Was he the biggest Chad to ever step into the Octagon?
/heem/ - GSP Edition
Other urls found in this thread:
first for based dana
Second for George St. Eroid is a bitch
Realistically, could GSP beat woodley?
Im guessing the Bisping fight was the only one you've seen.
Probably, but it would be a good cure for insomnia
is this THE thread?
Post fighters who have been beaten, but never defeated.
This is the /heem/ thread.
inb4 mcgoober
Still the NATTY GOAT.
jade rivera titty fuck to snowballing with mini khabib
Chads dont use performance enhancing drugs, give a fuck about their appearance or dodge fights they know theyll lose
I present to you the giga chad
Rory was never good
People People often call Stipe Miocic the heavy weight goat. What does that make Stephan Struve?
Stephan is one of only two men to stop stipe.
>heems bigfoot then heems john mccarthy
sorry lad, no other ufc fighter has ever dropped TWO (2) heavywieghts in one fight
you are factually, objectively and completely incorrect
Scott Smith was in some amazing fights
Are we posting here or what?
Shannon Knapp's Brap Trap
yeah, last gamethread is expiring and we'll post here
I miss him.
why? he's overrated and a relic compared to the skillset of modern fighters
Only thing he had going for him was muh all american appeal, warming the jock straps of quarterbacks and soccer moms around the country.
absolute shitter, Rockhold better do something soon or he'll be in the irrelevant and JUST basket just like shitman
>using my filename
Is he fighting tonight?
Cody's wife cleans up pretty good
wew sauce?
It's just a cap from her IG
RIP Brody Stevens
first for future bantamweight GOAT. has proven the following at a top level
>striking offense
>striking defense
>killer instinct
>mental fortitude
>fight IQ
really, the only thing we don't know is how his BJJ is, but who even needs that when you have literally EVERYTHING else? dude is an absolute monster
her face and dome shape is weird but def a top-tier pornstar body. she should collaborate with mike adriano
posting that while youre married
what a whore
>look down to see a heavily tattooed man arm jerking off your wily
no thanks m8 ,
But Cody is super trashy too so I guess they go well together.
~In a big country dreams stay with you
Like a lover's voice fires the mountainside
Stay alive, here we go~
for sure these ESPN+ schedules are an absolute BU-BU-BU-BHEAST of a peach my guy I love having events on at random times throughout the weekend instead of on a fixed schedule like they were for the past half decade
I've never seen you look like this without a reeeeason
Who /myspace/ here
"Greasy" GSP beats Woodley, "Dry" GSP gets heemed by Woodley
favorite bob dylan song?
boots of spanish leather for me
Robert Zimmerman sucks.
rear entry
just a few buzz words to get the ball rolling
So, Dern is knocked up with a black baby.
How will the sperg survive?
He "could" but only about 3/4 times out of 10. Hence him not wanting that fight.
he's gonna spam tranny porn, that'll show her
women are weird how they just don't care about being seen naked, I don't even like guys at the gym seeing me with my shirt off
Prime Reem heems Ngannou
unironically nick diaz
Wow, Lellator are still trying to push Gallagher hard, huh? Is being an Irish athlete easy mode? You can be complete shit and the drunk, inbred paddies will still throw money at you just because the entire country has fuck all else going for it.
pretty sure people only want to see him get smashed and lellator knows that.
I like the move, for lulz
Really want Dustin to win, I liked his chances against Ferguson a lot better though.
Lellator is not that self-aware.
What's Dan doing right now? Besides your mom.
Fuck, is this guy related to Brenden Gallagher? They look like brothers
Remember Dan Severn? He’s back — In pog form!
smol pp?
That was a great fight.
Not sure how Justin is able to still talk
Drinking water while he reads
You think he has lellator on in the background?
>Till was the favorite
Bellator is such shit
Something I've never understood, how is it Conor and Jose gas so quick because they hit hard but Dustin never does? Not only does he hit really hard but he throws at such volume.
Finally took someone's virginity heem
coke and age
fuck no, just the roar of the fire
Embarrassing post
Totally different body type
McGregor and Also have more muscle per cubic inch of lung capacity, Dustin has 10% less muscle with quite a large difference in range of motion.
So, it’s a Lellator card full of SBG fighters? Just screams quality card!
I'm never washing it off
Bellator fucking sucks
lads why did Tony go full retard and not just accept that Max fight
You can say all you want about how he deserves a shot at the real belt and I'd agree, but declining the Interim has now put him in an absolute dogshit position where he's like 2 more fights away from even being considered
Should've just accepted and he'd be on his way. Now it's going to be even tougher for him. Not sure what his team were thinking
did you bust in his ass?
Max is the only fighter who can beat him
he wasnt ready for a mirror match
He loses to both of them anyway.
fuck you
Tony probably thinks he's better than a Tony sized Max so a Max sized Max is just insulting to him
He’s in a zero sum game. He’s already won the interim title. Gone on a historic winning streak. Won another fight after the interim. Gets paid like shit. Has torn his entire knee off for the company. He has no obligation to lick anymore birdshit off Dana’s boot
the chicano fears the hawaiian
Tony's manager is Conor's manager so it'd be odd if they couldn't get a deal done. Maybe he's injured and couldn't make 236?
I recently got an MMA fighter pregnant
No, it wasn't Johnny Hendricks
This 1 fight would've put him closer
Now he's going to get shitty fights that don't even progress him
Genuinely cannot mentally cope with people that have a 100% unsustainable life, completely propped up by the social contracts of a fleeting society. I can understand a 50/50 mix, but to be totally invested in this idea of a lifestyle bombards my brain and leaves me speechless.
for sure my guy the 14th time is the charm
lol shaddap dork
>thot with tattoo sends nerd mentally reeling
get a dog bro
t.shagged the chick who served in the airforce
everyones done that mate, howd you get over the head on her?
>tfw your gf jerks you off, and your dick comes out of your baby's mouth
but that's the thing, what's declining the interim fight going to get him? 16th time? 17th time? just other pointless fights. It makes things worse and it's not like he's going to stop fighting
I'd heem all of you back to back in less than 45 seconds
Weidman is very well rounded and has lots of good skills.
because it’s absolutely worthless he’s fucked either way dana doesn’t give a shit about him its a sysyphean task at this point
That is an ugly baby.
Puke cuckhold is already flushed into darkstardom.
No you wouldn’t, fatty.
average at everything, specialist at nothing.
also cuckhold unironically has brain damage
one way gets him a belt and a potential shot at the real belt. Dana even said he wants to make Tony/Khabib
The other way gets him nothing but more fights with no clearer goal
If he's going to be fighting anyway, it's retarded to not take the better option.
>implying khabib wont make the fight and Ferg already knows this
Rockhold called Santos sloppy on Twitter actually
Not sure why he'd call him out. Santos is exactly the type of guy who could check Rockhold's chin
There is no better option idiot what dont you get? He’s been down this exact same path. He’s been one step closer five different times
>Dana said
Yeah GTFO goofball, what are you a WWME intern?
>Im guessing the Bisping fight was the only one you've seen.
His only fun fight anyway lmao. Fuck the lay and pray frenchie.
What did he mean by this?
based terry
So what are you even suggesting he does
Refuse Max because it's a hard fight but then accept Iaquinta or Cowboy?
By your logic he should just retire, you talk in absolutes
Or, he could lose to Dustin and get booted tothe back of the line. If he sits out, he likely gets either the Khabib fight, or he fights the winner of Max/Dustin vs. Khabib. If he fights Dustin andwins, he gets nothing. He already had an interim belt, he knows those are worthless.
Cost/benefit ratio is off. Huge risk for minimal reward. He did the right thing.
branch finished off bum santos.
>so what are you suggesting he does
Whatever the fuck he wants.
>Refuse Max because it's a hard fight but then accept Iaquinta or Cowboy?
Didnt say that
>By your logic he should just retire, you talk in absolutes
Another lie, and an absolute statement
If he sits out he isn't getting shit
Dana doesn't like when fighters turn down fights, that's the problem. Declining has put him like 2 fights away now
wew, I literally don't even remember the fight despite watching it. Anyone got a webm?
almost heemed a guy at mardis gras today lads
Crazy to think the same guy went swangin and bangin with Manuwa and came out on top
he's a major contender.
they also read social media, El Cucuy ebin maymays are everywhere
maymays unironically rule the world
Khabib v Cucuy after Dustin gets heemed by khabib in his first match back
ss this
it's not mardi gras though
No, ifhe sits out, Dana gets mad, talks shit, and says Tony will never fight for a belt again. Then come August or so, they’ll announce Tony vs, Khabib because that’s the money fight at this point (Conor’s not coming back). Dana has a short memory, and his greed always trumps his anger.
Future champ right here lads
thanks for the webm senpai
I'd like to believe. But declining fights hasn't done much good. Look at Colby, you'd think him vs Woodley would be a much bigger fight than Woodley/Usman, and a much bigger drawl, but they made the latter because Colby declined their time. I'm not sure Tony's a big drawl either, Max is arguably just as big if not bigger, though Dustin isn't in fairness. One of those will take priority over Tony either way though
Yes easily
Wife of a pro athlete
Colby is not a draw. At all. I know idiots here love him because memes and muh Trump, but the dude talks shit, does extensive social media, does everything he can to hype himself, and people still don’t give a fuck. Usman isn’t a draw either, but he has more potential to beat Woodley than Canby, and could be marketable if he can pull that off.
Tony, on the other hand, is on a massive win streak, has beaten almost everyone else, and normies seem to like him. They pretty much have to give him a shot eventually.
Be careful who you fucking talk to
My bad.
No you wouldn’t, pencilneck.
In many ways Ireland is gay
I was just about to write a post like this and looking at his wiki it seems like Colby hasn't main evented a single MMA card, not even the bush leagues.
Tony Khabib isn't the money fight. It's the fight to make but now that he sat out it won't be made. Khabib will fight the interim champ and Conor will fight cowboy. The winner of those fights will fight each other. Tony is now out of the equation
You're the biggest coward out of all of them
Who is watching this smellator on tape delay and why is ONE FC the best mma promotion?
well lets hope so. It's the turning down fights that makes me think his chances are really hurt here. If he was injured it'd be different. They could try to throw Al his way. As it is, the Interim belt holder is in front of him and so is Conor/Cowboy winner
I don't see Colby as a big draw, just that him and Woodley could get more eyes on their fight than Usman because of said muh memes and muh forced persona. People like that shit at press conferences.
instantly heemed by anyone with a tint to their skin
He was the chosen one. It's not fair.
In many ways, Yoel won both matches
Colby’s just not interesting. He’s too much of a dork. He’s trying to be Shael, but Shael is at least articulate and comes off as intelligent. Colby is just a cruder, dumber, meaner Shael, and while Shael came off as tongue-in-cheek, Colby comes off as tryhard. Dude just doesn’t have the charisma to be a “bad boy”. He should just shut his mouth and fight. Shit talking and self-promotion are not his forte.
I've fought more blacks than whites
Never lost a fight
only 22 man what the hell.
>B-but I bet you wouldn’t f-fight me irl!
That’s a big yikes from me, dork.
Don't forget that he puts all this shit out there and then gets a boomerang thrown at him by Werdum and runs off on his phone lmao
Usman had him staring at his phone too
>I know idiots here love him because memes and muh Trump, but the dude talks shit
>being a butthurt libtard
LMAO stop
zip code 40243
Come and get it
Why does everyone give Woodley so much credit?
>you now remember when Nate "The Great" Marquadt laid Woodley out, simultaneously shuting his loud-mouthed ape mama up during a Strikeforce match
Well Tony probably wants the money fight with Conor and let's be real who ever wins will probably defend their interim belt, khabib isn't even slated to come back till November.
Anyways I'm pretty sure he does well against poirier and elbows the hell out of max
Cain Velasquez
Because Woodley is quite a good fighter and his tentative style makes it difficult to fight him. Good wrestling and powerful hands, he looks for the counter and can KO you quick, while also having great TDD.
>one KO loss defines his entire legacy
>You now remember when GSP tapped to a fat welterweight via strikes
C'mon son, Woodley absolutely worked some of the best specialists to ever fight in the UFC. Everyone GSP beat, Woodley would work,
Not sure about Tony/Conor
They have the same manager, kind of don't think it'd be made. Plus it's a risky fight for Conor
you dont even have shoulder 'caps' and your lats are non existent (biggest indicator of a non fighter)
Easy to tell someone who trains weights at a gym versus someone who has a well rounded training program tailored for fighting.
I wouldn't even fight you for your safety lad
I've KO'd Mighty Mouse in training
425? ill heem you right now
Literally one of the best in the world
Ya can't read me and ya can't read anyone else, ya suck and you should kys
ONE was the best promotion until they put all of their cards on jizz chugging B/R Live, which is the sports streaming service with the worst slate of streaming rights and a horrible value. Plus they caved to Japan and made their super stacked card air during the absolute worst timeslot for North America and I have no chance of watching it unless I do copious amounts of cocaine that I have no intention of doing.
Why the fuck would you think I’m liberal? Because I made passing mention of Trump? Did Colby not do that? Did I make that up? Dumb /pol/ NPCs.
Yeah, acting tough, then calling the cops on Werdum was a huge bitch move. Also pretty embarrassing paying porn whores to pose with you and not even fucking them (Kelsi Monroe said quite unequivocally that Colby didn’t fuck them). Plus that cringey NerdBash 2018 shit. Sounds like the name of an anime convention or something.
you're a shit cunt
At least dad bod Ben just laughed at Marty. Colby is a nerd.
I'll be gentle. Bitch.
Make me, nerd.
I'm 176 and this fat fuck named John who is like 300 lbs and 5'11 keeps tapping me with top pressure, how do I stop it?
>loss to Marquadt
>loss to Rory
>loss to Shields
>2 horrible fights vs Wonderbread
>horrible fight vs Maia
He's had some respectable fights but I don't think he's that great of a fighter. At least not an all-time great, not at this pount. Time will tell
The world can say what they want but not a life form in the world that can heem me
This is fucked for my undisputed boy, things hasn’t went fair for him, I just wanted to see him as an undisputed champion but with 35 years and having to stay with b line for another year seems like that train has went far away... by the way, tony will ever be my favorite male fighter.
eye pokes, both times he was "stopped"
meet me at the costco parking lot in 10 minutes
Do they exclusively use a ring now?
I don't have to, only if you truly need to know about yourself. I can teach you that you are a bitch. If you don't want to know that for a fact then just sit tight in your chair and continue shitposting.
>trying to be Shael
Askren clearly is the next shael wannabe
Problem is he has no idea what he's talking about
>dat cleft pallete
>hai guyz Im not a loud mouthed bridge troll I funky
fuckin cringe everytime his ugly head makes an appearance, he and khabib are everything wrong with modern mma
Just bought a Roomba from Costco today. Best $120 I've spent in a long time
>in my chair
LMAO I’m lying on a couch, you dumb faggot!
bring donuts, so when he is about to crush you, you can throw the donuts across the mat. This will distract him, giving you the opportunity to get an advantage
Because he's shook. He knows Max would beat his ass.
>being white
>in 2019
I don't think so I'm pretty sure it depends on either the market (China and Japan like rings) or the main event (Kickboxing, Muay Thai and boxing use a ring.) Default is still a cage as far as I know
Unironically would like your home address.
If you fail to provide it I will take that as fear and shall declare the fight won by me via scared opponent.
no zip code, too general.
Give me your address
>Do you understand?
>Do you understand?
>Does everybody understand?
Dustin keeps it simple with his striking and stay loose on the cage.
Conors is balls to the wall when it comes to throwing shots plus constant bouncing around can't take its toll on ones cardio.
horrible fights vs Wonderbread
>>horrible fight vs Maia
Still better than any fight lay and pray frenchie ever had. Dropped them both easy.
is Yancy the least technically sound fighter in the UFC?
Why would he take a fight against Barboza? I can't see how that doesn't end in him getting slept by a wheel kick and he is already showing signs of brain damage
this irish card is SHIT
ahhh tah best funs in tah wurl
fuck these potato nogs
Because Barboza falls to pressure and that is the only thing Gaethje knows how to do.
Killer mullet!
Gaethje is completely JUSTBLEED
He takes the fight because it sounds fun for him.
Also, Gaethje is a very solid striker with a bunch of power, I can see him taking Barboza
are you quoting Cowboy Bebop?
We fight at a Walmart parking lot or you're just a fuckin lady
The different rulesets are stupid 2bh, stick to MMA and stick to the cage.
Did you forget about the 4 fucking womens divisions
Im blasting face the pain in my car where you at
>Did you forget about the 4 fucking womens divisions
>heems you
based, that fag must've heard it and got shook and ran off
Any Walmart within 100 miles of 40243 zip code
Post screenshot proving you have managed to get within this range, and then I will provide you with life changing physical trauma
higher res lad
The fuck are you talking about that guy said he was in the 425 area code, stay in your lane unless you want a beat down too
Can I stop at the Walmart and get snacks first? I’m out of Cheetos and Cinnamon Toast Crunch.
Area code =/= zip code
I have been stating 40243 zip code before he stated his area code
Stay in your lane or I will violate you beyond generally accepted versions of violence
youve already bitched out mate.
no address = extreme fear
spin it how you want, you're shook
based and checked
Guys how do I beat a Nate Diaz fighter on UFC 3 online who keeps spamming 1-2's?
Id heem everybody itt
Would serve you better to visit your PCP dealer before hand, you will need all potential ability.
why the fuck did you @ me then faggot, get the fuck out of my conversation you nosy little bitch, im talking to the guy who said he heemed mighty mouse
>Arterton was born at North Kent Hospital in Gravesend, Kent,[3] to Sally-Anne (née Heap), a cleaner, and Barry Arterton, a welder.[3] Her matrilineal great-grandmother was a German Jewish concert violinist.[4] She was born with polydactyly, and at her birth a doctor tied off the boneless sixth digits to remove them.[5][6]
I hope she throws mini-Pat into the tenth row
My address is Walmart
Because I fight every day
This is my dojo
This is my domain
Id bring it straight to your chinbone
nephilim dna unironically desu senpai
>sharts loudly
I seriously doubt you've got the reach for that
I'm 6'9
Crowd the fuck out of them. Don't give them space to work their reach advantage. If your fighter's got a knee strike to the body, use it and anticipate a clinch if they get desperate.
Simple as that.
That's a bit toxic, don't you think?
In your mom's pussy, fag
I've never been to Ireland, but I'll go one day.
Watching this Bellator card, I think I'd be safe
Most people that most are 6”10 or above, manlet
WME is going to destroy the Yuf-c
I am that guy
If you didn't know, mighty mouse wasn't born in Washington
How could you heem me if your IQ is so low? LMAO.
Im built like mark hunt m8, id do the same to you as he did Struve
My dad is built like mark hunt and I beat him up when I was 15
I don’t have a mom.
>I abused a short old fat man that loves me
Are you samoan and or black tho?
Your dads a fucking pussy just like his bastard son, id murder your lanky alien ass.
This irish bellator card reminds me of what I think of conor mcgregor desu
lurk moar freshie
Imagine typing all this out in a YouTube comments section post
>716 you's
When was the last time Bellator had a decent night of fights?
My buddy just got a job with WME. He says that they don't do anything, they just bought it to use it for advertising.
You would get KO'd by my jab I wouldn't need any other tools for you ya fuckin loser
Conor/cerrone isn't any better tbqh
Kimbo and Dada
>Zero dislikes
Holy fuck I didn't even notice
hate Irish more than South Africans after watching this
I have an iron chin, im unheemable. you'd only gas out punching me
This is the main event, but it doesn't feel like a main event
This dude looks like he wants to look like Conor
You can't actually dislike a youtube comment though, the button is just a placebo. I don't know why, you can still dislike a video, but not the comments.
Dude’s beaten no one and got heemed cold in his last fight, yet still talks like he’s Conor 2.0.
Fuck this mick faggot.
I think you'd be surprised
The nyc card with chael-wandy was good, mainly because of the memes
>watching tape delay smellator with low budget goobert
>retard irish crowd happy to relive the good old days with Canar MacGreegagar
I think YOU’D be surprised. I think he’d fuck you up.
Does this guy have aids or something
Tbh I could beat both of you at the same time with only my jiu jitsu
>opens with a kick
theyre feeding him a can
Get in my guard and lets see what you have to say then
>main event
>both fighters don’t even have a Wikipedia page
The absolute STATE of Lellator
Its can on can violence
That was mercifully fast
ONE is also on TNT now friend
Your mom is in my guard
Not only that but one is a Conor bootleg
My moms a blackbelt, she'd sub you in seconds
They don’t give out black belts for sucking dick, m8.
Sculpted from stone.
But yet you've been practicing it for years
Bellator 217 just topped UFC 234 as /worstevent/ of the year
hope you all have a SHIT day
I love how they’re still trying to hype MVP. I guess they just assume no one watched that fight last weekend. They’re right.
I sub real black belts 30+ times a day faggot
Everyone needs a hobby.
Lima is gonna wreck him so fucking hard
I'll interpret the respectful silence as confirmation that this dude does indeed have the aids
user’s mom will pass your guard and put you in an americana
I do not like him because he acts black.
What injury do you think MVP will fake to pull out of that fight?
anal prolapse
>got heemed cold
muh steroids, he got owned
That's my fetish
He's fucked. No meme lasts forever
My mom is dern
Is there still a mini golf course in there??
Why aren’t you speaking broken English with a fake accent, then? I call bullshit.
Tony would make more money fighting for Golden Boy promotions on the next Tito's Ortiz fight undercard than he's making in the UFC. If he's just going to fight for the sake of fighting, fuck it, go do it somewhere else.
colby comes off like that white trash kid with no dad who tries really hard to look tough. meanwhile actual no-dad cody seems like a pretty cool guy even if a meathead.
nah, no room for drug cheats in any competitive sport
Using drugs in the first place to enhance your performance shows you know you arent the GOAT
It's black and white and written into the very laws and rules of the UFC
ben askren doesn't have a cleft palate, he's just a bit mushmouthed
that guy was right. conor needs to go back to feddaweight or retire. he just does not have the physicality to compete at LW.
I'm not a Colby fan, but the people that get upset by him are typically complete faggots.
rules are for pussies
GSP is the GOAT because he roided and greased and STILL has all the rubes fooled til this day.
im not upset by him, that's just literally what he reminds me of. i was actually friends with that kid
No one’s upset with Colby. People don’t get upset about things they don’t care about.
>rules are for pussies
rules make it much harder, drugs make it easier
Jones was a great fighter, I cant understand why he felt he needed to use performance enhancing drugs on multiple occasions and tarnish his legacy with question marks over the legitimacy of his ability.
could have been the GOAT, we'll never know now.
How much butthurt Santos generated here today? I missed it
almost everybody in the entirety of proffessional fighting is on steroids, deal with it retard
None, really. Santos is pretty well-liked for his spicy fights
RIP Tony
no mate, that's you assuming the fighters who heem your favorites are using drugs.
rules are clear mate, fighters like Romero, GSP, Jones, even pre usada Aldo will forever be remembered as drug cheats.
Rules are rules mate, there's no ifs or buts about it.
because he was probably on roids since college you dummy
>Rules are rules
too many excuses, you need to accept Jones is a multiple times convicted drug cheat.
You're throwing me feelings, not facts.
more feelings mate. you'll appreciate mma more if you understand there is simply no room for drug cheats.
India has 1.2 billion people. No good fighters. Dagestan has 2.91 million people. Dozens of world class fighters. Why is that?
your post doesnt make any sense. whether or not jones started in college, it was still cheating when he did it in the UFC. im just answering your question "why he felt the need to do it when he was so good already." he was only so good because he was on roids and if he stopped after such a long time time he would feel like shit and be worse than if he never started. so fuck off hall monitor you cant even criticize cheaters correctly.
look mate. college roids, ufc roids, its all drugs and its all cheating.
> he was only so good because he was on roids and if he stopped after such a long time time he would feel like shit and be worse than if he never started
one of the worst Ive read here
>I cant understand why he felt he needed to use performance enhancing drugs
perhaps to enhance his performance
they cant even poo in loo
>jones was natty until he got caught, everyone knows that roiders always get caught the first time
heem urself my man
Darren till ?
In many ways zabit already heemed max
what does the hand sign that vannata does after the fight mean?
>Billy the claw
very gay, nice
what in the good lords name are you babbling on about. here, your brain is confused
Jones=drugs=cheat=not goat
Is that twitchy?
Thanks bro but i would kick ur ass no offense
name a single goat contender who wasn't cheating
no offense but i'd chop you up and dump the pieces in the everglades
yo this guy is a beast
I like his hair. Long hair > short hair
Dodson is fully JUSTed
he's no elpresador
You gotta go through an awkward stage to reach full glory
Robert Whittaker
it would be ok if his hairline wasn't in the middle of his skull
They are ruining this sport with all these interim belts! I never thought I'd live to see the day this sport became about politicking and meme belts like pillow tap (actually I did but not this soon)
Max most likely beats Poirier and then what happens, he has to fight Khabib in November. That means for a full year the 145 belt will remain undefended so they'll probably be forced to make ANOTHER dumb interim belt for that division and have a dumb fight that makes no sense like Aldo vs Frankie III
Yeah losing to Matt Serra is very embarrassing
i miss him brehs
Aldo vs Ortega
For a fake belt that no one will care about cause Max butchered both of them
we all do
Volk vs Zabit
he would fold that lanklet bath house enthusiast
These guys have shaved it now but you reminded me of them
looks like an epic nut
Oh, so this was his gameplan
Lol what a twink
"My plan is to get knocked out"
-Man who got knocked out
What happened to the bong?
The only true champ left in the company
t. Valbong
what is your favorite mma related niggun? this is mine
it's about the dagestani avar imam shamil, who led the north caucasus muslim resistance against tsarist russia. khabib has frequently been likened to him due to their similar origins, personalities, and role as unifiers within the ethnically diverse north caucasus.
Anderson please don't fucking die in there
GSP should be fighting Silva
Chads are chick magnets
This eliminates Big Country (though I like him)
following fighter's wives on IG?
there's nothing you can say to salvage your reputation after admitting that.
Prime GSP? He would mop the floor with Woodley.
Post "retirement" GSP? No, he was way past his prime. Despite being a similar age to Woodley, he has a fuck ton more mileage on him.
Being the NATTY GOAT took its toll, but I'll take prime GSP 10/10 over Tyquil.
gsp was a cheat that ducked usada. He clearly greased against bj and went begging to fight a LW on his way out, fuck that french faggot.
No evidence.
You're going back to the MIDCARD with the rest of beggers.
Wow I would fuck him up so bad
here's how the fight goes:
Woodley is cautious
>So is GSP
GSP fires off some legs kicks
>as GSP intended Woodley starts defending them because they fucking hurt
this allows GSP could start jabbing Woodley's face like he did to Koscheck
GSP keeps alternating between the jabs and kicks
>Woodley's back is against the fence
Woodley tries some big shots here and there but remains cautious
>GSP beings some next-level shit like attempting a couple of takedowns that he intentionally doesn't get, in order to build Woodley's confidence in his tdd against GSP
This allows Woodley to think at least he'll be safe in the clinch and won't catch a broken orbital and suffer the death of 1,000 jabs like Kos
>GSP ramps up the kicks and jabs, tries for a "takedown", they're in the clinch
GSP pulls this way, yanks that way, nothing happening, steps back like he would to break the clinch, but not as far...
>...and goes Nate Marquardt on Woodley,
GSP gets the W.
All according to plan.
GSP in post-fight talks about how dangerous Woodley is, praises him genuinely, talks about dinosaurs and UFO's and smiles a lot.
The girls love it, /heem/ wets themselves with jellyness, it's another day at the ranch.
Poirier swings hard but he doesn’t hit hard
GSP'S corner man rubbed vaseline on him are you blind?
>No evidence
he was literally found to have been greased by the commission investigation post-fight. he was let off and the blame placed on phil nurse. dumb fucking cazzie
the hate you give, kid.
who hurt you baby?
just took a yuge GSP
There was a recent webm posted, I'm looking for it.
racism has blinded him so he feels like he has to say gsp would beat woodley when any objective observer knows better.
How is Usman marketable you absolute ponce neck yourself
>Phil Nurse said it was done as an aid to his breathing
>They released a video showing it was done before, it wasn't exclusive to the Penn fight
>There was a hearing that went nowhere because they deemed it irrelevant
>Fer fucking sure GSP greased in front of the entire world with cameras pointing to him instead of doing it backstage, that's smart!
How stupid are you little kiddies? How new must you be? How much of a butthurt BJ "Quit on the Stool" Penn faggot do you have to be?
>Meanwhile, GSP is still the UNCONTESTED GOAT of this sport
Stay out of boxing range and spam leg kicks
>Phil Nurse said it was done as HE WAS AIDING HIS BREATHING and thus the vaseline thing was incidental*
G-d damn I need some sleep, I worded that so poorly you'd think I was drunk.
not greasing btw
>>...and goes Nate Marquardt on Woodley:
quit the same-fagging
we get it, GSP was never good all those wins were flukes and cheating
/ourguy/ Tferg
Nobody is samefagging, greasing is greasing. It was an unfair advantage plain and simple.
Lol, keep reaching for those grapes, midcarder.
This. Based Leafposter.
Gonna catch some Z's, stay salty, race-baiting cucks, GSP will forever remain as the GOAT.
India also has zero good soccer players despite it being a sport that costs $0.00 to play. India’s only contributions to the world are its cuisine and yoga pants.
He's not a cheater guys it's fine if he wants to cheat though
Big Chinlet's shit
got owned in a decision and gadooshed before that
They will never give him a shot at the belt no matter how many times he wins
santos was too drained at middleweight
lhw santos tears branch apart every time
Imagine being the unpaid Reddit intern who’s responsible for the social media posting of some illiterate goat fucking coward fake champ
Fedor > Cain
based spainsperg heeming the GSP haters. HE WAS A WHITEBOY AND HES JACKED. DEAL WITH IT
he also applied it to his upper back. it's really obvious when BJ's legs just slide off
he said it was an "energy technique"
most blatant bullshit ever
lol no
guys even though gsp's coach is on video rubbing vaseline on his chest and back there's no reason to call him a cheater. if he was a cheater would he have as rock solid an explanation as a misapplied "energy technique"?
cmon guys, people get vaseline all over their backs all the time doing energy techniques
lol you even admit you're only defending him because he's white. btw phil nurse is black you dumb nigger
where is this video from? Ive only seen twitchy in his usual run down living room in front of his computer...
Prime GSP could beat current old man Woodley yes. The best Woodley beats the best GSP though. Current GSP would get obliterated by current Woodley in picoseconds.
everyone greases idiot
luke's about to get ko's again isn't he?
by pure mma math he thinks this is an easy fight for him.
He beat Branch and Branch heemed Santos.
But I dont think its that easy, especially with Lukes poor boxing defense and Santos power at LHW...
"Old man Woodley" is prime Woodley
Santos would punch Luke so hard he would die
Fuck you khabib
Conor almost killed rose thug nnamajunas
The only reason woodley wont be remembered as one of the goats is bc everyone is unironically racist
*saves LHW*
Good morning /heem/
All of you are shitting on hw as the worst division in the ufc, but look at the lhw
One man division - a champ who is allowed to roid and a bunch of nobodies who wont get close to him in years
JBJ timed his vacation and return perfectly, he's set to pulse all over a new wave of contenders through 2019 and 2020
Jon Jones, only loss was to a DQ
You guys seen War Machine?
Would you rather lose the war or the battle?
Yeah i thought so.
whos top right
>tapping to strikes
60gs bebbeh
aleksandar rakic, serbian from austria, up and coming LHW prospect
Its the gay mafia, bee
Just another reachlet who wouldn't be able to get close to Jones. A 6'5 Lobov.
That idiot said he would destroy jones in inkubator podcast
johnny walker's got 82 in reach and at 6'6
not as long reach but a bit taller
>inkubator podcast
Seems like a really fun podcast.
Ive watched the satoshi ishii podcast in english.
Wish they would do more episodes in english
>so explosidd :DDDDDDD
Remember when the NSAC were going to do random testing for the GSP/Hendricks fight and GSP’s team asked for it to be on specific dates (i.e not actually random) and then flat out refused
Classic GSP
Yeah he also weighed 180 for Diaz
>Imagine being 194cm tall, walking around over 230lbs, and having a 84.5" inch reach, but choosing to fight at 205 instead of HW
I don't understand why HW fighters don't call this coward out. If I was Magumbo, I would be shouting this faggots name into every camera that was pointed in my direction.
i also remember after the fight, lawler basically said gsp can pick the terms, whatever testing he wants, let's do it
GSP ducked 3 men, multiple times, after offering to fight them or claiming he would fight them
Lawler, Woodley and Whitaker. All natural WWs, only one is considerably younger then him, all have lost more fights them him
Big boys don't care about lesser divisions and they are all usually too nice to "call out" people, they have nothing to prove to anyone.
should this be allowed
I see nothing wrong with kids sparring but I don't think it belongs in front of a crowd
It should be encouraged. Heems for all.
I could slap your wife on the ass and theirs nothing you could do about it.
>decent striking
>no footwork to match it
>terrible distance management
>no pressure
>zero wrestling
>zero grappling
I wish there were no Czech fighters in my UFC :'(
Stroof is still my boy though, even if he looked like shit.
Our audience needs to get woopilled too, but I'm glad I didn't go, I cried like a bitch when Struv retired.
>and GSP’s team asked for it to be on specific dates
He did not ask for that, and he accepted.
>go to BJJ class
>stinky gis and uncut toenails
>go to Muah Thai
>uncut toenails
are uncut toenails the secretet of croatian supermacy?
thicc boi
what is his arm tatoo of USA say?
It says "we wuz build this shit"
yep, I think Naurdiev is my new boy now. Nobody else can claim him now
k fag
he doesn't throw nearly as hard as Conor mate...
6 days Jon
I just don't think you bums are going to be able to understand how much success at LHW will be redefined by Anthony "Lionheart" Smif.
If Yoel jumped up to HW and started wrestlefucking people he would be unstoppable
>Yoel trying for more than 30 seconds
>I cried like a bitch when Struv retired
is u for real?
Haven't seen that webm in a while
USA Wrestling
dumb racist
Who will be the Cejudo/Weidman/Hendricks to Jones' DJ/Silva/GSP?
You think Kelvin can make the cut?
what a massive cunt jones is
Apparently he does
Only one champ level is Reyes.
The idea of GSP not being a ducking, test dodging, greaser is ridiculous.
GSP is the biggest drug cheat in the game
I would small join manipulate every bjj faggot in this thread
What is next for Gustafson
gatekeeping bums until retirement
Jan beats all of them.
he should move up to heavyweight, i think his speed could really give some problems to the top guys
Absolutely obliterated. I bet this faggot is sulking in his mother's basement right now.
not when I'm fish hooking you and pulling your hair as I ride you around the mat
Is Luke the Dana White of the Heemcord?
He gets all the hate and blame while the real owners of the server neither get mentioned here nor get any hate
i agree he should get bigg. he outboxes most of the sluggers at hw
Lmao. So Tony backed himself into mental autism corner again and fucked himself out of a big main event and a guaranteed title fight next?
Give it to me straight lads, is Robbie getting wrestlefucked
without a doubt my man
heeminder that petr yan is hapa like all the best fighters
petr yang is ethnically chinese
It's tough b :'(
Retirement, hopefully. He has zero heart, it's sad to watch.
So what is next for him?
Velasquez-tier selfheem in his next fight.
Getting rushed into a hospital for a blown joint
Jones cannot take a punch on the chin from Marreta
Literally Tilled himself.
Jon Jones vs. Anthony Smith
Tyron Woodley vs. Kamaru Usman
Robbie Lawler vs. Ben Askren
Tecia Torres vs. Weili Zhang
Cody Garbrandt vs. Pedro Munhoz
Do you think they'll give the hammer man the title shot against Smif straight away? Seems like a weird dynamic when Smif lost to him a couple months ago.
scot smif
Handed Levens his first loss
Two years later Levens would go on to commit a murder-suicide with his wife
and defeated future podcast guest Tait Fletcher
post Cung Le knockout
When are you gonna stream again buddeh?
Only have this one sorry
Rich Franklin now there was a fighter
How could DK YO do in ufc?
Memer is based, got destroyed by CodyFan though and Memer asked Lister to permaban him so he's a bit of a cuck himself.
Big tings are coming
>9 years old
>chin already deleted
His nipples are way too small.
Hes going to get absolutely blasted by the first American Blacky he faces.
Swear on my mom's, B