OFFICIAL Arizona Hotshots (2-0) at Salt Lake Stallions (0-2) AAF GAME THREAD

3pm EST / Noon PST

Rice-Eccles Stadium in Salt Lake City


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Other urls found in this thread:

First for fug Roger Goodell

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Second for Same

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imagine unironically playing in a game that isn't on tv
as a Fleet fan, I wouldn't know that feel

It's online, settle down


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streaming is the present and future, old man

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get your own thread, you're all washed up

>feet fags

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is the stream on the aaf website with commentary or what? stream link?

>The stallions dont even have tier logo at the 50

Even the Iron were able to paint over the UAB logo, this is just sad

>Still having the Utes logo on the turf

Cucked Stallions

What the fuck is Salt Lake City even known for anyway? I mean, what the fuck do you do for fun there?

>MJD but NO Marvin Harris
I'm visibly upset!

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>hots hots

My guess is they go Sking there for Fun

>announcers shit talking teams

wish NFL commentators had the balls to do that



Dubs for Skygod

accurate assessment


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>B/R Live
What the fuck is this?

i want to lick Cynthia's feet

>B/R live is not available in your territory
well fuck you too, discriminatory cunts

Stallichad checking in

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>Hot thots

anyone got a stream with audio

bleacher report is moving into more video content. their webshows actually aren't bad


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>if this guy were an inch or two taller he'd probably be starting in the nfl
cope, manlets
This one works for me

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the hotshots have literally the worst color combination in all of sports.

prove me wrong

>neither of these teams are da boats

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>Field not even decorated for the team
What the FUCK

Seems like the AAF page has a Network stream. Screw B/R report.

How do people still know know that reddit has streams?

he's taller than Mayfield and Brees
not to mention based Kyler Murray will completely shatter what's left of the QB height stereotype

The reddit streams are shit today

how do they put the logo and lines on the field? do they grow white and red and other colored grasses?

Whats with all the meme camera angles

there are no working streams there right now
one has no sound, as that guy said, and the other doesn't even have the game feed on

NFL botanists are no joke...

Please be bait

no, i agree with you
the commentators were just talking about how this manlet would be starting in the nfl if he was 2 inches taller

My Apollos would booty blast both these shit teams.

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yeah, certain kinds of grass change color depending on what they fed with
kinda like how flowers change color if they're watered with dyed water

ya thats exactly it
ive had some success growing green grass and brown grass but its difficult to grow red and white

woodrum is murdoow backwords

the stream actually has commentators for this game

>fraudshots have never played a team with a single win

>shot shots

Lel he actually said Arizona shotshots before going to commercial.

why are wide receivers in the AAF so shit? isn't wide receiver literally the easiest position to play in football?

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Why did they put a team in Salt Lake instead of a relevant where people might go to games?


Man we suck

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>arizona shots shots
he said it again

why are there so many navy federal credit union commerials? i mean, you have to be in the navy. if you're in the navy then you're probably already a memeber

Thank you.

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Yeah, looks like the AAF has the actual B/R stream. This is easy.

Is the app fucked up for anyone else?

jus run nigga

Stallions D-Line is pretty good

stream link

Wolford getting ready for the CFL already, huh


busywork. the branches have musicians, graphical artists, video/film majors, and other creative types. they keep them busy with producing commercials, music videos, social media, etc

Yeah I had no luck finding it so gave up and its preseason baseball time
How is it even possible to not be televised. There are no sports going on at this time of year and 100 sports channels

Arizona vs Orlando for the Cup.
Atlanta would be my fave team but they suck ass

Imagine being an express fan haha

>shitshots need to commit PI


NFL network is literally just broadcasting "top 10" bullshit filler for like 6 hours straight

Should have just put a team in Austin

I'm betting they chose not to televise this because the field isn't decorated.

i think orlando vs birmingham will be the defacto cup

Why are they so jewish with times? Why not give the AAF screentime. All they have done is suck the NFL's dick anyways.

Skimming rosters at the start I figured Orlando would be the team to beat, but had Arizona at the bottom of the league
So I will double down and officially designate them the league's razorcakes. Prepare for disappointment

>utah taking Pats' sloppy seconds

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Stallions up 3-0 over the fraudshots

Salt Lake is shit. Nobody wants to watch them play.

how many people are at the game approx.?

How long will the Stallions hold the lead?

>going from winning an owl with the patriots to playing in the aaf
What a wild roller coaster

did the mic'd guy just say something along the lines of "I just wanna fuck"?

I was wrong!

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but they do. the memphis-orlando game is on NFL network tonight. some matches in previous 2 weeks were also on the NFL network

>i r8 the cumshots

>hotshots name just reminds me of that terrible "shots shots shots" "song"

Is there anyone else at the game with you?

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What channel is this on?

Arizona just seems like they were underestimated when it came to roster depth.
As for Orlando Spurrier put together a good team and they are pretty daring with their strategies. Dont see many deep bombs but Orlando puts em up

Blame the AAF for unironically giving BR Live games.

>worst helmet
>worst state
>don't even have their own field
>beating the cum shots
imagine being an *rizonian

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The MUSS (where I'm sitting) is filled, and there's people scattered everywhere else, honestly better than I expected


Orlando here. The cheapest tickets were $15. After kickoff, the stadium staff didn't give a shit if you moved to better seats.

Orlando v Arizona gonna be a spicy game


Theres a big Mormon family next to me and some drunks in front of me

you are welcome. Use this stream.

what exactly is a stallion anyway?

>getting pressured by a 3-man rush

a horse

a horse
are you a brainlet

The opposite of a Sshortion

the GTA version of Ford Mustang

it's a type of green onion

Imagine what it's like to not know the plays.

an athlete

A horse that hasn't been fixed

Hotshots is such a dumb name. Good team bad name. Should have been Arizona Outlaws.


Male horse with its balls intact

when a jet goes to high and cant get enough oxygen to the engine, you are stallion

have the cumshots been exposed?

Who here /Orlando/

why wouldn't a horse have its balls intact?

>this whole doujin series

Might nut to this later

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>MGM commercial during the AAF stream
Team in Vegas next AAF season confirmed?

most athletes in the US are castrated; horses are no exception


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orlandofags. i'm thinking about going to the game tonight. do they allow tailgating? if so, where at? just the parking lot or do they also open up memorial mall?


Makes them more docile. The same reason anything gets castrated.

If they were smart they would put a team in Oakland and capitalize on the Raiders moving.
Rabid and open market. Like they did with SD.

>Pat's owner paying $50 for sucky sucky
The man could get a literal 10/10 escort. Don't know why he wants Wang Chung

that explains Chris Kluwe

okay, castration confuses me. does it mean the balls are cut off, the dick is cut off, or the balls and dick are cut off?

are you 12

If the polygamist cuckbois go 0-3 will God still give them their own planets?

you need to be 18 to post here user

> #fullsteedahead

that's none of your business really

Fuck off, you piece of shit disrespecting the brave firemen.

Salt Lake is gonna be a Browns tier whipping boy

>APP update is amazing
>App suddenly stops showing pick selection
>Godshots are about to score
>Still can't pick plays

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>Nick Fuck



Is it every game where the ball is not snapped for a full second after they say "hike," or does everyone just wait a full second afterwards

I hope they revisit this streaming service at the end of the season.

It's going to kill league hype

Oh boy, Nick Folk, Misser of Field Goals.

damn that stadium is empty

>losing to the Mormons

is it time to relocate the cumshots?

Bad audio, amateur league.

steam latency

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Need those types of jackets, that the Stallions have, in the shop.

I can't stand this play by play guy

they need to actually secure some perpetual channel deals

That's a weird sentence, redolent of autism, in this thread


Its Salt Lake. The other stadiums were actually fairly full. Like Orlando. Orlando is both a bg city and a good team.

what the hell is a BR LIVE?

Oakland, Charleston, and Columbus are obvious choices

game is on

to wipe my ass with maybe

Fuck off, you reprobate.

It's also 30 degrees

Does anyone remember that kenny bell trip from /nfl/ a few years back?

>be defender.
>start running towards receiver who is about to catch the ball.
>receiver catches ball.
>instantly stop.
>receiver jukes you.

always bothers me.

isn't that a Pokemon?

Omaha would be a good one, too.


someone has a word of the day calendar

How about a St. Louis team?

>proving my point

>buying a car online

who the fuck would buy something that costs tens of thousands of dollars over the internet without seeing it in person?

fleet would have a 3 score lead by now yawn

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Apollos gonna dab

>ever leaving the house

You're thinking of Carnivine.

North Carolina is getting one first. The new league owner wants one there.

>salt lake
>not salt
>not a lake

>hot shits


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>the city of Arizona

why would you buy a car if you never plan to leave the house



Charlotte ?


Well, Quickshots, a deal is a deal

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Thats so ridiculous I’m not going to humor it

>do almost nothing
>2 pt conversion failed
>shake refs hand

Fuck off ponies

charlotte already has the panthers
maybe raleigh


there is a Carvana. Its a fish pokemon from Hoenn

No, he's right.

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THE AAF is fucking strange but I like it.

It doesn't watch like the NFL or NCAA. It's like if you bumblefucked FCS and the NFL together in some bizarre fart baby.


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It's because you're more likely to whiff the tackle/mistime the hit and draw a penalty.

>stadium playing the wrong version.

Raleigh Raiders?
Wilmington Warriors?

Carolina Reapers.

fleetbros, looks like the West is wide open

AAF is gonna do well if they keep kowtowing to the NFL. XFL is gonna fold quick

Given how many teams are military themed, and the amount of military advertising, I kind of wonder if it would make more sense to put a team in Fayetteville.

The Charlotte Storm

raleigh rebels

I like it

>punted ball stops one inch from out of bounds.


>Carolina Cavaliers
>wear gray on grey
good but too on the nose

>who doesn't like easter eggs?
>the Easter bunny?
the fuck?

yeah. probably the more military the better military support and football go hand in hand

Where do I apply to be a ball boy?

The NFL has NEEDED farm leagues like the MLB does and this could actually be it. Thank fuck for that.

>having alliteration in your name

Absolutely plebian

Wow, I forgot it existed. Funny enough, Sharpdedo is one of my favorite Hoenn Pokemon. It's a great sweeper.

Arizona should pick up Clowney

You wouldnt like them either if you had to shit them out by the dozens


I know, but it still bothers me.

>memories of fighting Archie's Sharpedo as a kid
still best boss theme

That was nice. He's slippery.

the names in this league are cringe and they bother me



>greatest ally

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>college kids get hours for this

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>"I think they're running sixers"

Loving this commentary.

Nigga I was fighting brock's Onix as a kid.
>there are people who are now legally adults born after 9/11

The time, it passes.

That hit would be a flag in the NFL. Can't put your weight on the QB like that.

Thank God it's not the NFL

>playcall jacksonville

it better be the most boring play ever

commentary not giving a shit is the best.

You cant even hit anyone in the NFL. The safety has gone too far

I like the hot shots. It's like the smokejumpers in my state. Those bad muthas parachute next to wildfires to put them out. Kind of why I chose them as my team.

hello mormon friends.
need 7 hot girls to be my wifes

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>San Diego Submarines
>Arizona Outlaws
>Atlanta Attack

>New Orleans Flood.

>Coughlin actually said a couple of days ago that Bortles is their QB of the future
guess they're #TankingForTua. gonna be a rough year

I wish Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire were better games. I was very disappointed with the end game content and overall, they were pretty lackluster remakes.

Atlanta is losing their team

To who

you aight, leaf
at least they had good music, doot trumpets included

Chimpout time

>gettin chimpy

Memepiss will lose theirs first. They have the worst attendance.

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>cumshots chimping out

I hope the CFL does some games with the AAF. Talent divide should be about even.


The Failcons? Eh whatever Atlanta sucks anyways.

>tfw no mental breakdowns like memepiss’s qb

That stadium looks almost empty. I've seen high school games with better attendance.

Really? Thats neat. Hopefully they expand into Mexico

I wouldn't come to my team's games either if Christian Hackenberg was their starting QB. even if the stadium was around the corner from my house

Probably North Carolina

Not likely, it's still a market not involved with the nfl. They'll get more than a year

is tua even actually better than kyler murray though?

nah, it's not that bad

Only Salt Lake. The other games had good attendance. SL is a small city with a bad team. Plus its cold.


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>the absolute state of the Salt Lake Glue Factory

Ciudad de Mexico Paredes


it remains to be seen. he looked erratic against Jawja in the SEC championship. the talent is definitely there though, and he still has a year in college to get better

What position would a skinny faggot with no social skills play in 7th grade football?


Mexico City Aztecs when?
Arizona vs Orlando title game is the dream
we want Bama

>playing Designated Kickoff Song at any time besides the kickoff

fucking owned

Canadian football and American football are very different, so I'm not sure how that would work if it happened at all.

>Oh, Hey there Stallions. Looks like you're not doing so hot

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Old Mexico can wait until we get a team

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arizona might as well not even bother having linemen.

These threads don’t have quite the juice they did in week 1. But I’m here til insolvency!

Games are looking more competitive

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We refball now

God dammit O line get it together.

can't tell if those olines are hot trash or the dlines are beastly
a guy like Robert Nkemdiche would have a lot of fun in this league

How the fuck was that not offsides

You dummy

halftime doesn't feature 16-17 yo girls dancing like strippers in transparent leggings

They are a glass cannon. All offense no lines


>Team named after horses commit first horse collar penalty

wide receiver on running plays and special teams just to get in their minimum 6-10 required number of downs before getting benched the rest of the game

>t. youth football referee

Mormons are notorious cheaters. Don't watch anybody play their college teams in Utah unless you feel like getting mad.

O lines are pure shit


The fix is in


Why did the mormons end up in Utah? Or was it started there?



>tfw you can’t lose on a penalty
>salt lake is just going to get penalized forever and let the clock runout and win



>glue factory machines start warming up

Cant wait till the AAF absorbs some XFL teams like WWE did to WCW in best irony moment ever. Mcmahon seething.

It's a mix of both of those things for sure. Salt Lake has several award winners on their DL, but Arizona has a pretty bad OLine in terms of pass block.


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Wait, I just turned the game on. Where is based Asian Sky God?

>No Good
Skygod has spoken


Sky Goddess less based than the Asian Sky God.

Sky mommy is cute

>Female reviewers


Their leaders were idiots. Also, there's a salt bedded body of water in Israel that corresponds to the salt lake, so they figured "eh good enough".

>women refs


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No, they started in the South and got drove out. Pretty sure they just kept going West until they found somewhere unpopulated.

>ball crossed line before fumbled.
>not even conclusive.

i would tbph

That sky judge shit was so godawful lmfao

And the blue line just fucking going all over the place

They got kicked out of the civlized east coast and had to hide in the desert where no one else wanted to go



So, with 1 being 100% worse, and 10 being 100% better; how much better would the NFL be with sky judge cams on a scale of 10-15

Your sky cunt is not going to save you horsefucker.

Dumb roastie

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What the fuck is this halftime report

Nobody's watching, nobody cares.

Hey guys is this game on cable tv?


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Oh god. They just had hotmics.

>It's on BR Live. No one's watching. No one is listening.

Do they not know that they're on air?

What's the stanky leg, bros?

No. You can watch it on though. They have commentary and scoreboard on the site stream this time.

Get out of here, mature women are the best.

This is such a mess lel

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they started in New York you fag

I mean they're not wrong

>halftime show has no idea they're live
I love this league

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Something I thought lived and died for like a week when I was in High School.

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Holy fucking jew nose batman.

The first expansion teams are gonna be defects from the XFL when it implodes.

>hots hots are a second half team

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Song from early 10s

College me embarrassingly did it at a rally

Hotshots play like ND State in that they suck ass the first half every game but come back hard in the second

Time for our jail break.

>Marvin lewis talking up hackenberg
He's shit

ND state sucks every half. God your team is garbage.

I'd impregnate Cynthia desu

I'm so ready to shitpost about hackenberg tonight.

It's quite possibly the BEST thing about the league

Between him and Singletary, they are definitely the shitpost team

jewboi cant throw

She's unironically the smartest person on the halftime panel


they produce the best memes, desu

>sucks every half
>unmatched in titles
stay mad Sam Houston faggot

Not unless you're black you wouldn't.

That’s a fucking retarded thing to say, user.

holy shit the absolute state of B/R

Are they really going to shit talk one of the highest profile guys in the league in week 3?

They want to build hype, even if it's a fucking lie.



Apollos want Bama

Never mind I was actually thinking of South Dakota State.


i thought it was just me
can they not handle intense AAF site traffic

Hackenberg was so garbage the Jets wouldn't even let him throw in front of the media

just watch on

I switched back to 4CC during half-time. What happened?



>no no no... wait

>no no wait
Still getting their shit together I see. Youtubers are better at broadcasting than this.

I care

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Playing grown men that come back from their missions with a wife and kid isn't cheating, anyone could spend 5 years not playing and then come into college as a freshman at 24 years old

Solid 14

I think this was in reference to the halftime show, but, either way, rod will probably be gone soon

wolford BLACKED

Hackenberg gets so pissy i love it. Top jew


>b-but xfl2 isn't a reliable source

>1st throw of half is a turnover

>second half team

That's not what I meant but that's fucking hilarious.

>that hot shot O-line
Are you fucking kidding me? Go wake up John Madden.

Nobody's watching the xfl either

XFL is gonna be absorbed by AAF. Guaranteed

>Nobody's watching
>Nobody cares


>Well, you see, the things is, the offensive tackle should've stopped the rusher, but he didn't and the QB got sacked

Is there a reliable goddamn stream out there? The aaf one is fucking buffering so bad

How do you get injured on that hit?

The answer is no, and it will be No for every game until the championship

i know man, same here it sucks

story of my life

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I think that's your internet bud

Apollo's championship confirmed

Honestly think its b/r live's fault somehow

Is this what they mean when they say thick thighs save lives?

this is your land


fleet never sails alone

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It always was. Apollos are gonna be the love em or hate em team

I have a shit connection and the AAF stream hasn't dropped or buffered once.

wait wasn't it 11-9 before the second half? did they take back the two points.


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I fucking hate that bitch. That song is our Real national anthem and she thinks she can just cum all over it because she’s a wh*toid. Fuck cumskins

>ywn rape this on the steps of a temple

There was a fumble on the 2 pt conversion and it was overturned

utah is poor

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This stream has been posted at least 4 times, gotta check the thread my dude.

SkyFraud doesn't know that the ball breaking the plain counts even if it's fumbled afterwords

SkyWhore doesnt understand football


wait wat, that's football 101

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>running down the middle on 3rd & 10

Now that was a punt.


Other way around.

Are the Stallions, dare I say it, stampeding their way to the endzone again?


Fuck me, I'm retarded when I'm tired

Mormons are too strong in their home


based on what? XFL is trying to compete with NFL while AAF is working with them

No that's just you normally

>stallion spins the ball perfectly on the turf
>assmad hotshit smacks the ball just as the ref bends down to pick it up

>What's our next assignment Zetsu?
>To finish what you started. Where it all began.
>Hot Shits still think they're hot shit huh?
>Be careful. Remember what happened last time.
>Heh, guess I'll have to use both eyes this time.

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Is this the end of Arizona's Cup run?

no one is competing with anyone if they're not even playing in the same months

Xfl shit posters are all retarded mandrama fans, just ignore them

To the guy who was bothered by defenders pausing after the reception.

That last catch is why defenders pause. What a fucking whiff

>The Arizona Cumshits

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XFL wont even get TV deals lmao

Well yeah, but sleep deprivation doesn't make it any better.

>OMG, timeout ref...

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the chad team
St. Louis team when?

white boi mad

Are player mics the second best thing about this league other than speed of play?

They're going to be on ESPN and FOX.

I know the QB irl. He must be bootyblasted. Normally the calmest guy you meet.

hearing Hackenberg curse constantly is great.


>XFL is trying to compete with NFL
By playing in the off season?





>They're going to be on ESPN and FOX.
No wonder they have been shitting on the AAF so much.




>A doink?
>A donk

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i dont see what advantage XFL will have over AAF. Especially being two years behind.

post a trigger warning on dat shit

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Hey Arizona, I heard you guys were number 1 in the power rankings.'s the game going?

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Bullshit. The fox relationship will be irreparably damaged by the failure of smackdown.


Tell me, /spee/, was it a doink or a donk?

Smackdown folded?

>Wolford out

it's over cumshots



Fuck you.

Their ratings, as well as the rest of WWE's products, are spiralling

Sorry im late, so the hot shits killed the ponies already?

reverse is true

>here comes the cavalry
was that unintentional?

Me? Oh, I'm doing fine. We have a big game tonight, but the Express are 0-2 so it should be a cakewalk...right? :^)

Sorry pedro, John Smith is decking your team right now.


arizonas problem is that this hurry up offense is tiring the players out allowing the stallions to just outlast them

>i dont see what advantage XFL will have over AAF
Bigger markets, better TV, better promotion, stable funding.
>Especially being two years behind.
Only one year.



The hot shot O line is going to kill them. They're fucking terrible.

My team Is iron tho

Is da burrs ok ?

absolutely great choice my man

i hope Mexico City gets a team. Be funny if the AAF went international before NFL did

Stallions would be undefeated if Woodrum had played all of the games

Stable funding is no longer an issue.

The simple fact is that any new league will not succeed without the NFL.

The Bills are unofficial leafs.

>Bigger Market

the stadium nfl was going to use in mexico city was shit, imagine the stadium aaf would use.

Block, you big tubs of shit. Is there some rule in the AAF that prevents the fucking offensive lines from blocking? For fucks sake. Those jobbers are circling the fucking toilet bowl.

Is the added hassle of dealing with customs even worth the trouble?
Also, wont the players have to deal with taxes in Mexico and the US?

>Wolford dead
Looks like it’s time to take command.


Even NFL teams are struggling to put together competent olines. Basically spread offenses in college and HS are neglecting to teach olinemen fundamentals

I'd rather cut off my own fucking arm and eat it than play/live in mexico city. Where you probably would anyways.

Why is the western conference so shit, bros?

meant for.


It's not debatable. Look at the cities the XFL is in vs. AAF

>Bigger markets
That won't care
>Better tv
Potentially but nothing's been announced
>Better promotion
They're going to have a serious talent problem, quality of play might even be worse than fcs football


The west is clearly superior, in not just the AAF but in all US pro leagues.

I don't make the rules, that's just how it is.

Cause they forgot to spend money on lines

>Memepiss and Kangz are in the east

>Says the conference with two 0-2 teams

>all this refball

at least we have our brodom
all you have is jealousy, express and the kangs

Attached: bestwest.jpg.png (793x388, 311K)

Most of the XFL cities already have NFL teams

>0-2 Stalyns lead 2-0 Hotshots 15-9 in the 3rd

Scumshots confirmed AAF rigged team

You're implying the AAF won't expand in the offseasons where all signs point towards the opposite

>Mormonbro isn't allowed to drink caffeine or play video games
Still kek

Great strategy.
Meanwhile, I'll start a coffee shop right next to starbucks and serve tap water.

REMINDER:. This is the Cuck League. Based and Redpilled Chad XFL incoming in 2020

>That won't care
>Potentially but nothing's been announced
Not an argument.
>They're going to have a serious talent problem, quality of play might even be worse than fcs football

I thought the salt lake's quarterback's mouthpiece was a cigarette.

>nick folk's number is the letter z

Imagine watching sweaty naked men hug each other unironically

Xfl 2.0 is irrelevant already and they haven't even played a single game yet

So? If anything, that'll help them.

Why would you put teams in markets already saturated with NFL teams? Just do big cities that dont yet have one

buzzwords really help convince me

I think, the only way the XFL can actually beat the NFL is if the cheerleaders are nude and the players are drunk. WE SHALL SEEEEEEE

These guys have a 3 year contract. Where are they going to get their players when the aaf offer a more direct route to the big leagues


>hotshots trying to tackle him are actually trying to put out a fire
its like pottery

>help them
No? It will hurt them.
You should go for Open markets not full ones

we /quiet/ now boys


Someone start a new thread. Put the link in the OP as a stream.

Can we pull off the biggest upset in AAF history!?!

Attached: wojak.png (990x1320, 147K)

The refs can only do so much for the fraudshots

putting a team in Dallas is a direct challenge to the Cowboys. Likewise with LA and Seattle. You should neevr choose cities that already have teams.

>quarterback plays the entire game with a cigar/cigarette in his mouth lit the whole time.

how chad would he be


>Thy Gods hath doth thyne eastern front with the supple lips of a Goddess vagina juice and the golden flowing stands of her silken weave leaving the west in a state of uncertainty and satanic failures most notably poorest of thyne alliance football

Attached: Apollo_of_the_Belvedere.jpg (1200x2045, 255K)


Attached: 1.jpg (480x360, 21K)

How is it a direct challenge when they're playing in the spring?

XFL is going to have the first male professional football players, calling it now.

Attached: 392537.jpg (302x385, 34K)

I took too much inspiration from my image.

The stadium in itself isnt shit, but the turf was fucked up last season for a series of retarded decitions Made by the management

Estadio Azteca held the record for greater attendance of a regular season NFL until the cowboys openend att stadium, and i think it Still holds the overall récord for one of the pre season games in the 90s, also the record for biggest attendance to an American football game, profesional or college anywhere in the world Is also held by azteca for the México city college classic between IPN Burros Blancos and UNAM Pumas played in 1972 to a récord attendance of 125,000 people

Respect el coloso bitch




>biggest attendance to an American football game,


Attached: D0HeDU-WkAMbFmQ.jpg (1200x1200, 436K)

Still took 44 years to break it

Where the fuck is everybody? The Orlando Rage had great attendance. Where the fuck is the Orlando crowd?

Dallas xfl will outsell AAF San Antonio.

It’s all about that combined statistical area. DFW is HUGE!

You need big cities to be able to have enough fans that’ll show up. Most people in DFW have never been to a Cowboys game. But they’ve been when the state championships are at AT&T

*only open when Starbucks is closed. Sells mediocre coffee cheaper than Starbucks. No sjw bullshit...

Not seeing a downside here if Starcucks is closed 6 months of the year.

That’s a dumb meme that Vince learned doesn’t work back in 2001. Aaf’s Best attendance is in Texas. In a shitty stadium, in shitty blue city that does blue city things. Texas is football. Should have had the team in AT&T stadium.

NCAA prior to draft, stock immediately improved.

You don’t know dfw. It wouldn’t be a challenge but a compliment. Jerry owned an arena team for a reason. There is a reason he was in the xfl 30 for 30