*dabs on the haters*

Attached: americas team.jpg (768x960, 114K)

no one cares about hand egg

>over a hundred million people
>no one

favela math, folks


remember when the Cowboys bought the White House and every housewife and their daughter was fucking the Cowboy nigs?

lmao, a couple of SEETHING Brazilians are jealous of a real first-world country

hand egg is a bad sport lads

This. Fucking favela monkeys

>regresses in 2018

Beginning of the end boys. Cowboy relocation to OKC by 2021? I think so

Upvote if hand egg is wack

>can't sell out their stadium

You’re a bad sport, son


literally a nation where 100% of people are non-meme mutts


Lel I made $127k last year, last I checked the average spic made maybe 8k a year.
I'm literally greater than you and your 14 beaner siblings.

I've always wondered why beaners even post here? I'd just end myself if I had access to the internet and saw how middle class Americans lived.

How is this possible if capacity is 80,000

What else is there to do in Texas?

Attached: youloveyoulose.jpg (640x360, 36K)

> Highest attendance since 2014
> Least rings since 2014

That's a yikes from me

>What else is there to do in Texas?

Steers and queers.

1 (one) playoff win

incest and alcoholism

Spic countries don’t seem to understand the whole mutt/56% thing is literally a dig at the fact that the US doesn’t consider Southern Europeans as “white”.

Attached: 5E5E9431-7805-4173-9C6D-D5A07C4FD4B3.gif (600x338, 3.41M)