopular opinion: Eubank Sr is actually a very nice thoughtful man who's only ever wanted the best for his son, and the many seemingly deluded opinions he's given were just a way to try and get the best out of jr.

what do you use to bet?
fellow merican trying to find an online book

>Bruno and Nas


I agree

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Shit after the 2nd round, Joyce has shit defence, Stivern only knew how to throw 2 punches

Prince Naseem back at HW when?

It was like watching the world's slowest man beat a somewhat moving giant pile of lard

He does have 180iq so I'll have to agree

based. /ourplodder/

If he wanted the best for his son he wouldn't have let him box professionally

i hope jr lets his hands go

Groves get his chance at being a pundit and he blows it drinking beforehand, i did this once at a job interview and it didn't go well

is nas commentating? I'm not watching

did an interview on speed once, was the best interview i ever did

hes only on tonight becus he beat both of them

>on shorter notice
Took him 13 rounds belt the squatter

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How the fuck does someone like Joyce become a professional boxer? Did nobody tell him he's not good enough to make a lot of money and will just ruin his life?

Nikita ababiy

He's doing alri while wasted honestly. Better to just pop a benzo in situations like this

degale is ridiculously unlikable

Paulie in DeGale's corner, Eubank doesn't have a chance

Sr's personality revolves entirely around attention for himself. His whole persona is half CTE, half a fake character he invented for himself a while ago but it's all about making himself centre of attention.


the people representing him shouldnt let him do press

Please please let Eubank knock this cunt out cold

do they just lay out free rails of cocaine in UK television studios

we call him the road warrior

modern day Cassius Clay

speaking of coke, did anyone else see how wired the lurch looking guy was at the weigh in and final presser?

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he lived the american dream

Groves is fucked up lmao what a legend


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Groves is on another planet

do or die..
or ill just cash in on my dads name for another 4 years losing to bums

What's he saying? I'm watching show stream

yoobz by KO, degale is shot and punch drunk

did i miss eubank clips befpre degales?


DeGale moving in slow motion, Eubank is going to butcher him

Please don't post this bloke

he must've spent the whole pay day on gear for fucks sake look at him

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Eubank looks like Tyler1's brother.

itv stream dies d:-(

just looks like he has that 1-2 pint buzz to me
nothing much

Timely reminder that this fight will be a scrappy mess

He's not blinking, staring into space with an expressionless face.


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Anyone have a sneaking suspicion this is about to be an absolute fucking banger?

Truax would beat Eubank tbqh.

I think it will be a draw with a point deduction somewhere for mauling or hitting behind the head

Best betting site in the US is bovada, I use bitcoin on there but accepts anything - my referral link if you end up checking it out.


I hope this is a britbanger

Let's go chunky

rigged fight

>southpaw v orthodox with shit feet
not feeling it, hope I'm wrong though

Eubank JR is going to destroy defail.

Groves has been punch drunk since froch 2, dunno why you're surprised he's spaced out.

friendly reminder that BJS would style on both of these guys even at smw

Would be based if Groves hits the winner with a chair after the fight

shit walk out song

For the good of the planet please let Eubank win

Eubank by robbery.

to set up a three way in the summer

every fucking link keeps stalling reeeeeeeeeeee

What if he hits Yoobz with the IBO belt when the ref isn't looking

Degale is the best super middleweight on the planet real talk

Or if Eubank Snr turned heel during the fight

Why is Paulie with Degale?

post stream


he helped train him


TELL ME ABOUT EUBANK! Why does he wear the badge?

>people actually still watching this
they wouldn't last a round with the juggernaut

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Eubank Snr is already a heel, the greatest swerve would be DeGale’s mum turning heel

He's an officer of the law

it's lit

>degale already cut

casuals are not interested in this fight by the looks of the poster count


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snr distracts the ref whilst jr attempts to hit degale with the IBO belt, misses and gets hit with it by degale

DeGay is shite

D 1-0

def not gay btw

edged by chunky


Easy work for Degale

1-0 DeGale

Poor round.

1-0 Degale

itll be gary neville at sevilla all over again

lmao degale is done.
eubank looking sharp tonight, tbqh.


lmao at degale


messy fight


Degale seems so light wtf


this is sad


Knockdown Eubz got this


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no chin degale


Eubanks punched himself out




This won't go the distance.

20-17 Eubank, listen in please.

if theres one thing eubs can do its punch all day

DeGeale being dirty, unironically want eubank to knock him out


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Man Degale is flushed as fuck

degale has no punch resistance


With a trainer from day one Eubank could have actually been a good fighter

i told you niggas

degale is punch drunk. knew his chin would evaporate

can anyone here the brit yelling yewbank?


degale is shit he just keeps grabbing

useless jim

2-1 Eubank

DeGale looks like an amatuer out there. Sad way to go out.

>No one giving Eubank jr credit

Think Degale has subconsciously given up, he isn't doing shit with that lunging left hand

is Chunky the WOAT boxing nickname


it's like degale is still hurt from 2nd round..

99% of boxers go out in embarrassing fashion

Chunky is done. He has never fought a WARRIOR like this before.

Chris "Andre Ward" Eubank Jr

Why is Degale diving in so recklessly. He's gonna get ko'd

badou jack fight took too much out of him

2nd worst. "Next gen" is worse

Al Bernstein is such an elite commentator.

Degale finding that outside range now


yoobz doesnt know what a jab is

doesnt need it

this is some real struggleboxing

I think I dislike DeGale almost as much in the ring as I do out of it.

Based Warrior Eubank

>punch GRAB
>punch GRAB
>punch GRAB
DeGale stinking the place up nice

lelbank is gassing already

3-1 for le warrior

DeGeale is the one with the dirty Andre Ward tactics


Still don't think DeGale can do enough to win.

Nah he was clearly buzzed by that left early in the round and had to build his way back in

Should be deducted points for hugging like that EVERY FUCKING EXCHANGE

Given eubz every round


dickpunch + takedown attempt combo

scrappy fight but it's finely balanced

Thats one thing he doesnt do desu, he is a shitter but his stamina is elite

Got it the same


40-35 Eub

joke fight

when in doubt throw them against the ropes and smash them around the head

2-2 slight lean Eubank

Wtf wS that lol

Al Bernstein channelling his inner froch here .

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Eubank needs to stop trying to land one and throw a lot

DeGale totally ruining this

joke ref

> de gay

Next round im gonna count how many times DeGayle grabs

How in the fuck is Eubank getting blamed for headbutts?

scared to trade too much

3-2 DeGale

coked up Groves would school them both (again) tonight

reckon degale might grow into the fight and win this

shit victory regardless

ive changed from being a eubank jr hater to wanting him to KO degale because of this bullshit

3-2 Eubank

It's just a matter of when at this point.

Imagine paying £20 for this lmao

thread mongs not putting the title in the OP btw
when will they learn

Eubz 50-44 Degale
Degale is totally washed

4-1 Eubank

49-45 Yoobz

true boxing connoisseur


Attached: jrm1.png (1920x1080, 1.99M)

He'll finish him in round 7 TRUST ME

Degay is a chinlet



>no crowd shots of DeGale's sister


british stoppage incoming

Degales footwork going back is bambi on ice.

quite entertained desu

is she fit

Eubank 6 rounds Degale 0

4-2 Eubank

DeGale has literally forgotten how to throw punches.

4-2 Eubank

8 grabs
And just to ruin any fun I could have had DeGale is just plain power-walking around eubank instead of grabbing

How many bongs in an hour? I don't understand bongs as a measurement of time.

hey dt


about time a fuckin corner man doesn't rub the stupid irons against the swelling

Degale just running in with his head hoping for a cut stoppage

Attached: D0IEU8qWkAEY0J9.jpg (1200x716, 99K)

im not into darkies at all.. but his sister is a beauty



Shall be turning this fight off and checking twitter for the result. Boring shite.

Oi go here

Best round so far for Degale

I've got a fiver on DeGale to win by KO/TKO, it isn't looking good is it. Why is DeGale jumping in head first.


Eubank 7-0 degale

There's already a thread

Thought DeGale was getting close to winning a round there but he got fucked up in the last minute

All this lunging in by DeGale isn't working.

Another big round for eubank.

Why does DeGale corner man keep saying calm down, calm down, DeGale is too calm if anything. He needs to start throwing some punches.

>Paulie getting mad

Attached: 1500530301496.png (680x723, 403K)

>Eubank getting mad

Attached: 1490655534692.jpg (353x453, 28K)