Why is British stadium food the best in the world?

Why is British stadium food the best in the world?

Especially when you consider that you're only in the stadium for less than 2 hours here, so there's no need to eat at all.

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>Not having hot weiners after a paw Sox game

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>Our stadium food is the best because you probably won't even have to eat it

m8, come to America. Our ballparks have entire bars and restaurants in them. Baseball fields have THE best food you can get at any sporting venue.


I'm an Arsenal fan and a pie costs £6


So being the genius I am I cooked a pie, rapped it in tin foil, and brought it to the game.
But the fucking steward said I can't bring food into the stadium because they want you to buy the food inside.

So I had to step out the line and eat my pie in front of all the fans who were going through the gates who were staring at me as if I was some sort of mong.

Fuck Arsenal.


Oddly enough, the best ones I've had were from Poppy's in Cumberland.

The Crepe ones from the Duck and Bunny are a great one, too.

That can't be cost effective. That's a whole block of cheese that's like £2 on its own

Isn't that how every stadium in the developed world works?



Even at Wembley they let me in with my pie

Baseball games are an underrated tourist attraction. When I travel I usually try to go to a game. Tickets are cheap, food is usually top quality local fare, don't even care for baseball but still get caught up in the excitement. I'd recommend catching a game to any tourist if possible.

Nah, here people take in Thermos flasks of tea, sweets and sandwiches and stuff. Some of the plastic team grounds maybe not.

I got a full Fish and Chip supper wrapped in newspaper and took it into a preseason friendly once.

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>pie eating gambling controversy
could this have happened anywhere else

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>mfw buying food in the eighth inning and the vendor puts a double portion of brisket and tritip on my sangwhich

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my dream stadium food & drink
alcohol: guinness
soft drink: pg tips tea, nescafe coffee, lipton peach, buxton water
food: greggs

any ideas for sweets, candy, chocolate, and shit?

Paw sox are gone. Woo sox now

The downside is you need to pledge your allegiance to a country you're only visiting or else you'll be labeled a cock. I prefer not eating than having to deal with the american forced patriotism to which EVERYONE despite their nationality must conform to.

He did place some pretty substantial bets that he would eat a pie during half time.

That was the actual controversy, the fraud.

>get there over an hour before game
>pints are half priced
I smash a 4 pack in the car/train on the way there and then have 2 before the game and it keeps me good. Never bothered to get food. Pie and a pint is a tenner. The beers keep me warm enough.

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boohoo stay a pooreigner then

do brits have more dishes besides chips and kebab?

fuck off

OP's image is fake. That's not Bradford's ground at all.

Fuck my dude we had my granddad's birthday brunch at the Duck and Bunny, what part you from without giving it away?

>The downside is you need to pledge your allegiance to a country you're only visiting or else you'll be labeled a cock.

According to whom? Literally no one forces you to sing the national anthem nor will anyone care if you don't stand for it. Standing for a national anthem is also by no means an oath of allegiance. Get your facts straight and pull your head out of your ass. Maybe if your country wasn't an irrelevant frozen shithole you'd be proud of it too.

For me, it's The Masters.

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What tf are you talking about?

We went to a Knicks game in NYC 2 years ago and when the anthem was played we just stood up like everyone else and that's it. Literally no one around us was singing the anthem or pledged allegiance to America or whatever other bullshit.
It's a little ceremony that literally lasts a few seconds and then it's over.

Nobody will force you to become American there, relax

What a weird looking spoon.

>10 years on a waiting list to have a sandwich

that's a normal spoon with a fork hiding underneath

>half time
Cannoli time, lads

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Looks tasty lad


I sure do love spending $200 on an NFL ticket (400 level, not bragging) and then I can buy $10 beers and $20 sandwiches. Not to mention my $30 parking.

he stuck his dick in those

>as if some sort of mong
>as if

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>go to the Mariners game
>"Yes I would like one order of Grasshoppers please, thank you"

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Pie apparently

Tell me lads, does your ground have a Greggs built into the side of it?

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For me, it's crabs legs.

t. never left sweden finland norway or whatever random color generator scandi flag that is

lmao the absolute state of this although it's kind of good at the same time
bet it's rammed to fuck on a matchday though

you're a anker

How dare you. Not everyone is a perverted germ*n degenerate

Rupert Murdoch is a Wolves fan who takes a flask to the games? well, i'm surprised.

>From the country were only like 3 in 10 people have a passport

>Paw socks are gone
>tfw I live in Pawtucket and I drive pass McCoy every morning
It's going to suck not taking my son there.

yes, a pie eating gambling controversy


in the 90s it was literally 7% of yanks with passports but it's now in the 30s

>from the country that is larger than most of your continent

that's because they needed a passport to immigrate there.

>larger than most of your continent
So smaller than the full continent?

Bradford (Park Avenue) A.F.C. ≠ Bradford City A.F.C.


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>literally no one forces you to sing the national anthem nor will anyone care if you don't stand for it.
Are you high or just incredibly stupid?

how else are you supposed to roll a perfect cannoli?

Next time go to Piebury Corner beforehand like everyone else

Based patrician



What the fuck are they gonna do dude? If you don't stand up for the anthem 99.99% of the time no on will do anything. They aren't gonna throw you out of the game and almost no one will notice except for the people in your immediate surroundings. Literally nothing will happen if you don't stand up.

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people will throw a giant pissy fit if you don't stand because da trewwwwps are somehow disrespected. kapernick triggered millions of people by not standing. you're right in saying you will not be kicked out and the people in your immediate surroundings are the ones i was talking about. this country is north korea tier nationalist

have you ever dipped fresh piping hot tendies in coke to cool them down

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People throwing a pissy fit doesn't mean anything, and he can simply explain that he isn't American. The Colin Kaepernick protest is in no way comparable to a random Finn not standing for the anthem in the stands of a baseball game.


luv a kehbab me

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He saw his opportunity to become more than just an emergency backup goalkeeper for an amateur non league team and he took it. He has written his name in the history books, which is more than can be said of most footballers. He is truly living his best life.


no and i never will holy fuck that looks awful

You're being overdramatic. At worst it will just make your chicken tender soggy and taste like tea/soda. The real problem is that your beverage will taste like grease and chicken.

He's not, he was basically homeless and lived in the Sutton United clubhouse some nights. Now they've sacked him and he got a big fine he's probably broke.

>Yea Forums bros eating at Duck and Bunny
Based as fuck, this makes me happy

garage??? urban?? 2step??

I didn't say it was a good life, just the best he can do.

First I ever got from there was their cupcakes

Who the hell drinks wine at a game

>hot wieners

Gay af desu

Rich people in box office seats.

The cupcakes are pretty good there.

There was a meat market in the town where I went to college and they were a sponsor of the athletics department so they had some deal where they would supply sausages and various other meats of whatever sort. They were amazing. Then my college got a deal with Pepsi and various other shit and they didn't renew with the meat market because lulz you need a national brand because that's more money. Kinda sucked.

So that's where the Americans get if from

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no way. i've been starting at that pic for 10 minutes and there is no fork handle visible or even a shadow of it. there is no way the spoon covers it so perfectly. so he is right, it is a weird looking spoon.

When I was in college, one of my fraternity brothers was from a rich family and we would go watch baseball from the rich people seats whenever "clients" or the "sales guys" weren't using them. We would still sneak in vodka and gin in water bottles, though because it is still stupid expensive up there.

>wrapped in newspaper
Wouldn’t all the ink rub off on the food? Especially considering how greasy a chippy is. I remember every night after my paper round my hand would be turned black by all the ink that rubbed off on them

why would you drink strong alcoholic drinks at a baseball game? beer is the only choice at sporting events. otherwise you will get too drunk to enjoy the game properly. and you need to drive back home.

Naw, we would have one of the pledges drive. Besides, when you're of that age and a hard drinker you can ingest more and still be coherent.


Why do Americans need to pay into an organisation that Britlads naturally form any time they get together lel

I don't know how you can live without have eaten a sandwich de milanesa

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Because the government doesn't take all of our money so we have some to share with friends, which is pretty much what all our dues pretty much went to: food, booze, a roof over our heads, and travel. Maybe after Brexit finally happens your income taxes will go down a tad.

To hang out with rich kids and hopefully make good connections that will help you in the future.

That is the most Derby thing I've ever seen.

Because some guys need to buy friends

At Wanderers in Johannesburg you could get the best lamb curry and rice.
Those are the fondest memories of my childhood, going to cricket matches with me da'. He would change from being the stern cold northern disciplinarian and become a warm and approachable man with a great sense of humour. Suddenly he was generous to a fault, and solicitous of our feelings and he would buy us multiple curries over the course of a day's cricket.
And when England was playing he would get out his england shirt and huge england hat and would roar "YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHS!" whenever scored a six or took a wicket or whatever, and we would literally be the only England supporters in that section of the crowd, so we'd be surrounded by hundreds of grimly silent saffas while my da' shouted and cheered.
Good times.

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>not a chori


lamb is disgusting

That's just breaded flank steak. No thanks

White girls served as kebabs?

What the fuck is wrong with you.

>Having shit pallette

> from the county that is larger then most of your countries

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>rich people seats

Years back, my buddy’s then-wife was the personal secretary for Matty Moroun and his company had a sky box at Joe Louis Arena and she had access to tickets, so we got to see a bunch of Red Wings games sitting up there getting served free beer and food.

The experience spoiled me and now I can’t sit with the unwashed plebs in the regular seats.

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>he got a big fine he's probably broke.

>On 6 September 2017 Shaw was fined £375

sure m8

>if you're Lavar Ball and live in Chino Hills you can drive the 300 miles to Vegas just needing to cross 1 county line

>he doesnt get a wiener mug between 2nd and 3rd periods

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>paying to have mates

Let’s be honest lads. It’s fucking true.

Retard response
Every part of this post is awful


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>tfw I live in Pawtucket
user, I...

Oddly enough, the fraternities at my university were cheaper than the dormitories

Can't tell if she is fat or just constipated.

For me it's the classic nakkimuki enjoyed in the stadium sauna.

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>Aspirin, Tylenol

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Rolos are not people

For me, it's the chicken balti pie.

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absolutely diabolical

Absolutely incorrect.


British pies are actually based. Just avoid suet

>pepsi products

hey neighbor

>his stadium doesn't have crab fries
Why even live?

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For me, it's cheesy chips.

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Galette saucisse über alles

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Please don't, I haven't had lunch

You pie-eating knobhead hahahahaha

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>Standing for another nation's anthem
>*check flag*
Ahh yes...

I expect better from my fellow countrymen

you can bring outside food in MLB parks, come on now

>mad cause he can't eat cannoli with the staff at the san siro

>his stadium doesn't have fan friendly pricing

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Post a better deal, I dare you.

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this is actually incredible

COSTCO has $1.99 Pizza because they use food and drink to attract subscribers. Kind of like the OG Amazon Prime model.

Capitalism HO

it's resulted in massive increase of sales AND profit, too, so any stadium not doing it at this point is functionally retarded. Demand more from your billionaire shitheel owners, Americans.

>gouge you for tickets, leaving the stadium half empty
>eh-heh-heh, look how cheap your soda is though, goy!

>A exqusite american hot dog after watching a 3 hour somnolient boreball game
Sounds like a good deal, worth crossing the border.

>no snag in bread

>The city has agreed to contribute US$200 million in stadium bonds, but with additional tax revenues and with the state of Georgia contributing US$40 million for parking expansion, public spending is expected to reach near US$600 million
>the Falcons announced the sale of personal seat licenses (PSL) costing up to US$45,000 per seat, depending on the section of the stadium. The most expensive tickets are priced at US$385 per game, in addition to one-time PSL fees, for the first three years.

so basically, your state gave 600 million dollars in tax money so you could pay 40 grand for the possibility of buying 300 dollar tickets per game, and you're thankful to the owner because Bud Light ONLY costs 5 dollars?

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this isn't in a stadium tho

For me it's an all Vegan Menu

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