Reminder that Pelé is the GOAT

Reminder that Pelé is the GOAT

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Based and Pelepilled

>le count goals scored in backyard man

>near being GOAT

Based and Pelepilled

That's not pulisic. Learn the sport you dumb ass

GOAT at counting goals played against literal farmers

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>destroying Guaranteedgoalgueta 9-0 each week
>being GOAT

pick one and only one

No, he's an overrated bum

Uneducated opinions

romario was better

Pele is a different class he's not the best, he's better than the best. We haven't seen a footballer like him since he retired, but Mbappe is close to that level.


>Mbappe is close to that level
hahahahahaha. mbappe is on the level of my 3 day old big mac sitting in the summer sun


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>american immediately brings up his McDonalds
this shit writes itself

Benficucks BTFO

Reminder that Pelé debutó con un pibe

he is human you racist

t. Redd*t

Does that mean that neither the Exterminator of Eibar or the Slayer of Sassuolo are GOAT candidates?

holy mother of based

Good thread

Fucking hell how old is Coutinho?

moortugal BTFO

Pele was amazing for his time. Same way Messi during his time. Almost every generation has a player that stands out a mile in front of everyone. Cant really compare them. They play in different times where the game is radically different.
The magic and creativity of Pele in a time when football was more static. The magic and explosiveness of Messi in a time when football is very fast. Both stand outside the norm. Both are Gods among other footballers.
I like to listen to my dad tell stories about Pele and I love the fact I got to see Messi play. Gonna tell my kids and grandkids of Messi. Hopefully they’ll have a player in their generation that will rise above the rest.
The beautiful game indeed.

4-1-5, now THAT was a formation

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That's what happens when you let a Texan coach a football team

Its benfica btfo you fat fuck.
Dont aggregate us together with moors you stupid nigger.

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benfica is the only half known poortuguese club

i dont know. i remember how porto won 1-0 against my club (dortmund) but benfica always got trashed 20-0. so porto is bigger.

Yet Sporting provided 2 Ballon D'Or winners and a runner-up.

We finally found Firmino's Chinese relative

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>Chilean manager

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Guess what. European clubs aren't didn't care about the "CWC" back then.

European clubs cared a lot about CWC back then
They even cared about friendlies vs Santos

Based and Pelepilled

Fuck off with this bullshit revisionism. Euros are the worst excuse makers ever, jesus christ.

>"I arrived hoping to stop a great man, but I went away convinced I had been undone by someone who was not born on the same planet as the rest of us."

>They play in different times where the game is radically different.

>that quote
So? No one denied he was good.