Both these teams play against each other in a game of football and a game of burgerball. who would win?

both these teams play against each other in a game of football and a game of burgerball. who would win?

Attached: Unbenannt.jpg (970x475, 158K)

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Patriots win both and send the nazi fucks back to Bohemia

Attached: BF2CDABA-71AF-416A-A18E-A80C52025D26.jpg (628x583, 75K)

whoever wins...... we lose

patriots win*
then bayern buy all of their best players before next year's competition

bayern crushes them in divegrass and wins a nailbiter in handegg

pretty sure alaba could kick a better field goal than any patriots player

Let's raise the stakes.

Attached: footy.jpg (1379x475, 129K)

what is the game mode?

Bayern destroys them easily at football then loses loudly in handegg

Planetside 2

>wins a nailbiter in handegg

Any college level football team would run for 10+ yards an attempt against any soccer teams let alone a pro team. They just aren't build to take on Olinemen, let alone a blocking FB or RB at full-speed.

team with most asians win then
kek now that is really based. triple threat patriots, bayern, chelsea in this game would end 0-0-0 in regular time, after that chelsea scores the golden goal in penalties

Patriots vs Literal Who The Fuck Cares

well american football teams never use possession play, it's literally kick and rush. bayern would keep the egg and pass around, thus physical advantages of patriots would mean not much.

based cocksucking leaf

Nope, the team to choose fucking easymode Vanu will steamroll everyone

Patriots for sure

How about they play football with a soccer ball and vice versa?

They would both win at their own respective sports and get utterly BTFO in the other sport

Pats curbstomp in real football, and Bellicheck could park the bus to get a 0-0 tie in divegrass.

I'm going to go with

Patriots win at football

Bayern Munich wins at soccer

I would pay a lot of money to watch anyone on Bayern try to play offensive line

Depends which comes first considering Bayerns players will be dead after handegg

Bayern scores a kick goal.on any possession. Easy

patriots would force 0-0 draw
football would be absolute bloodbath

patriots wouldnt have the tactics to score, but they have better athletes across the board and could chase everyone around

Attached: So Brave.gif (500x281, 2.88M)

Which game comes first? If the Pats have to play the soccer match first, they lose half the team to heart attacks. If the football game is first, the majority of the soccer players end up in the hospital with shattered bones.

If the game of american football comes first there's a good chance they could injure enough players to make the soccer match irrelevant.


> never use possession play

Zoomer retard confirmed

>game kicks off
>10 seconds in all the Americans stop and walk off the pitch to talk to their manager and drink pepsi
>Bayern score
Rinse and repeat, handeggers are conditioned to stop playing as soon as they've ran 10 yards and wait while commercials are shown.

Well in football it wouldn't even be close. The Pats would likely murder Bayern. In soccer who cares lmao

>not just diving out of the way before they get tackled then feigning injury to get the other player sent off
Do you even football?

Pats win overwhelmingly in handegg, Bayern win overwhelmingly in football. Honestly wouldn't even be close.

A better comparison would be New England Patriots v New Zealand All Blacks.

> actual football play starts
> players begin to engage on the lines
> every bayern player on the line requires a helicopter ambulance ride upon eye contact with a real athlete
> the "linebackers" are as fast as high school art teachers
> contact, and thus tackling is agony for the yuropoor basedboy
> mercy rules after 4 drives per team

Football = soccer
Gridiron =" NFL"

>Bayern win overwhelmingly in football.

I dont know bro, i agree with pats blowing out Bayern at gridiron but i Guess they could keep the margin to wich they loose low on a football match, see the rosters Depth of an American football team Is big and Many American athletes grow up playing multiple sports, including football so theres probablly dudes with some knowledge of the game and with the proper body to play it , make the team out of kickers, players with a soccer background, cornerbacks as goalies and fill the rest with players that see More fitting maybe WR and running backs , they Will sure loose but could maybe get a goal in before parking the bus

I do agree seeing a rugby team playing American football would be cooler , props and second lines could make a decent o-line and strong centers playing as linebackers and, breakin the line in a power run and then use rugby techniques to keep the ball in play, also watching Julián edelman playing as Scrum half would be fun

Patriots somehow do well in the first 3-4 minutes of the game, gas right the fuck out, get obliterated 50-0 in soccer

Ejections don't work like that in the NFL.