>main color of the logo is green
>kit is completely red with no green at all
Tell me how this makes sense
Main color of the logo is green
because i fuck ur mom in the pussy and ass everynight and then i kiss your dad
that's blue you blind piece of shit
Blue, green, whatever, it should be on their kit
>expecting bin dippers to operate by basic logic
Hey, i’m a Liverpool fan!
it's persian green you retarded piece of shit
end yourself
Liverpool were the first team to use green grass.
The main colour is whie
Yes I'm a Liverpool supporter.
Old logo and it changes colour depending on which kit lad
The badge sucks, they wanted to keep it as just the Liverbird, but there was issues trademarking the liverbird.
The old one, or the liverbird they use on the kit is better
There's literally an epidemic in Manchester right now of Mancunians sniffing bins for pleasure lol
I mean thats not the logo anymore
>it's a dragon
the main colour is red blindo
>main colour of the logo is yellow
>kit is multiple colours with no yellow at all
glad you survived hillsborough, can see the fence scars on your belly la
>its a dragon
Based Retard
Hey bud. Nobody cares ffs
>Its a pheonix
The fans are yellow
It's the city symbol and it's based off a cormorant
>Its a pheonix
not the liverpool fans for sure
>flag of the country is red, white and green
>National team plays in blue
>playing in orange kits
>playing in blue kits
>playing in white kits
muh king of savoy's colours
stupid thread OP .. really stupid
best post
which is the current one then
it's literally green
t. superiour eyesight
>symbol of Croatia for close to a millennium
>is present in every representation of our country
We are /elite/ when it comes to symbols. Is there a country that comes close?
a fucking checkerboard
They have had some amazing Green kits in the past tbf
looks white and gold to me
That’s what the fucking Liverpool website calls it you retard
>he doesn't filter Italians
there is literally a shade of orange that is considered to be traditionally dutch, used on their flag instead of the red stripe for a loong time u mong
>A fucking checker board
They symbolize the blood on grass.
It's because the green colour on the visible spectrum starts at wavelength 496nm
>For the 96
its more of a teal then green you uncultured mutt