/mlb/ general - BASEBALL IS BACK!! edition

BOS: Kimbrel considering sitting out the season?
CLE: Indians ink Tyler Clippard to minors deal
LAD: Kershaw (arm) could resume throwing soon
OAK: Khris Davis day-to-day with mild calf strain
SEA: Mallex Smith (elbow) still unable to play
CIN: Reds sign Jose Iglesias to minor league deal
NYM: Lowrie diagnosed with capsule sprain in knee
WAS: Phillies owner meeting with Harper on Friday
SEA: Haniger slugs two-run homer in Cactus debut
SEA: Ichiro has two-run single in spring opener

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Other urls found in this thread:



second for fuck african-american negros and gennys


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>Padres win the Worlds Eries!

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1st for pitch clock and ASTROS

I think they finish in 4th place at best,

pengwings pengwings




>tfw no gibby
>tfw no prime Joey bats
>tfw no Edwin
>tfw no Donaldson
>tfw no rings in my lifetime
>tfw the Blue Jays switch sports to play cricket because of all the poos
>tfw financially incapable of escaping Toronto
>tfw Trudeau is forcing me to fuck my neighbours dog for weed
>tfw no pipelines

lol no



Fuck off sperg

>still bumping and shilling your shitty thread for two days
Holy fucking sad.

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But muh vlad Guerrero

he needs to understand that there is already one power tripping autist we let make the early threads, if there becomes two /mlb/ will lose balance

but can (You) finish ahead of the Big Three?

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then /mlb/ needs a meeting on what that means, cuz they only early poster I'm seeing is spergposter who is shilling his thread itt and posted it like 50 posts early in the last one

even if he's Mike Trout tier the Jays are still fucked because >we can't into bullpen/pitching depth

So fucking comfy, lads.

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by early I mean at like 485-495. he usually makes them around then and posts :
"this thread in a few shitposts"
its a good system he has worked out, and it doesnt confuse anybody


that's literally every general. new threads get made when the old one is about to max, that is literally how all of Yea Forums works.

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listen you autistic fuck I know, I'm just explaining it because someone wanted to talk about it. don't worry nobody wants to take your """""job""""" of making new threads without you /mlb/ would be in shambles

holy fuckballs, are the mods up?

i just want to watch baseball.

lol this thread sucks go here

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Real thread coming through


>the absolute province of toronto

Real thread here

lol oh thanks for the seeth

kek no thanks sperg

KB DINGER in his first AB of spring!

Any autist want to join a Yea Forums fantasy league I just created?

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Go on.........

lol seeth harder

I was planning on making one, I've already talked to multiple people about it here. whats the scoring format and what service did you use


All aboard

how is this not a violation of the rules.


Right now it’s just a 5x5 head to head categories league but we can discuss options once enough people join. It’s a free league but if people insist on playing for something i’ll buy the winner a cheap trophy that says “King of /mlb/ autist” on it.

3 more hours....

>bases loaded
Here we go again

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Can >we do it, lads?

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5x5 h2h categories. Obp, runs, hr, rbi, sb and w,k, era,whip, s+h. I’m flexible with it though. I just made it through yahoo because it’s what all my other leagues are on.

Hou-aboard brother!



I'm of the opinion that h2h points is better, otherwise guys like billy hamilton and joey gallow are really good in fantasy and that's not a reflection of how actual baseball works

>be astros


i think this thread is better and that thread SUCKS


55th for REAL ABOARD

I’ve never played a baseball points league but I would like to. What service do you use? We could have a point league and a standard league.

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this is the thread

Migrate brothers

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this is the thread don't mind those fake strosposters

I use ESPN in my other leagues, but I made the /mlb/ points league in Yahoo because the new UI for ESPN blows. I would change my other leagues to Yahoo but we've been playing on ESPN for years and nobody wants to change. I'm not sure we could get enough people to play both Categories and Points, we should just do one.

There is a Mariners user that wants to play, he asked that we draft later than 7PM PST, and there is also a Mexican flag user that wants to play.

But I'm a real houston native and fan brother

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Join the thread bro

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fine but i'm still posting here as well


I’m in if there a spot. I’ll post a link to my league and you can send me an invite to yours if you want. I’m in California so a later draft time works for me as well. We can try to do two leagues, I can’t imagine there are not 12 mlb autist in these threads willing to do two leagues, especially as it gets closer to opening day. If anything, it’ll be more to shitpost about. If anyone wants in did h2h catagories, here’s the link: baseball.fantasysports.yahoo.com/b1/50229/invitation?key=1003108b01d2f015&ikey=4bb7207550ba1ee3&soc_src=app-sh

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Yonder Alonso broken bat lol

i'm in


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>anonymous sources within the Phillies say Harper to the unemployment line

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More like Jon Geyman

Cool. Join when you have a chance and let’s try to get a full 12 team league going.


here is the points league, draft on the 16th, before the japan series

>2 runs off of 11 hits
>losing to the O's

Awesome, I’m in. We could make fantasy specific threads before the drafts to fill out the leagues. If there’s enough demand another user could make a roto league if people want to do that system as well.

Yup, I think we should be able to get at least 8-10

10 is fine as long as everyone keeps playing

Stop that.

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How can you beat the Churro Dog?

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strobro here. don't listen to spergbro, he's having a full on tantrum to get people to post in his thread, right down to copying down my filenames. It's getting a little batshit.

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Its starting to get hot in here

like in a restaurant as a desert I could maybe see doing that on a plate, but putting that under my arm and carrying it five minutes back to my seat in the 110-degree heat sounds entirely like a bad idea.

hey man, i'm just here for the basedball

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>stankees stank against the red sucks
>giants getting dicked by the angels
>astros win
it's a great first day of BASEBALL for me

Is it, dare I say... absolutely based?

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>Under my arm
The fuck? How do you carry your food user?

i was using an example where i was also picking up food for other people I went to the game with, but I can see how that would be an alien concept here. I can see the mistake, now.

*waits patiently for one of the southern states to WEIGH in*

Contraction when?

yankees lose

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new theory:

homey can spam his thread for two days and not get deleted because he's also a mod, who are all very lovely people but he somehow slipped through the cracks of the application process. Thoughts?


bummer, i lazily use only espn for these because i have autopassword set up

>cactus league

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WIll the Doyers three-peat?

no one cares about the cringetus league

it's all about the CHADfruit League

that's true, having to pick between arizona and florida i'd probably just kill myself

Just make an account and auto save that password and you can lazily use yahoo

I don’t see anyone in the NL that’s better. Whomever wins the NL will lose to whenever wins the AL


Same with West > East in every other sport.

You people aren't actually posting in that other thread, are you? He's been spamming every thread for two days, I legit don't get why he's not b&

>I don’t see anyone in the NL that’s better.
My dear god, what a disturbing thought.

Marlins will be your 2019 world series chips.

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not with those weak wrists




Draft 8PM/11PM PST/EST Sat March 16th

inb4 the whos draft another bust

Not sure how mlb teams can draft busts in fantasy baseball

t. butthurt who fag
...sigh... gah... blarg..


10/10 saveface user

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It's the whos so it will happen


Imagine my surprise.

Enjoy your reeducation camp for using that slur.

So comfy, Yea Forums

1 more month....

Can >we make it?


What has become of muh beisbol

The Minnesota and San Diego logos look like European football badges

Nice work, friendo. I joined and will probably suck, but that's okay.

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So considering the fact that the Phillies will sign Bryce Harper, what number will he wear now that 34 is soft retired?

Please stop bullying me!!

t. __________





Which league should I join


My Soxies :)

Felt good putting the yaks in their place today. Even if it's preseason you can never start too soon.


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this one if you haven't yet. Draft time is set and we have 6 teams already. It'll be fun

*raises paw* no more splitting threads please :3

we were all in one until spergy the asshat started spamming this thread with his 2-day-old dead thread.

I will never understand this place, but I can't leave.

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Personally, my team is looking great.

Your team looked like shit.

>his team isn’t featured in the blockbuster of our generation

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>abandoned and empty
Are you sure that wasn't taken last April?


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You may ONLY reply to this post if your team won today.

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They won my heart, ok? Leave me alone.

they will turn it cold and black, like their soul

No, not the Yankees. The team in my heart who lost today

better luck tomorrow, kid

When we get there I'll remember you said that, bro.

uh, g-good luck on your journey, or something?

You're supposed to say it's dangerous out there and hand me the wooden sword.

It IS dangerous to go alone.

Take this.

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cool, i've been wanting to give fantasy baseball a try for a few years now and considering i autistically post in the mariners game threads it'll make for good sperg material

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Why a wooden sword when a wooden bat can cause more damage?

I want this Harper drama train to stop. I'm a Filthydelphia sports fan and I just want to know if he's going to waste the rest of his career with them or not.

IDK, ask Shiggy

Based NatsBros, team is looking good this year. I got high hopes after last nights ST opener!

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>getting your hopes up based on a mere spring training game

Pls no regression

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What about the people getting their hopes down after one spring training game like the twins and orioles?


>tfw you team is about to fall for the Harpoor meme and be stuck with him for the next decade

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hell yeah I hope you enjoy it. Fantasy baseball a perfect activity to get autistic about

>Larper stuck in a bottom 5 city for the next 10 years with a team thats gonna get buttfucked by the Nats, Mets, and Braves for years to come

Philly might not be a good city (I've never been) but The Phillies have the best roster in the NL East, althought their bullpen is a little weak.

>bad management decisions
You'd think you'd be used to that by now?


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still funny tho

...suck the chadres dick

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If they ever meet in Das Eries, then I'll worry about your childish insults.

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>chadres have the next jeter and altuve on their roster
feels good mane...

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>tfw the M's got out of their megacontract debacle
>tfw our mortal enemy, the dads, just signed their death warrant

Enjoy the buzz in Peoria for now.

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he'll pay for himself with his marketability and merch

>mortal enemy in SD
You know they don't even play each other, right?

>casuals still don't know about the Vedder cup

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>chadres get to dab on the chimpcago whos today
pretty based i must say...

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>tfw Vedder Cup

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>the whos get bootyblased by the daddies today and then get spanked by the cubbies tomorrow
oh no no no hahahahah

IT'S A NEW DAY, user.

>tfw team does not play today.

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Dexter Fowler with a strike out and a defensive misplay

>The Tardinals are back

Highest # of WS titles (AL)
Yankees - 27
A's- 9
Red Sox - 9

Highest # WS titles (NL)
Cardinals - 11
Dodgers - 6
Red/Pirates (5)

Makes you think.

>A's are still the most successful Philadelphia team
literally laughing my ass off

Forever funny.

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>forever funny

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>Tardinals are back

>kershit injured agaiN

Heck yeah, this is gonna a PNW league. I've never played, but have wanted to for a long, long time.

It's been a "rivalry" in spring training for years for various reasons.

When is that sucka Harper gonna sign? Hopefully Monday so we get baseball talk all week.

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>PNW league
Absolutely based.

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gonna be a long season

just think how much closer the Doyers would be if they weren't terrible.

Absolutely based Mariners poster.

>tfw team plays today, but it's radio only

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>in 2019

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>tfw the boomers finally die off, the MLB gives in and actually gives us a decent streaming service for every pre-season, regular season, and postseason game in glorious 4k 60fps with no market restrictions

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>Makes you think.
I'm thinking, alright. I'm thinking Arby's.

Also Giants - 8

the worst part of radio is that it will always be behind MLB gameday.

It's not 1950 anymore goddammit.

>the worst part of radio is lack of cool graphics
Interesting take.

>Jay Bruce struck out on 3 swinging strikes

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yeah he sucks

he's talking about lag, dingus mcdimwit

34. They aren't going to keep it retired forever. They only retire their own hall of famers. Maybe that's why negotiations are taking so long, though.

why the fuck would either have lag, neither are necessarily on the internet....

Is it too early?

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.... w-what




fucking hyped after friday's blowout this'll be the year

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>this'll be the year

Ah yes, the optimism of spring training. It inevitably crushes your soul even greater than earth's gravity.

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Some of us have jobs, user.

Is this more to your liking?

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oh yeah what team are you rooting for then Mr. Knowitall


Kyle Schwarber just made an impressive diving catch lads.

I am, forever and always, tied to the hip of the Mariners until I die.

For all the good and bad that brings.

>having a job
>working on Sunday
shiggy diggy man

Then just post from your office PC, user.

They don't keep desktops next to the deep fat fryer.

223rd for The 2-0 Washington Baseball Eagles

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4chins is blocked

Based fanart

you've given me a lot to think about.

>Posting on Yea Forums at work

My manager would explode if she saw Yea Forums

She likes Minion memes!

He was no student of the game lads.

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>chimpcago getting dabbed on by my chadres
kek lol wheeze

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oh holy fucking shit, we all work with THAT person

say what you want about the White Sox rebuild, but they have won yet another off season.

Why didn't he get his man?

Boston sucks

Why do people stroll into this thread and feel the need to spout the obvious.

Get it together lads.

Fuckin got em!

How can a team be this bad?

Beginning to get on the Shed Long train desu

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Yea Forumsstros

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Link to the head to head categories league:

Points league

Join both and be autistic

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This ! so much this !



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*cough* *cough* make way for the 2019 world series Champs the Houston Astros !

The Chadres are 2-0
Who can stop them?


Radio broadcasts are comfy, friend

this guy isn't wrong, but if I wanted to listen to a podcast, I'd download a podcast.


>baseball and football on the same day
Have you ever been so comfy .. ?


Can't wait for the 7th inning stretch, lads.

>buys u peanuts and crackerjack

Can we discuss


chadres lowkey havs the best infield in the league...

if lucchesi and paddack pan out as atleast 4 and 5 guys and we grab 2 to 3 big fa pitchers then we're fucking deadly bruh...

Ryan Cordell's

i'm not familiar with it. is it a lefty/righty/switch?


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I think it's still CHC. LAD, NYM, and even OAK have strong cases.

COL and CIN, too, now that I'm thinking about it.

machado/urias/tatis/hosmer....definitely stout.

>still letting Felix Hernandez play
>pretending he is still good
>gives up 4 runs to the damn padres
>the team is almost twice as likely to lose when he pitches
it hurts bros

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Did you not get the memo? The Padres are elite now.

why the fuck do normies care about awards shows

This is the thread.


Let's talk seriously /mlb/
Is Kang for real?


for real as in a real rapist?

yes and so is kodos

Comfy thread is comfy.

is there any point to casually collecting new baesball cards at this point? i use to buy a pack a day when i was a kid...

if it makes you happy, do it

*helps lead the chadres to a wc berth in your path*

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Bryth Harper loves dingers so much that he openly identifies as a homersexual.

cringe but yet clever and kind of funny

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yes, do it, live a pure hedonistic lifestyle. if it brings you a modicum of pleasure then let it consume you. blood will fill the streets and painted cardboard shall fall from the sky

No for Heaven's sake don't you dare do it.

me n pa used to look at the stats on the back of the card.....biggio....berkman....bag...well...

Your dad had autism m8

story of my life

killer b's....

except for the clever and funny part

we got ourselves a sheldon cooper here

boom roasted I better kill myself now

gonna get an ironic bazinga tshirt

don't be rude, /mlb/ is splintered enough

don't be lewd, /mlb/ is horny enough


Swing away Merrill...

I feel you man, but Felix held positive WL records until last year. Yeah he passed his prime and he's only getting worse with age but he isn't bad yet. Maybe next year he'll retire.

hes coming home...
good advice...heres to both of our teams doing well this season...

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lmao this shit scared my balls off when i was a kid

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For me, it's the 2019 World Series Champion Los Angeles Dodgers.

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you had your chance and blew it twice...time for daddies turn...

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World Series Champion at being poop lmao


I am livid!


It's an amazing scene, the kids at the party all get quiet and they keep their camera focused on just that one spot

mock this man...

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Now this is epic

Fuck off retard

oh gosh..

Another win for the Cubs!

oh you can die now asshole

based cubbies getting another W, good job

not a Cubs fan but nice post

Doyers lol


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These Cubs fans are pissing me off again!

based cubbie ftw!

Based bauer to cubbie

mad lad

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Let's Go Schwarby Let's Go *clap clap clap*

oh you guys love messing around, just like brothers.

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Give it to me straight, bros. What are our chances this year?

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optimistic, 91
pessimistic, 71

this division is gonna be brutal but our offense will absolutely fucking rip


the cubs and brewers will put up a fight but you're more likely than not to be in the playoffs

You play well in the first half, your pitching deficiencies aren't exposed, you trade for Bumgarner at the deadline, and then you meme into the second wild card spot. That's your best chance

> trade for Bumgarner at the deadline

i hate how much i love that idea

My hopes are that Phillips finds himself at the plate Soler dh's and Cuthbert never leaves Nebraska. Other than that I see a below average low 90s/High 80 loss team. Hope we see Singer next year

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>s and Cuthbert never leaves Nebraska
At least they finally gave up on Christian Colon, maybe there's hope

>optimistic, 91

tell me the division isn't wide open, i'm all ears

Doyers fan but this is epic

I'm actually from Bucks County, PA. Saw it in a theater about twenty minutes away from where some of the scenes were shot on opening night. I don't know if someone was fucking around or somebody hit a transformer or what but the power went out right when the first one jumped on the roof in the beginning. Some people were pretty freaked out.
Also, best M. Night Shamalan movie.

> best M. Night Shamalan movie

unbreakable, the village, sixth sense...then everything else


I respectfully disagree. Except for the village.
I have signs, village, split, then the rest

>no The Happening

Yet another tripfag

>I don't know if someone was fucking around or somebody hit a transformer or what but the power went out right when the first one jumped on the roof in the beginning.
Oh shit, based

Excellent. How were Split and Glass, if you've seen them?

>the village
Gets a bad rap because people at the time were tiring of the Shyamalan Plot Tweest formula, but it was fine

Nah he's right. Village is second best M Night movie

I liked split

the village: m night shamalan wows based retards with a twilight zone episode

The reds pitching staff will get exposed like always

you really have to call them retards bro? really? come on we're better than that bro

sorry my mistake

you really hurt some people...

Can't even have a civil discussion about M Night Shamalan films around here without some jerk being nasty

the brewers proved last year that pitching is only so important in the nlc

restards aren't people lol XD !

Happening was pretty good too

this is psychotic

happening was an 80s slasher, except a doomsday version

Just about all his movies could have been top notch Twilight Zone episodes if not for length. Nothing bad about that, either.

This is /mlb/

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based bauer!

yes the village could have been a top tier twilight zone episode because the episode he ripped off to make the village was one of the best twilight zone episodes
pure kino *chef's kiss*

>tfw you ain't seen the braves play a game all year

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phone poster has been spotted!

They were just on MLB Network poorbro

take that phone of yours and shove it where the sun don't shine

lol okay grandpa. Enjoy posting from your dinosaur box.


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found the what's a computer kid

they need to cut spring training in half...i wanna watch real baseball...

>baseball is only baseball when there's repercussions
I bet you think eating is only eating when there's a contest behind it

Not him but spring training games aren't played or managed the same way, they're just scrimmages. I watch spring training games just to see how everyone's coming along and how the opening day squad might shape up, not because it's some great spectacle of competition.

Not quite the right word but I see what you were going for.

what are the common methods for pitchers to get some extra grip on the ball without getting caught/being obvious about it?


Sandpaper in the glove, WHITE pinetar

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>Get BTFO out by the Cubs in the first game of spring training.
Time for the Da Cubs to reassert their dominance.

why dont the phillies get the A's old titles since they were won in philly?

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If I move into a Doctor's old house why don't I get his license to practice medicine?

reminder Harper is 100% going to the chadres

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cant wait to lose real ballgames lads

>KP memes are all I have left

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Well now I'm sure of it.

throw it outside and let the catcher doctor the ball. That’s what we did in college kek

you do if you’re a Mexican

>WAS: Phillies owner meeting with Harper on Friday
had to take matters into his own hands because his FO is too retarded to close a deal, despite being the only suitors left...

kek its over for the phithies

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>paying 375 million dollarydoos to a player that hit .249 last year
Whew lad

If we get Harper thats one less elite pitcher we get in FA tho...

>avoiding having to pay $375 million to a sub .250 hitter
How will they ever recover?

This Niggerdelphia morons are crying that they haven't offered Larper 400 million yet....Its amusing how much they wanna fuck their franchise over just so they can say they got a "big" name...Should have just offered MaCHADo 310 million hes way better and cheaper (for whatever reason)...

bullfrog sunscreen

>Niggerdelphia will pay over 350 million dollars for Bruce Larper
kek lol wheeze

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chadres actually...

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Based top reputation chadres bro

Good morning, lads.
Everyone have a good weekend?

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at least he'll hit 30 dongs with a .250 BA while playing 110 games, totally worth it

No. My team is 0-3 and our primary DH got injured. Spring is off to a shitty start.

I'm sorry user. Anything I can do to cheer you up?

The based KC Royals are 2-0 and lead the whole league in runs scored, even though many teams have already played three games.
If you asked me I'm calling that very based!
How are you today based Chadresposter?

not really but thanks anyway

can someone makes a chadres version of this pepe...i find all the current chadres pepes/wojaks too meek and beta, we need to embrace our smugness...pls and thank you.

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>be smug
How very American of you.

Honestly, I'm still recovering from Saturday night, which isn't the best, but I'm still excited for my Dads. Their first couple games have been satisfying. Honestly not sure how to feel about the Dodgers leaping back into the mix for Harper. On one hand, it'd make games between them must watches, but on the other, it'd increase the difficulty to get to the post-season. A bone fide die hard Yaks fan said on the radio that it feels like a Yankees/Red Sox type of acquisition. I know I'm not the only one, but I'm on the edge of my seat to see how it all turns out.

Sorry you don't like em. If you're a big enough boy to bitch, you can be a big enough boy to make your own.

hes right we need a new brand...i think gaysconsin poster is the man for the job...

Is there anyway for the Orioles to be competitive again in the next decade?

>we need a new brand

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Oh, fuck yeah. Andy Verde just Chris Paddack is starting against the Brew Crew tomorrow.

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very excited for what paddack will become...i see a future cy young contender...and lucchesi has some very nice stuff too, heard he developed a cutter so now he has that very much needed third pitch...

>very excited for what paddack will become
Same here. He is my Tatis of our pitchers prospects. Did you see the 2 of them going head to head last week?

You now remember the Tatis trade

good read...

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Is there a reason this is supposedly important?

Not at all. The White Sox were scouting Urias, had Tatis, and were in on getting Machado via FA.
And the Padres got all of them.
So, I don't care about the score of a ST game, but simply found the headline "Padres beat White Sox" particularly humorous from the standpoint of talent acquisition.

whos fan seething kek lol wheeze...



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This is crazy


Gib prospects nao

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Verlander vs. Thor is probably the best ST inning I could ask for desu

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This guy has to be getting fired soon, right?

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Why? the cardinals had a good offseason



The farm system has probably been too productive for him to lose his job and he has had some really good acquisitions recently; Mikolas, Goldschmidt, even Gyorko. His whiffs have been pretty bad, though, and would be worse if he wasn't bailed out by the Angels and Cubs over Pujols/Heyward and to a lesser extent Boston with Price.

He also did a lot of shuffling in that outfield for no real tangible result. If they had just kept Piscotty, Pham, and Grichuk they might be better off. It's also hard to believe they felt like they had to drop $80M on Dexter Fowler when they had Bader in the system. Makes you wonder what they are evaluating if they didn't think he could play.


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Which is the real thread holy shit!

probably the one with 400 posts you fucking trollfucker.

Trading Pham was retarded

this one is newer, but some retard bumped the other one so now this one won't even hit bump limit.

sorry sir

Maybe Stroman will drill him in between the shoulderblades next meeting and he'll be back on the DL where he belongs

wow, uncalled for

wtf... this is cray! too cray for my tastes! wishing injury upon someone is NEVER okay!

hey sir, say sorry. hes a stand up guy, no need to be a meanie pants :(

Holy fuck this leaf is seething!

Join the h2h catagories fantasty based ball league. Six spots left. Going fast. Win the Oscar Gamble Memorial Trophy. Autism.

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jesus man if you want to talk like this go to reddit asshole


So where do you go if you're Bryce Harper? Money (Phillies), best chance to win (Dodgers), best marketing opportunities (Giants)?

cutest boys (Cubs)

Bruce Larper is a money hungry whore so hes going to Niggerdelphia.

cubs for the epic jo crystal recharge sessions with Bryzzo

wew lads, almost gave them a view


Except bader has never been a top prospect and there's no telling how he'll do over a full season. The cardinals' biggest weakness is still the bullpen and that's where mo deserves the blame desu

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He can clearly play CF. He is a no doubt CF. They already had Pham as well when signed Fowler. I'm not even sure what you're arguing other than supporting what I said: it's a wonder what they are evaluating in their minor leagues and what they are looking at when they made the decision to give $80M to Dexter Fowler because they "needed a CF" [which is what they said at the time].

Fowler's entire career was spent as an average to slightly below average player in hitter's parks. It would be one thing if they dropped the money and they trucked through bad signings like the real big players do, but all indications are that Fowler is a guy for them moving forward to squeeze what they can out of that contract. Meanwhile Piscotty and Pham were both moved.

It's just weird. I don't really know what you're trying to argue.

Bader will be a 30/30 man this year with 100 RBIs

Well, if Joey Doughnuts says it...

Im not defending the fowler contract Im saying that there's no crystal ball that predicts if guys like pham and bader can actually be good everyday players. Bader has always been a mediocre hitter with really bad splits against right handed pitching, and there's no guarantee he can replicate his defensive numbers from last year, like how 2018 pham was bad defensively even though he was great the year before. also pham spent most of his 20's injured and inconsistent so thats why he was always under the radar
maybe jeff albert can help him strike out less but he's a candidate for regression

Harpie do the dodgies!

stroman gave him that hr to send a message to the front office

you better not be doubting me, user

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>Im saying that there's no crystal ball that predicts if guys like pham and bader can actually be good everyday players.
Across 2015-16, Pham hit .247/.335/.458. You are defending the Fowler contract. You're saying the questions around Bader and Pham, that the Cardinals organization saw every day in the minors or the majors, were worth an $80M+ contract for Dexter Fowler to ameliorate and safeguard against those questions. It really doesn't make sense to bring up Pham's defensive shortcomings in CF in this matter, since Fowler was never a well regarded CF. Again, I don't even know what you're trying to get across.

I'm saying that whatever the Cardinals organization was evaluating in the minor leagues to make them draw the conclusions they did about the players they did and the outside solutions they pursued in light of those conclusions can probably be justifiably scrutinized.

Damn you pwnd him lol. Intellectually cornered his ass. Nice man.

I call him JoDo and I have gambled my family's lives on the accuracy of his tweets many times

well he's right, who the fuck wants to play in Philly?

Was the cardinals signing of the fowler contract a direct response to the cubs signing of the heyward contract? Why were they both such bad contracts?

yes they should swap those contracts maybe they would do better on their original teams

Was J.D. Martinez right?



Machado just got $300 million.

i seriously hope no team falls for the meme and signs harper for a long term 300MM+ deal. you're fucking yourself over by doing that

What if the who's do?

Meanwhile arbitration players are getting fucked by essentially being forced to sign below-market value. Severino, Nola, and especially Whitt Merifield signed for peanuts because it's their one shot for guaranteed money until they hit the market.

When the strike happens it won't be because of mega contract players. It'll be because a lot of good-mediocre players aren't paid fairly. The distribution of wealth in MLB is fucked right now. I don't know how to fix it - maybe lower the number of arbitration eligible years and increase arb salaries for players who perform at a high tier.

just stop tanking teams

From a marketing stand point, it almost makes sense, from a baseball stand point, not so much.

Agreed. Again though, I'm not sure how to fix this. Maybe institute a salary floor?


Jason Heyward- 25 years old 6.6 WAR produced $180million 8 years

David Price- 30 years old 3.6 WAR $217 million 7 years

Zack Greinke- 32 years old 4.8 WAR $205 million 6 years

Yoenis Cespedes- 30 years old 2.3 WAR $75 million/ 3 years

Johnny Cueto- 30 years old 3.8 WAR $130 million/ 6 years.

Justin Upton- 28 years old 4.3 WAR $133 million/ 6 years

Jordan Zimmermann- 30 years old 3.1 WAR $110million / 5 years

Alex Gordon- 32 years old 2.8 WAR $72m/ 4 years

Chris Davis- 30 years old 5.3 WAR $161m/7years

Yeah, that seems pretty self-evident at this point.
It's a bad look.
On one level, talent and ownership seemingly being unable to agree on talent valuation is bad, and projected to lead to a work stoppage in 2021.
On another though, regardless of salary caps, I was under the impression that MLB ownership is swimming in cash following the most recent broadcast deal. Yes, the sport is the recipient of gloom and doom projections every day, and might not be able to compete from the standpoint of profitability when compared to Handegg, but I also think whether it be due to analytics-based valuation that leads to ownership wanting to pay less, which creates a supply/demand disconnect, or something else, there is the simple image of the people with money, being willing to spend less, which whether it is true or not, might also present an image of "poor baseball owners can't afford to pay what these players deserve" which is embarrassing. I wonder if part of the negotiations leading into 2021 might include ownership lobbying for a salary cap, now the George is dead. It'd arm them with an excuse why they can't pay what players feel they deserve if they can only spend so much to filed a complete team.

I can bet you he and Bryce both thought $300 was going to be where offers began before only going higher and higher. Everyone did. Ron Fowler said himself at eh end of the regular season, that there was no chance the Dads were going after Bryce or Manny, because they couldn't afford to be in the contract ballpark the two were expecting to garner. Don't forget that the team that gave him the $300 Million, only started pursuing him when the White Sox made it clear to the market that $300+ was in fact not where negotiations were averaging, and that they could in fact afford to dip their toe into negotiating with them after all.


greinke is the only redeemable one for a contract that size (in retrospect) Upton was criminally overpaid even given his prior trackrecord to 2015.

meant for

Chris Davis has to be the worst contract in American sports right now


Grienke is like 1 mph loss on his fb from being a complete 5 ERA scrub

cant punish the market for simply changing. besides, theyre still making millions.

can you blame teams for not wanting to shell out the big bucks for players like mark trumbo when they can just reach into their farm system and have more bang for their buck? teams less and less want to pay aging vets while theyre declining and the ageing vets agents' dont want to budge from their asking price (which was derived under contracts signed in a past market)

my point I guess being is that look at how much of those people ended up being flops/overrated due to either injury or other circumstance or just decline in play.

Heyward, Price, Cueto, Upton, Zimmerman, Davis, Gordon, were all awful contracts. Cespedes was alright and Greinke was worth it.Why wouldn't teams be more conservatives just given the track record of 2 years before?
Price although a solid piece is not worth ace money especially at that age.

Aww shit. I'll bet Harper regrets not going with the Whos now.

Its obviously going to a strike, retarded players will get fucking destroyed also

You have a better solution? Look at teams like the whos and rays. Fans not showing up and boycotting clearly don't work.

how tragic someone got 200 million dollars instesd of 300 million dollars to throw a baseball...this is worse than slavery...

I suppose, but so far he has been a good pitcher and arguably the best one on the top free agents of that year.

>going to twitter to find literally who whos fans
But why?

Eloy Jimenez - .200

Some of the teams that are tanking are doing so because they spent a lot of money, can't get those contracts off the books, and don't see a way to buy enough good players on the market or have enough players in their system.

Detroit and Baltimore were trying to win within the last couple of years. They bottomed out. The Cubs, Red Sox, and Giants all have high payrolls and the former two have dead or poorly performing money on their books. If the Cubs could move Heyward for even 50% relief, they'd probably be bidding on Harper.

Not at all. Technically, I adore relegation on a conceptual level. I think it'd need to be proven as functional within an American league of a different sport however. I still think it works best if used with MLS and USL, but I think trying to implement it within MLB would alienate the core fandom it can't afford to lose at the moment. With that said, it is absolutely the best way to defend against tanking, but I think you'd have an easier time getting a team to pay Harper 10/350 before Opening Day than convincing MLB to implement it.

I'm following "Harper" in real time and it came up.

...sigh gah gackt... blarg...yearg....

*teleports behind you*

*bursts your free agent bubble*

*fucks your league*

heh, nothin personnel baseball fans

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yeah you can scrutinize their evaluation of dexter fowler and I never said he was good but you never know when a career minor leaguer like pham, jose martinez, or matt carpenter will ever break out because most minor leaguers are busts. That's why you take risks in free agency

>why twitter
Because Yea Forums is so emotionally satisfying.

Keuchel signing with the Angels when?

I’m gonna ask for 300 million for my next job and when target refuses I’m suing them for collusion

unlike twitter though Yea Forums isn't owned by, them

You're just repeating yourself saying nothing.

Where's your year to year WAR that says you deserve 300 million though?


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Are the Dodgers for real?

Yes. 3rd World Series in a row incoming.


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As real as they were the last two years.

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His eye is on a whole nother level

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well good for him

before anyone makes a new, remember we already have another thread going:


The Unofficial Motto of Yea Forums dot org


you shut your whore mouth


Don't speak to my mother like that, you asshole!

i didn't realize that guy was still a thing?

>Maybe institute a salary floor?
Isn't that the "league minimum?"


10 playoff teams pick 21-30 in the first round of the draft according to record

best 10 non-playoffs teams pick 1-10 (if anyone wants to "tank" for prospects they will have to avoid the basement and hopefully they'll be chasing a playoff berth instead)

worst 10 records now pick 11-20 (not the bottom of the barrel picks but they are no longer rewarded for aiming for the gutter)

fucking finally.

peacefully migrate:

Don’t worry bud as part of the green new deal we are all making 200 mill per year

>There are Mets "fans" who want to trade Nimmo

I made up my own bullshit statistics thank you very much. My PTL rating is amazing