Watch the Bundes.
Watch the Bundes
No thanks, I'm watching anime
Hate sports, love anime
good posts
good digits
'ate mlels
'ate bradley
'ate altishit
'ate soccer
luv me Poolisic
luv me Chadams
luv me Mckinny
luv me Brooks
luv me Deutscher fussball
simple as
friendly reminder that Yea Forums > Yea Forums
Maybe if you had posted "Watch the Bundas" with a picture of a bunda, I'd take you're post a little more seriously.
based and redpilled
post of the year right there
>- 32
1 blooter wonder
he could have score against belgium too
And >we could have won the WC if the team didn't fuck up
>fuck up
you were "bad" since the start of 2018
Choking against worst Korea was a new low even for Löw
who cares, everyone knows bayern will win it
what did he mean by this?
Fucking gay.
weren't Dortmund several points clear and Buyern in 3rd a month ago?
das ficken rutsch nicht
simple as
We also were just a few kilometers short of the Kremlin some time ago
Stuttgart are a fucking rollercoaster ride of shit
>you now remember Gladbach fans thinking they would be able to become Meister
Both very good posts to be quite honest (tbqh)
era of the bull
>posting the Bunnysheddl version
/bundes/ is love
/bundes/ is life
i dont rate Nagelsmann and there is none with Rangnick
think I made a Rangnick one
will check at HT
Trips confirm it's the most kino league
Bundeliga is shit, 2.Bundesliga is the true gentleman's choice.
use lube
good one
yes yes
very nice, thank you
yeah but then some players got injured
>some players
more like one criminal
woah, now this will be a CRINGE for me 2bh
He's back bro