Do you have a sports players physique?

Do you have a sports players physique?

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I'm fat

i have the same physique as this guy but add 5%bf

There might be quite a few midfielders who aren't really strong or quick that have a similar body to mine

I have a NFL linebacker body. Giant arms, neck, chest, back, traps, small waist, no abs. Strong core but it’s not cut.

Darts is a sport right?

no im fat and i cut myself

unironically yes


Attached: 54b7f3116bb3f7183bbd40eb-750-562.jpg (750x562, 64K)

That’s a long way of saying you’re fat.

of course fellow athlete

>this is considered athletic physique in America

Attached: 1.jpg (720x480, 70K)

he has many muscles under all that, the extra fat is to heavier and thus a better defender

I'm skinny

How long does one need to lift for that?


Attached: me.jpg (3024x4032, 1.01M)

Yes, a darts player

Healthy reminder that women don't really care about men's physiques

yeah actually

P-Post your penis uwu

poker player here

Yes, they do Amerifat.

Attached: fascinating.jpg (577x434, 44K)

Yes it's very close to this messi's.

Attached: MESSI body.jpg (550x643, 65K)

9 months hard lifting. Eat whatever. Minimal cardio.

Yes I have the body of a handegg athlete

Attached: handegg athlete 2.jpg (641x720, 84K)

I have a sports watcher's physique.

look at his muscles

Man you could fuck me ANYTIME

he is probably faster than you also if you punched his stomach your hand would break

Im ottermode/borderline skellyman

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Yes, an esports athlete's

I'm built like peak alibec
>1,87m 100 kg

Attached: untitled-1.jpg (2477x1553, 493K)

yes i have

Attached: Peter_Crouch.jpg (1207x2609, 641K)

> kopfag is black
never realised after all these years