Official UFC Prague 2019 Gamethread Livethread

Main card now edition

>Main card ( at 2 p.m. ET)
Jan Blachowicz vs. Thiago Santos
Stefan Struve vs. Marcos Rogerio de Lima
Gian Villante vs. Michal Oleksiejczuk
Liz Carmouche vs. Lucie Pudilova
John Dodson vs. Petr Yan

Magomed Ankalaev vs. Kidson Abreu

Dwight Grant def. Carlo Pedersoli Jr. via TKO (punches) at 4:59 of round one
Chris Fishgold def. Daniel Teymur via submission (rear-naked choke) at 1:10 of round two
Gillian Robertson def. Veronica Macedo via submission (rear-naked choke) at 3:27 of round two
Damir Hadzovic def. Polo Reyes via TKO (punches) at 2:03 of round two
Ismail Naurdiev def. Michel Prazeres via unanimous decision (30-26, 30-27, 30-27)
Carlos Diego Ferreira def. Rustam Khabilov via unanimous decision (30-27, 30-27, 29-28)
Damir Is

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Other urls found in this thread:

First for Stefan Struve being /ourguy/

Watching this on a Television who else is doing this?


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Ah darn, I forgot the #2 in the subject line
Sorry guys
Mods can you delete this thread

I picked Struve for some reason, I think he's due

STREAM @@@@@@@@@@@

Struve can't even stay behind a jab.

For me, it's me

Dwight Grant seems nice for a black guy.

this is what peak male performance look like

Disregard my post, guys. I'm a faggot.

Are we gonna get one of those struve fights when he gets rekt while the announcers talk about how great he would be if only he used his reach

there is way too much wine in that wine glass

i can't even find it on PPV on my tv lel

Is it me or his eyes kinda far apart

He does. I would let him fuck my gf.

who's champ in the timeline where struve learned how to jab, use his range, and control distance?

If Lima tries to wrestle like his last fight Struve by sub is money.

Interested in seeing how Ankalaev looks this time out
Looked good against Craig until the last second sub loss

Attached: ankalaev-vs-prachnio.webm (1280x720, 2.94M)

the english mma crowd must be happy with an event airing on their schedule for once
this is probably a virus but so are most streams so thanks

I could literally knock out anyone on /heem/ from America who doesn't have at minimum 5 years wrestling experience, feelsgoodman

It's on espn+ do you not have a smart TV or equivalent tv connected device?

Is Tony proving his autism by not taking the Max fight?

Attached: ankalaev-vs-prachnio.replay-3.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)

Kinda racist but yes he's cool he's really into spiderman and star wars.

absolutely zero ads on the stream site

this, literally any and every stream post on 4channel is a virus. use and

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>the english mma crowd must be happy with an event airing on their schedule for once
personally i kind of like late night cards now, got accustomed to it


Tony is scared he’s low key a can

yuros are all pillowfists

>DC eyepoke is now a foul
Too little too late

Probably on Fight Network, since TSN has to show curling on 3 different channels

>Lanket with weak chin
>our guy

Who /ExtraToastyCheez-It/ here?

Be he wishes headkicks were a foul as well

Or provided your TV license is all in check

I agree. but my massive Chad frame and legit striking ability is not enough when some wrestling queer dives at my legs the entire fight.

ESPN plus is another fucking streaming service I need to pay for. All of these are gonna end up being more expensive then a cable box

>he isnt an OGRE who drinks from the rear view

tony doesn’t fear. shut your whore mouth

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i don't dispute that i just assume all streams are viruses or mining bitcoin via my iphone


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>ufc so shit they can't even keep card start times consistant

Thanks I've missed all of this card so far, useless fucking yanks.

just try it. you'll love it

We are literally the biggest hitters out there you fat nonce

Yes, Prime Struve literally heemed a Prime Stipe

do white canadians sound like a group of people with disposable income
cos we aren't

yep, those are russians

TSN isn't airing for some reason even though they have the Canadian rights to it.


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where the fuck the name klidson comes from


Support the Nips

>bong bitching about the start time

>It's a Muslim Amish boy episode

imagine being thsi stupid

Clitson is yuge

So you literally can't watch it? That is supremely not based.

Who here /dontrespectgrapplers/



*incoherent russian and portuguese babbling*

The brain of a macaco, why are Brazilian names so unique?

For sure they should have put the card on at 6am local time, sleeping is just a meme anyway

The ufc Canada site doesn't even say what channel you can watch it on. Normally it says TSN


most non fight nights never get aired but this one isn't even on fightTV or one of those pay ones either

That fucking schnoze lol

>thsi stupid



Am i racist for only supporting foreigners who have British surnames?


the only thing you lushes hit is the bottle

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holy FUCK his nose is HEEMED


his nose is beyond fucked

The hue is jewish now

Yeah like that time they had our only ufc champ fight at 5am to appease the belly wheels, or how aussie cards start in the morning on a fucking sunday local time. UFC is just so shit they throw cards on at any time and any day and then wonder why half their ppvs do less than 200k buys.

shut your mouth, bug man

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That break is making me feel ill man, damn

Rich Franklin esc in his flushed Noes

>Just get a couple of friends together and fly to Prague for a weekend, it's not that fucking difficult

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blows to the nose leaking like a hose dripping on his toes


pancake nose

Would you take that nose heem job for a shit pay day?

Fuck you goof!

He can't smell what the rock is cooking.

>British surnames

Like Patel and Abdullah?

Imagine bragging about 3 niggers and 2 children, one of which is a spic

Abreu lose in the next round

12k for an arlovski nose job

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almost artie lange status

they usually air it on the fight network or TSN. both are owned by Bell.


what an animal

>he doesn't have any friends

Is brap receiver is busted lads

I like them both, albeit stipe more, but lets be real, that was not prime stipe

He's gonna fade into bolivian

I’m pissed. It’s not on any of the usual channels, I have Fight Network, but it’s not on there either. Shit sux man. Wanted to watch some afternoon heems!

Im suprised more fighters dont aim for the nose in fights, you can flush a noes easily

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>espn+ shirt like a faggot shill
>gay belt on his waist like he's an actual fighter

Sums up Dana and current era UFC very well.

Mr Drumfp, I don’t feel so good.

Can't the cut man just shift his nose a little? Guy just played around with the thing

no, like smith taylor etc.

t. english surname who claims to be irish detected

2nd round is much less exciting than I expected after the end of the 1st.

Is that why there are so little jewish fighters?

what for? he'll keep getting smacked on it for 10 more minutes. just heem

cut these bums, dana

Abreu needs to stop lunging in with his head ducked down from a mile away

because they never fight their own battles?

>that takedown
JEEZBUZ, this ground game, wew

bitcoin is heeming the resistance

What race is Ankalaev?

dude fell on his own, how is this even possible

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literal caucasian

There's a noticeable difference between cards that they financially depend on (Bisping v Henderson), (Whittaker v Gastelum) and these level of fights. You can't yell at a business for trying to make profits. It takes 2 minutes to Google when a card starts

that basedstream site up top is fine just watch it online


based bitcorn

these fights are fucking boring. Is the UFC retarded?

>let's get some absolute no bodies hug each other for 3 rounds

looks like a very fat Paulo Costa

also Ankalaev looks terrible, way unprepared for primetime

Whittaker Gastelum sold like shit m8, as did Whittaker Romero 2.

How can anyone look at him and not see he's white af?

what happened with Prazeres? I thought he was unstoppable lads

Cave/sambo nigger.

I would not suck either of these jokers

He’s definitely white but he has odd features that other whiteoids don’t have.

he's part of the human race you fucking bigot

Whittaker didnt fight m8

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like? A big nose?

>referee mmaa

people from the Caucasus are tarred with years of Turk intermarriage

Boomers always build you up to knock you down. They are cryek abd satanic like that

Ankalaev and Khabib are officially part of the Avar race.
How could they end up looking so different?

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Dreadful fight

Boomers are no match for zoomers

>light skin = white

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Early stoppage. They're both okay, let them keep fighting.
I can't get goofed already.


youre not supposed to knock the nose

Jesus Christ just deduct a fucking point immediately for every eyepoke accidental or not, you can't just legislate out trying to find range and control hands

Presales were in the tank for his last ppv and his 2nd fight with Romero barely scratch manlet levels of interest.

>another decision fight

the lack of talent in the UFC is pathetic. A bunch of bums who gas out in the first minute and then hug each other for the rest of the fight

Slav Ottoman rape babies.

Khabilov-esque in his cruising was Ankalaev, Joe.
Looked decent though hard to picture him as a force at 205

I watched some documentaries from Dagestan, interesting looking people. Either look white/whitish or full on sandnig

that's an ethnicity knucklehead, there's only four races: white black yellow and red

I miss Pride

they should have gotten soldic to fight on this card


Agreed to an extent. Adrenaline gasses you the fuck out though.

>European with Caucasian facial structure and white skin isn't white because reeeeeeeeeeeeee islam reeeeeeeeeeee

I'm not sure what you're even referring to now. He literally didn't fight against Gatselum though a couple weeks ago which is what I'm saying.

Decisions indicates more talent.

we gotta sign some anons


I imagine KSW will try and hold onto him

They wanted to get Jiri Prochazka because he's Czech but couldn't manage it

you just miss those pride hoovieweights

Sold is the key word there. They were ppvs that are only really sold as such in America, hence the American timeslot. They were hoping for decent numbers with Anderson, Israel, Kelvin and Whittaker all on one card but losing the main event doesn't help. These fights today are put on as part of a TV deal, ESPN were probably happy with the timeslot as they can get more viewers on the college sports later. It's really not that difficult of a concept


Lads i just bought Smash Ultimate, is it fun and worth it?

Presales for the ppv before he pulled out were terrible.

God so milquetoast

rip gsp

wtf is up with that horn,is there someone in the corner with one of these?

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Yes, it's time for my run at the strap, brother, gotta show these losers and nerds what a true heem is

no it doesn't. It means a lack of conditioning and fight IQ.

How is it intelligent to use all your energy in one minute and then do nothing the rest of the fight?

>Presales for the PPV
Lol what? Almost nobody buys PPVs ahead of time other than bars and a select few retards. Not even sure where you could be possibly sourcing that from anyways

i have no idea what that is

i wanna smash

Very quality game

>every decision is blacksplosion then tiring
>getting finished is high iq
for sure my guy

Thanks for outing yourself as a cazzie shill.

Naurdiev-Prazeres woulda fit right in on one of their Bushido cards

It's great if you're a coprophile.

Friendly reminder the entire rules of the UFC were geared towards wrestling so they can always have a lot of American champions(this is a fact), but they never counted on Russians coming over and murking them.

Yan = next Bantamweight champ
Zabit = next Featherweight champ
Khabib = current lightweight champ

The Jewish ghetto of Dodson's hairline

couldn't they just stipulate a one fight deal or something

Despite the switch onions memes, it's a great game

Dodson looking proper JUST'd

Dodson with longer hair is the most JUST'd looking guy on the card. JacksonWilk have ruined him and turned him into a circling 3 punches a round bum.

does this include Tyrone?

Whittaker ain't a draw, they should strip the belt from him
antidraws like him are killing the sport

>had a dream where I badly eyrpoked Benson Henderson in the street

What does it mean?

yeah you got BTFO retard LMAO there is zero indication of "presale PPVs" the fuck does that even mean lol

I hope yan knocks dodson into another dimension

I just hope this isnt one of those Dodson split decisions

Yan will be champ but Cejudo is first next
Zameme is getting heemed
Canbib is getting gadooshed by Max

>yeah you got BTFO retard LMAO


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Really hope Yan can get his hands on the running little fucker, been hoping to see his goofy ass heemed for quite some time now

I had a weird MMA-related dream two nights ago
Maybe it means we watch too many fights

i had a dream i ate a fish flavored birthday cake and it was fucking disgusting,dreams are retarded


Yan finna dab on Dodson


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i had a dream i was poking people with a sword but it wasnt hurting them is like a pinch so i didnt feel bad then i puked everywhere

John "kinda black" Dodson

Tony Ferguson beat the former HW champion Werdum without throwing a single punch. Do you honestly think Khabib stands a chance?

Teruto tried to play that game and got destroyed, Yan is one of the only guys in MMA that excels at cutting off the cage. Been high on him since then


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Fart hot dogs into my mouth please cow

I had a dream where I said "Even Jesus takes Sundays off"

Dodson lookin like a tiny OJ

Shut up

is it me or all streams lagging?

Yan is losing a SD

>my stream is actually heemed

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is that Krazy Horse?

Same bong

>Dodson's hairline


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Sounds like a fucking nightmare

Brehs i thought Rogan was joking when he talked about watching blacked and cuckhold porn but then i realized he has a 20 year old step daughter that his wife gave birth to before they met. rogans a literal cuck, he has a half black step daugther

based or cucked?

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lol dodson gets so hyped everytime then just sits against the fence throwing nothing like a bitch

What is this guy's deal anyway

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i would absolutely ruin this rich bitch


one of the ugliest persons I have ever seen holy shit

John Dodson is cancer

This guy is Loco Mule not Krazy Horse. Dodson is such a can

sport5 dot live

honestly disgusting
that fucking hairline though i'm dying

Yan about to get exposed

That awkward phase when you're growing out your hair.

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This fucking goblin is what comes to mind when I think "USA". It's a shame since not so long ago the picture perfect american would have been someone like Sage.

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>just shave it bro.

I'm 24 and receding, I just shave that shit instead of denying father time like a faggot

>watching streams
I have a channel that shows all ufc ppvs for included in my package for less than 50 dollars. With 100 plus channels ofc

kek what?

Haha fag

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How is Dodson 9th? He's won like 1 at 135.

>'watch your fingers guys. please'

meme warning

nice flip phone

Who gives a fuck. Piss off to some celebrity gossip website. Fag.

>doesnt know how to take screentshot on tv
>calling anyone a fag

go sit in your room son


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>Place foot on guys crotch while posting
>Dodson goes crazy over an imaginary dick kick

dodson needs to use dreads, seriously


He beat Dillashaw b

dodson looks fat

>Boston Salmon

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lol the fuck kind of walmart brand is that?

Anders/Rountree excites me

Nah the people in the dream liked it

Does literally anyone look good fighting Dodson?
Is it possible?

ouuu someones having a rough day lol. are just screaming at your computer in a room by yourself? rofl

JUST Dodson

what look is Dodson going for?

>german flag

it can't be real

His parents wanted him to grow up fighting

Ultimate Interim Championship.

Yeah years ago, his recent fights at 135 do not indicate he's top 10 at all.

i dont liek hastelum but god damn am i going to be happy when he absolutely destroys israel

Jesus Dodson just keep your head bald.

>Someone got promised a main event title fight.

Phoneposting desu

He's a classic spoiler

Bensolinos Newkaependson

Dodson looks like the people who ask me for change when I buy my daily bottle of cheap vodka

>tfw dodson isnt afraid to fight a man three times his size

I wouldn't allow that hair in my octagon

Why are you laughing at yourself you dadt cunt



Remember when you cucks said Khabib would save us from a stagnant log jam at lightweight? It's even worse than it was 12 months ago lel.

Dodson split decision.

The Yan meme is over

when he was bald it was the worst, it was really fucking bad

Was dodson rised in the jungle!?

>getting dropped by current era Dodson

Yan is going to get bombed on by Lineker within the next 9 months, count on it.

Fuck all of you the manlet king is based

that freudian slip lmao. mad at your dad I see. He forgot to use a lube last night? bummer man

Why do Russian men always look more rugged and "manly" than Western men?

(i'm half russian so im not counted)

Yan doing a lot better against Dodson than Moraes did.

More like Petr Can

20-18 Yan

-18°c in the winter and no central heating

>that hairline
>those split decisions
>that height
>that cringey personality


Yan to drop him in the third

Dodson's winning 2-0

How is this dwarf in featherweight

That's just what you're attracted too, queer

Was better than whatever the fuck that is on his head now.

Easily Yan's round
Dodson dropped him but did little else the whole round


>projecting this much
Who hurt you user?

Pretty good manlet fight bros

I don't remember Dodson putting Moraes on his ass.

>manlet division
Which is the manlet cutoff division? Lw?

>Dodson's winning 2-0

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>get the knockdown

>still lose the round


holy fuck yan lighting him up


desu your mom did. she scraped my shaft a little with her teeth last night. its stinging pretty bad. shes a fit little slut tho, thanks for sharing bro

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Yan has been exposed

nigga looks a jungle pygmy that got lost and found civilization

Hairline isn't as bad as people pretend he just has a huge forehead that makes it look worse than it is.

He did

>Gooden saying Dodson was the last one to beat TJ before Cejudo


americans are the most powerful race in the world.
by default, we always win close rounds.

Attached: ROBBED.jpg (1280x720, 164K)

>*extends fingers*
>*puts them in your face*

Nice to see the rules don't actually matter at all.

knock the nigger

raphael and cruz are fuming right now

You are such a loser lol

God i hate Dodson

That's going to be a big jump in the ranking

im not gonna post pic of when he was bald, it was really bad, he just gotta fix that shit

>dick kicks
>extended fingers
>blatant punches to the back of the head

Yan is so elite

Why is there a card on this early? What the fuck

Yan played himself with that knee

Cruz ain't shit fuck that trick

Dodson just stopping and talking to the ref, disgusting

Dodson has a chin on him bloody heck

slippery russian

"Man I can't wait to see dodson fight tonight
-Said no one ever

Yan would fucking starch TJ

It's in Prague which is currently at 9pm.

>ANOTHER decision

Jesus christ fuck this sport

I would starch TJ he's a turbo chinlet


Dodson is such a bitch

Tj is better than him at literally everything

Dodson looked good for a round but went back to his bum self.


>grabbing the hair

Dodson is done and he knows it so he is playing the cheating opponents card

take a point you fucking retard ref

Can Dodson actually fight and not just talk to the ref constantly

No one likes Dodson. He's a creepy little freak. He isn't funny. He makes everyone uncomfortable.

Burn in hell Dodson.


Is Dan gay for Yan?


>he grabbed my hand

Is that what Dodson said? Literally not even illegal

For sure TJ would just stand in front of him and let him have his way.

Why couldn't TJ Dillashaw do that?

I would honestly kill two of those midgets stone dead.

Love him, hate him; you must respect John Dodson

>grab the fence blatantly
>still complain to the ref

i hope they cut this retard

Jan will take Santos to decision, bet big on it.

Dodson is like 45 years old now

Dodson is such a fucking crybabby

Dodson is mentally shot

sounds like that one cut you deep ;) toughen up faggot looool

>lose the fight
>starts arguing with the ref

Attached: yeahright.jpg (471x246, 27K)

Shut up you fucking loser.

nah he said he grabbed his hair
cringe manlet is only vocal when fouls are done against him disgusting

I can't think of another fighter that complains as much as Dodson does.

No i am right

>stream lagging on this fucking liberty insurance commercial
Get it together, espn

Dodson? More like Lossson.

dodson is flushed

Manlets. When will they learn?

i scored 30- 25 dodson

He unironically would. TJ gets knocked down in every single important fight he's in.

>Who hurt you
you have to go back

>a bantamweight fight goes to decision

>Dodson thought he won unanimously 30-27

Attached: 1548013026132.jpg (680x966, 102K)

>Complain about phantom eye pokes
>Blatantly grab fence
>Complain about phantom hair pulling

Dodson is gonna have his mugshot in the news as a rapist.

>watch this space

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You are a fucking queer you fat cunt

Hiw do you convert monkey years into human's?

>lose your hair
>start losing fights
Every. Single. Time.

3rd round was a 10-8 under new rules. Put your hand down Dodson.

I seriously hate John Dodson. Imagine being a gate keeper for dwarves.


Shit, I think Yan actually did just manage to look good against Dodson. Constant pressure to the point it gassed Dodson out. As the fight went on it was more in Yan's favour.
Don't even know why Dodson had his arm raised, surely he knew he was dominated that fight

thanks for correcting yourself Gooden

most busted up Ive ever seen Dodsons face

if you wear your hair over a certain length your opponent should be able to grab it....

For sure you won Dodson

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UFC are pushing Yan hard.

Yan sucks.

>tfw stream is 10 minutes slower than this thread

welp see you guys next week

the key is to go full ALPHA and shave it all off to become more intimidating

A manlet fight followed by WMMA..


This is some next level autism you have

fucking robbed, jesus

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Piss break next

Dodson won the story of the fight

Yan wins the belt within 2 years

Hardest fight Yan has had in UFC was against some Chinese (or Korean?) literal who.

that mutt looks like a kid

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Dear Dana White,

Please cut Dodson. No one likes he. He sucks. He isn't tall enough to be in the UFC.


Dodson is such a bum, dude should run off and join the circus or something.

Yeah back to your mums house

Goof. Literally just find a stream on reddit

It's on sky if you have it m8

shut up Luke

Another robbery against a Latino fighter, im getting real tired of this bias




Did you ever make any webms of Yan beating the absolute fuck out of KZ's boy

dodson needs to cut his hair, he looks like a crackhead

I don't understand how anyone can think that Yan "sucks". How can you watch his fights and say he sucks? What does he suck at?

>Even impartial Aus webm bro doesn't like current Dodson


Yan looked great I thought
How much better can you do against a fighter like Dodson?

t. 267 pounds

>The way the ref lets go of Dodson's arm

Even he had enough of that shit

>heidi androl made it to ESPN


Who's this Heidi chick? Never seen her before?

Why are we doing prominent czech athletes?

Have respect

Just put wonderboy against someone who isn't a fucking counter punches, he's gonna be a boring cunt again. Fucksake Dana Red

Why are you making up imaginary enemies in your head?

Being Chinese

>haha i'm gay

So is like 40% of the women on the roster, Liz.

People say things that are wrong to piss you off and make you reply to them. Just ignore it and they will cry themselves to sleep.

Yeah that's what I'm saying
After the 1st I thought shit, no one can look good against Dodson but he managed it

>wake up at 6am to watch fights
>rush to turn stream on
>it's wmma

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You all are obsessed with me, heem is basically a bunch of salty nerds who got banned from my discord

Good god Lucie looks derpy af


Based ref coming in hot with the bants


Amerifats making fun of fatties

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>those fucked up eyes

Attached: tony.jpg (1000x652, 62K)

Does this bong user not exist? Who is posting from his computer?

Imagine getting bullied on Yea Forums. Anonyminity doesn’t hide your beta male pheromones

>liz carmouche
>"marine core veteran"

You fucking pussy yanks allow women into the marines? i thought ur motto was "the few the proud the marines"

HAHAHAHAHAH absolute state

transphobe bigot

>5mins into netflix and chill and she gives you this look

Attached: pudi.png (242x292, 139K)

No it isnt i checked

don't know why but actually chuckled at this post

dodson's hair looks... interesting

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Pudilova looks shook, feeling bad about the large bet I made

when i was a kid i bought some cheap canadian kids magazine or something and it had a joke in it that went "what NHL player likes to sleep between two trees?" "DOMINIC HAMMOCK" which was supposed to be a play on Dominic Hasek, the guy they just showed in the commercial
thought you'd all like to know

>the co main is wmma

Attached: auahaha.png (364x322, 56K)

>That hand position during the presentation and that scared looks during the walk in

>Just ignore it and they will cry themselves to sleep.

This chick ripped a fat bong before the fight.

>muh milatary service
Imagine being proud of killing babies to make even more money for the jews

Lads if Liz Carmouche loses this we spam

There's no way pudi loses this one

Let me guess i banned you from my heem discord? Get over it

Feels good knowing i can get you all to beg for an invite

great story mark

It's weird how you remember certain things for absolutely no reason

Knew it was you Luke you loser

You’d know

interesting post thanks for sharing
there's 3 fights left after this ya goof

It's "Marine Corps" and it's a completely unnecessary branch of the military. They do nothing that the Army's Infantry can't do better except that they can ride on boats. That's it.

Liz looks like Uriah Faber

this isn't the co-main there are three fights after this


in all seriousness of the few american combat veterans i've ever spoken to, none have mentioned female marines or soldiers ever
by comparison i've heard more stories of the second battle of fallujah than female soldiers

>satisfaction starts playing

Attached: 1530892919762.png (380x349, 77K)

>underwater grappling training

What kind of meme shit is this?

both of these women look retarded in the classical sense of the word

Who are you?

epic troll

Attached: comfy.png (1100x700, 803K)

Hahahahha that entrance music

Pudi Pudi Pudilova



Dada dada dun dun dada dada dun dun

Get over yourself you self-absorbed cunt

lmao wtf i thought uriah faber retired

remember to practice proper tongue posture lads

Attached: population ecology course evaluation.png (347x431, 220K)

Who comes out to Satisfaction?
Why does this Heidi chick keep coming on? Where's she from?

dj boomer beats in the house


based Mew poster

>You'd know
reddit response


Remember back when Czechia was called Czech Republic? *sips*

Attached: 84372623.jpg (633x640, 51K)

another one

Attached: cory.jpg (825x775, 399K)

>he doesnt know

I am a mod on the heem discord, probably most talked about person on Heem

Gonna stop posting now so I can focus on this WMMA fight


Francis Ngannou looks like a career criminal

Attached: mf3.jpg (1280x720, 167K)

Marine troop capability is essential for taking and holding land.

Please don't talk about something you have no understanding of.

haha good one you sure got me

for sure grapple at like a 300x slower speed 100% will help you in the fight

>And I can't get NO

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Czechoslovakia, now THAT was a country

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Could an octopus legally fight in the UFC?

yeah all i can remember from being young was thinking it was a hamfisted joke cos hammock and hasek don't even rhyme well
thanks lads

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>they're not booing they're chanting "Carmooooooooouche"

America is almost as cucked as the UK.

ever since the espn change we get olivi and retard whitman butting in every 30 seconds with useless info.

How am i a loser when you beg me to get into my discord like half the people in these threads

pudilova about to lose her soul

Is this some sort of make-a-wish retard fight?

Reddit’s based, maybe if you went on there you’d get a gf

>Werther's Original


uh doc... i

Attached: 1497735680391.webm (764x720, 576K)

Streams are absolutely shit lately. Skipping around, losing sound, endless buffering and crashing. Might actually just get ESPN+ if its only $5 a month for all fights

>looks physically frail

Pudilova is a flashgait.

remember when gorilla almost chocked ronderousey
god thaat would be great

*kicks at the air*

i'd watch that ppv

dance for me


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just remembered that i'm czech! let's go puti!!

might be your carrier bro mine's been fine

I thought that was after effects till I opened it. Fuck

At least we don't let women water down the effectiveness of our front line soldiers.

Joanna is such a ho

no, you are a mutt

You're proud of that??

Is getting a black belt from 10th planet like getting a black belt from that karate trainer in Napolean Dynamite

t. Civilian

czech em

Lets be honey, American dykes would probably fuck up the avg British soldier in hand to hand combat

holy fuck that isn't a photoshopped jpg

Attached: yocheckem.jpg (600x306, 20K)

what's going on here


Watch ONE Championship

Well you all are obsessed with me, i run Heem

What goes on here?

Attached: czech-republic-location-on-the-europe-map.jpg (1025x747, 210K)

Czech Thesdicitz

But I know Olivi and Whitman, where did Heidi come from?

SHEEM LEAKY!!!!!!!11

Someone webm that next level striking from the start of the fight




hey guys did she have her period hahaha

It’s hard not to be fascinated by the mentally handicap to be fair

Soul: Being a Deano
Soulless: Being a Luke

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where the hell did that leaky come from?
swear nothing's landed

The half of human trafficking that isn't overseen by the CIA and US government.

aren't they called "Czechia" or whatever?

*lets you mush me against the fence while i do nothing to try to escape*
heh nothing personnel


faber got a wicked tan




Heidi Androl has been around for a little while, idk starting when

Should Amanda Nunes fight men?

Pudi confused by the idea of rounds finishing.

Well keep at it


what is she thinking bros?

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>Paying for BR Live
I used to watch ONE but this is the worst value streaming service

Looked like me when I spar, just long pale and awkward.

looks like he has progeria

What if they started fucking

Women's strawweight is the only remotely interesting weightclass for mma hoes

Faber wishes he was that good a fighter

It wasn't her blood after all

yeah lol nobody even listened to them when they changed their name

what if we fuck in the middle of this vogue party

throwing lazy slow kicks with poor technique that you know have no chance of landing is a true high iq gameplan

that's deano's visibly diseased friend and he's a good man for going to bars with him

yes. And if she gets beat by a can then Dana must sut down all wmma divisions.

Atomweight bitch

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Would let herb dean fuck your mom for free ufc tickets for every event?

So far there hasn't been a single strike landed and they've just hugged eachother a bit

This is a subpar product. I can't believe people pay for this

Eh lads, where is the new thread???

My African American companion

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>those delts on Carmouche

My shits weak in comparison

dafuq are those shit kicks? its like i was fighting

Why do European fighters struggle to beat Americans?

Attached: jones-vs-gustafsson.replay-2.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)

lmao.. The British and Americans regularly box eachother.

And 80% of the time Brits win.

And 100% of the time all the american boxers are spics or nigs.

>*lopes towards you*
>*kicks the air around you*

Pudilova has improved on Theodorou's legendary fighting style.

seriously what is she doing with the kicks, zero intent behind them

>get reversed by a rookie

Attached: 1516555350651.webm (1280x720, 1.58M)

I shoulda said in the UFC. ONE bitches are entertaining af, started getting into Muay Thai recently thanks to ONE

Pudi has no strenght
At all

Europe is pretty much a poorer older version of America where all the states are separate countries.


Why is Volkan so sad?


gonna need a screenshot of that. You know what.

did you see the SLAM?

Except when Wilder got robbed of his victory after knocking fury’s ass around for 30mins sure



Pudi is kinda cute desu

he touched joanna on the leg earlier and she pulled away

This crowd is good at least. Sweep was nice but

>ywn see Stipe fight again
why live

>Except when Wilder got robbed of his victory after knocking fury’s ass around for 30mins sure

Weak bait but some one will take it seriously.

i'd heem her pudi,if you know what i mean

Former para here, British military standards are higher 100% it's no fucking contest, we did joint training in norway with our american counterparts and half of them were chubby

red and yellow is the same race - the fourth is abos

Do you think Pudilova can get her legs behind her head?

She relies solely in her long arms and legs, keeping distance and locking chokes

lmao you lost

this but the opposite

hunnerd percent

Still better than Struve

can you imagine what nunes would do to pudolova? 15second slaugher fuck me

Your going to need those standards to fight the EU army, m8

abos are fauna, they don't count

America could turn Britain to glass over night and it isn’t even up for discussion

What do you mean? He will fight Ngannou again after DC retires for the vacant HW strap

I just meant as a person, as a fighter he's great

pudilova is fucking shit crhist

How do you say ishz in Czech


>nothing happens
>crowd cheers

I reckon I could heem Pudilova right now.

Courmier sure as shit won't retire until Stipe does, and Stipe won't take a fight that isn't against Courmier.

Was dangerously close to falling asleep there

I want to cum in Tecia Torres’s pussy and I can’t live another day without it

Pudilova? More like Pussilova

I just want to hug Pudi.
God fucking damn it I am so lonely.

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carmouche is a black belt in bjj
fucking lok
black belts mean nothing

We'd destroy your country in under a week if you ever pissed us off

do THAT more

cheeky elbow to the hole

Holy shit this stupid cunt has thrown only 2 jabs

Elbow the butt

hurr durr america got more nooks so they better hurr hurr..

Fact is most of Americas infantry techniques aren't their own.. They're adapted from Britain and Germany. (this is indisputable fact). Christ their entire special forces are modeled off ours.

Fuck it, go for a leg lock

Australia needs to get some abos in the gym. I have a feeling they would be good.

Poooooopy hahahhaha pooopy

I'll have to admit it. Pudi is looking hot now

i know

those elbows actually worked lmao

White belt BJJ. White belt announcers. Not even a new thread. GG UFC.

fukin trash

Britain has nukes too friendo, plenty to wipe out all ur major cities.

Can't even hear the horn so I always suppose Herb is shitting on the fight.

wmma is shit, fire all these woman

What a fucking joke. Women just aren't meant for mma. There is literally 1 fighter who can finish on a regular basis, amanda nunes

Isn't that what you told the rice farmers?


Who the fuck needs infantry when you got drones and air strikes?

Gonna need a webm of pudi throwing it back

Attached: agingaddict.jpg (1198x854, 66K)

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Attached: elbows.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)

Not gonna lie, getting my asshole elbowed repeatedly would hurt like hell

wasting your time arguing with a leaf mate

What a garbage fight

>Fact is most of Americas infantry techniques aren't their own.. They're adapted from Britain and Germany. (this is indisputable fact).
Are you dumb? We fucked your British ass up by using our own infantry tactics
>Christ their entire special forces are modeled off ours.
How? Ours are actually effective

Look up Abbos fighting on YouTube they literally just stand in front of eachother and swing until one goes down. Kangaroos have more technique

/r/in a gif of pudilova pushing her ass back and forth trying to get put of that leg lock.


LOL @ shitty crowd shocked that them cheering for their 3 jabs per round stick insect didn't sway the judges.

Nukes are the militar form of a sucker punch

under8ed bantz

terrible fight,even by wmma standards

Wow they actually made the right call

it wont help unless you have orthotropic treatment. I started mine about 1 month ago. so far the teeth are shifting out a bit and making room for the tounge
its more than just posture. At 24 you can still make room for the jaw to shift in its correct place

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We wouldn't even need them. You guys literally need our protection, the whole of Europe does

Fair decision lads? Went to make some food, seem to be load of boos

one of the worst crowds ever


Yeah but look who’s in charge of the nukes. A bull dyke and some Nancy boys, they wouldn’t fire shit. Britain’s dead

Your anti ballistic missile systems are no where as advanced as ours, by the time you launched your old grandpa nukes we would've already launched counter strikes and intercepted your nukes

you now realzie this fight was main card

Lmao @ stick insect. Spot on. Atrocious fight all around.

except that in war or a fight there's no such thing as a sucker punch

B-b-banger my man

lmao. Anyone who watches boxing knows that Brits are BUMS who get exposed whenever they fight at a world level. Same thing in MMA.

Attached: britbum.jpg (468x398, 62K)

I kind of assumed Pudi would get a close call so I wasn't paying attention, I really have no idea

Burn the coal pay the toll

Anyone watching Bellator? Charlie ward just took Jamie Stephenson’s head off.

why in the 7 hells did you pick that slowpoke


the ultimate stand and bangers

Attached: escape-attempt.webm (1280x720, 2.96M)

Bitch threw the illegal kick in her home town.


wmma always fucks up my picks. Betting on it is throwing money away. It's impossible to predict which can is going to get caught in a sloppy armbar.

Is bellator on right now? I thought it was later


>Are you dumb? We fucked your British ass up by using our own infantry tactics

Imagine not knowing your own history.. George washington was trained by the british.. and most of your people were taught by french officers.

>How? Ours are actually effective

For the first Delta selection there were literally SAS men from britain. The guy who founded delta went through SAS training, came back to USA and told your higher ups you needed it. And the SEALS are a direct copy of the SBS. Don't feel too bad yank, most of the worlds special forces are based on Britains. it's ok.

That's exactly what a stick insect does when it's trying to mimic a stick blowing in the wind.


east coast us

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Well there is, Now you know

Don't know why you're wasting your time mate, they don't understand unless it's portrayed in Hollywood

>It's a "Gian Villante on the main card" episode

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>Imagine not knowing your own history.. George washington was trained by the british.. and most of your people were taught by french officers.
You butt fuckers were completely out maneuvered by our infantry tactics because you never seen them before
>For the first Delta selection there were literally SAS men from britain. The guy who founded delta went through SAS training, came back to USA and told your higher ups you needed it. And the SEALS are a direct copy of the SBS. Don't feel too bad yank, most of the worlds special forces are based on Britains. it's ok.
cope. SEALs are the premier special forces

>cope. SEALs are the premier special forces
Seals only know how to write books.
Delta or get out

bellator stream where