>away goals

Attached: 1550750172480.jpg (1614x1080, 341K)

Other urls found in this thread:


/Fuck Jannies edition/

How RAD is this dawg!?

Attached: 1550753507868.webm (240x240, 845K)

sweet, daily /span/ thread

Attached: IMG-20181221-WA0001.jpg (236x236, 9K)

Attached: 5F17CB15-4E1D-46D3-9FFC-DC2C7F10586F.gif (200x272, 2.21M)

>offensive pass interference

Attached: cato.jpg (1080x1080, 106K)

Attached: 52494451.jpg (960x864, 128K)


I was just starting to read the only decent, sport related thread on Yea Forums and it got deleted right in front of my eyes. I'm not a pleb who reads archived threads so everything was lost to me.

>punting on 4th & 2

Attached: 1544532121648.png (1080x579, 601K)



Attached: 1395375628987.gif (300x232, 1.99M)

honk honk

Attached: honk.jpg (300x300, 14K)

>running down the channels

Attached: ChQqp2WWMAA1J3W.jpg (640x627, 49K)

Don't bully the doggo

/span/ is life
/span/ is love

Attached: 1550815701692.gif (607x609, 821K)

>cutting inside

Attached: 183949.jpg (1144x1573, 480K)


Attached: a fucking cat.jpg (720x960, 51K)

Did the janny seriously delete the other /span/ thread?

hunka hunka

Attached: images.jpg (219x230, 13K)

>a student of the game

Attached: wtf did u just say m8.jpg (800x600, 86K)

Get in user we’re going for a ride

Attached: 781263E7-89A1-4FAE-95A8-11B62CB7C696.jpg (500x667, 47K)

is he working on a SATURDAY?
I hope he's getting paid overtime

Attached: 1540679626296.jpg (528x960, 99K)

post that webm....you know, the one

Here you go champ

Attached: 1452028493637.gif (204x133, 2.78M)

Attached: 1546055321090.webm (432x768, 2.94M)

Attached: portugal.webm (852x480, 2.62M)

Did NOTHING wrong: the webm