*does fuck all*

*does fuck all*

Attached: 1538646066251.jpg (960x656, 48K)

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No I'm kidding

>in decisive games*
Fixed it for you. When it comes to friendlies or league games which pressure isn't high he's unstoppable.

Attached: images (2).jpg (436x337, 19K)

>he's useful in useless games

>1 CL in 8 years
>should I rest and save my efforts for CL knockouts?
>nah, I'm gonna destroy spanish farmers so I can help my team get +19 points ahead.

Attached: lol.png (512x415, 58K)

so is the DT fault for even puting him in the lineup?


Oh wow agood game vs Sevilla
They are Huddersfield tier

They're barely Championship tier. Let's casually forget Ronaldo was destroying the likes of Chelsea, Arsenal and Liverpool when he was 19 years old and suck Messoi for a couple of lucky tap ins against 2019 Andalusian farmers, shall we?

Attached: 1525635669627.jpg (750x731, 338K)

Messi has more goals against English top six than Ronaldo, though

they aren't useless games, consistency against the average/bad teams is what wins you domestic leagues. He's just terrible under cup format competitions because he's unable to deal with pressure and he can't keep his composure because he knows a single mistake or chance missed (like the penalty against chelshit in 2012 or his 1v1 against Neuer in 2014) may cost the trophy.

>the slayer of sevilla

LOL you actually believed that picture, congrats retard it was made by some scatalan cuck to fool sheep like you

It's true though

lol no it isnt retard

>the beater of Bologna

>the mauler of milan
>the neuterer of napoli

Yes it is

>more goals against English top six
>first one is in 2009 final
>0 goals in his first 8 games against english teams
yea he wasn't carried at all by peak Xavi & Iniesta lol

He was playing with Xavi and Iniesta in all of those games dumbass. Generally if you want to make that comparison it would only make sense if the first 8 didn't have Xavi and Iniesta, then the 2009 final did



Congrats on being a moron

keep moving the goalposts friend